Article one of an eight part series

In any democracy, ethics, self restraint, tolerance and honesty will always play second fiddle to narcissism, avarice, bigotry & persecution, if only because people who play by the rules in any democracy are at a disadvantage to those who easily subvert the rules to their own advantage (Ronald’s Maxim)

What is our ‘Deep State’? The USA’s deep state is organized criminal cabals or cartels with agents penetrating government for purposes of subversion to the benefit of organized corporate crime.

More particularly, the ‘American Deep State’ consists of organizationally fused corporate personalities and intelligence agency personnel; with embedded support throughout government, via highly placed officials and bureaucrats in all branches- legislative, executive, judicial, and especially military.

Of the USA’s corporate organized crime’s ‘Deep State’ godfathers, the most accomplished, George H.W. Bush, will soon be dead. This not a cause for celebration, if only because, having not been tried, convicted and punished under existing American law, the elder Bush will be given a state funeral and a successor chosen. But I wish to remind this evil man I will still be alive and assessing his network for public consumption, for the rule of law may prevail, as much as it is inevitable the elder Bush must die.

Empirically speaking, a doctor’s diagnosis of a patient is based on a study of symptoms, and such will be the basis for our examination of today’s parasitic infection of the USA by our very own American ‘Deep State’ network.

The primary symptom of any advanced case of the disease ‘Deep State’ is ‘impunity.’ We’ll begin with an examination of this symptom according to the Oxford:

impunity |imˈpyoōnitē|


exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action : the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings | protesters burned flags on the streets with impunity.

ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from Latin impunitas, from impunis ‘unpunished’

In the many undisputable cases of impunity, symptom of an advanced infection of ‘Deep State’, we will begin with the Bush administration. It is only fair to discount objections stemming from the infection itself. Hence the denials of the parties perpetrating treason may be ignored altogether, in they have not faced trial and presented a legitimate defense, even though there is ample cause ‘prima facie’ demanding they had been long since put on trial. Let’s examine the preliminary facts, beginning with the familiar and often accused criminal Dick Cheney.

In a case closely monitored by Obama’s White House, Cheney is gotten off the hook for 180 million dollars he paid in bribes to a murderous dictator, in an arrangement with Nigeria’s subsequent government, put together by George H.W. Bush and former Secretary of State James Baker. $250,000,000, most of it released from secret Swiss accounts, is the price to avoid an Interpol international arrest warrant issued for Cheney, with a wink and a nod from Obama officials. Cheney should have been prosecuted under federal criminal RICO law with accessory to murder.

For someone who can dodge murder related bribery charges in the hundreds of millions of dollars, with the full complicity of Obama’s department of Justice, it should come as no surprise a State of Texas Grand Jury indictment of Cheney can be quashed in another case of what clearly appears to be racketeering influenced corrupt organizations (essentially a mafia) tied to Cheney. Typically a Grand Jury is made up of thoughtful, intelligent citizens known to be of good character and citizenship, meeting in secrecy. These are not people in a position of abusing power but deliberately selected to meet and consider preliminary evidence of crimes and decide whether prosecution is in order. When considering evidence which has been presented, they are sequestered and there is no state official present to influence their decision. It is a fair assumption to state, if a Grand Jury indicts, there has been convincing evidence of crime has been assessed and accepted. In Cheney’s case, he did not even bother to send a lawyer to defend himself and the judge quashed the indictment with a warning to the District Attorney not to file another case.

Of course, if Cheney is not going to be prosecuted for serious crimes committed in the USA, there is little chance he will be prosecuted for crimes abroad under USA law (as we have seen already in the Nigeria case.)

