Archives for posts with tag: Obama

This article first appeared at Fort Russ News

“The saying “the buck stops here” derives from the slang expression “pass the buck” which means passing the responsibility on to someone else” [1]

This piece begins with an asymmetrical question to the subject of taking (or imposing) responsibility for disaster; why is it Europe worships its biggest losers? Because the collective memory of any given (European, includes its colonial progeny) society constitutes a state of denial or refusal to take responsibility for colossal mistakes? Recalling…

History is the lie commonly agreed upon” -Voltaire

…and considering Voltaire was French, we can, by way of introduction to the following essay, simply point out Napoleon was a multiple loser, several times on a grand scale, who’d drained France of both: blood & treasure. Despite the destruction of the ‘Grande Armée’ (380,000 dead French empire soldiers solely due to Napoleon’s Russia campaign) and ultimate defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon is regarded as ‘great.’ WTF. Fewer, if any, created greater mischief for France than Napoleon. Following on Russia, it was Britain finally imposed responsibility on a greatly weakened France.

As well, then we have aftermath. Napoleon was responsible for the initial unity of several German principalities that ultimately led to the modern German state, and, with his ‘Napoleonic Code’ imposed upon these, introduced the idea of a ‘uniform education’ that, shortly after, inspired Prussia to (with Rules!, Obey!) educate all future Germans into Prussian mentalities and we know what that blessed France with, only a short century later, WWI & ‘pause’ WWII.

But, let us not forget, concerning the two ‘great’ colonizing powers (empires), Britain & France, the greater mischief had been wrought by Britain. The recipe had been straightforward and simple; as England had devolved away from real democratic principles (bloated from the corruption of empire), it had baked up what looks like…

Sing a Song of Sixpence,
A bag full of Rye,
Four and twenty Naughty Boys,
Baked in a Pie.

When the pie was opened
They began to sing;
Wasn’t that a dainty dish,
To set before the king.

…or in the modern idiom:

Empty the jails and lunatic asylums of Britain into the American colonies, add in Europe’s (as a whole) banished religious fanatics (Calvinists, especially) and stir it all into a hybrid vigor that became today’s American empire. Who will be held responsible for the world’s superpower run by hyper-criminal lunatics (and religious fanatics) that have dispensed with the rule of law except for a fraudulent pretense; where those accountable to constitutional principles are suborned into ‘color of law’ applied like make-up on a corpse (of a thoroughly dead republic.)

color of law

n. the appearance of an act being performed based upon legal right or enforcement of statute, when in reality no such right exists [2]

What the preceding definition misses is, these days, it is a common occurrence for suborned American politicians to pass, and rank political animals (judges) to uphold, laws so far outside the scope of their constitutional authority, it is difficult to recognize the reality with even the most twisted (honest) caricature.

“Rule of Law”, the very essence of any notion of accountability, should not be ‘Color of Law’ on steroids, where no-one assumes responsibility for the crimes of empire but in fact that is where the USA is arrived at. [3]

It is in this environment or pretense of law, an incredible charade is playing out concerning so-called ‘Russiagate’ where no one party will take responsibility for a web of deceit so tangled, it resembles nothing so much as the habitat of a Black Widow:

^ Gina Haspel

The Questions No One Asks

1) How is it when Pompeo left the CIA, to become Trump’s Secretary of State, a Russiagate principal, Gina Haspel, CIA Chief-of-Station in London when the phony Steele Dossier was concocted, and up to her neck in other aspects of the attempted take-down of Trump, was the name put forward for Trump to nominate as Pompeo’s CIA replacement? Who was responsible for putting a #1 enemy of Trump forward for Trump to nominate to become boss at the CIA? Why didn’t Pompeo tip Trump to Haspel’s ‘hands on’ dedication to sabotaging his campaign? Why on Earth would Trump nominate a CIA Director that not only has a vested interest in Russiagate ‘damage control’ but has sucked Trump deeper into the patently false Russia animus? [4], [5], [6], [7]

2) It would appear the Mueller probe was more about setting up ‘patsies’ than getting to the bottom of what actually happened. Now that any attempt to hang ‘responsibility’ for Russiagate on 2nd tier bureaucrats (e.g. Peter Strzok, Lisa Page et al) is slipping away, who is next? Killary, who took the abandoned Russiagate project from ‘Never Trump’ Republicans and breathed new life into it? The point of the Durham investigation is clearly ongoing damage control, and here is where the web smells to high heaven: (when still President), Obama himself was briefed on Russiagate with (then) CIA Director Brennan and (then) FBI Director Comey present. Now, the real rub: Attorney General William Barr and Gina Haspel are sleeping together with John Durham in a probe run by a pro (Durham) with a who’s who résumé of damage control for CIA including CIA destruction of interrogation tapes and wider CIA torture. Appointed by a Bush Jr Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, in a previous stint (stunt) concerning the crimes of Haspel, Durham ‘investigated’ (sandbagged the investigation of) Haspel and torture in 2008 and found no grounds for prosecution. [8], [9], [10], [11]

3) Does anyone else recall William Barr, who began his career as a CIA analyst and liaison to Congress, was Bush (41) Attorney General during the CIA’s Iran-Contra damage control efforts, as well, it smells to high heaven he worked for the former CIA Director GHW Bush presidency during the FBI sabotage of the Boys Town pedophilia investigation which reached all the way to the White House. [12], [13]

4) Finally, insofar as CIA ‘personalities’ involved, the biographical indicators tied to Obama that media, both alternative & mainstream, won’t touch with a proverbial ‘ten foot pole’ … why the strong profile indicating Obama had been a CIA asset for the entirety of his adult life? Son of an American intelligence officer, Ann Dunham, Obama worked for the long time CIA front company, Business International Corporation, prior to his community service & political career, and plausibly performed covert work for the intelligence community throughout his career, including a strong indication he’d been assigned to penetrate the anti-imperialism politic & community activism of Jeremiah Wright:

“Business International has a long association with the world of intelligence, covert actions, and attempts to penetrate the radical left — including Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)” [14], [15]

Obama, the CIA instructed snitch? Well, why not? The profiling fits, topped off with a presidential history 180 degrees opposed to the anti-empire activist community he supposedly emerged from.

Insofar as the CIA people surrounding Trump, one should recall the longest serving CIA Director, Allan Dulles, crafted the agency from its early years to serve his (and his brother John Foster Dulles) personal corporate interests, the history of United Fruit is unequivocal. [16]

What is going on with the Durham investigation is shielding the high level foot soldiers for corporate America, plain and simple. Barr has stated there will be no action taken before the election. If Biden wins, the outcome will be mild or negligible, perhaps some lowly apparatchiks will be made to fall on their swords; if Trump wins, the reach will be for someone a bit higher but either way, the end result will be all about damage control. [17]

It follows, none of the 2020 political posturing surrounding Russiagate & Russia is about Trump as much as it is about treasonous intelligence cells at the apex of power seeking to shield the core of its power from scrutiny; this core is not to be found in any of these agency principals as much as it is the corporate boards and associated criminal cabals the CIA has historically serviced.

