Archives for posts with tag: Defense Intelligence Agency

2019: The year of deconstructing the Western culture’s character; in the five preceding years of this blog, if anything should be apparent, it should be insanity is ‘normal’ in the ‘civilized’ world. Why? Let’s have a look:

This section begins with a short explanation of the fundamental mistake or misapprehension of reality by modern thought. If you’re from the culture that came up with virgin birth, Santa Claus & the tooth fairy, it should be easy enough to understand when your own advances in quantum mechanics call bullshit on everything you were taught is reality, in other words, the Western Cartesian-Platonic based science, right?

“We’re not used to thinking about process. We communicate with an object-based language. [Theoretical physicist] David [Bohm] invented a thing called – “rheomode“ – language in which we speak to each other in a flowing mode. There are some ancient languages which do this – Hopi Indian and some others. In his book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, you’ll find a chapter on language, in which he discusses this rheomode. It didn’t work [for science], because we were still thinking of objects” -theoretical physicist Basil Hiley

In light of the preceding, Einstein’s “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”, suggests if the problem were an embedded cultural phenomenon, and assembling the ideas of the greatest brains from the history of Western civilization, any real solution would require identifying and weeding out the root mistake(s) of the ‘best and brightest.’ Going to that thought, try solving this next problem or even grasping the magnitude of the proposed thesis:

A: “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato” -Alfred North Whitehead


B: ”The [Plato’s] doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment” -theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat


C: “nouns or millennia destructive process ‘objectifying’ language, projecting individual identity onto pieces of one’s surroundings, or dis-integrating environment; a result of the isolated projection of self or (ego) individuation by Western humanity exclusive of integration to a sentient, aware surrounding, where all environment had been/should be, social” -Ronald Thomas West


“In 1918 Christian missionary A. McG. Beede took Yale graduate Harry Boise to the Standing Rock Sioux and Turtle Mountain Chippewa reservations on separate occasions, where Boise explained scientific ideas to tribal leaders. Beede wrote in his report that both groups immediately understood the concepts without difficulty, saying: “There is no difficulty in leading an old Teton Sioux Indian to understand the ‘scientific attitude’ that the processes that give rise to phenomena may be more and more known by man and may be, to some extent, controlled by man, and that in this way the forces of nature may become a mainspring of progress in the individual and in the human race. The idea of atoms and electrons is easy and pleasing to an old Indian, and he grasps the idea of chemistry.” -Vine Deloria, Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths

The two tribal groups spokesmen replied to Harry Boise, following discussion among themselves:

”The ’scientific view’ is inadequate to explain … how man is to find and know a road along which he wishes and chooses to make this said progress, unless Manitoo by his spirit, guides the mind of man, keeping human beings just and generous and hospitable”  -Rising Sun, Chippewa


“The knowledge and use of any or all the powers of the objects on Earth around us, is as liable to lead a man wrong as to lead him right, because it is merely power, with no way of knowing how to use it correctly- except that spirit is with a man’s spirit for the light” -Red Tomahawk, Sioux

When Rising Sun says ‘Manitou by his spirit’ (guides the mind of man) he is speaking of collective creation, our very surroundings are intelligent expression integrated to nature, or one might say omnipresent god (consciousness.) When Red Tomahawk says ‘spirit is with a man’s spirit’ (for the light), he is saying the same thing, both these men, at the end of their cultures’ many millennia era of knowledge, are looking at what d’Espangnat stumbles upon nearly 100 years later; recognizing an innate consciousness embodied in our surroundings plays in everything we can experience.

Moreover, Red Tomahawk is discriminating between a sole, intimate knowledge of any single object’s raw power, and an understanding of the larger purpose concerning the nature of that very object, recognizing these are distinct things.

Summed up from the ancient tribal view, when incorporating the modern understanding, our existence is Macro-Gaia (in the big picture) or all is [inter] related, from sub-atomic particle to planetary structures, with an element of Vitalism (the ‘great mystery’), taken together presenting as quasi or mimic intelligent design. The intelligent design would be ‘quasi or mimic’ because the tribal take on this aspect would be better described as ‘intelligent expression’, ‘design’ implies an egoic projection or attribution, whereas ‘expression’ should not. This thought goes to the ancient tribal persona of humility: There are some things one simply cannot know.

Absolutes, something the European monotheists crave, are counter to flexible adjustments necessary to navigating reality, example given, Indo-European ‘civilization’ and its’ hierarchal relatives have a habit of rising and falling; wherein this Western civilized perception ‘truths’ become absolutes, leading to a brittle construction when the elasticity of reality shifts away from any particular society’s foundation in the Indo-European family of nations. Brittle constructions imply impending collapse as the given society’s parameter of ‘perceived reality’, which is actually a state of inter-generational perception in stasis, becomes farther and farther removed from the shifting nature of reality in actuality.

For those of you more or less stuck in a rut of the Cartesian-Platonic paradigm of reality, I invite a read of the following essays as a creative endeavor in social science fiction (and to wonder at what many, many millions of your tax dollars have been spent exploring in the so-called ‘special access programs’ of the American intelligence community.)

Stargate Project (0) series introduction

Stargate Project (1) down the rabbit hole

Stargate Project (2) the nazi meme

Stargate Project (3) transcendent warfare

Stargate Project (0.0) epilogue


The introduction to this series, for those who’d not read it or would wish to review it, may be found HERE. It is recommended the introduction be read prior to delving into any of the articles in this series.


Stargate Project Part Three

This series began with referencing a story of contemporary Russian military ‘combat’ parapsychology efforts discussing the American Defense Intelligence Agency’s ‘former’ research into the paranormal phenomenon called “remote Viewing” (the real focus of the Zerohedge story, for lack of information on the Russian side.) This author has taken the story forward to develop its’ implications for what is named “Transcendent Warfare” in a paper for the Marine Corps War College discussing the ‘discontinued’ Stargate Program.