This brings us to the notorious kidnapping and torture cases involving Cheney & associates cheating justice and the lack of prosecutions (again.) When it is clear a nation will not prosecute its own international criminals, the principle of ‘Universal Jurisdiction’ in international law comes into play. The USA has a problem related to this, in the case of renditions (kidnap & delivery) to torture. The answer? Apply pressure to other governments with the specific goal of shutting down investigation and prosecution of American international criminals. We have seen this clearly in the case of the Spanish courts interfered with, and devastating effect to the rule of law. Of course trashing the rule of law has wide benefits, insofar as organized crime embedded as a ‘Deep State’ in the USA in its exercise of impunity. How far is the reach of this American criminal syndicate? So far as to have a bothersome (courageous) judge removed from the bench in another nation; now we can widen the scope of our inquiry into impunity as the symptom of an American ‘Deep State.’

Judge Baltasar Garzon was the man who, in 1998, ordered the arrest of Augusto Pinochet, the man who overthrew his government with numerous attending ‘disappeared’ persons and many more documented murders. The impetus/design behind the clearly murderous actions of Pinochet had been provided by Henry Kissinger and George H.W. Bush. It is a multi-faceted crime that simply refuses to go away. It was Judge Garzon who’d set the ball rolling to bring these criminals to justice and it was Judge Garzon who was removed by Spanish authorities after pressure brought by the USA, whose ambassador had stated the judge was “anti-American.” By implication, the USA is claiming any prosecution of its crimes is anti-American, similar to Israel claiming any genuine criticism of Israel is ‘anti-Semitic.’

As we go back into time relating to the American ‘Deep State’ establishment, we discover sordid details pointing to the absolutely heinous, utterly odious and wicked character traits in the USA body politic.

Pedophilia is at the core of U.S. government a fact initially broken by the investigative reporting of the Washington Times in a story that had been quickly smothered. A subsequent Discovery Channel documentary further exploring this sewer of child sex slavery initiated from the Catholic charity ‘Boys Town’, servicing politicians all across capitol hill, including members of Congress and people at the Bush senior White House, had also been killed. A decade later, reports of the same child rape behaviors rise again in Washington DC, in the same political circles, and nothing is done, the FBI and Department of Justice ignore it. A few years after that, bringing us to present, further child rapes that again tie to George H.W. Bush associates, had been brushed aside for years following initial disclosure with a determined prosecutor gone missing and his laptop discovered in a river with its hard drive removed. Popping back in time again, it can come as no surprise the ‘Children of God’ or ‘Family International’ sex cult practicing pedophilia had its children’s choir invited to perform at the George H.W. Bush White House. That does not happen without Secret Service knowledge. But if you’ve been diligently following the links provided, you’ll know the Secret Service had previously confiscated evidence touching high White House figures, in the Boys Town child prostitution case.

None of this has been prosecuted to now, those highest authorities responsible for prosecutions, are in fact covering it up. Now, let’s return to impunity in our ‘Deep State’ relating to corporate corruption.

Recalling it was former Bush Jr Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, had been indicted together with Dick Cheney by a Texas Grand Jury for corruption, and recalling Dick Cheney was not only Bush Jr’s Vice President but also Bush Sr’s Defense Secretary, as well Gerald Ford’s Chief of Staff about the time Bush Sr was Ford’s CIA Director, it should come as no surprise Bush Jr’s Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, would be implicated in murders of Justice Department lawyers investigating Novation Corporation for massive Medicare fraud, going to two women assistant U.S. Attorneys found dead and three others reassigned or resigned and the Novation investigation shut down. Who is connected to the Novation case other than five out of action prosecutors? Why, as it happens, Jeb Bush is a Novation subsidiary Tenant Health Care board director and a ‘what do you know moment’, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ former law firm represented Novation. Alberto Gonzales is named as a member of “The Family” at “C Street” and Jeb Bush certainly profiles as ‘first family’ among ‘Family.’

Now, towards any ‘Deep State’ needing assurances the ‘fix is in’ when it comes to covering up organized crime engineering government, it necessitates having judges that will shoot down any ethical prosecutions of ‘Deep State Family.’ That is where the example of torture lawyer Jay Bybee comes in, only one example of must be many, having gone from Bush Jr’s Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ extraordinary renditions expert in law, to sitting as a federal judge.

