We begin with the straw man (or men.) Finally it has come to a time of accepting the Western political leadership is, in and of itself, a criminal class and the model of democracy a criminal model. It’d be better to return to the drawing board in the human experiment concerning social governance, whether political or religious, because:

In any democracy, ethics, self restraint, tolerance and honesty will always take a second seat to narcissism, avarice, bigotry & persecution, if only because people who play by the rules in any democracy are at a disadvantage to those who easily subvert the rules to their own advantage (Ronald’s Maxim)

Straw man number one: Hate crime and people preserving ‘original sin’ as a cultural motif in the living oxymoron of deciding what is hate. Example in American Christian culture would be the ‘hate watchdog’ Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t touch the neo-Platonic pederasty that is the Catholic church where theology holds women can never be priests for the proposed ‘fact’ of Eve seducing Adam on behalf of evil. That’s not a ‘hate crime’ ?

This only get better (worse, actually) in a culture incompatible with its pretensions; where Saul of Tarsus (a.k.a. St Paul) demands all of creation is dirtied by original sin and ruled by Satan. [1] Thusly what ‘Saint Paul’ taught (part & parcel of a mythology superimposed on the historical Jesus) [2] is allowed to be shoved in people’s faces across the planet (the ‘Great Commission’), where it is proposed if you don’t accept being “covered in the blood of Jesus” (because you are dirty) you will burn for eternity and this isn’t a hate crime? If St Paul wasn’t the first self-hating human, certainly he is among history’s greatest of self-hating humans and it should say a lot he is a driving icon motivating Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence. When it comes to these Christian Zionists empowering Israel’s miscreant geopolitical behaviors, Bibi Netanyahu is a petty criminal by comparison. There is no related hate crimes noticeable by the Southern Poverty Law Center in regards to Mike Pompeo stating:

“we make sure that we pray and stand and fight and make sure that we know that Jesus Christ is our savior is truly the only solution for our world” -Mike Pompeo

Yes truly, this is the only solution backed by the usual suspects of empire killing people across the globe … and if you don’t play their game (practice their murderous brand of Christianity) [3] you’re not among the ‘new chosen’ and undeserving of not only privilege but your life is lesser than what ‘goy’ is to the ‘original chosen.’ A ‘heads up’ for Phil Giraldi [4] the fact of sixty million American Zionist Christians (one in four Americans who identify as Christian) pushing for a ‘Greater Israel’ tells me ‘Jews are the problem’ is a straw man. [5] In fact historically it has been Jews, not Jesuits, working to preserve the American constitution and the USA’s (none the less failed) adherence to the rule of law. [6]

We can close the preceding bit on the Americans with an ‘honorable mention’ (that’s irony, for those readers with a thick noggin) awarded to the American Civil Liberties Union for defending American Nazi hate speech (with no problems from the Southern Poverty Law Center) and now we’ll move on to the ‘mental midget’ Macron and his ‘anti-Zionism’ is ‘anti-Semitism’ straw man. [7]

“Anti-Zionism is one of the modern forms of anti-Semitism. Behind the negation of Israel’s existence, what is hiding is the hatred of Jews” -Emmanuel Macron

Now, just wait one f**king minute. Anti-Zionism could be an irrational hatred of Rastafarians. Anti-Zionism could be a VERY HEALTHY opposition to the religious (and closet political) agenda of Mike Pompeo & Mike Pence and their cult motivated ‘end of days’ apocalyptic vision [8] set in the Middle East based on ‘Bible Prophecy’ … and related policies supporting the Israeli religious right stoking tensions throughout the region. Anti-Zionism could also be support for international law denying the illegal occupation and annexation of East Jerusalem and Golan (with the West Bank likely to follow) where the Israeli political right is motivated to sleight of hand territorial ambitions in pursuit of a ‘Greater Israel.’

