Citizens United

A Constitutional Amendment that reads just so:

1) No corporation shall know the privileges and immunities of citizenship but its directors shall be punishable under the criminal and civil laws of the United States for any egregious behaviors detrimental to the health, welfare and security of the people of these United States or for violating the rights of citizens secured by the first through eighth amendments

2) No amendment (or clause contained therein) in this constitution shall be construed to be ‘unincorporated’ (or otherwise ignored by the judiciary) particularly noting the ‘equal protection’ clause of the fourteenth amendment, and all citizens shall be provided a paper ballot

3) Every judge or justice who had affirmed the decision ‘Citizens United’ shall be removed from office and forever barred from the practice of law in the United States of America

If we did not have treasonous Federalist Society aligned justices (Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Thomas & Kennedy) sitting on the Supreme Court with a determination to hand our republic to corporate boards and filthy lucre, this sort of thinking (and proposed action) would be entirely unnecessary-