16 April update: The reference to ‘Guccifer’ has been corrected to Guccifer 2.0

Trump’s lawyer to Wikileaks: ‘Let’s make a deal’

There is an 12 April article at the Washington Examiner where Rudy Giuliani appears to be laying out the requirements ‘Team Trump’ will demand to get Assange a pardon. In effect, it is Trump’s attorney opening negotiations with Wikileaks via media, here are the most relevant points:

“President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani, in an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner, said Julian Assange could expose a “plot” involving Ukraine to falsely accuse Trump of colluding with Russia…

“…Giuliani said Assange’s apprehension — after nearly seven years in the embassy — could benefit the president, who was recently exonerated of criminal collusion with Russia by special counsel Robert Mueller…

Giuliani is quoted “”Maybe it will shed light on the plot to create an investigation of President Trump based on a false charge of conspiracy with the Russians to affect the 2016 elections. Keep your eye on Ukraine,” Giuliani said. “It’s possible with all his sources he might know or have information of how it all started.””

The article notes “Giuliani specified that he was talking about Assange exposing the origins of the federal investigation of possible Trump collusion with Russia and was not raising the possibility of Assange disproving that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta…

“Giuliani said he believed Assange may be able to “show who invented [the] false story that [Trump] colluded with Russians””

“Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney and New York City mayor, said he was “not sure yet” if Assange helping exonerate Trump would lighten his possible criminal penalties…”

Giuliani is a longtime deep state snake and what he is calling for is negotiating a cover for CrowdStrike having laundered the CIA creation of supposedly Russian ‘fingerprints’ (Guccifer 2.0) on the so-called ‘hack’, now proposed (suggested to Wikileaks by Giuliani) to be ‘outed’ as Ukrainian and bury the fact it was the assassinated Seth Rich took the DNC mails out on a memory stick. The price to be paid by Trump’s most farcical persecutors (e.g. John Brennan) is a little egg on the face over ‘bad information’ that can be forgiven. A simple matter of embarrassment as it were. Wrapping up loose ends, a few expendable DoJ personalities will have to fall on their swords (disposing of the Steele Dossier.)

Wikileaks knows the real score, and there is plenty of evidence in the public domain pointing to the reality but what remains to be seen is whether Wikileaks buys into Giuliani’s suggested lie to ‘rescue’ Assange (keeping the ‘hack’ narrative intact.) In other words it can never be admitted Central Intelligence Agency was behind the actual election meddling and attempted frame-up of a man who became President of the United States. This pitch to Wikileaks is likely agreed on terms between Trump’s Pentagon handlers (Pence faction), The Department of Justice and the intelligence agency big-shots. A peace treaty if you will.

Giuliani is laying out the deep state’s position with Wikileaks and making the point there is no way out for Assange if Wikileaks doesn’t ‘play ball.’ In effect it is an offer to Wikileaks to free Assange or bury him. Wikileaks has been put on notice: ‘sell your soul for Assange’s pardon or we can pile on the charges and he’ll rot forever in Florence, Colorado, solitary confinement.’

Relevant to this, Wikileaks longtime refusal to confirm Seth Rich (a dead man) as the DNC mails source, thereby allowing the ‘hack’ bs to persist, starts to smell pretty bad. There’s no lily-white knights here.

Read the full article at:



A former Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence for Special Forces, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald is published in International Law as a layman (The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole) and has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background (no degree) is social psychology. His therapeutic device is satire.

Contact: penucquemspeaks@googlemail.com

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