This essay commemorates the world’s 120 million living women who’ve been raped or otherwise sexually abused prior to age 20 years, according to a newly released UN report


“There may be a basis in the case of some individuals, as perhaps when a male prostitute uses a condom, where this can be a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants” -Joseph Ratzinger

This very Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict, was a Hitler Youth Corp member, Third Reich Army deserter and former director of the Holy Inquisition, these days called the ‘Congregation for Doctrine in the Faith.’

What do we know about this greatest living misogynist, a ‘Pope Emeritus’ who headed the organization, the Roman Catholic Church, historically and presently responsible for more rapes of children and women than the rest of aggregate mankind?

“In the 1970s, pedophilia was theorized as something fully in conformity with man and even with children” -Joseph Ratzinger

A ‘theory’ which can only have come from the ‘Congregation on Doctrine in the Faith.’ As well, no responsible scientist limits approval of Catholic condom use to male prostitutes. One might surmise Ratzinger’s ‘male prostitutes’ includes homosexual predatory priests, depending on another culture’s interpretation of Catholicism.

We also know following a viewing of the anti-Semite movie “Passion of the Christ” Ratzinger reversed the excommunication of and rehabilitated the fascist-catholic order ‘Pius X’ and this way brought fascist-misogynist Mel Gibson back into the church, yes, the same Mel Gibson who left threatening messages on his former girlfriends answering machine calling her a “pig in heat” and telling her she deserved to be “raped by a pack of niggers.” I would suppose the Pope had noticed Gibson has the kind of money necessary to carry out his misogynist and racist threats, not only make vastly popular right wing religious extremist movies.

What had the ‘Passion of the Christ’ inspired other than Ratzinger’s comment he found the movie “moving” ? Would you believe war crimes ??

““Jesus kill Mohammed!” Another head, another shot. Boom. “Jesus kill Mohammed!” Boom. In the distance, Humphrey heard the static of AK fire and the thud of Rocket Propelled Grenades. He saw a rolling rattle of light that looked like a firefight on wheels. “Each time I go into combat I get closer to God,” [extremist Christian special forces officer] DeGiulio would later say. He thought ‘The Passion’ had been a sign that he would survive. The Bradley seemed to draw fire from every doorway. There couldn’t be that many insurgents in Samarra, Humphrey thought. Was this a city of terrorists? Humphrey heard Lieutenant DeGiulio reporting in from the Bradley’s cabin, opening up on all doorways that popped off a round, responding to rifle fire—each Iraqi household is allowed one gun—with 25mm shells powerful enough to smash straight through the front of a house and out the back wall” [from Harper’s Magazine article “Jesus Killed Mohammed, the crusade for a Christian military” by Jeff Sharlett]

In the preceding incident, Ratzinger’s “moving” “Passion of the Christ” inspired an entire neighborhood to become insurgents against the Americans in Iraq in a matter of minutes, pretty heady propaganda, I’d say. Oh, and those Special Forces members of the American military’s “Officer Christian Fellowship” who managed the entire incident of flattening a city block with 25mm depleted uranium ammunition won’t ever be held responsible for war crimes committed in a military that shields epidemic rape of soldiers who happen to be women.

No differently, Ratzinger has not volunteered to the war crimes tribunal at the Hague the names of the Catholic priests across Rawanda who’d preached hate resulting in genocide by machete.. and so it would seem some things never change- going to today’s subject:

“The women are right in the way not to bow to the rules of today’s world, because men made them without asking women.” –Montaigne

Original Sin is a Hate Crime

Original Sin is a Hate Crime against women, which goes to the Roman Catholic Church, The Assemblies of God & Religious Right, et cetera, all fundamentalism across the spectrum of civilization. In effect, all male ego-centric and rigorously pursued religious philosophy that teaches women are dirty and inferior

Men and women both, suffer these attitudes from childhood in the sense of a collective mental illness or, as social progenitors of violence which underlie negative phenomena

This philosophical violence inculcates submission in women and, in males, underlie motivation of the rape of women generally, the rape of children of both sexes, the use of rape as a weapon of social terror in war and, ultimately the rape of our environment

This story of Eve having been tempted and seduced Adam with the forbidden fruit, the subsequent instruction for man to “Subdue the Earth”, right to the idea that Jesus’ resisting temptation (especially as implies resisting sexual relations with women) kept him pure, is monotheistic or male ego-centric based hate