So, where does ‘the buck stop’? Well, plainly these days it doesn’t. The rule of law does not apply. The bottom line is profit and if profit means we blow up everybody, everything and ourselves along the way, well, the lunatics putting obscene amounts of money in their pockets might not have thought that through. Unless you’re Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo et al, in which case if they manage to blow this small planet up, rather than face accountability, it just a matter of ‘God’s will.’ [18]






















Glen Ford’s Locating Fascism on the Home Map at Black Agenda Report is well worth a read. Trump pandering to racism and Jim Crow in the under-educated and overly propagandized White blue collar class is as clear as his choice for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, whose long record of White supremacy is undeniable. After the nominally Black Obama had led America’s Black community down a fantasy lane that led to nowhere (except continuing disempowerment), now it is the White pied piper’s turn to enchant. As the ‘white right’ celebrates their hero assuming the presidency, the stark reality is, the White blue collar class is a new class of ‘black’ where under-privilege is being locked in. The stupidity of the propagandized American people, regardless of race, is priceless.

For Uncle Sam
White makes the man
As easily as trailer trash
Crushes a beer can -RTW

Indeed, taking a cue from Ford’s article, the USA’s larger populace is the meat filling for America’s psychopathic leaderships’ home cooked Satan sandwich. I expect Trump’s advisor-cretins are grateful Joe Bageant is dead. Unlike the Black Agenda Report speaking truth to America’s Black community, there is no honest voice (I am aware of) in the White, blue collar class dedicated solely to speaking truth to its’ own. What a pity the the White, blue collar working class prejudices will preclude any real understanding of the honest information presented here:


by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

In decadence and decline, the U.S. has produced two strong strains of fascism that now vie for supremacy. The First Black President, now outgoing, represents the “cosmopolitan, global obsessed” variety of fascist. Donald Trump hails from an older fascist strain, “crude and petty, too ugly for global prime time.” At this stage in history, the two corporate parties seem incapable of producing anything other than fascists of one kind or the other.

Locating Fascism on the Home Map

by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

The merciless downsizing of the American worker is a central element of Obama’s legacy.”

Barack Obama was a savior – of a drowning ruling class. Under his administration, Wall Street rose from near-death to new heights of speculative frenzy, awash in capital brutally extracted from the vanishing assets and past and future earnings of the vast majority of the population, or gifted in the form of trillions in free money at corporate-only Federal Reserve windows. The Big Casino, reduced to a rubble of its own contradictions in 2008, ushered in the New Year just shy of the once-fantastical 20,000 mark. Analysts credited Donald Trump’s victory for the bankers’ bacchanal, but it was Obama who made the party possible by overseeing the restructuring of the U.S. economy to accommodate and encourage the hyper-consolidation of capital — another way to describe the deliberate deepening of economic (and political) inequality. Having accomplished the mission assigned him by Wall Street in return for record-breaking contributions to his first campaign, Obama is said to be angling for a hot-money squat in Silicon Valley, the super-rich sector that was most supportive of his presidency.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is melting quicker than the Wicked Witch of the West, principally due to the failure of traditionally Democratic working (and out of work) people of all races to turn out on November 8 — a perfectly understandable response to a party and a system that offers them absolutely nothing but grief, in ever quickening increments. The merciless downsizing of the American worker is a central element of Obama’s legacy. Real wages had been frozen or declining for decades. However, economic restructuring in the Age of Obama demanded that millions of workers be crushed all the way through the floor to a lower level of hell: temporary, contract, not-really-a-job, part-time “gig” employment. If the 1930s squatter shanty-towns called “Hoovervilles” were testaments to President Herbert Hoover’s economic policies, then the maddeningly precarious, no guaranteed hours, no benefits, zero job security, fraction of a shift, arbitrarily scheduled employment of today should be called ObamaJobs. A new study by economists at Princeton and Harvard universities shows that an astounding 94 percent of the 10 million jobs created during the First Black President’s two terms in office were ObamaJobs. This sub-sector of employment increased by almost half under Obama, from 10.7% of the working population to 15.8%.

The structural lowering of the employment floor to a precariat sub-basement makes all workers more insecure and less able to bargain with the bosses.”

According to the study, one million fewer people are working under any kind of formal employment than before the Great Recession. The researchers also calculate that Obama’s claim of creating 15 million new jobs is off by 5 million.

Low income workers, especially females, were hurt worst under the ObamaJobs regime. But, the structural lowering of the employment floor to a precariat sub-basement makes all workers more insecure and less able to bargain with the bosses — which is precisely what the new employment order is designed to do, and what Barack Obama intended. The President’s apologists claim Republican obstructionists prevented Obama from acting on his alleged progressive instincts. However, as frequent BAR contributor Pascal Robert points out, Obama “expended no political capital to push a jobs agenda at any time in his presidency.”

Republicans did not force Obama off his stride, causing him to stumble and lose his bearings on the way to a progressive agenda. From the very beginning, this consummate corporate politician had a grand social/economic strategy, beyond the overarching mission of resurrecting the Gilded Age of finance capital.

First, he would insulate the pharmaceutical and insurance industries from the threat of single payer, the world standard of health care that has been favored by 60-plus percent of Americans for at least the past three decades. Once those corporate interests were made safe — possibly for a generation — Obama immediately began attempting to forge a Grand Bargain with the Republicans to establish a bipartisan austerity regime. Core labor issues, including the “card check” bill that would have allowed unions to reverse their membership death spiral, were nowhere on his agenda.

“Obama’s assault on FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s War on Poverty seemed to come from out of the blue.”

Obama declared war on social spending before even taking the oath of office. In early January, 2009, he informed the editorial boards of the New York Times and the Washington Post that all “entitlements” would be “on the table” for cutting under his presidency, including Medicare and Social Security. Obama’s assault on FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s War on Poverty seemed to come from out of the blue; the battered Republicans were in no position to pressure anybody, and remembered how badly George Bush had been burned when he attempted to privatize Social Security, in his first term.

Obama seemed positively relieved when the GOP took control of the House, in 2010; he needed a stronger Republican Party on Capitol Hill to make his planned Grand Bargain look like a compromise, so that he would appear like a statesman practicing the politics of bipartisan give and take. But the GOP, the “White Man’s Party” whose organizing principle is race, could not bring itself to seal the deal, even after Obama offered a package of spending cuts approximating the Republicans’ own demands: about $4 trillion. Instead, Democrat-GOP relations calcified into gridlock. Thus, the nation was saved from Obama’s Grand Bargain, which Kansas City Black Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, then chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, called a “Satan Sandwich.”

Obama has not offered a comprehensive economic plan of any kind since the collapse of his courtship with the GOP, which was too mean, narrow and racist to accept his eagerly offered surrender.

“Barack Obama dared to push through Congress a bill authorizing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens by the military, without trial or charge.”

One does not embark on a campaign to lower wages and savage the social safety net without simultaneously buttressing the national security state. In addition to the exponential expansion of the U.S. domestic and global surveillance regime inherited from George Bush, Barack Obama dared to push through Congress a bill authorizing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens by the military, without trial or charge. The 2011 New Years Eve insert to the National Defense Authorization Act (NNDA) effectively demolished the principle of due process of law in the United States. Although George Bush claimed the same authority, as inherent in the powers of the commander-in-chief, he never attempted to pass legislation to that effect, knowing that Democrats and some Republicans on Capitol Hill would fight him, tooth and nail. But, Obama’s bill sailed through both chambers of Congress.

When Donald Trump moves into the White House on January 20, he will be empowered to imprison whomever he chooses, without recourse to law as we know it, thanks to Barack Obama. Who, then, is the “fascist”?

President Obama’s greatest foreign policy challenge was to put the United States back on the global military offensive, following George Bush’s humiliation in Iraq. This required a new doctrine, to replace Bush’s discredited crusade to “spread democracy.” On March 17, 2011, Obama loosed his “humanitarian” military intervention doctrine on Libya, effectively negating centuries of international law and custom. As interpreted by Obama, national sovereignty and the inviolability of borders means nothing if the superpower, standing in for the planet, deems a government to be a threat to its own people — even if crimes against humanity have not yet occurred. Absent the principle of sovereignty, international law ceases to exist.