Part three explores the actual possibilities available to the modern mentality; or so-called ‘civilized’ states’ pursuit of Stargate type programs exploring a ‘transcendent warfare’ understanding, within the severely constricted Cartesian-Platonic cultural paradigm.

they would ‘literally’ see you coming

Ceremonial ‘remote viewing’ translates to English across the several Northern plains tribes as the ‘telescope lodge.’ This had been an authentic practice deriving from ancient times. In the modern era it is problematic for a few reasons, not least because it has become a widely faked practice. [1]

Setting aside the out & out fakes, there should be those natives assimilated to Western culture to some degree (one hates to say ‘damaged’) who retain a higher than average (compared to Western psychics) ability to ‘see’, if for no other reason than there had not yet been enough generations of these linages stamped out by Christianity. If these parties had access to the original laws (oral tradition, sans training) concerning this ‘sight’, they should know the rule: each time this sight is used frivolously, one day is subtracted from your life expectancy.

Then, there are those surviving bonafide practitioners, properly trained in the tradition of sight, aware of the web’s energy strings and possessed of the ability to see the ‘energies.’ The implications for the Western investigator seeking this knowledge, if they only knew the actual score, would be something larger than profound; for the fact these indigenous high practitioners actually do exist but for the Western world, they might as well not exist, because you could not ‘see’ them. This paradox of invisibility I am pointing to is, these particular people would literally ‘see’ you coming, not merely as some individual but with all of your attending ‘energies.’ This fact would automatically shut off all transfer of information to anyone associated with ‘error recordings’ in a macro-cosmic sense. Let me explain:

Accumulated small ‘error recordings’, although nearly unknown in the past, are common today because Western culture has determined ‘selection pressure’ for intelligence is no longer applied to the community in either; the social-cultural context (leadership), or its’ closely associated natural context (survival exterior to the village.) The rude (honest) manner of stating this phenomenon of the current era would be ‘morons abound.’ We’re used to seeing this in the modern times, very few individuals remain in a state of integrity providing a clean (error free) light. Altogether different to this ‘dull’ light is another error recording reflected (one could say) in intense light; there is no escape when your mistake is large, it cannot be concealed. Anyone associated with a project like Stargate, or other project, seeking method that short-cuts or otherwise ‘cheats’ (records errors into their light concerning) those avenues the living macrocosmic system actually offers, should discover their pilgrimage into the actuality of the ancient world’s learning continue to vanish before their eyes; like a mirage. None of the practitioners still fluent in the truly ancient ways would wish to ‘dirty’ their own light by opening to anyone with severe, recorded mistakes. Just exposing themselves can damage their abilities. Cultural anthropology could never ‘find’ these people (they could not authentically open), it simply never worked. With the real priests of the knowledge ruled out, what you’re left with in any search for keys to transcendent warfare (exploitation) is the intermediate level practitioners (between the fakes and the real) or what Floyd HeavyRunner (High Priest of Okan) called “The Witches.”

forbidden practices

Mel Gibson’s Catholic hypocrisy concerning Meso-American civilizations (noting the Christian civilization’s ritual cannibalism called “Communion”) should not be construed to extend ‘savagery’ to those native nations who’d not strayed from the lessons of the ‘living clock’ briefly encapsulated in the preceding pages. In fact, the Blackfoot prohibition on cannibalism is *at minimum* 12,000 years old, dating to the story of the cannibal witch ai-ta-pyooyi and her attempted escape from justice by crossing a river while riding on the back of a mammoth (the mammoth submerged and she was swept away by the current and drowned.) [2], [3]

It follows, we should look at the Ancient system in a light of ethics outside of stereotype, including stereotype produced by Western anthropology.

The fact of a knowledge of ‘sorcery’ (a superstitious misnomer, authentic practices would be based in easily understood principles of Western science if there were no Cartesian-Platonic misconception called ‘objectivity’) is inescapable in the journey of learning in the ancient way. For many millennia, social ethics practice prohibited its’ employ. These prohibitions had been based in a superior understanding of consequence due to ‘error recordings’ connected to ‘energy strings’ where deliberate machinations (as well, lesser mistakes) exterior to ‘permissions’ (permitted avenues) should invariably lead to disaster. This recalls the anecdote where a ‘whiteman’ (a light-skinned Indian misidentified as such) had been insulted at ceremony by a racist Native American. The ‘offended party’ actually took no offense but was well aware of the higher order of rules; remaining calm and ‘perfectly’ not reacting (not recording the mistake into himself), it was a few hours only and the the offender was notified his mother had, just a few hours before, suddenly and unexpectedly died.

Because ‘the energy string’ could not ‘attach’ to the target of the insult, it rebounded to the source the problem; in a culture (matriarchy) where women are the disciplinarians, in this particular instance the energy ‘dead-ended’ at its’ source or in the party who’d failed to adequately instill proper behaviors in the offender. Ceremony transcending the space-time continuum accentuated this (made it immediate.) In the ancient way, insults are considered to be a form of petty sorcery (referencing the English term ‘curse’), and because of the phenomenon of energy strings, sorcery in an indigenous context is a dangerous business, recalling the old West frontier wisdom ‘it would be smarter to outright kill an Indian, than to insult him.’

In light of this (immediate preceding) bit touching on the intelligence agencies’ exploring the possibilities of “transcendent warfare”, while seeking to circumvent the space-time continuum via the so-called “hemi-sync” device, it will do to give a first hand example of indigenous ceremony relevant to this.

There is an (largely unknown to the anthropologists) ancient (by oral history account 900 or more years) antecedent to the ‘Ghost Dance’ of Wovoka, to which this reporter (yours truly) was apprenticed to a priest for eleven years (Fall of 1981 through 1992.) During one of these events on upper Cut Bank Creek above Starr School on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana, USA, there was a knock on the door of the ceremonial house which was unusual because during ceremony the rule is an open door, no knocking. Sitting closest to the door, I opened it to a young woman asking for help, there had been an automobile wreck and people were hurt. The main room this door opened to was crowded, with many ceremonial attendees, and as I turned to ask who would be able to assist, people were already moving towards the door to go out and help, everyone had seen and heard the person at the door. But no one was there. The young woman had vanished from plain sight in open terrain. Her description fit one of the victims of a car accident two years previously, only a short distance from the house. These are (or had been) frequent occurrences in the pre-Western indigenous experiential context.