The following quote from one of the early ‘church fathers’, Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus (Tertullian), shows these attitudes against women in the undisguised form:

“Do you not know you are each an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil’s gateway: you are the unsealer of that forbidden tree: you are the first deserter of the divine law: you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s image, man. On account of your desert – that is death – even the Son of God had to die.” This was 1,700 years ago

In 1448, not much more than 500 years ago, the Roman Catholic Church issued “Summa Desiderantes” (Pope Innocent VIII) which declared women submitted themselves to demons and became witches, which made men impotent. 500 years is not very long ago if you stop and think about it

Today these attitudes persist, example given, the church refusing women the priesthood. This is precisely for the christian theological holding of Woman as responsible for Man being cursed and consequently Woman as the source of our world’s ills

Children across the world in monotheism or Judeo-Christian cultures learn from the story of The Fall (Adam and Eve) that Man is cursed because Woman was in collusion with a snake. That women are the cause of ALL evil. That women are dirty, guilty, and the original source of our world’s problems

Children are literal and impressionable beings. Teaching children women are filthy and the cause of our world’s illness is socially criminal.
It is time to call this causal source of RAPE exactly what it is. A HATE CRIME. It is the greatest Hate Crime ever committed

The Doctrine of Original Sin is a burden on Humanity, a deformed psychology which underlies; Child Abuse, Mental Illness, Domestic Violence, RAPE, the social costs of war, failures in education on social and environmental issues and religious ethno-centrism. Especially Religious Ethno-centrism. This is the socially malignant absurdity of inter-communal violence. The idea that because someone’s view of reality is different, that someone is inferior or less intelligent or less deserving

Religious Ethno-centrism underlies much of our world’s hate crime, whether in small communities of intolerance, or wars of nationalism on a large scale

This partners with the resource rape of our planet’s feminine nature (Mother Nature) for material wealth. In earlier times the spoils of war referred to not only the sack of cities but included the rape and enslavement of women. In the modern arrangement, this is become the purview of the corporate stockholder who profit from military conflict, arms trafficking and the associated rape of women in our world’s conflicts. In this modern military driven attitude of wealth acquired through War, the psychological ease with which rape is committed by Man is readily apparent: In the environmental rape of our planet feeding the violence of our industrial world and its associated rape of women and children across civilizations

The next should be a simple look at the related fable of Cain and Abel. The idea only Abel’s gift of Blood Sacrifice is suitable to God, Cain’s (feminine) gifts of fruits and grains grown from the Earth rejected by God. The subsequent image of the story’s Cain having murdered Abel is again Archetypal message of Cain or any man presenting the feminine offering of the gifts of Mother Earth being Sacred, is a threat to monotheism or male hierarchy. Only Abel’s ‘proper’ blood letting sacrifice to God is the accepted and desirable normative behavior

What are the children being taught? Through various memes of evangelism, whether Catholic, Protestant or otherwise, these Archetype imprints inculcated in children throughout the world are responsible for our devastating violence and social consequence

The logical progression would be to look at Mosaic Law underpinning monotheistic society. This is the source of prohibitions on Shamanism or, one should better say, the intrinsic fear modern male intelligence has of intuitive or female intelligence.
What is the shamanic awareness the western monotheism so fears?

Shamanic awareness does not draw the same clear line between dream and reality as in western culture or mentality. Or one could say, in the pre-western matriarchal Native America the mentality was organized for waking reality in the right hemisphere of the brain: opposite to western egoic thought structures organized in the left hemisphere. The result has been a reality invisible to western culture and the science of anthropology

This shamanic system of thought was the result of matriarchal social organization, where all males had been educated by women to average age ten years before they were exiled to man’s society. All of the men were trained to think by and, to think like women. However different to the thought of women in the modern culture’s left hemispheric egoic structures

This shamanic world was not a primarily rational or linear world however, it was a highly intelligent and civil world with a different grasp of our existence. It was a world where the highest law was Non-Interference, leading to a paradox to the western mind: Remarkably cohesive multiple valid realities functioning in a social rule where no one can know better than anyone else. The only method of being on the same page was to look at your surroundings and understand each of us can see the same things differently

Reality was perceived as a kind of Lucid Dreaming, where all experience can be shaped, not through the manipulation of matter as in finite constructions, but rather a fluid perception in which all is interconnected and related energies which must be negotiated rather than exploited. For 40,000 years it worked. People did not overpopulate, aggression was more often ritual than real, our world’s environment remained stable

As early as the 1920’s western scientists had noticed Native American languages described processes in nature that were easily adapted to describe the new phenomena of physics, Quantum Mechanics, concepts the western languages struggled with

What did Shamanic culture long ago realize that the modern world is running afoul of?