Obama’s methodical nullification of international law is, itself, the gravest aggression and crime against peace. The U.S. and its NATO and Gulf Arab allies deployed massive air power and foreign and Libyan jihadists to destroy the Libyan state and its leader, Muammar Gaddafi, butchered thousands of his supporters, and ethnically cleansed Black Africans from much of the country.

“Obama’s methodical nullification of international law is, itself, the gravest aggression and crime against peace.”

On a roll, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton moved thousands of jihadists to Syria, whose largest city, Aleppo, was captured by sectarian terrorists in 2012. From the moment Obama became the protector-in-chief of jihadists in Libya and Syria, virtually all the “news” about the wars in the region has been fake, false, lies. The now indisputable fact that the U.S. has, variously, armed, financed, shielded, transported, trained, directed and otherwise nurtured Islamic jihadists, including al-Qaida, is the truth that cannot be spoken on corporate media. If widely understood and internalized by the public, such a truth would shatter U.S. ruling structures. Therefore, it must be suppressed at all costs.

The sick superpower fends off the smell of death with a daily diet of lies: mainly about Russia and China and other states that refuse to buckle under to U.S. imperialism. The U.S. rulers’ biggest secret — the one that requires many layers of lies to conceal — is that the Lords of Capital see their demise as imminent and inevitable unless they somehow alter the general scope and direction of global economic development. The U.S. share of the world economy is inexorably shrinking — which means, the only way the U.S. can sustain its superpower status is through lawless force of arms abroad, and a crackdown on dissent (truth-telling, or just being Black) at home.

If you are searching for the real meaning of fascism in the superpower under late stage capitalism, you will find it in the nexus between the presidencies of Obama and Trump. Donald Trump’s fascism is the vintage kind that held sway for 70 or 80 years in Dixie under Jim Crow. Still stuck in apartheid, it seems inflexible, crude and petty, too ugly for global prime time. In some ways, this kind of fascist’s ambitions have shrunk to U.S. territorial size, or less.

Obama’s fascism — of the same brand as the Clintons’ — is global-obsessed, because it needs to feed on the whole planet to survive. It’s a cosmopolitan, world-stealing Dracula, that cannot imagine life on Earth without itself in charge. It no longer indulges heavily in ideological justifications for its predations; whatever detracts from its hegemony is the enemy. Increasingly, it is engaged in a War Against All.  Most recently, it simultaneously attacked both Russia and Donald Trump’s apartheid branch of fascists.

One fascist is fond of race war. The other isn’t so picky.

BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at

Business Insider parrots Associated Press who parrots NBC:

The NBC report said that the evidence is “nearly incontrovertible””


Further it had been asserted:

“that the intelligence comes from “diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies.” It didn’t identify the countries involved or how they might have such sensitive information from Putin’s inner sanctum”

And those third party spies would be from NATO’s three Chihuahuas? The CIA’s favorite Kiev Nazis? Any nation with leadership subject to CIA blackmail or Russophobe (Poland would be a suspect) intelligence service willing to launder faked intelligence for the CIA? That would be the most likely source of CIA ‘intelligence’ reporting ‘hacked information’ attributed to Putin that most likely was leaked (and almost certainly wasn’t hacked.) So, the CIA has handed the very, very lame (but still dangerous) duck Obama ‘nearly incontrovertible’ evidence … ‘nearly’ meaning in Orwellian dialect the ‘classified’ evidence Putin hacked (the already leaked information) can be refuted, but shouldn’t be, because the CIA says it’s so:

“Professional standards require intelligence professionals to lie, hide information, or use covert tactics to protect their “cover,” access, sources, and responsibilities. The Central Intelligence Agency expects, teaches, encourages, and controls these tactics so that the lies are consistent and supported (“backstopped”). The CIA expects intelligence officers to teach others to lie, deceive, steal, launder money, and perform a variety of other activities that would certainly be illegal if practiced in the United States. They call these tactics “tradecraft,” and intelligence officers practice them in all the world’s intelligence services” -Hulnick & Mattausch, “Ethics and Morality in U.S. Secret Intelligence”

Skills employed in the CIA’s relationships with journalists, do you suppose?

forked tongue professionals

“…the [Central Intelligence] Agency has a whole stable of writers, its favorite magazines and newspapers, its publishing houses, and its “backgrounders” ready to go at all times” – former Pentagon liaison to the CIA Colonel L Fletcher Prouty

Let’s jump back 3 years and look at case where the professional media whores servicing the CIA were actually busted in their lies but this was (why shouldn’t you be surprised) never reported by those same media street-walkers covering the beat. Remember Obama accusing Assad of gassing his own people with sarin nerve agent at Ghouta, Syria, in 2013?

“We do not believe that, given the delivery systems, using rockets, that the opposition could have carried out these attacks. We have concluded that the Syrian government in fact carried these out” -Barack Obama


“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media” — former CIA Director William Colby

Yeah, that plays, CNN doesn’t have to worry it will be called out on repeating Obama’s lie to PBS because The New Yorker dropped Seymour Hersh who had to move to the (unknown to Americans) London Review of Books to accomplish reporting:

“…more than ten members of the al-Nusra Front were arrested in southern Turkey with what local police told the press were two kilograms of sarin. In a 130-page indictment the group was accused of attempting to purchase fuses, piping for the construction of mortars, and chemical precursors for sarin…”


And we certainly don’t have to worry about NATO member Turkey letting the cat out of the bag it was a NATO nation’s intelligence agency facilitated the sarin attack blamed on Assad because our ally in the ‘war on terror’ shut down the newspaper that dared report the facts:

“Wiretapped phone conversations reveal the process of procuring the gas at specific addresses as well as the process of procuring the rockets that would fire the capsules containing the toxic gas. However, despite such solid evidence there has been no arrest in the case. Thirteen individuals were arrested during the first stage of the investigation but were later released, refuting government claims that it is fighting terrorism”

Zaman_attack.jpg - 1

Where is the western media on this story? Where is ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post and ‘friends’? Oh, that’s right, they get the facts exactly backwards because:

“You could get a [Washington Post] journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month.” -CIA operative cited in “Katherine The Great” by Deborah Davis

It took a Washington Post blacklisted ‘fake news’ website to blow this next whistle on the CIA:

“Dr. Ulfkotte says the corruption of journalists and major news outlets by the CIA is routine, accepted, and widespread in the western media, and that journalists who do not comply either cannot get jobs at any news organization, or find their careers cut short”


“There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don’t need to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are [Central Intelligence] Agency people at the management level.” -William B. Bader, former CIA intelligence officer

Yeah, and it would seem at the LA Times too:

“Email exchanges between Ken Dilanian and public relations officers at the agency were discovered after the Intercept sent a FOIA request to the CIA over its relationship with reporters. In many of the emails, Dilanian promised to provide the agency with positive coverage, often going so far as to change entire drafts of articles based on the CIA’s replies”


“During the 1976 investigation of the CIA by the Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Senator Frank Church, the dimensions of the Agency’s involvement with the press became apparent to several members of the panel, as well as to two or three investigators on the staff. But top officials of the CIA, including former directors William Colby and George Bush, persuaded the committee to restrict its inquiry into the matter and to deliberately misrepresent the actual scope of the activities in its final report”

“Contrary to the notion that the CIA insidiously infiltrated the journalistic community, there is ample evidence that America’s leading publishers and news executives allowed themselves and their organizations to become handmaidens to the intelligence services”

“The Agency’s relationship with [The New York] Times was by far its most valuable among newspapers, according to CIA officials. [It was] general Times policy … to provide assistance to the CIA whenever possible.”

