Archives for posts with tag: CIA

If this were a X-Rated blog when it comes to satire, I’d put torture fans Alfreda Bikowski & Gina Haspel in a CIA honey trap’s lesbian porn video scene, produced for intra-agency blackmail purpose and…

Bill Barr: Whoa!! Look at the size of Haspel’s [redacted] !!!

Liz(ard) Kimber: Ooooh…

Mike Pompeo: Holy Jesus! What do you call one that big?!

Ricky Prado: Nuestra Señora de Atocha!

Pompeo: What’s that?

Kimber: A sunken Spanish treasure galleon, good call! Bikowsky’s face will require a diving bell with oxygen line to find Haspel’s [redacted], er, I meant the pleasure jewel in that!!

Greetings to the spooks, check out the quotes on the front page, if you’d spend the rest of your lives learning how live honestly, it be a better endeavor on behalf of humanity than just about anything else you could do … it’s long past time (and probably too late) to insist on an international convention governing the criminal behaviors of spies –


More on this skit’s players (the serious stuff) Haspel:

“Haspel played a leading role in the creation and perpetuation of the CIA’s false claims that torture uniquely produced actionable intelligence that saved lives” Bikowsky:

“played a central role in the bungled rendition [and torture] of Khaled el-Masri, who was revealed to be innocent” Pompeo:

“Instead of pursuing the torturers, the U.S. [Pompeo] is condemning [threatening] the investigators, and even their families” Prado:

“Even as Prado rose to the CIA equivalent of a two-star general, he helped [narco boss] San Pedro with numerous deadly deeds” [murders] Barr:

“William Barr will not prosecute a CIA officer doubling as narcotics cartel serial killer, Enrique Prado, a man Robert Mueller let run free to go on killing for a decade following a proverbial ‘mountain of evidence’ provided by Mueller’s own FBI (as well, state authorities), evidence which had been subsequently quashed by leadership at the top” Kimber:

“One dispute involved a field assignment she botched in Europe and blamed on a colleague, according to the former operative. And many of the spies she recruited during a European posting, the operative said, “turned out to be worthless.”

More CIA ‘sexcapades’ (featuring Barr)

History (where it all began)

* BCHP internet tag = “Biggest Cunt in the History of Porn”


Čitajte na srpskom

This satire will be most interesting to (and better understood by) those intimately familiar with contemporary Balkans politics. It is my 1 April greeting to certain personalities working for the area’s ‘Chiefs of Station’

A Montenegro Satire

Milo Narcissus Gusle was from a family of villagers named for a drunken forebear who had been ‘challenged’ by a senior professor of some serious university academics from the city of ‘New’ Podgorica; to perform the symphony unique to the colony of ‘New’ Montenegro’s ethnicity.

Milo’s ancestor actually had brought off his performance quite well, while on a wagon tongue hitched to a pair of nervous horses which he managed not to spook, swaying side to side until his instrument’s string broke … his fame for the event however, was the wild look of panic on this villager’s face, because this villager had never driven a team of horses.

The villager’s champion musical performance was purely survival driven which made the event all the more hilarious to the Western educated academics that had sent him onto the wagon at gunpoint. The Montenegrin senior professor’s sense of honor, his name was Obren Saša Urošević II (affectionately referred to as Junior OSU), declared himself honorary godfather to this now famous ‘Broken String Gusle’ musician and demanded the villager should be named this, for his amazing ability to mimic Montenegro’s National String Symphony; and the villager would hereafter have to be known by his new name and answer to it.

Broken String Gusle agreed to the terms required to save his life while still on the wagon-tongue, and was subsequently allowed climb down both; before the horses had bolted and nearing sobriety, because he was about to collapse from pure nervous exhaustion. Consequently, Broken String Gusle’s descendant, Milo Narcissus Gusle, was from a family of villagers that did not drink. They knew better. He went to law school instead.

Nobody in OSU’s academic world knew how to create a ‘Village Life Studies’ program because in fact to postulate a program as such in the modern classroom was oxymoron. Heck, they did not even know that. Village Life Studies, if it was Montenegro’s villagers doing the studies, would consist of daydreams passed off as oral history, such as the time a remote Montenegrin ancestor actually had driven his wagon to go somewhere or do something, the sort of work fantasies from which all Montenegro’s village intelligence had been drawn. Milo Narcissus Gusle did not know how to daydream this sort of work, because he had been ‘urbanized’ from age five and then sent to university at Brussels.

By this time, Milo had mastered the provincial English linguistic trick of stating the just so “Sorry” for introducing a thought so simple as it’d be easier for his ancestors to walk to Tirana than to Sarajevo, because according to a terrestrial globe, the route to Tirana should be all downhill.

Milo was a conscientious sort, and so when his undergraduate major in ‘Village Life Studies’ was decided on, he returned to Montenegro for fieldwork in summers to familiarize himself with his ancestors’ cultural habits. But he did not realize that the answer to bring his university into line with the political correctness of the ‘new’ times had been to establish an ethnic studies program staffed by OSU type mentalities in people who’d been educated out of their subliminal and very old pagan habits, and call it ‘Village Life Studies.’ And so, Milo, like the countless educated but now pseudo-superstitious people of village descent, thought academia was real. He should have remembered the village proverb “Everyone knows the city people are crazy.” But Milo could not know this now applied to himself. So Milo questioned his former people’s elders to get ideas for his papers he would need to write in the discipline of anthropology disguised with the ‘Village Life Studies’ euphemism. And thought he was a villager. Woo-woo.

Milo went on to law school and eventually became Director of ‘Village Life Studies’ at Podgorica University which had been duly impressed with his achievements in the field of ‘OSU Treaty Law’, having nothing to do with actual law in reality, but which combined with the idea he could mimic village dialect, seemed to make him qualified to run the academic program.

Here at university he met the philosopher Gani Bobi and they had discussed Bobi’s irritation at failing to grasp why it had been noted as early as the 1980s the Balkans’ Orthodox villagers seemed to have no problem describing many phenomena of the OSU theoretical geopolitics, which the Western academics had difficulty coping with. Milo had no idea why either, but it seemed there must be something to it and so an annual dialogue was opened, and Milo became a politicized god. To at least three or four people.

Milo, now relocated and living in a townhouse in the better part of Podgorica, had continued with his anthropological interest in studying his former people and was particularly interested in their view of government before this had been subverted. His anthropological studies got him up and running on three legs in Montenegrin ways, like the proverbial Golden Jackal that had chewed off one leg to escape a trap, and that was about it.

Milo had by this time taken over the dialogue and thought he had some things figured out: Like how the old time villager oratory had worked. Not. What he attempted to replicate in fact became a lunatic caricature of what had been his ancestral wisdom. It was not meant to be evil and in fact it was not evil. It was merely stupid. But Milo could not know that.

By this time, these dialogues, with Gani Bobi now dead, had become sponsored by the OSU organization worshiped by Milo for the fact the OSU acronym represented precisely his ancestral godfather’s initials.