The qualitative difference between the artificial lab experiments or “hemi-sync” and the ceremony is quite large; when the entire group is in the channel opened in the space-time continuum, without ‘projection’ or motivation to investigate and/or manipulate, there is little danger posed to those who keep within the ceremonial rules where the window is opened and closed. On the other hand, one can only speculate (in case of classified records) whether some of the ‘hemi-sync’ experiments resulted in ‘lost’ mentalities where there had been projection of the person’s awareness to place unknown where they became trapped in out-of-body experience (couldn’t find their way back), perhaps had their awareness dismantled or destroyed, or at the other end, became opened to what only could be called ‘possession’ in the Western religious sense. Because the Western lab begins from the premise…

“a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge which the universe offers”

…but there is clearly no foundational or working understanding of just what it is ‘the universe offers’ in a program that recklessly risks the unknown, seeking to exploit reality parameters for the purposes of espionage and “transcendent warfare.” This approach would be best abandoned for a limited understanding of the energy strings exploited by common sorcery.

Sorcery in the modern world is a much degenerated practice when juxtaposed to that prohibited by the ancients. In this respect, an understanding of sorcery should be framed in such a way as to circumvent the modern (church invented) stereotype blaming pagan practices which were likely something altogether different than the charges promulgated by their accusers. Authentic pre-Christian ceremony and sorcery in the indigenous American hunter-gatherer sense had been mutually exclusive concepts, any bonafide sorcerer would steer clear of authentic ceremony and the priests of the indigenous philosophies disallowed the practice. [4]

Reframing the concept returns us to the most ancient stories of a time when the women’s law (matriarchy) came into being and the capital punishment for a woman (a law made by women, for women) was the cutting off of the nose to make the living person resemble a skull. This terrible act is as old as the stories of a time when women were possessed of a power that could kill with simple focus and projected thought: “I put my finger through that person.”

On the other hand, men required more effort to perform a fatal act of sorcery, they needed to draw the attention of the victim in some way as to generate fear, setting up an energy string for exploitation. One method to do this would be to poke a sharp stick into a man’s footprint in circumstance where the intended victim should notice and discover one of his arrows had been stolen, modified & used against him. The arrowhead might have been removed and used on another arrow to superficially wound, not fatally, a dangerous animal, perhaps a bear. The intended victim would not explicitly know this second part of the act of sorcery but would *sense* a crime committed that should trigger fear in future encounter. Exploiting the principles of ‘energy strings’ (spinning an unnatural line in the web) this way, the criminal actor exploits fear; and depending on the level of ‘error recordings’ in the victim, (the knowledge of the victim he has uncorrected mistakes), this sequence of events could easily lead to death, whether by an actual bear in surprise encounter via the artificial energy channel tied to any bear encountered sensing this person as a threat, to the fear concept’s methylation of the victim’s DNA causing a cancer, or the associated mental distress and preoccupation causing a loss of ‘sight’ and consequent inattention in circumstance leading to a fatal outcome. On the other hand, if the intended victim was possessed of ‘clean light’ (no, or minimal & faint, error recordings), the act of sorcery should backfire and dead end with (terminate) the initiator. Sorcery was (and is) a dangerous business. [5]

Were the preceding to be experimented with, example given, by the micro-organism sized, ethical personalities running DARPA, one should expect a lab fire of unprecedented scale. It is small wonder ‘civilization’ appears suicidal.

a re-posit of sod’s or murphy’s law

Briefly returning to the ‘remote viewing’ phenomenon, juxtaposed to the idea of ‘energy strings’ and sorcery, it should be stated in introduction to this last section of part three they are both; channels and strings that open like channels and vibrate like strings. I would use the metaphor of light is both a particle and a wave. Remote viewing (and more radically, ‘hemi-sync’) & ceremony employs this phenomenon as a channel, sorcery employs these ‘avenues’ as strings. [6]

When ceremony ‘opens a window’, this is not projective, but specific to invitation created for visitors called (in the common vernacular) ‘spirits.’ In other words, a ceremonial ‘safe space’ is created where our ancestors mingle with the ‘present’ people and (if there is a future) the ‘future’ people (for whom we are the ancestors.) The ‘qualified’ equivalent of ‘hemi-sync’ we create as ceremonial people is a synchronizing of the GROUP via ceremonial behaviors inclusive of several acts related to relics & taboos. We know who we are dealing with via the relics, and the taboos keep unwanted lanes shut. We know how it is to be done. All of this is, in a sense, passive. Invitations only are broadcast, and only down known lanes.

When space-time is ‘transcended’ *exterior to* certain principles recognized and practiced in the preceding, that is to say in the Cartesian-Platonic lab, Richard Dawkins denial notwithstanding, it is an invitation to Murphy as the Whiteman’s god of havoc. These people simply put, will have no idea whatsoever which and/or what sort of energies will have found their way into our space-time continuum. How it all plays out is anyone’s guess. [7]

return to the women

Noting it was a Russian politician divulged the existence of paranormal battle formations and a Russian general denied this, I would side with the politician as it is entirely possible remote viewing channels were employed and *expanded* to suggest certain actions, concealed as intuitive thought, while, example given, directing a certain NATO frigate into the inexplicable (other than attributable to Murphy’s Law) collision that sank it. This proposed scenario should require close, coordinated attention to detail provided in real time through highly gifted (probably female) mediums, and it would be complex and rely on a convergence of circumstance to succeed. Did it happen? If it did, we’ll likely never know. [8]

Another means of defining ‘sorcery’ in the ancient indigenous sense would be to identify those individuals who step outside of the group (social) taboo parameters or separate (isolate) themselves while retaining a high understanding of the use of channels and strings. It was known to happen.