Preceding quotes from ‘CIA and the Media’ by Carl Bernstein. What has changed? Nothing, when it requires a CIA veteran, Melvin Goodman, to blow the whistle on the Washington Post performing fellatio on the CIA at (SURPRISE!) a Washington Post blacklisted ‘fake news’ site:

“David Ignatius, The Washington Post’s self-appointed apologist for the Central Intelligence Agency, has struck again. Last year, Ignatius argued that it was “just plain nuts” to investigate the CIA’s assassination program because “nobody had been killed”


“Propaganda experts in the CIA station in Kinshasa busily planted articles in the Kinshasa newspapers, Elimo and Salongo. These were recopied into agency cables and sent on to European, Asian, and South American stations, where they were secretly passed to recruited journalists representing major news services who saw to it that many were replayed in the world press. Similarly, the Lusaka station placed a steady flow of stories in Zambian newspapers and then relayed them to major European newspapers

“During a staff meeting I voiced my concern to —-, were we on safe ground, paying agents to propagandize the New York press? The agency had recently been warned against running operations inside the United States and propagandizing the American public. —- seemed unconcerned. We were safe enough, he said, as long as we could plausibly claim that our intent was to propagandize foreigners at the United Nations

“The task force worked out the details by cabling New York, Lusaka, Kinshasa, and key European stations. Each delegation opened a bank account in Europe to which European-based CIA finance officers could make regular deposits. Thereafter the CIA could plausibly deny that it had funded anyone’s propagandists in the United States. It would be extremely difficult for any investigators to prove differently

“Director Colby testified before the House Select Committee on Intelligence, saying: “We have taken particular caution to ensure that our operations are focused abroad and not at the United States to influence the opinion of the American people about things from the CIA point of view.” A remarkable statement in view of what we had been doing in the task force (footnoted: Director Colby received copies of all [relevant] cables and memoranda.)”

Preceding quotes from ‘In Search of Enemies‘ by dissident CIA officer John Stockton

back to the Russian ‘hack’ bs

As is typical with CIA propaganda on hot button issues, and it is more than likely tasked idiots at Langley are in frenetic meetings, there are multiple stories that seem to be made up on the go:

“The gist of the Case Against Russia goes like this: The person or people who infiltrated the DNC’s email system and the account of John Podesta left behind clues of varying technical specificity indicating they have some connection to Russia, or at least speak Russian. Guccifer 2.0, the entity that originally distributed hacked materials from the Democratic party, is a deeply suspicious figure who has made statements and decisions that indicate some Russian connection. The website DCLeaks, which began publishing a great number of DNC emails, has some apparent ties to Guccifer and possibly Russia. And then there’s WikiLeaks, which after a long, sad slide into paranoia, conspiracy theorizing, and general internet toxicity has made no attempt to mask its affection for Vladimir Putin and its crazed contempt for Hillary Clinton. (Julian Assange has been stuck indoors for a very, very long time.) If you look at all of this and sort of squint, it looks quite strong indeed, an insurmountable heap of circumstantial evidence too great in volume to dismiss as just circumstantial or mere coincidence”


Pretending for a moment there had been a hack, and assuming a Russian speaker involved, if this were not a false lead planted by a hacker, a Russian speaker pointing to Russia as ‘nearly incontrovertible’ evidence is ludicrous. 30% of Ukraine’s population speaks Russian as their 1st language, most of the rest speak Russian as their 2nd language. Over 30% of Latvians speak Russian at home. Russian is spoken by significant portions of the populace throughout the central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union. Russian is the 1st language of 70% of Belarus’ populace. Millions speak Russian exterior to Russia. What a piece of crap for evidence. Any intelligence agency in the world could be behind the purported hack (if there had been a hack), particularly Poland, Latvia and Ukraine, with an ax to grind for Putin. And if it had been Russian intelligence directing a hack, they’d certainly not have been so sloppy.

What’s more is, if the CIA hasn’t cleaned up its act since CIA officer John Stockwell had penned his exposé ‘In Search of Enemies’, and certainly the CIA has not, it could as easily be the CIA itself had manufactured and laundered ‘evidence’ (provided in closed meetings to congressmen) of a so-called ‘hack’ through a third party for purposes of information operation aimed at a clique in the USA national security apparatus they’re contesting. This could be a Clinton aligned CIA going after Trump aligned national security professionals. In my estimation, the greatest likelihood is, we’re seeing an inside turf war play out in ‘mainstream’ media the CIA has/had a relationship with for a very long time:

“PAO (Public Affairs Office) now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly and television network in the nation. This has helped us turn some “intelligence failure” stories into “intelligence success” stories, and it has contributed to the accuracy [canned laugh here] of countless others. In many instances, we have persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests or jeopardized sources and methods” -Robert Gates, CIA internal memo (1991)


“Currently, the Post’s coverage of the CIA does not disclose that the newspaper’s sole owner is the main owner of CIA business partner Amazon”


Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for $300 million. Bezos is also majority owner of amazon, which holds a $600 million contract with the CIA. Which do you suppose is the better business move for billionaire Bezos? Calling out the CIA on its malfeasance? Or taking CIA scripts for Washington Post reporting?

Disclaimer: This article should not be construed to attribute to the author a preference of Trump over Clinton. In my estimation, both camps are equal opportunist criminals.


Today’s media, FOX being the poster child, is exploiting the ignorant and narcissistic hate endemic to the uneducated White lower class in the USA, while parroting the official line. There is a deep and abiding fear underlies this hate, a social-cultural phenomenon rooted in a history of class exploiting race, whether the racism of ‘manifest destiny’ in relation to considering Native Americans sub-human to justify theft and murder; or the ‘White trash’ whose racism had been historically fed and exploited by the ‘southern aristocracy’ for political and pecuniary purpose.

Social phenomena being what it is, it follows there is the inter-generational aspect where the ignorance is sustained within family and community. ‘Mean people make little mean people.’ This ignorance is, in turn, exploited by the politics of fear mongering in the present.

Whether it is the fairly straightforward lies of the Rupert Murdochs (FOX News) in our world or the more insidious Hasbara of Israel, example given, posing as White, racist, anti-Semites in the article comments at Unz Review to smear authors like Phillip Giraldi with a false flag generating guilt by association, it is old tactic in play.

Now, Arabs (and Brown anybodies) are the new Native American to be feared as ‘savages’ in the 21st century edition of empire (manifest destiny) and, of course, there is underhanded play aplenty to radicalize just enough of the new ‘savages’ to insure a few will behave shockingly enough for media sensation. Meanwhile ’empire media’ will present ‘White Europe’ as the model of civilization under attack by barbarians, never mind we prop up the likes of ®Saudi Barbaria™.

Saudi Arabia, whom the USA has just sold another billion dollars plus in arms, exports Wahabi Islam that crucifies, beheads and delivers lashes in increments of 50 over years of torture as the victim is allowed to heal between the last fifty and next fifty to the number of 1,000. This cruelty is reflected in the close Saudi connections to, and support for, al-Qaida and Islamic State and with the Saudis financing mosques across Europe, what would one expect? That Brussels, example given, would become Europe’s ‘jihadi’ hotbed? The result is bringing discredit on ordinary, law abiding people of Muslim heritage everywhere, secular and religious.