You would never know to which community of Milo’s ancestry he was loyal to, whether the chauvinism of his family godfather, Obren Saša Urošević II (affectionately referred to as Junior OSU), or the mocked Montenegrin villager, because this Milo sort of Jackal could only be loyal to himself.

Milo Narcissus Gusle’s ego was of a soft burnished sort, the kind of lovely passive-aggressiveness whose nasty aspect was presented in the effeminate dark side aroma of the flower he was named for. As a real villager, you just did not want to get too close to the self-assumed ‘villager’ Narcissus if you were to enjoy the genuine natural beauty of his expression. And so it also was with the OSU sponsored dialogues he so expertly organized for the world to know the truth of why the USA’s ‘Camp Toadstool’ threatened no havoc in the Balkans.

When Milo self-gazed into the reflective pool of soft loveliness in his ego, he could detect no offensive aroma. His ethnocidal nuance as applied to Montenegrin village thought and philosophy was of a much prettier and more refined sort than that established for his intellectual forebears in the psychological literature developed by Erich Fromm: who’d postulated the Nazis much enjoyed the smell of their own farts.

Advanced beyond the primitive camps and ovens, the ethnocidal ‘thrust’ of Milo’s ego-priapismic tendencies was to bring about the immolation of the village beliefs and thinking with grandiose graphics of impressionist urban imagery surrounded by tropical fruits & vegetables extrapolated to western print: advertising the many Brussels ‘Fudds’ (PhDs) he would gather alongside the ‘village experts’ in the Western anthropological science; in a grand orgy of psychosomatic, ego-stroking masturbation in high intellectual workshops or, better said, indoctrination in Soros’ multicultural discourse.

Some of the villagers fell for it in the beginning. It was attractive, because Milo, who could mimic their dialect, was master of ceremony and that fact, taken together with the promoted agenda of village life’s relationship to the OSU philosophy of geopolitics, convinced villagers in the beginning they might benefit from learning something. Well, the villagers did learn some things, but they did not learn what had been expected, like a wider understanding of a future village life reality in relationship to geopolitical exploitation. The villagers learned only fiction had been offered by the OSU scientists and learned absolutely nothing from the PhD Montenegrins because they had no idea at all of how OSU geopolitics functionally worked.

Damn, it was sad. Not one PhD, not a single PhD from either side of the cultural divide, understood that to be a Montenegrin villager in thought and philosophy had absolutely nothing to do with exploitation. PhD. Wow. The OSU scientists were sometimes frustrated with the Podgorica University scientists who could only tell stories from village life in anthropology that were totally out of context and consequently nonsensical. That fact only made the Podgorica scientists equal to the OSU scientists totally out of context with village life, and consequently nonsensical, propaganda.

At first the villagers simply observed. After a few years the villagers contributed a little bit of real village thinking and frightened Milo because it looked as though the entire event could be shown up as a case of ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes!’ Then, the villagers had tried to explain to Milo how some things could change to open up the dialogues to real learning, like getting smart and dis-inviting OSU but those who spoke out were put up against a wall and shot. No upsetting the Brussels-based corporate gravy train of ego allowed here!

Rather the ‘face’ of the event was to be preserved at all costs, a portrait of the mysterious and knowledgeable geopolitician, Milo, presiding over a dialogue that might one day yield his great secrets held in abeyance: to his lesser village beings and the handful of toadying, sycophant academics who peered upon his OSU holiness with expressions of Heavenly reverence as though they were alter-boys seated upon the left and right hands of God. In fact, it appeared to the villagers that Milo didn’t know shit. Milo only knew how to rest on his laurels from his Village Life Studies directorship at Podgorica University, look important, and, invite the villagers to a future life of employment in the Ikea cafeteria; to which the Montenegrin villagers replied: Work! Are you serious? We could never be made to work for the Turks, how would we ever be made to work for you?

Milo is still searching for his answer but not to worry, eventually OSU will think hard and provide it for him but, of course, it will be the wrong one…

“Camp Toadstool”


© copyright 2020 by Ronald Thomas West: for profit and mass paper media redistribution prohibited


A former Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence for Special Forces, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald had lived over thirty years in close association with Blackfeet Indians (those who still speak their language), and is published in international law as a layman: The Right of Self- Determination of Peoples and It’s Application to Indigenous People in The USA or The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole. Ronald has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background (no degree) is social psychology. His therapeutic device is satire.


This article first appeared at Fort Russ News

CIA, Google, Crowdstrike & the DNC non-hack

I’d noticed on 8 February that Russian news (Sputnik) had sucked up a propaganda misdirection fed to the (more usually) intrepid John Solomon, raising a question, why this story now? That Manafort’s ‘Black Ledger’ was a forgery is old news. The only thing new here is, the suggested idea the ‘Black Ledger’ might have ‘Made in Ukraine’ stamped somewhere on it in fine print:

[Rick Gates] “account … raises the possibility that someone fabricated the document in Ukraine […] its uncertain origins raise troubling questions about election meddling and what constitutes real evidence worthy of starting an American investigation” [1], [2]

Excuse me, but this is like trying to conceal Frankenstein’s sutures with a band-aid. Where Solomon has been misdirected to in regards to Ukraine election meddling, the so-called Manafort ‘Black Ledger’, is penny-ante poker by comparison to what has been spread all over the recent news on the subject of Ukraine and election meddling: President Trump’s call to Ukrainian President Zelensky requesting investigation into CrowdStrike:

CrowdStrike - 1

^ All of the top Google search results (and for pages after) are about Trump hitting up Zelensky to investigate a ‘debunked conspiracy theory.’ But wait a minute. When the top result is the New York Times demanding we all ignore a story as ‘fake news’, it’d be more than intuitive to look into the matter deeper. Especially when google’s habit in uncomfortable matters (to the status quo) is burying opposed results, via so-called ‘search engine optimization’, there’s a dark side to this, as well recalling Tulsi Gabbard’s lawsuit. [3], [4]

To begin, we have a look at who really does not want you looking into the CrowdStrike story: That would be Google. Google began as a Central Intelligence Agency funded start-up:

“Seed-funded by the NSA and CIA, Google was merely the first among a plethora of private sector start-ups co-opted by US intelligence to retain ‘information superiority’” 

“The origins of this ingenious strategy trace back to a secret Pentagon-sponsored group, that for the last two decades has functioned as a bridge between the US government and elites across the business, industry, finance, corporate, and media sectors. The group has allowed some of the most powerful special interests in corporate America to systematically circumvent democratic accountability and the rule of law to influence government policies, as well as public opinion in the US and around the world” [5], [6]

By now, google is absolutely one of the intelligence world’s ‘big boys’ and where are they putting their (2015) money?

“Security startup Crowdstrike is expected to announce a $100 million investment from Google Capital next week, a person close to the company told Business Insider, although this source did not reveal the valuation.
CrowdStrike was founded by two ex-McAfee execs in 2011. It offers a cloud tool that helps governments and enterprises discover and stop an attack as it it occurring” [7]

Humnn, who did Business Insider fail to name?