Allowing Macron to define anti-Semitism per his preceding quote (straw man) would be to give Bibi Netanyahu and his über-right alliance cover for pursuit of the (patently illegal) Greater Israel; where as of February 2019 everyone who’d been identified as “Anti-Zionist” while opposing the Greater Israel project (but not Israel within its United Nations established borders) can now be smeared as anti-Semite. Perhaps few, if any, greater favors had been done for the criminal element in Jewish Zionism and the historical fraud of Ben Gurion, whose admitted disingenuous acceptance of Israel’s lawful borders were a means to an end: in a drive to establish Israel beyond its lawful boundaries. [9]

How is it Macron had suddenly decided to ‘gift’ the criminal element within Zionism a world class opportunity to smear that very criminal element’s enemies? The answer is obvious and straightforward; the Jesuit educated, anti-Semite Macron had ‘stepped on his dick’ (an American military expression) when he’d proposed to rehabilitate Vichy France leader (Nazi collaborator who ‘led’ France during the terror of Klaus Barbie) Marshal Petain [10] and set himself up for blackmail.

A consummate criminal politician of the Western stripe, the blackmailed Macron then performed political fellatio on some one certain actor (likely MOSSAD leapt at the opportunity) to save his career; and the President of the Fifth Republic has now defined the ultimately sane element in anti-Zionism as anti-Semitic.

As for the rest of the story, here is example of everything you need to know about threats MOSSAD is capable of carrying through, a straw-man, and what the Macron ‘legacy’ might have faced:

“Emmanuel Macron was found dead in his home after having sex with a scarecrow that he had dressed up in a wig, lipstick and strap-on sex toy.

“The molested remains of Macron’s scarecrow were discovered in his home after neighbours reported a foul smell coming from the building.

“Police forced their way into Macron’s private home in a Paris suburb, and were stunned to discover the 40-year-old politician lying dead.

“Next to him lay a scarecrow that had been dressed up as a woman – but wearing a strap-on sex toy.

“Bernard Bajolet, a spokesman for the prosecutor, said: “We initially thought there were two bodies but then realised one was a scarecrow wearing lipstick and a long-haired wig.

“It was lying next to the deceased and had a six-inch strap-on penis.

“There were no signs of violence and we are working on the assumption that Macron died during sex with his scarecrow” [11]


[1] http://www.romanity.org/htm/rom.10.en.original_sin_according_to_st._paul.01.htm

[2] https://www.westarinstitute.org/projects/the-jesus-seminar/

[3] https://harpers.org/blog/2008/06/following-up-on-the-family-six-questions-for-jeff-sharlet/

[4] http://www.unz.com/author/philip-giraldi/

[5] http://www.academia.edu/37328903/White_Christian_Terrorism_-_Three_Hundred_and_Fifty-Seven_Million_Reasons_You_Should_Work_for_Peace_Sept2_2018.docx

[6] https://www.jta.org/1962/08/28/archive/jewish-organizations-incensed-over-jesuit-warning-to-u-s-jews

[7]  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/02/21/anti-zionism-new-form-anti-semitism-warns-emmanuel-macron/

[8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Behind “the theology underpinning the Left Behind series promotes a “skewed view of the Christian faith that welcomes war and disaster, while dismissing peace efforts in the Middle East and elsewhere—all in the name of Christ”

[9] https://ronaldthomaswest.com/2019/02/15/israel-the-right-to-exist/

[10] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/11/07/emmanuel-macron-fire-calling-nazi-collaborator-philippe-petain/

[11] https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/man-died-after-having-sex-5451965 (the story differs slightly from that cited in this post’s text)


A former Special Forces Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald is published in International Law as a layman (The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole) and has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background (no degree) is social psychology. His therapeutic device is satire.

Contact: penucquemspeaks@googlemail.com

1 Comment Post your own or leave a trackback: Trackback URL

  1. Road from Ruin says:

    Whatever happened to Christian agape love? Seems to have gone by the wayside from what you spell out here.


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