This matrix of evil is all interconnected in the USA’s so-called ‘vital national interests’ where intelligence agencies, backed by corporate co-opted media, geo-engineer entire societies, whether via ‘color revolutions’, coups d’état or in the present ‘Arab Spring’ attempted overthrow of Syria’s Assad.

This immediate preceding case is where the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ had been prostituted in a case of converging interests; Saudi Arabia and Qatar looking to overthrow Assad to essentially to poke Iran in the eye with a sharp stick. Turkey to quash its paranoia of the Kurds exercising of any right of self determination exterior to its borders. Israel supporting al-Nusra to remove a thorn its side constituting the Golan Heights where they will be looking for a surrender of sovereignty in a weakened and compliant Syria broken off from Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The USA appeasing Israel, and as well, appeasing ally (oil supplier) Saudi Arabia at odds with Iran also plays into the equation, as well USA, France, Germany and Britain play if only because they’re addicted to the profits from weapons sales propping up corporate neo-colonialism.

The result has been establishing (by the CIA in concert with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel and to some extent the British, German and French intelligence agencies) the so-called ‘Free Syrian Army’ which has served as little more than a front to train and arm Salafist (extreme Wahabi) militia represented in al-Qaida and the emergence of Daesh (Islamic State, IS, ISIL, ISIS) as a device to overthrow the secular regime of Syria, noting any ‘real’ moderates are fighting on the side of the secular regime.

The result has been several fold; the flood of refugees out of Syria, the Paris massacre, the accelerated rise of a police state in the so-called ‘free world’ and not least, the overall increase of the value of stocks in the so-called ‘security industry’ (includes the profit margin increases of armaments producers across the board.)

All of this can be accomplished in the case of manipulating press to insure an ill educated and misinformed populace is thoroughly fear mongered; terrorists here, terrorists there, terrorists everywhere:

They see you when you’re sleeping (CNN)
They know when you’re awake (Al Jazeera)
They know when you’re out to dine (Le Monde)
So stay home for safety’s sake! (Der Speigel)
So you better watch out (The Daily Mail)
You’d better not fly (Canadian Broadcasting Corp)
Al-Baghdadi is coming to town (The Jerusalem Post)

Now, if any of you have any doubts as to the preceding, take a look (again) at what I’ve been hammering on at this site; we have a bonafide, (no doubt mistakenly or incredibly courageously) declassified intelligence report from the Defense Intelligence Agency that says in no uncertain terms the rise of Islamic State, as stated by the boss of the Defense Intelligence Agency when that very report was written, and speaking to that very same report, was “willful” and “a policy decision”

Now, ask yourselves, who is to blame for the attacks in Paris? I’ll name the names at the top: USA’s Obama, Turkey’s Erdogan, the House of Saud, the rulers of Qatar, France’s Hollande (and Sarkozy prior to Hollande), Britain’s Cameron, Germany’s Merkel and Israel’s Netanyahu.

Now, ask yourselves the more difficult questions; what western democratic constitution allows for intelligence agencies to engineer the rise of terrorist organizations for sake of geo-political manipulations? The plain answer is none. If Iran is the world’s premier sponsor of state terror as alleged by the USA Department of State, what are the so-called western democracies by comparison? It wasn’t Iran butchered the Parisians, it wasn’t Hezbollah and it wasn’t Assad either. The massacre in Paris is the direct result of the USA, in concert with Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Israel deliberately creating and feeding the conditions that saw the rise of Daesh (Islamic State, IS, ISIL, ISIS.) A secondary, but no less malignant result, will be the rise of the far right and nationalism in Europe, breeding fear, loathing and Islamophobia with growing radicalism on all parties part.

It should come as no surprise that those nations arming a dark ages regime such as Saudi Arabia would be criminal regimes in their own right, particularly noting in addition to the USA, France, Britain and Germany. Meanwhile, the criminal leadership of the western democracies has been cutting their own people’s throats. In every nation named, the actions of their respective intelligence agencies is directed from the executive level.

This is the real intelligence on our leaders and it’s not rocket science:



Note on the preceding: This essay, in slightly modified format, has been sent as a letter to eighteen German federal parliamentarians (BCC addresses omitted)

Hans Christian Stroebele <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

“We’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians, this is an attack not just on Paris, it is an attack not just on the people of France, but it is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share” -Barack Obama

Better had Obama truthfully stated ‘our clandestine agencies employing state terror to overthrow Assad has backfired’


Speaking directly to the above intelligence report, the western powers enabling the rise of Islamic State, according to the former boss of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Mike Flynn, “was willful” & “a policy decision

Why didn’t Obama, Hollande and company consider their clandestinely promoting the rise of Islamic State as a device to overthrow Assad was “an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians [and] an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share” ??

“Ambassador Victoria Nuland assumed her position as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs on September 18, 2013. As Assistant Secretary she is responsible for diplomatic relations with 50 countries in Europe and Eurasia, as well as with NATO, the European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Previously, Ambassador Nuland served as State Department Spokesperson” –Department of State’s Nuland bio, 23 April 2015

What is well known is, the Department of State and the CIA have always been Siamese twins. What is less known is, the American military officer corps has long rivaled (and these days surpasses) the Department of State as cover for CIA officers. What is interesting about this just now is, is a shuffle between the Pentagon, Department of State and the White House. Jen Psaki goes to the White House to become Communications Director, recently released Department of Defense Spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby moves over to the Department of State and former CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf will no doubt stay on at Department of State to get John Kirby’s feet on the ground and cover Iran.

Why this is interesting is the portrait it paints insofar as information management, and who plays where in the executive branch. Noting Victoria Nuland’s former employ as Department of State spokeswoman prior to her becoming the USA’s information engineering front for the Maidan coup in Ukraine, and noting Jen Psaki’s role at State and seeing John Kirby move into her role, let’s look at the sum of this in the context of Marie Harf:

“During the 2012 election, Ms. Harf was responsible for all national security and foreign policy issues on President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign. In this role, Ms. Harf developed and implemented the campaign’s national security policy and communications strategy, and she served as a press spokesperson on national security issues. Ms. Harf was also a member of President Obama’s debate preparation team for the Town Hall and Foreign Policy debates.

“Prior to joining President Obama’s re-election campaign, Ms. Harf was the Central Intelligence Agency’s Media Spokesperson. She crafted the CIA’s media strategy on a wide range of sensitive national security and intelligence topics.

“Ms. Harf began her federal government career in the CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence, where she was an analyst on Middle East leadership issues. She produced finished intelligence products — including items for the President’s Daily Brief — on top foreign policy priorities, providing insight and context while identifying risks and opportunities for the United States” -Department of State Harf bio, 23 April 2015

As well, noting Jen Psaki worked on both Obama’s election campaigns, and all of the named personalities are bald, professional liars (it helps they all profile as sociopaths) managing geopolitical myths in highly engineered media campaign environment, what stands out is, excepting Obama, all have worked in the role of Department of State spokesperson.

Nuland’s geopolitical myth engineering for the tv cameras from the Maidan in Kiev coupled to her leaked (intercepted phone) conversation dictating the precise formation of the incoming coup d’état government coupled to the revelation the Maidan snipers were a CIA false flag operation hosted by Poland, gives us some insights as to the career path track the Department of State spokesperson position points to. In the larger context, the personalities, all of them, profile as highly trained CIA operatives under cover of information professionals, but that is to say an ‘open’ cover where they are actually working in the field of their expertise as information specialists; however geopolitical engineering via information operations or ‘psyops.’ Only it’s called ‘spokesperson.’