Alperovitch - 1

The Business Insider article excerpt (at [7], preceding the illustration) fails to name CrowdStrike’s co-founding executive, Dimitry Alperovich, who happens to be an anti-Putin Yeltsen era Russian expat (moved to the USA in his early teens) within a present day web that ties to Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, Hillary Clinton, Burisma (the Bidens’ thing), an Adam Schiff staffer (!), Robert Mueller (a long time CIA asset, notable for framing Libya for Lockerbie and sandbagging the BCCI money laundering investigation into the CIA’s Iran Contra arms and narcotics trafficking), and is a fellow at the Atlantic Council (the organized Atlanticist lobby, these days mostly a Putin-bashing club.) [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]

Well, what to do with all of that?

$100 million in 2015 from CIA mega-asset Google (run by a super Clinton fan) to an Atlantic Council Fellow/cyber security expert tied to a Ukrainian billionaire & Burisma, with the Clintons & Bidens stirred into the mix and wellah, less than a year later Putin hacked the DNC which is actually a fairy tale. [14], [15], [16], [17]

Recalling this newsworthy rant begins with John Solomon calling for initiating an American investigation into the old news about Manafort and the fake ‘Black Ledger’ that had possibly been initiated in Ukraine and Sputnik getting a case of hot pants over the story, one wonders where Solomon believes any such investigation might go. The direction Mueller took the Lockerbie investigation when framing Libya? The direction Mueller took the BCCI investigation when protecting CIA Iran-Contra arms and narcotics trafficking? Mueller refusing to act on a mountain of evidence amassed by law enforcement naming Enrique Prado as a serial killer for a drug cartel because Prado was also a high ranking CIA officer? The direction Mueller took the Russiagate investigation when he took CrowdStrike’s word as gospel and never seriously investigated ‘the Russians did it’ DNC mails hack story? All of these stories wrap up under the CIA’s erstwhile Poppa Bush (41) and now Trump’s Attorney General William Barr. Oops. It follows, Trump’s real problem with begging anywhere/everywhere for an investigation into CrowdStrike just might be someone who works for him.




4 includes section on seo (search engine optimization) abuse














Finger on the ScalesAny anonymous ‘state secrets’ (e.g. FBI fronting for CIA) finger

On the FBI’s fraudulent application for a FISA secret warrant (authorization to spy) on Carter Page: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s ‘cover your ass’ Order Misc. 19-02 finding of fact:

“The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable. The FISC expects the government to provide complete and accurate information in every filing with the Court. Without it, the FISC cannot properly ensure that the government conducts electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes only when there is a sufficient factual basis”

That is why we ‘had’ a (‘lip serviced’ or given political fellatio by the court) so-called ‘Bill of Rights’ that went out the window with the National Security Act of 1947 (the underlying foundation of the FISA Court.) In fact there is not, and has never been, an advocate (sound legal mechanism) to insure the American citizen ‘targets’ of FISA court secret warrants are properly protected, via right of discovery demanding exculpatory evidence, and placing the Department of Justice personalities, the FBI particularly, squarely in the sights of prosecution for the above described or what amount to ‘color of law’ violations of Fourth Amendment and other rights. Now, on to the abject failure of what has been ordered:

“THEREFORE, the Court ORDERS that the government shall, no later than January 10, 2020, inform the Court in a sworn written submission of what it has done, and plans to do, to ensure that the statement of facts in each FBI application accurately and completely reflects information possessed by the FBI that is material to any issue presented by the application. In the event that the FBI at the time of that submission is not yet able to perform any of the planned steps described in the submission, it shall also include (a) a proposed timetable for implementing such measures and (b) an explanation of why, in the government’s view, the information in FBI applications submitted in the interim should be regarded as reliable”

We can put one + one together and see the how the math doesn’t stack up in a constitutionally sound way:

In the finding of fact: “…representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable” clearly casts doubt on the entire process and every FISA application ever made (noting the court has processed thousands of applications with a history of rejecting a handful.)


In the actual court order section we see “…an explanation of why, in the government’s view, the information in FBI applications submitted in the interim should be regarded as reliable” or essentially only a demand of from this point (date of the order, 17 December 2019) in any pending or future application will there be any correction made in circumstance of the FISA Court demanding the FBI ‘police themselves.’

Since when (post King George III our sovereign) has the state been entitled and/or trusted to ‘police themselves’ in matters of crimes of the state against its’ citizens? That was the underlying rationale of the Bill of Rights, precisely because the state cannot ever be trusted to do that.

This RANK FAIL (order) omits to do two critical things; use of the courts contempt powers to sanction the FBI (send a message, up to and inclusive of jailing the corrupt actors) and more importantly, search for, identify and provide avenue to remedy for plausible past abuses. This 2nd instance could easily (however imperfectly) be addressed, it would be as simple as the FISA Court appointing and empowering an independent special master (people’s advocate) with exculpatory evidence subpoena power to begin a review of past, present and future applications. Now, why doesn’t the court dare go there? Secrecy?

Here’s where it gets sticky for the secret court; in a case of ‘what you don’t know, won’t hurt you’ (and especially what you don’t know shouldn’t hurt the FISA court.) Firstly, if your rights have been violated, you won’t even be allowed to know it. Because if you WERE allowed to know this, it opens the door to all sorts of complications for the national security state, not only what the state has been up to in secret, where it is poking its’ nose, but certainly not least, a scrutiny of the FISA Court as a rubber stamp ‘star chamber’ in the absolute absence of any independent advocate mechanism to secure the rights of those Americans unfairly, wrongly, even maliciously, targeted by FISA secret spying warrants.

It follows, even if you have solid grounds (e.g. yours truly does) to believe corrupt FBI/FISA abuse happened to you, you won’t have a remedy because the established ‘state secrets’ doctrine demands you have no access to the documents necessary to substantiate your claim. The constitutional absurdity of this is, you cannot independently prove the government illegally-unjustly-corruptly spied on you (establish standing to sue), so you have no access to the proof they did, even when they did so egregiously, as was the one-off (became known) case of Carter Page.

What broke the Carter Page case into the open is politics, pure and simple, the fallout causing the FISA Court to issue the ‘cover your ass’ “Order Misc. 19-02” or a ‘police yourselves’ pretense of accountability.


Postscript: 22 December there is reportedly another (not yet released) order holding exactly ONE individual to account (referred to prosecution) for FISA abuse in the case of multiple deceits by several individuals exposed in the case of Carter Page (scapegoat settled upon!)

Related: The Oath and the Trash Bin


“Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along” [1]

What is interesting about this small snippet is,

1) Concurrent to the present Epstein case, a Pentagon pedophilia scandal of epic proportions is not followed, juxtaposed to the Epstein reporting or even reported on at all by mainstream press [2]

2) The ‘con’ pimping little boys to the Pentagon and Congress happened to be Roy Cohn, a longtime mafioso attorney who cross-references both MOSSAD & CIA via organized crime and, as well, Cohn was a Donald Trump mentor.