Of course it will never do in any ‘Deep State’ to have independent United States Attorneys, and that is where Bush strategist Karl Rove comes into play, having hatched and initiated a plan put in action by Alberto Gonzales, to get rid of those unwilling to ‘play ball’ on the ‘Deep State Family’ team.

Inasmuch as the few preceding examples (of too many examples to note in a short article) point to the problem of a ‘Deep State’ overtaking the rule of law and underscore why crime goes unchecked at many levels but particularly at the highest levels of government, it has never been a perfect world for anyone, ‘Deep State’ criminals inclusive, going to courts in Germany and Italy which refused to be bullied and pressured by the USA and delivered guilty verdicts on CIA renditions. The political leadership of those nations, having refused to press for the extradition of the criminals, is a separate point and must be addressed. But note here first, lest anyone be in mistaken belief things have changed under Obama, well, it is quite plain to see they have not.

Now, in the case of Spain and the right wing Spanish Deep State together with judge Garzon removed from his position, this comes as no surprise, Franco’s facism is alive and well, having only been swept under the rug.

In Italy, Burlusconi shares the political stage with Mussolini’s grand-daughter, Mussolini being a man he admires, so it is easy to see fascism has not been put down in the leadership.

Germany is the larger question and it is to my German readers I suggest an imperative exam of the facts is in order, if, as it would seem, the German political leadership is kowtowing to Nazism at the root of the American fascism detailed in the preceding. Because then, we have serious problems of leadership that must be challenged to do the right thing or see a repeat of history on an unimaginable scale in the nuclear age. It is the German leadership should demand the USA return to the rule of law, beginning with a public push for extraditions of the CIA operatives guilty of the kidnap and torture of an innocent man, because:

1) In the 1930s there was a group of American businessmen expediting finances for the NAZI war machine. Note the names involved include not only Prescott Bush, but also Foster Dulles. ‘Foster’ Dulles is John Foster Dulles, brother of Allen Dulles, Foster is his name in professional and business circles. John Foster Dulles was a ‘deeply religious’ conservative. Incidental to this, the NAZI political platform emphasizes ‘Positive Christianity’. Elements of ‘Positive Christianity’ portraying Jesus as a “Fighter” with violent, apocalyptic world view are today associated with extreme theology in the American religious right

Guardian article on Bush/Dulles Nazi connections

‎2) John Foster Dulles brother, Allen Dulles, rescued numerous NAZI war criminals by providing them with new identities in violation of explicit instruction by Harry Truman. Allen Dulles is written extensively about by former Pentagon liaison to the CIA, Colonel L Fletcher Prouty, in his work ‘The Secret Team.’ Allen Dulles, a former military intelligence officer, was first civilian and longest serving CIA Director. Colonel Prouty points directly to Allen Dulles as at the point of an internationally active ’secret team’, which he calls a “new religion”, working to undermine democracy around the world on behalf of American corporate boardrooms

Read ‘The Secret Team’ online here

‎3) CIA Director Allen Dulles sat on United Fruit Board of Directors, and John Foster Dulles served as United Fruit’s legal counsel. United Fruit is now Chiquita Brands, with extensive holdings in Latin America and a long history of CIA undermining Latin American governments to benefit its profits via corruption, cocaine & gun running, and associated mass murders. Meanwhile, evangelical Christianity and ‘pentecostalism’ has boomed throughout Latin America, so far as a variant becoming the religious cult belief of Drug Cartels such as ‘Los Zetas’ and ‘La Famiglia.’ After the Dulles brothers had died, Eli Black outbid the George H.W. Bush owned Zapata Corporation for control of United Fruit, and anything you can possibly imagine that could go wrong, did go wrong for Eli, including much of United Fruit’s paper assets magically vanishing, a fat bribe called ‘Bananagate’ pinned on Eli suddenly turned up with an SEC investigation, and the 54 year old Jewish businessman who likely (physically) could not fight his way out of a paper bag, miraculously broke an industrial strength window and ‘jumped’ from the 44th floor of a skyscraper. With Eli conveniently out of the way, Chiquita Brands was taken over by close Bush buddy & religious right Republican big shot Carl Lindner