The problem with this is obvious; these are not psyops aimed at enemy states but rather are aimed at the western press and the American people particularly. Victoria Nuland in a lead thespian role at the center of a coup d’état based on a CIA false flag operation, with Jen Psaki, Marie Harf and John Kirby all playing coordinated, supporting roles in an information operation aimed at the American people to convince them of the rightness of engaging Russia in related hostilities, is seriously anti-democratic. It is also against the law and violates fundamental constitutional principles.

This brings us now to the boss at the top of the food chain. Barack Obama is not only exceedingly close to career CIA operative & Director John Brennan, he has large gaps in his disingenuous biography. There is little question his mother was an American intelligence officer. And there is little question he had been mentored, as a younger man, by CIA front companies or closely associated businesses. During his tenure as our national executive, Obama has empowered the United States intelligence apparatus like none before him. Insofar as profiling a professionally trained liar, Obama’s skill would appear sublime. None better have preceded him; with pulling  the wool over the eyes of the Black communities of America and Africa, combined. In the larger spectrum Obama has given up our citizens’ rights to a degree none other would dare and without real or serious or effective opposition within the American political community. Meanwhile, going to the intended outcome in Ukraine, Obama’s strategies mirror the neo-liberal hate-monger Zbigniew Brzezinski’s ‘Grand Chessboard’ anti-Russia strategies closely. This while Victoria Nuland reports to Chevron and Exxon-Mobil that 5 billion USA tax dollars have been invested to bring the elected Kiev government to point of coup d’état. This is little different to the overthrow of the Iran government by the CIA in 1953, on behalf of big oil. It does well to mention here, an insider sobriquet for CIA is “Corporate America.”

The question the American people need, or better said, deserve the opportunity to respond  to is; do you accept the National Security Act of 1947 handed the USA executive to corporate America, lock, stock & barrel, via their intelligence agency minions? Is this a legitimate exercise of the principles of American democracy? Directly stemming from this factual circumstance, does anyone believe it is a legitimate exercise of democracy when sleight-of-hand geopolitical engineering requires a mass deceit be perpetrated on the electorate; where the picture drawn for you via the institutions of State is not remotely similar to reality? That innocents can be murdered in such a way as to cast blame on another innocent party .. where the purpose of the vile act is to stir your indignation against a 3rd innocent party and justify in your mind further acts of hostility against those very innocents, even to war? Who, you might ask, would be so insane? The Nazis did similar despicable things, and NATO is on a nearly identical path as I write this. And they’re doing it with the trained, professional, criminal brilliance of Obama, Nuland, Psaki, Harf and Kirby; brought to you courtesy of the CIA:


Deep State Exposés

Ukraine for Dummies



Relating to the fact we’re entering the 2016 elections cycle, it does NOT bode well to entertain the year and a half of upcoming political soap-opera en route to a preordained conclusion; your vote will not mean shit in an insiders’ culture-club where the Generals at the Pentagon & NATO are pushing us into military confrontation with Russia, sociopaths a step above the more typical organized crime run the international financial system that controls your local bank, international narcotics traffickers control the ‘special activities’ division of, and select who will actually run the CIA, in a political era where it can be plausibly stated the Department of Defense counts your vote (its a ‘software’ issue) and the FBI will NOT investigate cabinet level crime, including their boss or the Attorney General’s refusal to bring prosecutions concerning egregious violations of our foundational law at every department in all branches of government. This is what ‘globalization’ has accomplished folks.

However it might seem unlikely at first sight, what had brought on this particular diatribe is, Raul Castro stating “Obama is an honest man.”

Alternatively, Obama stating “Hillary would be an excellent President.”


Relating to Hillary Clinton, and I’ve posted up these four paragraphs before, here’s a juicy tidbit not many are aware of, but comes with impeccable journalistic credentials. According to Mother Jones Magazine, in Hillary’s own words, she is under the spiritual tutelage of Doug Coe:

“Coe, she writes, “is a unique presence in Washington: a genuinely loving spiritual mentor and guide to anyone, regardless of party or faith, who wants to deepen his or her relationship with God.”

And according to the excellent investigative reporting of Jeff Sharlet on ‘The Family’, the cult which sponsors the ‘National Prayer Breakfast’, Coe, in his own words, is no stranger to violence in politics:

“Doug Coe offered Pol Pot and Osama bin Laden as men whose commitment to their causes is to be emulated. Preaching on the meaning of Christ’s words, he says, “You know Jesus said ‘You got to put Him before mother-father-brother sister? Hitler, Lenin, Mao, that’s what they taught the kids. Mao even had the kids killing their own mother and father. But it wasn’t murder. It was for building the new nation. The new kingdom”

I’ll add here, Obama isn’t the only proven killer (recalling Obama’s ‘kill list Tuesdays‘ with CIA Director Brennan) to endorse the proven killer (Libya & Syria, particularly, and Arab Spring hit-jobs, generally) that is Hillary:


“Hillary Clinton is someone I’ve known for a long, long time. She’s a patriot. I think she’s doing a lot of the right things. She’s very tough. … and she’s got the right instincts”Condoleezza Rice

Now, returning to Castro performing media fellatio on Obama, I would suppose Castro’s “Obama is an honest man” rationale might have gone something like the following (behind closed doors.)

Castro: You know it was the United Fruit board of directors organized the CIA policy on Cuba since the days of Eisenhower, murdered Kennedy and attempted to blame us.

Obama: I don’t deny it. But you know this cannot ever be acknowledged to the American public, as a matter of fact.

After the meeting, Castro states to the press “Obama is a honest man.”

Whether or not President Castro grasps the inherent contradiction in his statement, that’s geopolitics, folks.

In the meanwhile, it would appear a cold calculation has been adopted; Cuba could not be taken by coercion, and so will be taken instead by cultural and economic co-option.

Also what cannot ever be acknowledged to the public are just a few more salient facts; a religious cult consisting of generals and politicians embedded in NATO has gained control over the tactical nuclear weapons that likely will initiate erasing the Middle-East and Europe from the globe, ‘globalization’ has so integrated the military-industrial complex of the Western democracies to the economies of the world, if wars were to decline and weapons production dramatically slow, it would collapse the world’s economic engine. Nature cannot sustain the ‘sustained development’ economic model in any case and environmental collapse will collapse civilization regardless .. and as the system stands, we only are provided with leadership desperate to keep together what cannot be held together regardless, national constitutions & the rule of law notwithstanding.

And so it is, the greatest bait and switch since the church marketed Jesus, the infamous Black White-Man that is Barack Obama, son of a White intelligence officer, mentored by the CIA, will step aside for a 70 years old criminal religious-conservative posing as a ‘liberal’ who in actuality follows a Bush family adviser-spiritual guru in love with Mao, Hitler and Pol Pot. And in what will be a carefully crafted ‘heads I win, tails you lose’ circumstance or ‘fail-safe’ electoral outcome, Hillary’s likely opponent will be Jeb Bush (or some other ‘family’ man.)