3) “Many of the same names that surrounded Cohn until death in the late 1980s would later come to surround Jeffrey Epstein, with their names later appearing in Epstein’s now-infamous “little black book”” [3]

Other than how it happens Trump (to now) either knew better and/or managed not to be trapped into compromising recording with minors, the question that arises is, how the pedophilia blackmail overlay works out between CIA & MOSSAD relevant to the Pentagon, where (an estimated) 20% of the vast Department of Defense has been plugged into intranet child pornography. [4]

But first:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks -Hamlet Act III, Scene II

“We will get to the bottom of what happened, and there will be accountability” -Attorney General William Barr.

That’s pretty ‘rich’ when it is coming from George H.W. Bush’s, CIA associated, Attorney General who’d been boss of the Department of Justice, when DoJ was busy covering up intelligence agency crimes while sabotaging the Iran-Contra investigation. [5]

“A quarter century ago, the president’s attorney general, William Barr, staunchly opposed the independent counsel’s investigation of [Iran-Contra] wrongdoing in the White House, and he also firmly supported [George H.W.] Bush’s use of pardons as a means of self-protection” [6]

But actually, Barr overseeing the Epstein case cuts a bit closer to home:

“Prior to resigning from his post at the CIA, Gregg had worked directly under William Casey and, in the late 1970s, alongside a young William Barr in stonewalling the congressional Pike Committee and Church Committee, which investigated the CIA beginning in 1975. Among the things that they [the committees] were tasked with investigating were the CIA’s “love traps,” or sexual blackmail operations used to lure foreign diplomats to bugged apartments, complete with recording equipment and two-way mirrors” [7], [bold RTW]

Then, we have rogue CIA officer Frank Terpil:

“Historically, one of Wilson’s Agency jobs was to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by any means necessary…. Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their sexual fantasy in the flesh…. A remembrance of these occasions [was] permanently recorded via selected cameras…. The technicians in charge of filming … [were] TSD [Technical Services Division of the CIA]. The unwitting porno stars advanced in their political careers, some of [whom] may still be in office” [8]

And then, oops! … it kinda all spills out:


One of the most critical parts of the scandal surrounding Spence, however, was the fact that he had been able to enter the White House late at night during the George H.W. Bush administration with young men whom the Washington Times described as “call boys.” [9], [10]

Except for the fact much of the reporting had been ‘resolved’ with dropping dead investigators & witnesses, and the subsequent suppression of this documentary detailing William Barr’s DoJ (FBI) sabotaging the investigations [11]


Now, let’s just mention in passing, beyond CIA & MOSSAD, there are additional, ‘quasi-NGO’ intelligence agencies move into the pedophilia play; “The Fellowship” or “The Family” (the Coe Cult behind The National Prayer Breakfast)…

“A lot of their key men in a country would be the intelligence [CIA] officers in the American embassy. Throughout their correspondence, that’s the kind of guy they would like to have involved [And] They always had a lot of Army intelligence guys involved, Pentagon guys” [12]


“Let’s say I hear you raped three little girls. What would I think of you?” The man guessed that Coe would probably think that he was a monster. “No,” answered Coe, “I wouldn’t.” [13]

…and the Catholic Church where pedophilia is not only run rampant but…

“Most Catholics don’t realize that the principal gatherers of intelligence on the part of the Holy See are the apostolic nuncios and their diplomatic staff, just like the ambassadors and staff of embassies that are deployed around the world by every nation-state” [14]


“the Vatican is .. relying increasingly on reactionary troops. It is closing ranks with evangelists, bible fundamentals and extremely reactionary forces” [15]

…this (immediate) preceding is then punctuated with a relevant exclamation point going to a direct meeting:

“On June 5th [2014] Pope Francis met in private with Doug Coe, one of the most influential evangelicals in the US and head of the Family” [16]

Now, in the American intelligence political pedophile hen-house longtime CIA operative/Attorney General William Barr is overseeing investigation of, there are numerous ‘hens’ belonging not only to the CIA but also belong to MOSSAD, The Family, and the Catholic Church. Then we have to factor in the Department of Defense entities Defense Intelligence Agency & National Security Agency with this proposed 2019 Act of Congress:

“The END Network Abuse Act would require the Pentagon to enter into agreements with groups including law enforcement, child protection services, social services, and trauma-informed healthcare providers in order to cut down or halt the spread and impact of these images on DOD networks.

“The National Criminal Justice Training Center, one of the groups that has thrown its weight behind the bill, reported in 2018 that DOD’s network was ranked 19th out of almost 3,000 nationwide networks on the amount of peer-to-peer child pornography sharing” [17]

I suppose in 2019 we’re not supposed to notice the Department of Defense has been stonewalling any solution to this particular problem for over a decade, here’s the 2010 language referring to a problem investigators first identified in 2006:

“Due to DCIS [Defense Criminal Investigative Service] headquarters’ direction and other DCIS investigative priorities, this investigation is cancelled” [18]

Recalling MOSSAD asset…

“Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along”

…these several decades later, the actuality of the problem is grown immense; if The Family (who absolutely owns Mike Pence, and likely Mike Pompeo and probably William Barr) wants an arms deal to their international favorites, they have their hens, whether Congressmen to listen attentively and generals and admirals to testify to the proposal positively, MOSSAD has the same (possibly the strongest pedophilia blackmail group), if the Catholic Church wants a particular policy, their hens are in the hen-house as well, not to mention The CIA and the Department of Defense have their golden egg-laying hens who produce desired result at the many snaps of these diverse blackmailing fingers. And we’ve not touched the fact this sordid business is spread throughout the NATO states, the Western intelligence agencies playground.

THE BIG problem with all of this is, it cannot be intelligently unwound. Example given is where it is all at now, if you lift the lid on MOSSAD, the CIA is also revealed, the overlay is problematic. Too many of these political prostitutes are shared property in what amounts to a communally owned hen-house. This is absolutely a reasonable assumption based on the recent investigative series by journalist Whitney Webb, augmented with a few of this reporter’s (yours truly) alternative sources. [19]

Now, we come to Donald Trump. Sort of like it is disingenuous when the Hollywood #MeToo victims behave as though they they’d been somehow justified in having gone along and kept their mouths shut (at least Marilyn Monroe had been honest enough to admit the blow-jobs were worth the million $$ contract) and deny any element of having been prostitutes or not knowing what they were getting into (Hollywood is socially incestuous to point one could observe the faces don’t change, only the couplings), it should be unreasonable to assert Trump wouldn’t have known what was going on in Roy Cohn’s & Jeffrey Epstein’s social circles.