History of Chiquita Brands at Wikipedia here

4) Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder served as legal counsel for Chiquita Brands and is directly involved in shielding Chiquita Brands corporate executives from ‘murder for hire’ prosecutions, when Chiquita had hired the Columbian AUC terrorist group’s right wing death squads to protect its banana interests in Columbia. Meanwhile, Holder has also been shielding criminal acts of the CIA with the ’state secret’ and ‘national security’ doctrine

Huffington Post article on Holder and Chiquita murder

5) CIA Director George H.W. Bush, son of NAZI financier Prescott Bush, after he became president, promoted Iran-Contra/narcotics and guns runner Robert Gates as his CIA Director. Robert Gates is so close to George H.W. Bush, it could be said Gates is the brother of evangelical George W. Bush. Robert Gates had been Obama’s Secretary of Defense as well and just now Afghanistan is the world’s leading supplier of heroin. With Robert Gates leaving Department of Defense for private sector and was replaced by the fig leaf Panetta, the established war criminal extraordinaire General Patraeus, the American commander in Afghanistan, had taken over the CIA. General Patraeus is close to Robert Gates and the Bush dynasty

CIA narcotics-trafficking facts at youtube

‎6) 40 years after Colonel Prouty had written about a CIA centered new religious group he described as ‘The Secret Team’ dedicated to American corporate boardrooms taking over our republic, investigative reporter for Harper’s Magazine, Jeff Sharlet, documents the evolution of a new variant extreme Christian cult, ‘The Family’, founded by NAZI sympathetic American businessmen in the 1930s .. and this is precisely why the Bush/Cheney regime criminals will never be prosecuted by Chiquita lawyer Eric Holder

Article by Jeff Sharlet at

7) Meanwhile, George H.W. Bush and Robert Gates had, while positioning a CIA backed corporate empire, sunk Jimmy Carter’s re-election by making a secret deal with Iran’s ayatollahs to keep the American Embassy hostages in Iran until after the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan. Since, the Reagan administration’s man in charge of coordinating Christian conservatism with government, Iran-Contra scandal implicated Attorney General Ed Meese, had mentored Antonin Scalia to the U.S. Supreme Court. After that, the Ed Meese inspired Federalist Society has provided us with three more justices, Clarence Thomas by association, and Samuel Alito and John Roberts by membership. The society has  many events and members featuring Bush associated criminal personalities to include Dick Cheney, Cheney’s former Vice Presidential counsel and mutual friend of John Roberts Shannen Coffin, Condoleezza Rice, and torture lawyer John Yoo. Dick Cheney was ranking Republican for the Iran-Contra Congressional hearings and that is how much damning information was suppressed

The Bush/Gates/Iran 1980 election story (and more)

8 ) Again, Colonel Prouty had pointed to corporate boardroom centered, CIA backed ‘Secret Team’ new religion penetrating every facet of American security services, to include the FBI and military. Since, former Air Force officer and lawyer Mikey Weinstein has been documenting an extreme Christian cult military leadership having overtaken the USA’s Air Force Academy particularly, and force feeding our troops religious right propaganda throughout our military. Our Christian extremist Officers Christian Fellowship led Pentagon has, via Chiquita lawyer Eric Holder’s Department of Justice, been fighting Mikey Weinstein’s efforts tooth and nail.


Deep State II FBI complicity

Deep State III CIA narcotics trafficking

Deep State IV NATO & Gladio

Deep State V Economics & counter-insurgency

Deep State VI Opus Dei & Christian Dominion

Deep State VII The Coe Cult & ‘The Donald’ Election Scam

Deep State VIII Pentagon Papers, CIA and the Lie of Daniel Ellsberg


Profits of War The Israeli connection

Fear of Minor Debris On 9/11

The Alpha Chronology my narrative as a Deep State survivor





Ronald Thomas West is a former U.S. intelligence professional