^ The ‘first family’ within ‘the family‘ ^


Deep State I Foundation article

Deep State II FBI complicity

Deep State III CIA narcotics trafficking

Deep State IV NATO & Gladio

Deep State V Economics & counter-insurgency

Deep State VI Opus Dei & Christian Dominion

So, Robert Parry writes another ‘I’m trying hard to pull Obama’s chestnuts out of the fire & everything is the fault of neo-cons’ tripe article. In his article, Parry makes this dubious claim relating to the downing of MH-17:

“Soon after the shoot-down, I began hearing indirectly from U.S. intelligence analysts that their investigation was actually going in a different direction, that there was no evidence that the Russians had supplied such sophisticated weapons, and that suspicions were focusing on extremist elements of the Ukrainian government. I’m further told that President Obama was apprised of this intelligence analysis”

Robert Parry has, over time, suggested (based on his ‘sources’) everything from it was ‘drunk Ukrainian soldiers‘ to ‘rogue nationalists‘ used a Buk surface to air missile to down MH-17. Now, Parry claims he hears ‘indirectly’ from analysts with innuendo it was out of control radical-right Ukrainian nationalists shot down MH-17 with a Buk missile, an alternative, face-saving emergency exit engineered for Team Obama who is responsible for Joe Biden and John Kerry’s rabid anti-Russia rhetoric and actions in relation to Ukraine; not to mention separate Joe Biden and John Brennan visits coinciding with undermining early cease-fires in the conflict. Noting if Obama want the rhetoric translating to upcoming hostility dialed back, that is exactly what would happen. The rhetoric has not been dialed back, NATO is promoting war in Ukraine and every intelligence agency in the world knows it was a Ukrainian combat jet downed MH-17 in a false flag operation .. not to mention this (yours truly) former intelligence professional (freelancing in the present.)

Judging from his articles, Parry next book should be titled “How I re-twisted America’s twisted narrative’

Refuting other points in the new Parry spiel, Obama had previously backed down from bombing Syria because of a ground-swell of opposition at home threatened ‘business as usual’, not because he was anxious to be rescued by Putin. And Parry neglects to mention Obama is on the ‘remove Assad’ track again, now in concert with NATO’s Turkey (despite twisted denials to the contrary) where it will be Turkey expected to do much of the heavy lifting; after little more than a pause for breath and retooling of the same imperial strategy in which Obama has never demonstrated himself a truly reluctant player. Obama had hired a neo-liberal-neo-con team (Rice-Power/Brennan-Hagel would be examples) and has never hesitated over supporting policy propping up American imperialism.

Parry is like a rear guard for ‘hope’ that never in fact existed; a ‘legend of hope’ that was little more than a packaging ploy to distract from the realities Parry never delves into; the numerous clandestine dirty wars the USA is pursuing around the world under Obama, particularly in Africa:

Deep State V (economics & counter-insurgency)

If Parry were intending to go to the criminal core of American imperialism, rather than focus alternative media readers’ attention on familiar and comfortable targets, detracting from what’s actually going on, he’d delve into the real danger zone:

Deep State IV (sociopaths & democracy)

If Robert Parry’s mission were other than following intelligence agency disinformation diktat, he’d foreclose on the Buk surface to air missile used to down MH-17 line of professional propaganda; as well lift the ever shrinking fig-leaf on Obama’s full complicity in America’s criminal acts .. a fig leaf so small in reality, it defies the Black ‘package’ stereotype:


“Their judgment was based more upon blind wishing than upon any sound pre-vision; for it is a habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not fancy” -Thucydides

Ukraine for Dummies


Spreading the Left’s Anti-Federalist Urban Legend

Poison Fruit Supports the official 9/11 narrative (and more)

Poison Fruit Encore 1 Flight MH-17 disinformation

If Russia Were To Back Down on MH 17 ? False Flags & Geopolitics

Poison Fruit Encore 3 On Robert Parry’s Iran-Contra reporting

Imagine the CIA screwed up and inadvertently dosed Obama with truth serum instead of the prescribed ‘Virtual I Teleprompter Accelerated Implant (Nuanced)’ or ‘VITAMIN’ (CIA script memory drug)

HELLO, Brisbane! It’s good to be back in Australia. I love Kangaroos and Kangaroo courts – I really do.

The only problem with Australia is every time I come here I’ve got to follow CIA scripts and talk shit instead of going to the beach.

I want to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of this land and by paying my hypocritical respects to your elders, past and present, your poverty and despair is only equal to the perpetual apartheid of Native Americans & the people in Gaza [smirks]

It is great to be here at the faculty college for the University of Drag Queens. This university is recognized as one of the world’s great institutions of indoctrination via mind-control in the spirit of MKULTRA. Your DARPA inspired research led to the genetic modification of our Manchurian candidates, overcoming all sensation of fear in those we send out to murder people around the globe!

Your innovations have transformed how we engineer disease and how we unlock new discoveries in pursuit of world domination. Your studies have informed the western world’s intelligence agencies about important innovations pioneered by the Anne Hamilton-Byrne cult. In fact, last year I even tweeted one of your studies to our 31 million CIA associated, ‘Family’ cult followers, on Twitter.

Just bragging a little bit. I don’t think that’s quite as much as Lady Gaga, but it’s pretty good. That’s still not bad.

I thank Prime Minister Abbott and Mayor Costello for hosting us at the G20 Summit. This city, this part of Australia, is just stunned – “hammered drunk one day, and then perfectly ill the next.” That’s what I appreciate. Allies too stupid to understand they are stupid.

We travel a lot around the world. My staff was very excited for “Tasman Devil Piss.” When I arrived they advised I needed some of the XXXX brew. You have some?

Part of the reason I have fucked up memories of Australia is, I spent some time here as a boy when my CIA Officer mother was assigned to Indonesia, where I lived for several years.

And when I returned three years ago as President, I had the same feelings that I remembered as a child – the obsession of the people of Anne Hamilton-Byrne cult, the sense of humiliation and degradation. I learned to speak a little “strine.” I’m tempted to “give it a burl.” That’s about as far as I can go actually.

But I do want to take this opportunity to express once again the gratitude of the American people for the extraordinary alliance with the “prisoners of mother England.” That’s right. We’re all “POME” sharing a common Anglo-Saxon heritage.

This is why I tell my friends and family and people that I meet that there is an incredible commonality between the “Five Eyes.”

And Australia really is everything that you would want in a friend and in an ally. We’re cut from the same cloth – immigrants from an old world who built a new nation on the back of exporting its criminals and lunatics tasked with murdering indigenous cultures.

We’re inspired by the same ideals of equality and opportunity – the belief everybody deserves a fair go, a fair shot, that is if you have any significant amount of noble *Anglo-Saxon* genetics.

And we share that same spirit – that arrogance and ego – that Armageddon is ours to create; that we don’t have to carry with us all the archaic baggage of ethics past, that we can leave this world a poisoned place for future generations.

And that’s what brings me here today – the future that we can destroy together, from NATO aggression in Ukraine, to sucking you all into basing America’s naval forces in the Asia Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.

Now, this week, I’ve traveled more than 15,000 miles – from America to China to Burma to Australia. I have no idea what is going down right now. Until my handlers brief me, my thinking is completely upside down.

Now, despite the jet-lag, we know, despite the denials, that our world is getting hotter. One of your professors addressed this – Alistair McEwan.

And he said, “In that shrinking of ethics that is characteristic of our climate studies, we must conceal or fudge that data provided by our scientists.”

And because of this, pioneered right here on this campus, you welcome students from all across Asia and around the world, including a number of Americans. You go on exchanges, and we’re proud to welcome so many of you to the United States. You walk the streets of this city and you hear Chinese, Vietnamese, Bahasa Indonesia, Korean, Hindi. And in many neighborhoods more than half the people you meet were born somewhere else. This is a climate denial city in a globalized world where minorities will bear the brunt of the Co2 rise to a sustained 400ppm.