Is there solid evidence of Trump’s proactive involvement? Nothing yet. The one (2016) accuser seems to have been a probe or feint (my personal assessment.) The real problem with the 2016 narrative is the woman who ‘profiles’ as Epstein’s ‘pimpette’ Ghislaine Maxwell is clearly accessory to child rape according to the (dropped) lawsuit narrative, yet incriminates herself when it is reported:

“The woman identified only as Tiffany Doe in the lawsuit, a ‘trusted employee’ of Epstein’s,’ corroborated Johnson’s’ allegations in a telephone call with, but she refused to reveal her full identity” [20]

This almost seems like a 3rd party (intelligence agency) blind feeler to see what reaction it might draw from (and/or attempt to plant paranoia in) Trump. Question of law: Did this information derived from deposition require a criminal referral concerning Tiffany Doe as accessory to child rape per the Canon of Ethics governing counsel? What became of that? The story is full of holes.

This is followed on by Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre (nee Roberts) denial of any participation by, or even sight of, Trump at Jeffrey Epstein’s minor child rape parties. [21]

It is perfectly possible will be no ‘smoking gun’ ties Trump to having screwed Epstein’s underage girls or otherwise engaged in pedophilia. Another observation (not a defense) is, everyone who HAS NOT partaken of child sex in close proximity to these social circles of power serving the powerful (Epstein’s ‘black book’) had to be turning a blind eye to those who were. In this case, Trump would be far from unique. Did Trump mentor Roy Cohn warn Trump early on? That question (and questions like it) will probably never be answered. On the other hand, Trump profiles (paranoid to point of germ-o-phobe) as someone with a better chance of avoiding the intelligence agencies designer drugs; where the will is broken down in sexual entrapment so sophisticated, those poisoned never realize what had happened to them, how they suddenly wanted to fuck a little kid while not even caring if they knew it were being filmed. It would make sense Trump had security assigned to his food intake, little different to a king’s ‘food taster.’ Especially if he’d been tipped off.

Finally, the question that can be asked but cannot yet be answered. In whose interest is it the Epstein pedophilia operation be blown open? Or is it just some cosmic snafu biting the shadow government & deep state on the butt? Stay tuned.




[3] see link at reference [1]





[8] see reference [7]

[9] same as reference [8] & [7]














Related: The Epstein Chronicles MOSSAD works the USA


Social essays that critique Western culture from the outside looking in:

Raphael’s Paradox

A Tribal Perspective

Leadership in Time of Crisis

Reality Check

Natural Selection for Autistic Traits



The Trickster in Equilibrium

The Rise of Narcissism

Privatization for Dummies


-under construction-

Impunity & The International Criminal Court

The above link delves into impunity at the international level. Insofar as the USA’s exercise of impunity, of considerable recent importance, in my estimation, it is the deep state’s Robert Mueller role-as-mole or ‘special counsel’ in ‘the Russians did it’ charade should draw the necessary attention to underline the intelligence agencies anti-Constitutional order embedded in the USA’s security structures.

Of the exposures (in the public domain) of this man as a fraud devoted to what amounts to an anti-constitutional order that has stepped itself up and above the rule of law, there are three that stand out to a degree disqualifying Robert Mueller as anything excepting corrupt;

1) in his role as deputy attorney general during the Bush 41 administration, Robert Mueller, when directly accountable William Barr in Barr’s first term as Attorney General for President George H.W. Bush, Mueller headed up the USA end of the Lockerbie investigation that was later exposed by a Chief of Scots police as a frame-up of Libya due to false evidence and testimony provided by the USA;

2) it was Robert Mueller, again under the direct supervision of GHW Bush’s Attorney General William Barr, had been exposed by a United States Senate investigation (that was never acted on) showing Mueller sandbagged the criminal case against Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) and subsequently;

3) it was Robert Mueller’s FBI for over a decade refused to arrest a serial killer, Enrique Prado, despite more than ample evidence (a proverbial ‘mountain’ of evidence) provided to the Department of Justice by both state and federal law enforcement.

The common thread in these events? It is the Central Intelligence Agency. The USA end of the Lockerbie investigation was tied to false physical evidence planted by the CIA and the FBI provided the ‘expert’ testimony of Thomas Thurman (later exposed as a fraud) under then Assistant Attorney General Robert Mueller’s supervision, subverting the BCCI case was all about the CIA’s Iran-Contra international arms and narcotics money laundering Mueller worked to limit exposure to (damage control) and Enrique Prado is not only a serial killer, documented by multiple law enforcement officials as responsible for multiple drug cartel related murders that Mueller’s FBI failed to act on, but also happens to double as a high ranking CIA official who moved on to Blackwater where the CIA’s contract killings became outsourced (Prado remains free & has never been prosecuted.)

Of the many instance of Robert Mueller’s dirty work for CIA, these three cases are remarkable for the fact they are reasonably indisputable. [1], [2], [3], [4]

Whatever the preceding indicates per ‘the Russians did it’ hysteria certainly does not include good faith compliance with the rule of law when all indicators point to the USA’s top law enforcement officials should be convicted felons in their own right.





2019: The year of deconstructing the Western culture’s character; in the five preceding years of this blog, if anything should be apparent, it should be insanity is ‘normal’ in the ‘civilized’ world. Why? Let’s have a look:

This section begins with a short explanation of the fundamental mistake or misapprehension of reality by modern thought. If you’re from the culture that came up with virgin birth, Santa Claus & the tooth fairy, it should be easy enough to understand when your own advances in quantum mechanics call bullshit on everything you were taught is reality, in other words, the Western Cartesian-Platonic based science, right?

“We’re not used to thinking about process. We communicate with an object-based language. [Theoretical physicist] David [Bohm] invented a thing called – “rheomode“ – language in which we speak to each other in a flowing mode. There are some ancient languages which do this – Hopi Indian and some others. In his book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, you’ll find a chapter on language, in which he discusses this rheomode. It didn’t work [for science], because we were still thinking of objects” -theoretical physicist Basil Hiley

In light of the preceding, Einstein’s “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”, suggests if the problem were an embedded cultural phenomenon, and assembling the ideas of the greatest brains from the history of Western civilization, any real solution would require identifying and weeding out the root mistake(s) of the ‘best and brightest.’ Going to that thought, try solving this next problem or even grasping the magnitude of the proposed thesis:

A: “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato” -Alfred North Whitehead


B: ”The [Plato’s] doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment” -theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat


C: “nouns or millennia destructive process ‘objectifying’ language, projecting individual identity onto pieces of one’s surroundings, or dis-integrating environment; a result of the isolated projection of self or (ego) individuation by Western humanity exclusive of integration to a sentient, aware surrounding, where all environment had been/should be, social” -Ronald Thomas West


“In 1918 Christian missionary A. McG. Beede took Yale graduate Harry Boise to the Standing Rock Sioux and Turtle Mountain Chippewa reservations on separate occasions, where Boise explained scientific ideas to tribal leaders. Beede wrote in his report that both groups immediately understood the concepts without difficulty, saying: “There is no difficulty in leading an old Teton Sioux Indian to understand the ‘scientific attitude’ that the processes that give rise to phenomena may be more and more known by man and may be, to some extent, controlled by man, and that in this way the forces of nature may become a mainspring of progress in the individual and in the human race. The idea of atoms and electrons is easy and pleasing to an old Indian, and he grasps the idea of chemistry.” -Vine Deloria, Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths

The two tribal groups spokesmen replied to Harry Boise, following discussion among themselves:

”The ’scientific view’ is inadequate to explain … how man is to find and know a road along which he wishes and chooses to make this said progress, unless Manitoo by his spirit, guides the mind of man, keeping human beings just and generous and hospitable”  -Rising Sun, Chippewa


“The knowledge and use of any or all the powers of the objects on Earth around us, is as liable to lead a man wrong as to lead him right, because it is merely power, with no way of knowing how to use it correctly- except that spirit is with a man’s spirit for the light” -Red Tomahawk, Sioux

When Rising Sun says ‘Manitou by his spirit’ (guides the mind of man) he is speaking of collective creation, our very surroundings are intelligent expression integrated to nature, or one might say omnipresent god (consciousness.) When Red Tomahawk says ‘spirit is with a man’s spirit’ (for the light), he is saying the same thing, both these men, at the end of their cultures’ many millennia era of knowledge, are looking at what d’Espangnat stumbles upon nearly 100 years later; recognizing an innate consciousness embodied in our surroundings plays in everything we can experience.

Moreover, Red Tomahawk is discriminating between a sole, intimate knowledge of any single object’s raw power, and an understanding of the larger purpose concerning the nature of that very object, recognizing these are distinct things.

Summed up from the ancient tribal view, when incorporating the modern understanding, our existence is Macro-Gaia (in the big picture) or all is [inter] related, from sub-atomic particle to planetary structures, with an element of Vitalism (the ‘great mystery’), taken together presenting as quasi or mimic intelligent design. The intelligent design would be ‘quasi or mimic’ because the tribal take on this aspect would be better described as ‘intelligent expression’, ‘design’ implies an egoic projection or attribution, whereas ‘expression’ should not. This thought goes to the ancient tribal persona of humility: There are some things one simply cannot know.

Absolutes, something the European monotheists crave, are counter to flexible adjustments necessary to navigating reality, example given, Indo-European ‘civilization’ and its’ hierarchal relatives have a habit of rising and falling; wherein this Western civilized perception ‘truths’ become absolutes, leading to a brittle construction when the elasticity of reality shifts away from any particular society’s foundation in the Indo-European family of nations. Brittle constructions imply impending collapse as the given society’s parameter of ‘perceived reality’, which is actually a state of inter-generational perception in stasis, becomes farther and farther removed from the shifting nature of reality in actuality.

For those of you more or less stuck in a rut of the Cartesian-Platonic paradigm of reality, I invite a read of the following essays as a creative endeavor in social science fiction (and to wonder at what many, many millions of your tax dollars have been spent exploring in the so-called ‘special access programs’ of the American intelligence community.)

Stargate Project (0) series introduction

Stargate Project (1) down the rabbit hole

Stargate Project (2) the nazi meme

Stargate Project (3) transcendent warfare

Stargate Project (0.0) epilogue


This article first appeared at Ft Russ

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^ ‘Presidential Secrets’ screenshot

Dois Gene Tatum was an American CIA operations asset ‘conscripted’ into the agency, according to his own account, due to exceptional personal circumstance. His is an insider narrative of the international narcotics trafficking related to Iran-Contra; his 1997 (1-1/2 hour) video statement is followed by (in my estimation) what is wrong with the video and then what’s right with the video:

What is ‘wrong’ with the video is immediately apparent at first viewing; Tatum’s account has been sabotaged by the very people he entrusted his testimony to. Ted Gunderson is not in the class of people you would want promoting material that should be taken seriously. The problem for actors (not in the thespian sense) like Tatum is, to get a wide audience they depend on actors (in the extreme thespian sense) to promote their materials; because no one in mainstream will touch the material he is divulging with the proverbial ten foot pole. The trade-off?

“Gunderson is a former FBI bureau chief (Los Angeles) about whom it has been said: Joël van der Reijden’s list of what not to believe includes “everything that has come out of Ted Gunderson‘s mouth.” His employment with the FBI has given him much initial credibility, while there appears to be the general consensus, that over time he more and more blew everything he touched out of proportion” [1]

However Gunderson’s FBI background might have convinced Tatum, true to the preceding statement, the video (towards the end) exaggerates what Tatum is saying about the dangers of developing globalism in the extreme with inserted off topic clips, the most notable being:

Presenting an excerpted statement of Cathy O’Brian on overhearing conversations between George H.W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton. This self-professed MK Ultra victim may or not have had some experience and Project Monarch may or not exist as an MK Ultra subset but her presence only serves to distract from the testimony of Chip Tatum. [2], [3]

Followed by David Icke’s inserted clip on “The New World Order”, a fine bit of speech but associating Chip Tatum’s revelations with the anti-globalism activist who is most famous for his belief in ‘illuminati shape-shifting lizard DNA persona’ is not going to ‘win friends and influence people’ among those who need to hear Tatum’s message.

What is ‘right’ about the video is, it is consistent with, and overlaps, several other serious accounts of, and associations with, the Iran-Contra principals:

1) Ari Ben Menashe’s account of his involvement with Iran-Contra as an Israeli intelligence officer, ‘Profits of War’, where Ben Menashe also reveals MOSSAD’s involvement with cocaine trafficking. [4]

2) Los Angeles Police Department detective Michael Ruppert’s investigations into the source of the cocaine flooding LA pointing to the CIA during the Iran-Contra period. [5]

3) San Jose Mercury investigative journalist Gary Webb’s ‘Dark Alliance’ series on Iran-Contra and California’s crack cocaine epidemic. [6]

4) Jeb Bush’s connections to Miami’s anti-Castro Cuban exile community and some of its principal players, recalling anti-Castro exiles have populated the CIA’s operations division in what amounts to a George H.W. Bush fan club (Tatum mentions the involvement of William Barr in the Jeb Bush context.) [7], [8]

5) A surprise, but it shouldn’t be, because it is absolutely consistent with human behavior, is Tatum’s account of former CIA Director William Colby’s involvement; it would seem Colby could not bring himself to give up the ‘operator’ role and limit himself to the practice of law, following his ‘retirement’ from the CIA. Prior to this, Colby’s fingerprints are all over the USA’s practice of state terror; from initiating the Gladio terror cells in Europe to running the CIA’s Phoenix program with its’ estimated up to 50,000 extra-judicial assassinations in Vietnam. Directly relevant is the CIA’s heroin trafficking in Vietnam when Colby had hands on responsibility for a major portion of the agency’s ‘dirty’ operations in that theater. In their own way, even if they had never personally consumed illicit narcotics, it would seem the violence & narcotics trafficking principals are addicts as well. Tatum placing Colby at the heart of Iran-Contra is credible. [9], [10]