The qualitative difference from ancient to today, concerning the preceding, is stark; the indigenous cultures (everywhere) are in a constant state of drift out of alignment (synchronization with) the natural order and (at best) into a locked down imbalance of logos (Jungian sense), no matter if ‘liberal’, nonetheless representing the Western ‘split & separation’ of the psyche. From the Western (mistaken) view, this could be seen as a sort of self-healing herniation, with the (now autonomous) female intelligence in ever shrinking state. Within the resultant male hierarchical order, the most effective talent pool for manipulation of the energy strings should be found in those organically intelligent women least educated in Cartesian-Platonic methodology and had avoided intense indoctrination into monotheism (the two ‘offenders’ representing a kind of psychologically malignant, male-narcissist, homosexual coupling.) In other words, those women (of good character) least shaped into the collective Western male psychology. An intuitive sense of kinship with nature would be important.

Drawing from this talent pool, going on to manipulate the Cartesian-Platonic ‘god of havoc’ (Murphy), there subsequently could be an effective, collective sorcery method employing the web as strings (as opposed to channels) that could be devastating in the employ of war.

The method would be to ‘spoof’ (mimic) the principle of ‘error recording’ where, example given, one’s enemy force concealed a ‘rape culture’ in a literal-factual sense (not unusual in the Western civilization’s history of military.) Also, that force represented an empirically demonstrable, covetous nature and threat, opposed to one’s own community well-being (interpreted by these women as a threat to the feminine nature.)

The caveat-obstacle to this next would be, your own force would have to be nearly lily-white (clean) and free of hypocrisy in regards to the preceding (rape culture absolutely NOT tolerated) for this next to be effective.

It could be so simple as to have these ‘good character’ female ‘brigades’ retreat to their most comfortable locations in nature, with bare feet on the ground (or otherwise somehow integrated with touch), and meditate with a visceral hate towards their perceived enemies, emphasizing chaos, thereby activating an ‘error recording’ principle or greater selection pressure onto the opposing force. In circumstance where there is clear delineations (without or minimal hypocrisy), counter-attacks should be automatically repelled and returned via the strings resulting in ‘termination’ events (failed to penetrate the ‘clean light’ or good character element of the error recording principle.)


Foreword the A + B = C misapprehension of reality

Stargate Project (0) series introduction

Stargate Project (1) down the rabbit hole

Stargate Project (2) the nazi meme

Stargate Project (3) transcendent warfare < you are here

Stargate Project 0.0 epilogue


[1] Discussed in Penucquem Speaks


[3] Tribes other than the Blackfeet also have ‘mammoth traditions’

[4] The modern exception to the prohibition on sorcery is the stick game, where the now prohibited man-hunting sport in inter-tribal warfare (a sort of ongoing inter-tribal Olympics) has found a new home via sorcery in the ‘money games’ perversion of what had originally been an oracle based on the ‘energy strings’ permeating all that is. See the chapter on stick game from Penuquem Speaks for a detailed use of this knowledge in the game context:






A former Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence for Special Forces, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald is published in International Law as a layman (The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole) and has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background (no degree) is social psychology. His therapeutic device is satire.


“We’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians, this is an attack not just on Paris, it is an attack not just on the people of France, but it is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share” -Barack Obama

Better had Obama truthfully stated ‘our clandestine agencies employing state terror to overthrow Assad has backfired’


Speaking directly to the above intelligence report, the western powers enabling the rise of Islamic State, according to the former boss of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Mike Flynn, “was willful” & “a policy decision

Why didn’t Obama, Hollande and company consider their clandestinely promoting the rise of Islamic State as a device to overthrow Assad was “an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians [and] an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share” ??


The Pentagon knew the CIA had been assisting Salafist militia in Syria since 2012 and our generals sat on their hands and said and did nothing to prevent the rise of Islamic State. These are same generals who’re now proclaiming Russia is the #1 strategic threat to the United States even as they lobby to provide arms and already provide training to Ukraine with neo-Nazi & Salafist (Chechen Al-Qaida & Islamic State veterans of the Syria conflict) elements incorporated to the Ukrainian military. So, who’s threatening who? One more iteration of the insanity and I’m out of here with no promises of when or if I’ll be back. Good luck to you all in our universe where Alfred E. Neuman is practically God –

What would you all think in the case of a ‘smoking gun’ (document) pointing directly to the USA’s involvement in efforts to empower Salafist militia (includes Al Qaida) resulting in the rise of Islamic State?

There is a 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document had come into the public domain in June that mainstream media and almost all alternative media won’t touch. As WikiLeaks sensationalizes what amounts ‘old news’ in the intelligence community, ask yourselves why mainstream media will pick up those stories and run with what consistently points away from the most immediate and pressing danger and none of it touches the DIA document I will leave embedded here:


This damning information from a Defense Intelligence Agency assessment that had found its way into the public domain is also missing from what I now call ‘alternative mainstream media’

The circumstance of the information’s release appears to have been what amounts to raw political agenda combined with incredible ineptitude.

Judicial Watch, an organization with more in common with the religious right generals at the Pentagon than with actual judicial accountability, went after documents it wished to use to undercut Hillary, focusing on her tenure as Secretary of State. This is straightforward motivation in American politics, it’s a dirty game and Hillary’s tenure as head of the Department of State had been one of the most aggressive, criminal and incompetent in the history of United States foreign policy, the present basket-case that is Libya is evidence prima facie. So, Judicial Watch went after whatever documents a lottery by lawsuit might produce. But whoever was in charge of document selection and redaction, in their desire to please (a lawsuit from the left would never turn up the forthcoming information), overlooked (as did Judicial Watch) the full implications of a few sentences of a 2012 Defense Intelligence Assessment on CIA initiated policy (we’ll come to that) in Syria:

“the West, Gulf countries and Turkey support the opposition…

Ok, so that’s no big secret, this has been common knowledge but then you get the larger context:

“…there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in Eastern Syria .. and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime…”

Whoa! Alternatively stated, this would also accurately read ‘we’ll create a supportive circumstance handing Eastern Syria to Al-Qaida to bugger Assad.’ And then the kicker; the DIA assessment accurately predicts the outcome:

“ISI could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create grave danger in regards to unifying Iraq…”