“In 1918 Christian missionary A. McG. Beede took Yale graduate Harry Boise to the Standing Rock Sioux and Turtle Mountain Chippewa reservations on separate occasions, where Boise explained scientific ideas to tribal leaders. Beede wrote in his report that both groups immediately understood the concepts without difficulty, saying:

“There is no difficulty in leading an old Teton Sioux Indian to understand the ’scientific attitude’ that the processes that give rise to phenomena may be more and more known by man and may be, to some extent, controlled by man, and that in this way the forces of nature may become a mainspring of progress in the individual and in the human race. The idea of atoms and electrons is easy and pleasing to an old Indian, and he grasps the idea of chemistry” [DeLoria]

The tribal leaders responded to Boise’s western science postulations after consultations among their native peers:

Rising Sun, Chippewa leader:

”The ’scientific view’ is inadequate to explain … how man is to find and know a road along which he wishes and chooses to make this said progress unless Manitoo by his spirit guides the mind of man, keeping human beings just and generous and hospitable”

Red Tomahawk, Sioux elder:

”The knowledge and use of any or all the powers of the objects on Earth around us is as liable to lead a man wrong as to lead him right. It is merely power, with no way of knowing how to use it correctly … unless Woniya [Spirit] is with a man’s spirit for the light”

The natural feminine intelligence of these Native men, who were ethical titans compared to the typical modern man, is prohibited by Mosaic Law’s social strictures. Forbidding trafficking with spirits, and consigning necromancers to death, primitive examples given, have socially evolved to modern man dismissing female intelligence as superstition or hocus-pocus. In fact these are but primitive prohibitions on a high expression of female intelligence in a framework of natural quantum mechanics.

These social superstitions lead to similar attitudes in the male egoic modern science and share underlying cause with past witch burnings and paranoia such as the Salem Witch Trials

The Native men, on the other hand, trained from childhood by women in the pre-western female intelligence of Non-Interference, knew a world that most of us cannot see. A right brain feminine perception shamanic world. An awake lucid dreaming’s interconnected relationships to all things: knowing alignment with the great living clockwork of our existence expressed in a single awareness. We tend to think of this in the simplistic monotheism’s psychology as creation

For the fact of it’s applied female intelligence, native civilizations, indeed Indigenous cultures world wide, have been and are being put to death through various social strictures which have now become the largely unconscious underpinning and motivations of Mosaic Law in western civilization. This ethnocide is no longer solely on account of the more overt church evangelism

The Mosaic Law founded on Original Sin, and its ancestral and other associated or related superstitions of the monotheistic male hierarchy, has demonized women and female intelligence. This is clearly seen in the archetype stories taught to children and, in the subsequent incredible abuse our world’s women and natural environment are subjected to throughout the modern male based hierarchy; abuse perpetrated by not only necrotic fables integrated to religions but abuse which can be inferred to traditions of western science, only now discovering Plato’s related misogyny is a complete error according to theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat:

“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment”

Consequently, those people who believe they have shaken off the primitive religious fantasies have fallen to alternative mistaken ideas (Plato) which have equally shaped our western civilization; pointing here to how society continues to be shaped by those very same forces via inter-generational habit. Your ancestor may have arrived at a rational decision not to believe in a  primitive religious dogma, but because of how the mind had been shaped at the meta-level, you’ve inherited a habit of identical structure; example given would be a secular god ‘science’ with a dogma reflected in a narrow rut of inquiry called ’empiricism’ based on Plato’s error of ‘objectivity.’ The fact is, you know very little of the nature of reality and this is reflected in the oxymoron of a ‘saved by science future’ belief in those very departments employing the scientists and producing the technology destroying us. The practical social IQ of university science is no higher than the practical social IQ of any seminary product.


This essay, in slightly modified form, first appeared in ‘Napi Mephisto