6) Excluding the distractions inserted into the video and focusing solely on his narrative, Chip Tatum seems relaxed and ‘at peace’ with himself while delivering his message which is largely consistent with his (1990s) accounts elsewhere; as though the material were not in any sense scripted or invented but manifest from clear memory. His shortly later backtracking on ‘neutralizing’ a MOSSAD player (‘the dream’) is perfectly understandable; MOSSAD’s implacable policy of an ‘eye for an eye’ in relation to their ‘untouchables’ (officers & agents) should determine Tatum would wish he’d excised this event from his candid statements (coming clean), where he describes his role in the Israeli’s death, particularly if he’d been falsely informed MOSSAD approved of Amiram Nir’s termination (one would expect MOSSAD would reserve the right to kill its’ own, the Israelis should be hyper-sensitive to this and they had their own teams in the vicinity, were it a job they wanted done.) [11], [12]

Tatum’s other mistake was to give too much information on one critical point; he specifies it was an Honduran military officer keeping the remainder of his “insurance file” safe. The nine or so years between his vanishing from the public eye and his body reported to have washed up on a Panama beach in 2007 easily could have been enough time for his former employers and criminal associates to sort who kept the file and neutralize it, freeing them to murder Tatum. Noting this, the partial release of Tatum’s ‘insurance file’ is what would have secured his freedom to time of his own assassination nine years later and why he’d been alive in the meantime to speak freely (too freely, as it would turn out.) Either MOSSAD or CIA might have been responsible but the fact he’d  been tortured, and had his face ripped off, speaks to the CIA’s Latin America operatives, with their enhanced sadistic (Catholic) character. That’s where the Tatum story *should* have ended; whether a cover for his final disappearance or the reality of the matter. But he rose from the dead.

One is nearly tempted to like the un-reincarnated Tatum, admire his quitting the business and coming clean but for the fact he’s admitted to professional killings (no matter likely these were well deserved deaths, not for the fact of who ordered them but for the fact of the business they were in) and particularly for the fact of, by his own account, the aircraft piloted solely by Tatum accounted for approximately 8 tons of cocaine fed into the pipeline supplying the United States. One assesses Tatum was not of an innate criminal nature but trapped into a life of crime due to attending circumstance concerning certain career choice. In a perverse sense, Tatum comes across as a sort of modern manifestation of Jesus’ saying ‘there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open’ or a finger poking holes in the darkness surrounding players exemplified in the Bush crime family.

Returning to the subject of what’s ‘wrong’ with the Chip Tatum picture, is the ever deepening enmeshment of his legacy with the real fruitcakes running with his story in Tatum’s internet ‘afterlife.’ Tatum surfaced alive in 2010 and began associating with this nutjob:

“My grandfather Maurice Allen Wheeler was a leader in the Masons, DeMolay and President of the Local UAW Union in Saginaw Michigan. He knew CIA agent Dois Gene “Chip” Tatum and his wife Nancy. Chip reported directly to Hillary Rodham Clinton in the early 1980s. Hillary is the leader of the Globalists and has been for decades. She dabbles in the occult and is known in such circles as the White Queen. They would talk openly about blowing up the World Trade Center and then detonating a nuclear weapon in Lansing Michigan to bring about the New World Order. They chose Lansing because the Fall Out will blow over Canada causing an international incident and thus start the North American Union”

“I emailed former CIA Director William Casey about this in 1996 but then he died in a strange boating accident. [sic, Casey was long dead, it was Colby who died while ‘boating’] He had a personal website with a public e-mail address at the time. [sic, not likely]

“I also had encounters at the Order of the Eastern Star in D.C. as a kid that scared me. Hillary Clinton is a member and she is the primary descendant of Robert Navarre whom was a member of the French Royal Family. The French royal family worshiped the Black Madonna Queen Semiramis/Venus/Diana. No one has ever polled the First Ladies to see if they are members of the Order of the Eastern Star. How strange huh” [13]

Previous to this preceding, it was another absolute bozo and former associate of Ted Gunderson, Stew Webb, had stolen Gunderson’s files and, since Tatum’s ‘resurrection’ has promoted Tatum in joint web appearances on the extreme of the conspiracy lunatic fringe. [14], [15]

And it certainly doesn’t do much for Tatum’s articles to turn up on neo-nazi websites. [16]

Finally, we come to the point of what is going on with Chip Tatum’s ‘internet afterlife’ and this brings us to Gordon Duff and his website Veterans Today, where Chip Tatum’s new book on Robert Mueller, naming Trump Attorney General, William Barr, as a member of the Bush crime family, has been recently promoted. [17]

Chip_Tatum - 1 (2)

“In a 1985 meeting, in Costa Rica, William Barr advised V.P Bush that funds and product [cocaine] were being siphoned off by partners in “The Enterprise”. Bush ordered Barr to find out who was responsible. The Finding was simple. The Clintons were cleared, but Barry Seal and Manual Noriega were the thieves. Vice President Bush was adamant that both Seal and Noriega had to be “taken care of”. His fear of a path leading to the White House and possible impeachment at the minimum resulted in orders for is trusted counsel William Barr to pave the path and find a solution” [18]

There is a wicked cognitive dissonance comes up, because, Tatum, as a stands alone character, is likely on the up & up; but not only did Veterans Today at one point have thief, compulsive liar and psychiatric case (Duff had to have known this) Stew Webb writing for their publication, Duff himself is on record as putting out disinformation, when he’d stated:

“About 30% of what’s written on Veterans Today, is patently false. About 40% of what I write, is at least purposely, partially false, because if I didn’t write false information I wouldn’t be alive. I simply have to do that. I write…anything I write I write between the lines” [19]

Simply put, Duff would have us go ‘find an online crystal ball to sort fact from fiction at Veterans Today and it’s all good’ (that’s irony, for the uninitiated.)

What in fact Tatum’s ‘journey’ suggests is, Tatum is the one who’d been ‘neutralized’ with guilt by association connecting him to frauds, fruitcakes and cowards. Here’s his amazon book statistics as of this articles posting:

Chip_Tatum - 1 (3)

Tatum might have earned a visit (maybe two) to Starbucks but he certainly isn’t able to feed his dog, let alone himself, with book sales. What’s needed is an example of 300 Spartans, and whoever walked Tatum through self-publishing with a listing at Amazon, instead surrendered West Point to the British, there could be no better means of burying his exposé.

The remedy? A print pdf file, with links to online documents in his possession, spammed across the world, should help overcome Tatum’s association with all of those best exemplified by Monty Python’s King Arthur, when battling a bunny: “Run Away!”

Tatum’s original (1997) radio interviews HERE [20]























A former Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence for Special Forces, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald is published in International Law as a layman (The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole) and has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background (no degree) is social psychology. His therapeutic device is satire.


I am rerunning this piece for the fact of how it relates to so-called ‘special counsel’ Robert Mueller, a long time deep state operative. Like him or despise him, Trump is not the point. The point is our system is corrupted to the core, influenced by multiple, often times competing, criminal actors, and is unstable and dangerous.