Which is exactly what happened, all on Hillary’s watch and what better dirt to pile on Hillary’s (very desirable) political grave than the fact she had initiated  policy directly responsible for the rise of Islamic State and consequently Iraq coming apart at the seams (again.) But wait, let’s not jump to a sole, simplistic conclusion. When Department of State wants a hatchet-job accomplished, whether a ‘color revolution’ initiated, or an insurgency created, they turn to their Siamese twin, that is the CIA. Department of State decides what needs done, the CIA decides how to go about it. Enters the scene, stage (hard) right, the CIA’s David Petraeus setting up the geopolitical play with his Saudi intelligence counterpart:

Frequently the man who carried out dirty jobs, Bandar bin Sultan surrounded himself with strict regulations in relation to the royal family and its allies, especially the US. It should be remembered that Bandar was absent from major political decisions on more than four occasions since being appointed as general secretary of the National Security Council in 2006. His absence each time was due to a conflict within the royal family or the failure of a mission warranting the suspension of his political activity. His return in July 2012, alongside former CIA Director David Petraeus, was his final bet on the success of his political future.

Bandar had been bold enough to invest all his cards, including al-Qaeda, to win the deal of his life by overthrowing the Syrian regime.

In fact this joint USA-Saudi training, arming and supplying Salafist militia to bolster al-Qaida in Syria has been based out of Jordan and Turkey since the logistics had been pulled together by the CIA in 2012. The Syrian ‘moderate opposition’ had been a front to launder Salafist militia all along, when handing the East of Syria over to what became Islamic State. Any authentic ‘moderates’ would be fighting on the side of Assad, after witnessing the outcome in Libya. Maybe, that’s why, when rewriting history for public consumption, General Petraeus’ buddies at the Pentagon can come with no more than sixty (60) ‘moderate’ fighters in what amounts to a cover program for what has actually gone on?

Figuring this stuff out isn’t rocket science, so how’s our ‘alternative mainstream media’ been doing to now? Keeping you all informed?

Meanwhile, I recommend my readers getting their current information at Sibel Edmonds ‘Boiling Frogs Post.’ It’s not that I would agree with Sibel in every detail, it’s about Sibel turned down a multi-million dollar settlement from the USA to not talk about her experiences and discoveries when working as an FBI translator in the USA’s so-called ‘war on terror.’ Nobody has been able to buy her. Another excellent source of information would be ‘The Corbett Report.‘ As well, my readers might find zerohedge most interesting.

16 October 2015 update:, more often an excellent source of intelligence, buys into an information operation meant to conceal the facts of the CIA’s liaison with Salafist militia in Syria. Read up on this media manipulation at Zero Hedge Drinks The Kool Aid


Litmus Test On WikiLeaks ‘Saudi Cables’ release


For those of my readers who are unfamiliar with the ‘far side’ of the intelligence world, I will simply note the MKULTRA ‘mind control’ program was (and perhaps still is) a very real CIA program with roots in NAZI behavioral science. Since, both the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency had seriously investigated (and perhaps still are) certain parapsychology phenomena as noted in the U.S. Marine Corps War College academic paper:

Unconventional Human Intelligence Support: Transcendent and Asymmetric Warfare Implications of Remote Viewing

“Transcendent warfare’s impact extends well beyond remote viewing, which offers a glimpse of  the possible. It also holds the potential for fundamentally shifting and expanding our current understanding of reality to such an extent that manipulation of established reality parameters, such as time, becomes possible if not plausible. The first nation or group that actualizes transcendent warfare will therefore possess a strategic advantage that may prove insurmountable”

It is noted on page 15:

“Remote viewing could not be controlled and the CIA knew it”

And in this context it is very interesting to read:

“The real challenge for the United States is not asymmetrical warfare, but rather what this writer calls transcendent warfare, the ability to conceptualize and subsequently actualize an entirely new form of warfare that transcends all previously known models. Said ability could enable a nation state or other entity to redefine and to advance warfare to a completely different level or dimension, possibly comprehensible by only a selected but powerful few”

Indeed. And those powerful few need not belong to any nation-state. Nor to any organization. Nor be limited to ‘Remote Viewing.”  In fact ‘remote viewing’ (as known to indigenous shamanism, but they do not call it that) is but one aspect of a phenomena of which knowing how to ‘read’ (entirely unknown to the Marine Corps study author) is every bit as important as knowing how to ‘see’


The DIA & Shamanism

‘The spirit puts into the mind of a man, to know what to do’ –Native American Proverb

The Defense Intelligence Agency, CIA and FBI, all, have sought the Native American knowledge and advanced understanding of ‘remote viewing’, the Native grasp of this phenomena having been far and away superior to any of the western psychics. Native ‘Remote Viewing’, simply put, is the ability to picture and follow events at a distance, in real time, using only the mind.

The Native ability to do this had been, prior to the enforced Anglo-centric education in modern day Indian country, truly phenomenal. And this fact, the enforced western education, is the first clue to the DIA failure. Coinciding with the western education destroying Native thought forms, is the language barrier, wherein Native concept does not easily translate to western, this is the second clue, and underlying this is the coup de grace; a world view so fundamentally different to western, to bring the understanding across would require a rare and uniquely qualified person indeed. I happen to be that person, and I don’t work for the DIA.

In the 1930s, noted linguist Benjamin Whorf postulated language shapes reality (and that Natives know a reality the westerners cannot see), following his learning and subsequent study of Hopi Language. His work on this observed a different concept of time and ultimately led to his (argued over by academics ever since) conclusion there is a distinct similarity in Hopi language to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Hence Whorf’s theory or variant of ‘linguistic relativity’ came into being.

Following Whorf’s pioneering (and much disputed) work, noted ‘action anthropologist’ Karl Schlesier, observed in his book ‘The Wolves of Heaven’ (on Cheyenne shamanism) the resemblance of Cheyenne world view to famed Einstein associate and theoretical physicist David Boehm’s theories. Boehm himself, altogether independently of Schlesier’s observation, entered into an exploratory dialogue on the subject of a Native American world view relationship to Quantum Mechanics with a Canadian Blackfoot Indian, Leroy Little Bear, Director of Native Studies at Harvard. Following Boehm’s death, this dialogue, now comprising a mix of mostly western scientists, some specialized in physics and others in Native American Studies (a form of Western cultural anthropology), had been relocated to SEED Open University at Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was at SEED the dialogue had hosted keynote speaker James O’Dea, then president of the Institute of Noetic Science, and by this time the entire process had been fairly hijacked by New Age influenced science and become hopelessly misguided. How this ties into the DIA will be dealt with in the narrative of this article.

Reputedly based on work initiated in part by the [then new] Institute of Noetic Sciences in the early 1970s, by 1995 the Department of Defense ostensibly discontinued funding of research into remote viewing:

“The foregoing observations provide a compelling argument against continuation of the program within the intelligence community. Even though a statistically significant effect has been observed in the laboratory, it remains unclear whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote viewing, has been demonstrated. “An Evaluation of Remote Viewing: Research and Applications” -American Institutes for Research, Sept. 29, 1995

The problem with this [foregoing] statement, particularly the language “ remains unclear whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote viewing, has been demonstrated” is, the Defense Intelligence Agency, CIA and FBI, all, are aware in fact it is VERY CLEAR there is ‘existence of a paranormal phenomenon, ‘remote viewing’’, based on investigations into the Native American use of remote viewing technique. Remote viewing had been taken into the lab for studies for a period of roughly two decades. Considering this had been a Defense Intelligence Agency funded study, and further considering the Department of Defense spent $350 million on brain research studies in 2011 alone, and in fact remote viewing is known to have highly detailed and reliable instance outside of the lab (in indigenous cultures), it would seem more likely the effort to exploit this indigenous knowledge had shifted away from the lab failures and amateur efforts of western psychics and into clandestine cultural anthropology fieldwork. This thought is supported by a short study on Transcendental Warfare at the United States Marine Corps War College, proposing the CIA [or the DIA] may have done exactly that.

Bolstering this preceding thought is the fact momentous steps have been taken in the field of Quantum Mechanics since the 1980s particularly, to a point where today’s theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat can state:

“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment”

The problem faced by DIA/CIA in this instance is, all lab science to now has been based largely on Cartesian dualism relevant to matter, the scientists brains are trained up this way and suddenly the DIA finds itself dealing with an unexplored unity principle, insofar as pursuing indigenous knowledge. The vaunted laboratories of western empiricism are in fact useless to pursue what lies beyond the grasp of nearly the entire body of science on account of how the mentalities of the scientists themselves are shaped through life-long training. Suddenly it makes sense to revert to cultural anthropology in the chase for an understanding of reality beyond the present purview of western knowledge, bringing them to Benjamin Worf’s work as a point of reference. I will propose not only did the DIA throw away much money in the lab, but continue to chase rabbit trails with their penetration of Institute of Noetic Sciences shamanic studies, where there is as much self-deceit generally, as there is in a culture particularly devoted to exploitation of phenomenal nature they had failed to grasp from the time of Plato and the inception of western science.

Native languages are pretty much ‘noun free’ languages, where everything is described in terms of process, and process is a moving thing, hence the Native differing concept of ‘time.’ The present is never static, it is always perceived as moving and you are moving with it. Past and future, both, have a present tense. Our world is perceived as a living clock of sorts, the clock is time in motion and we all are part and parcel of this clock. So, it is easy to see how the western mentality is not equipped to fathom Native thought and its attending abilities and how enforced western educations in Cartesian based or Platonic philosophies and concepts of time would destroy the abilities of the present Native generations through the deprivation of their language and its attending intelligence. Simply put, western education, from a Native Quantum Mechanics based perception of reality, dumbs people down, severely.

How is the ancient native mind shaped? From infancy, the child is included in nearly everything. An infant sleeps with their parents until they wean themselves, that could be to age three or four. A baby that does not wish to be held, must not be held. A toddler is distracted and enticed away from danger rather than shouted at. Behavior is explained, never demanded. The children are NEVER lied to. Teaching the child is primarily via setting highest ethical example. The same respect accorded the child is accorded all living things, to include trees and even stones. The is no ‘adult’ world versus a child’s world.

The result of this upbringing is the child learning to ‘see’ the world they live in, the ‘living clock’, as a state of self-integrated/ongoing process. The ‘product’ of this process is people who cannot be told what to do except that they should decide for themselves following a leader is in their best interest. Western educations, of course, kill this process, and development in the ancient Native mentality is arrested. But it was my good fortune to experience teachers in the truly ancient Native mentality, and at a point in life I was prepared to listen and discipline myself in ways westerners, as a class, are nearly incapable of, particularly the males. And so it is, over a span of three decades, I learned to ‘see.’ Once set down that road free of the constraints of western culture and education, the ‘sight’ only grows, for the entirety of one’s life. Cartesian/Platonic mentalities can never fully know this, or that is to say ‘science’ and mentalities trained in western thought. The Cartesian/Platonic disciplined mentality is ‘masculinized’ out of the ability to ‘see’ from infancy. And though it may be possible for the western mentality to intellectually grasp this (or westernized mentality, e.g. Leroy Little Bear), it would be nearly impossible, for the males particularly, to overcome how their minds have been shaped and actually ‘know’ these phenomena, except they were able to authentically reject everything they have learned, a highly unlikely prospect, and begin from scratch. Ready to throw away that PhD, as well everything you’ve learned since in the womb, and begin all over again at age 30-50? They can’t do it. Even were there necessarily qualified Native teachers remaining who would agree to share their knowledge, something a properly trained ‘seer’ would NEVER do for DIA, because it would take them out of alignment with the living clock and consequently out the window would go their gift of sight. Why? Simply recall d’Espagnat stating human consciousness cannot be arbitrarily separated from objects, which is what Cartesian-Platonic shaped science sets out to do.