Anyone wishing for a glimpse of irrefutable evidence the USA’s Department of Justice, and its satellite Federal Bureau of Investigation, have been corrupted/co-opted by the Central Intelligence Agency, need look no further than Robert Mueller’s failure to act, when FBI Director, on the case of Enrique Prado, a drug cartel serial killer whose concurrent career had been high-level official at CIA. It follows, appointing Mueller “Special Counsel” in a case where Western liberal democracies’ intelligence agencies are implicated (MI6/CIA, Fusion GPS, et al) is brilliantly cynical.

“This title is not currently available for purchase”

Evan-Wright-Amazon - 1

^ amazon screenshot

Why has Enrique Prado never been prosecuted? How is it three consecutive FBI Directors, Robert Mueller, James Comey & Christopher Wray, all of them, have let a proven serial killer continue to run free and go on killing? Corruption doesn’t go much deeper than this:

The CIA’s Amazon Books (or how to own a billionaire)

So, how is it a ‘kindle’ e-book detailing the history of a contemporary era CIA assassin is ‘out of print’ at amazon books? Can virtual reality actually have a paper supply problem? Or is it because Jeff Bezos’ amazon (Bezos is amazon’s largest stock-holder & CEO) has a $600,000,000 (six-hundred-million) contract supplying the CIA with ‘cloud’ services?

Small wonder Bezos’ Washington Post is recently the CIA’s preferred street-walker for planting fake news stories even as it had shrieked over ‘fake news.’ Now, going to the banned-at-amazon book:

‘How to Get Away with Murder in America: Drug Lords, Dirty Pols, Obsessed Cops, and the Quiet Man Who Became the CIA’s Master Killer’

Enrique_Prado - 1

^ Enrique Prado (he would be older now, perhaps 60+)

“This is a story that the CIA will not want you to read. It will likely shake your faith in the highest levels of America’s national security establishment. And it will leave you feeling as if you are living not in the United States but in a seedy banana republic where there is no line between the good guys and the bad guys.

“In “How to Get Away with Murder in America,” the celebrated journalist Evan Wright reveals the extraordinary story of Enrique “Ricky” Prado, an alleged killer for a major Miami drug trafficker who was recruited into the CIA. Despite a grand jury subpoena and a mountain of evidence unearthed by a federal task force, Prado was promoted into the agency’s highest echelons and charged with implementing some of the country’s most sensitive post-9/11 counterterrorist operations, including the agency’s secret “targeted assassination unit.” All while staying in close touch with his cocaine-trafficking boss and, evidence suggests, taking part in additional killings for him.

“After Prado retired in 2004 at the rank of SIS-2—the CIA equivalent of a two-star general—he moved to a senior position at Blackwater, the private military contractor, where he continued to run the same, now-outsourced “death squad.” Contrary to government assurances that it was never actually activated, Wright reveals explosive testimony from one of the Blackwater assassins that Prado’s unit was indeed carrying out assigned killings. As a former military intelligence officer told Wright in 2011, “Private contractors are whacking people like crazy over in Afghanistan for the CIA.”

“In “How to Get Away with Murder in America,” Wright discloses never-before-seen federal investigation files and lays out a mind-boggling and ultimately damning indictment of Ricky Prado and the intelligence community that embraced and empowered him. It is the deeply disturbing story of a criminal case abandoned because of CIA intervention, political maneuvering, and possibly corruption. Its cast includes Mafia capos, former U.S. Senator Bob Graham, former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, former CNN host Rick Sanchez, and Prado’s longtime boss at the CIA and then Blackwater, J. Cofer Black, who is now a “special adviser” to presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Wright also delivers a stunning portrait of Prado’s childhood friend Albert San Pedro, a.k.a. “the Maniac,” the drug lord whom he served for years as loyal bodyguard and enforcer, as well as their longtime nemesis Mike Fisten, the detective who began pursuing them more than two decades ago and still hopes to put them both in prison for murder.

“There are many conspiracies in Wright’s story, all of them unsettling. Did the CIA knowingly hire a suspected murderer with strong ties to drug traffickers? Or was the agency a stooge, infiltrated by an underworld hood described by one investigator as “technically, a serial killer”?

“How to Get Away with Murder in America” is likely to have serious repercussions for the U.S. national security establishment. And it will shake to the core your conceptions of government and justice in America”

Sure it could have “serious repercussions” if it were available. The book was offered for sale at amazon in 2012. Bezos picked up the 600 million ‘private cloud services’ contract with the CIA in 2013:

“Professor Robert McChesney, who has published books dealing with conflicts of interest in the media, for example, also blasted the links. “When the main shareholder in one of the very largest corporations in the world benefits from a massive contract with the CIA on the one hand, and that same billionaire owns the Washington Post on the other hand, there are serious problems””

No shit, Sherlock. And serious problems at amazon. After all, when the CIA comes calling, Bezos wouldn’t want things going wrong and a last sight of Enrique Prado’s silenced pistol presented in a follow-up visit:

“When best-selling author Evan Wright began digging into the hard-to-believe life story of Enrique “Ricky” Prado–a former Miami thug who became a top CIA official–he was told to stay away or risk getting “whacked.” One investigator warned, “You don’t want to f— with this guy.” Wright first learned about Prado while researching American Desperado, his shockingly good book about drug trafficker Jon Roberts. At first, he refused to believe that an alleged hitman and bodyguard for a mobster could become a CIA informant and eventually rise to the top echelons of the U.S. national security and intelligence systems. In this riveting account, Wright says the “two halves of Prado’s life…made no sense.” But through dozens of interviews and thousands of documents, Wright tries to make sense of them. The result is a story of two fiercely loyal Cuban-American childhood pals–Prado and his former cocaine-running boss, Albert “the Maniac” San Pedro–whose kinship lasted throughout Prado’s CIA career. Even as Prado rose to the CIA equivalent of a two-star general, he helped San Pedro with numerous deadly deeds. This is investigative journalism at its best—brave, meticulous, and significant” -Neal Thompson


“Evan Wright is the recipient of two National Magazine Awards and the author of the bestselling “Generation Kill,” “Hella Nation,” and “American Desperado,” which he co-wrote with Jon Roberts. His reporting has also been included in “The Best American Crime Writing.” He co-wrote the HBO series “Generation Kill,” based on his book

Leave comments for Enrique Prado at his website e.g. I filled out the ‘murder for hire’ webform and left the message “Kudos to Evan Wright”

Suggested messages for Enrique Prado: Confess, brave men don’t kill with silencers, assassination is morally and ethically wrong, justice will prevail, your career makes Castro look like an angel by comparison, sneaky murders are a damning judge of one’s character, or other, simple, polite and on point message reminding Prado he is not invisible or forgotten

If perchance Prado’s webmaster blocks this site’s link to Prado’s page, you have the options to type or copy and paste: (into your browser’s address bar to access his site)



The original (above) amazon link from which much of the preceding quotes are drawn appears to have been disabled, here is an alternative link to a Wired article with similar information:

Also see:

WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived


^ Gina Haspel’s boyfriend (Mike Pompeo)