When contrasted to the ‘living clock’ Native understanding of reality, the Native could be said to be allergic to the western concept of reality, which is almost certainly why the gifted Native cosmologist, Leon Secatero, became ill and died, following his immersion in Western culture. Leon had tried to bring related ideas from Native Quantum reality across, to among others, Seed Open University, in that organization’s attempts to ‘feminize’ the masculine western reality, but the fact remains the result is not Native reality, but instead a ‘feminized’ western masculine reality. There cannot be any honest integration of the western duality outside of the ‘living clock’, because the androgynous nature of intention in the living nature aspect we are all meant to be integrated to, cannot know separation from the self. This requirement of Cartesian/Platonic philosophy shapes the western culture’s mentalities which only know intention as manipulation exterior to any integrated to Nature experience. Nature hates you and you will die.

A short manner of restating all of this preceding is, if “the kingdom of heaven is within”, and you “must be like little children” to get there, a culture subsequently shaped by the worship of a sadistic political murder of those very ideas, can never know the experience.

Having much of my youth in close proximity to the Montana Blackfeet and knowing Indians growing up, it was a no-brainer [in my thinking] to immerse in that culture when I’d realized I was not adjusting to western culture on my return from Vietnam. Our Indian tribes have a special –and different- relationship to their veterans and the fact of my being a veteran, as well acquainted with Indians for some years already, eased my move into that culture in the middle 1970s. I immersed in the Blackfoot language community, their way of life and ceremony. I was fortunate to be initially ‘adopted’ by an old couple living on the Rocky Mountain Front, south of Browning, Montana. He was a healer, she was a ‘seer.’ Via my relationship to this old couple, I became a member of the ‘Black Door’ clan.

I gathered fire wood for the old couple, cut holes in the ice at the edge of a small lake, so their few cows could drink, made better deals for them when doing business with White ranchers to buy hay and was their driver. The old woman, the ‘seer’, was my primary teacher. I learned to play the ‘stick game’ and became perhaps the only White grandmaster, of that ancient oracle, in Blackfoot history. To be a grandmaster player of the stick game, you must be able to ‘see’ and to ‘see’ quite well. But what the old lady could do, outside of the context of that [in my case] ‘training’ game, was extraordinary. She was reminiscing one time about her younger days when she’d owned a small accordion and was thinking aloud she would like to play one again. Then she looked at me and said “Ron, you know someone who will give me an accordion.” I did not say anything, did not react, only waited for her to continue. She described a man she was absolutely certain I would know, and thinking about it, I thought perhaps she was talking about a German neighbor I’d known growing up but I’d never known him to play accordion. I drove her across the mountains to visit this man I’d not seen in several years, he welcomed us, listened to my explanation, produced an accordion from his storage closet and gave it to her.

I thought that was a pretty interesting event, but it paled by comparison to events to come. Going to this thought, I will recount one more of the old lady’s ability to ‘see’ that was nothing short of amazing. In the 1970s reservation area south of Browning, telephones were nearly unknown. Our rural house had electric lights and that was it. But with the old lady around, we did not need any form of electronic communications. One day she announced we would drive to the house of people she knew on the Blood Indian (Canadian Blackfeet) Reserve at Cardston, Alberta. We would wait there and there would be people driving from the other direction, looking for a healer skilled in the art the old man knew, and they would stop at that house to inquire. I drove the old couple to their stated destination and there we waited and in drove a car of Cree Indians from the north, looking for a healer with a certain ability and the old man was already there, waiting for them. It worked out precisely as the old lady had stated it would, consistent with our planned timeline and departure. In 1981 the old man became ill, he eventually died and she retired. Then began my next experiences, with a new teacher.

It was in 1981, having moved to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains on the border of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation west of Browning, a remarkable man knocked on my door. This man was Pat Kennedy, a Plains Ojibwa Oral Historian and Medicine Man who had married into the Blackfeet tribe 30 years before. Speaking seven native languages fluently, including the Blackfeet language, and with a fluent and creative use of the native pidgin English we held our initial conversation in, Pat had never been to school. His Irish name had been assigned to his family by the government when the apartheid system called Indian reservations had been established. When Pat had knocked and I opened the door for him, his introduction was: “I’m Pat Kennedy. I like where your house is and I would like to use it for ceremony.” For the following 24 years, until he died, I was this remarkable man’s student and became one of his close and best friends. For the first eight years of my learning with Pat, I traveled with him widely and met other masters of the Native American science based in advanced understanding of Quantum Mechanics. These people live a reality that can only be described in western terminology as sort of low key ‘lucid dreaming.’ Here again I met ‘seers’ with uncanny accuracy in describing real time events which manifest precisely as predicted, in one instance it had been announced by a ‘seer’ another medicine man was approaching in company of several persons he was not acquainted with. The old man detailed each individual precisely as they appeared on arrival. Now begins the journey of several ‘coincidence’ [noting coincidence is not a valid concept in Native American thought] that take Pat and myself to the Institute for Noetic Sciences, but first a bit more on the ‘seers’ in Indian country, and Pat’s relating experience to me about meeting the FBI and information on ‘others’ involved with seeking out Native American’s gifted with accurate real time ‘remote viewing’ skill.

Pat related to me that, some years previous to our becoming acquainted, he had been one of the Indians the FBI had expressed an interest in, on account of ‘remote viewing’ (Pat did not call it that) and he had initially been amenable to meeting with these people but soon changed his mind and decided not to work with them. The best way I can explain Pat’s and other of the valid Native seers rationale, is to state a well know fact in Indian country: “Coyote is crazy because he has a maggot in his brain.” Now, if the FBI (or for that matter, the DIA/CIA) were to hear this perfectly logical statement (to the ancient Indian mentality) given as a reason (the Indians do not provide the reasoning, they simply do not show up), they’d be stumped, because they cannot translate Native thinking to begin with, let alone Native proverbs. What has actually been stated concerning Coyote is crazy because he has a maggot in his brain in relation to the FBI is, ‘these people are killers.’ Alternatively it is a polite way of saying ‘we saw a murder agenda.’ Well, of course they would see an agenda, where any agenda might be, because they are ‘seers.’ So, in the end, the FBI, CIA and DIA investigations of the Native ‘seer’ phenomena, became stuck with the petty sorcerers, the self-employed dilettantes and out & out fakes in Indian country, because the real McCoy wanted nothing to do with them. This coyote proverb refers to an ancient method of murder in Native America, by introducing a particular larva into the nostril of a sleeping person, a method that almost invariably killed the victim, after a period of insanity. In certain contexts, Coyote represents the Mankind when at his worst behavior.

In the ‘living clock’, which has its own power of volition, there is no concept of coincidence or accident. And so it was my teacher, Pat Kennedy, had been the first Native American awarded the “Temple Prize”, for creative altruism, by the Institute of Noetic Sciences, in 1997. On first sight, the actual award was a disaster. Nominated by an IONS member so low as to be a worm, speaking of the dualistic nature of many western personalities, the man’s name is not worth mentioning here, but better consigned to the ash heap of history. Once the prize had been confirmed as awarded to Pat, his nominator had a panic attack of ego driven self-importance and the moron completely and totally hijacked Pat, in a quite literal sense. Rather than allow Pat to ‘see his way through’, which would include the route taken on the drive to Palm Springs for the award ceremony, the nominating ‘worm’ who’d manifested a side no one of us (except his ex-wife, I called her and was debriefed after the fact) had seen before, took the wheel in a fury of self-importance and direct intention he would be ‘the man.’ As it happened, I’d taken a carload of other supporting cast from Indian country, on a separate route and arrived at the IONS convention site first. Pat arrived literally shocked, battered and bruised, his ‘worm chauffer’ had hit the brakes so hard on the drive down that Pat, in a wheelchair recovering from surgery, had been sent flying across the van and crashed inside, wheelchair pounding him on top of having been violently thrown out of it. I assessed the circumstance, saw the totally changed personality and emergence of the ‘worm’ only in it for himself and stepped in as Pat’s inseparable bodyguard.

For an ancient Native mentality, to be knocked out of the timing, can be fatal. Pat was not able to recover his equilibrium but at least I was able to keep him from the ‘worm’s’ intentional self aggrandizing ego-inflation and other persons who would be pleased to exploit him. For Pat, it was all worthwhile in the end, because he was able to spend the better part of two hours in a private conversation with ‘the man who’d gone to the Moon’ [Edgar Mitchell] while I sat nearby with a near literal ‘I’ll kill you’ look for anyone who it even crossed their mind to get close to the two of them as they talked. Pat used the prize money to begin a series of annual ‘Peace Camps.’

Meanwhile, in the early 2000s, I’d taken an interest in the SEED Open University’s sponsorship of  ‘Language of Spirit’ dialogues, originally initiated by the theoretical physicist and Einstein associate David Boehm, attempting reconciling Native American Quantum reality to western science. Concurrent to this I was also investigating organized crime in government related to American intelligence agencies and charter schools providing cover/training environment, for CIA officers. It is no accident the famed Anna Chapman Russian spy ring appears never to have gotten any closer to Americans with sensitive connections and information than charter schools. But if you are the USA counter-intelligence authorities and the massive push for, and funding of, charter schools as cover for intelligence embeds throughout society, this is not something you’d want to escape the ‘pound’ and most certainly the USA would prefer the Russians looked incompetent, something they most certainly are not, in matters of HUMIT (human intelligence, i.e. spies.) Meanwhile, having penetrated a charter school serving precisely this purpose, the East Mountain High School at Sandia Park, New Mexico, staffed in some part by CIA, I was also attending the SEED dialogues in Albuquerque, with a continuing interest in bridging the chasm between Native American Quantum reality and western concept, if only to try and point out to the Cartesian/Platonic science they are at a world threatening dead end, with their attitude and approach shaped by western thought.

The expression ‘as fate would have it’, a dim memory in western culture of faraway time lived in the ‘clock’ that is nature, is an apropos expression to describe what happens next. Former Amnesty International (USA) board director Francis Boyle had stated:

My conclusion was that a high-level official of Amnesty International at that time, whom I will not name, was a British intelligence agent. Moreover, my fellow board member, who also investigated this independently of me, reached the exact same conclusion. So certainly when I am dealing with people who want to work with Amnesty in London, I just tell them, “Look, just understand, they’re penetrated by intelligence agents, U.K., maybe U.S., I don’t know, but you certainly can’t trust them

And viola! A MI6 officer, James O’Dea, in a quid pro quo relationship with DIA/CIA based on information sharing, had gone from Director of the Amnesty International’s Washington DC office, to head up the Institute of Noetic Sciences and took enough interest in the dialogues at SEED, in Albuquerque, to attend as “keynote speaker”, where we became acquainted. In fact O’Dea took a direct interest in me at this event. It was not long after this, by now I’d penetrated the spy cover at the East Mountain High School to stir a hornet’s nest of intelligence agency paranoia, I’d experienced my first brush with assassination in some years, since I’d been an civil investigator in Indian country. I had to bail out of the USA and within four months of my arrival in Germany exile, a senior CIA trainer from the school, assassin Vince Langan, made the first attempt on my life abroad and blew it because I know how to ‘see’ my way through. And although I knew James O’Dea personally, and had copied him on communications prior to sorting this, Amnesty International had shut down any hearing of my fugitive status, cold. Former Amnesty executive O’Dea, with it all falling apart, quit IONS and returned to ‘international work’, likely to assist tracking down and eliminating this reporter. Since, Amnesty International has provided new leadership to Freedom House, a CIA front fingered by rogue CIA Officer Phillip Agee, when Sue Gunawardena-Vaughn took over that organization. And so it is humanitarian organizations intermingle with intelligence agencies in support of humanitarian violence.

The nice thing is, the ‘living clock’ is failsafe, Cartesian-Platonic shaped personalities will never be able to exploit it. The DIA, CIA and FBI come out the losers, irrespective of what happens to me.


The author, Ronald Thomas West, is an anti-corruption investigator with military special operations intelligence experience, author of exposés on the power-corrupt and fugitive from multiple intelligence agencies since 2007


Life in Indian Country

Collected stories, folklore and anecdotes concerning my many years life with Blackfeet Indians and traversing Native American territories