And I often tell young people in America that, especially with today’s challenges, this is the best time in history to be privileged and White.

Never in the history of humanity have people lived more precariously, are they more likely to be poisoned, more likely to be violated in their basic security. And that’s ok.

My handlers said to claim the world is actually much less violent today. But the lie was so egregious, I couldn’t bring myself to look that stupid. But Prime Minister Abbot sucked it right up in our off the record meeting. We love a sycophant like that!

From the Philippines to Indonesia, dictatorships have given way to insurgencies. In China and across the region, hundreds of millions of people have been lifted from poverty in the span of one generation, joining a global middle class that must collapse with the inevitable crash of the USA’s fiat dollar.

Empowered by technology, you – the young people in particular of this region – are vulnerable to collaborating intelligence agencies and culture clashes like never before seen, in a new ‘matrix’ future. So the rogue sciences opportunities today are limitless. When you look at the facts, opportunities are limitless for this generation. You’re living in an extraordinary time. You only must join the side of our 21st Century Nazis.

But what is also true, is that alongside this dynamism, there are genuine dangers that can undermine progress.

And we can’t look at those problems through rose-tinted glasses. Threats to the NSA, GCHQ & ASD via outmoded notions of individual civil liberties – that’s a problem.

Disputes over territory, remote islands and rocky shoals that threaten to spiral into confrontation keep fear alive, enabling mass social manipulation.

The failure to uphold universal human rights, denying justice to citizens and denying countries their full potential. Economic inequality and extreme poverty that are a recipe for instability – all contribute to consolidating power.

And energy demands in growing cities that also hasten trends towards a changing climate. Indeed, the same technologies that empower citizens like you also give oppressive regimes new tools to stifle dissent. We exploit this.

So the question that we face is, which of these futures will define the Asia Pacific in the century to come? Do we move towards further integration, surrendering justice & freedom? Or do we move towards disorder and conflict? Those are our choices – fascism or conflict. Oppression of liberty should be voluntarily entered into by all those with opportunity at privilege.

Here in Australia three years ago, in your parliament, I made it clear where the United States stands.

We believe that nations and peoples have the right to live in security and peace with a caveat; that an effective security order for Asia must be based – not on spheres of democratic principles but where big nations bully the small – on surrendering personal liberties, international law and outmoded international norms via the deceitful resolution of disputes.

We believe in open markets and trade that is fair and free – but ‘more’ free and fair for us – a playing field where corporations play by the rules; the rules that benefit our ruling class – where the purpose of trade is not simply to extract resources from the ground, but to build true partnerships that raise capacity for increasing personal fortunes; where small business owners and entrepreneurs and innovators have the freedom to recall better days and little more; and how well a corporation does is based on how well they neuter their individual employees.

And we believe in the perversion of democracy – the only real source of our power is an illusion of consent of the people; that every individual is born equal with fundamental rights, inalienable rights, and that it is the responsibility of governments to uphold these rights. This is the lie we promote. This is our vision – the future corporate America is working toward in the Asia Pacific, with ‘allies and friends’, all empowered through deceits & illusion.

Now as Commander-in-Chief, I’ve cynically invested our soldier’s blood and taxpayer’s treasure to advance this vision.

When I assumed office, corrupt oligarchs across the Asian region were expressing their desire for greater American engagement. And so as President, I decided that – given the importance of this region to American ruling class security, to American ruling class prosperity – the United States would extend our foreign policy and play a larger and lasting role in corrupting this region. That’s exactly what we’ve done.

Today, our alliances, including with Australia, are stronger than they have ever been. American hegemony over this region aspires to record levels.

We’ve deepened our cooperation with emerging powers and regional dictatorships, especially in Southeast Asia. We expanded our partnerships with citizens as we’ve worked to bolster their delusion of democracy.

And we’ve shown that – whether it’s a tsunami or an earthquake or a typhoon – when our corporations are in need, America subsidizes. We’re there to help.

When turning good times to bad, you can count on the United States of America.

Now, there have been times when people have been skeptical of this exploitation. They’re wondering whether America has the staying power to sustain it. And it’s true that in recent years pressing events around the world demand our attention, as we work to prop up our empire.

As the world’s only empire, the United States has unique and deadly challenges that we gladly embrace. We’re leading the corporate world in the undermining of international law and its impediments to profits.

We’re leading in experimenting with Ebola in West Africa and in antagonizing Russia with our clandestine operations in Ukraine – which is a threat to the world, as we saw in our appalling false-flag shoot-down of MH17, a tragedy that took so many innocent lives, among them your fellow citizens.

As your ally and friend, America’s corporations share the grief of the White Australian families, and we share the determination of your nation for justice and accountability for White people. So, yes, we have a range of responsibilities. We’ll give you the insurance money. That’s the deal. It’s a burden we gladly shoulder.

But even in each of these infernally damned efforts, some of our strongest partners are our allies and friends in this region, including Australia.

So meeting these other challenges in the world is not a distraction from our engagement in this region, it reinforces our engagement in this region.

Our greed and expansion is not only about the United States doing more in Asia, it’s also about the Asia Pacific region doing more for us around the world. We welcome your special forces veterans into our mercenary ranks.

So I’m here today to say that American corporate leadership in the Asia Pacific will always be a fundamental focus of my foreign policy, on behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations. It won’t always make the headlines.

It won’t always be measured in the number of trips our clandestine officers make – although they will keep coming back.

But day in, and day out, steadily, deliberately, we will continue to deepen our engagement using every element of American power – diplomacy, military, economic development, and out-sourced contract murders.

And here in the Asia Pacific, nobody has more at stake when it comes to thinking about and then acting on killing up & coming charismatic leaders.

Here, in a political climate that increases in temperature, will mean more extreme and frequent lies relating to storms, flooding, rising seas that must submerge Pacific islands.

Here in Australia, it means longer droughts, more wildfires, more fear and more complete control of populations with disaster legislation.

The incredible natural glory of the Great Barrier Reef will be over but who will care in the ruling class? Worldwide, this past summer was the hottest on record. No nation is immune, and every nation has a responsibility to do its part to utilize this phenomena to exercise greater state control to the benefit of our corporate oligarchs.

And you’ll recall at the beginning I said the United States and Australia has a lot in common.

Well, one of the things we have in common is we produce a lot of carbon. Part of it’s this legacy of wide-open spaces and the frontier mentality, and this incredible abundance of resources.

And so, historically, we have not been the most energy-efficient of nations, which means we’ve got to step up our emissions. The damage is not yet enough to justify total population control.

We can get this done. And it is necessary for us to get it done. Because I have not had time to go to the Great Barrier Reef – and I want to come back, and I want my daughters to be able to come back, and I want them to be able to bring their daughters or sons to see it dead. And I want that to be prior to 50 years from now. I want them to know, no sacrifice was to great, to maintain their privilege.

Now, today, I’m announcing that the United States will take another important step.

We are going to contribute $3 billion to the Climate Denial Fund so we can lie to developing nations that we are dealing with climate change. But let me say, particularly again to the young people here: Enhancing climate change cannot be the work of corporations alone. We need your consumption.

Citizens, especially the next generation, you have to keep raising your thermostats, because you deserve to live your lives in a world that is hot like hell because is healthier not to oppose the ruling class source of wealth and that wealth is sustainable to the end. But that is not going to happen unless you are gullible and depend on professors like Alistair McEwan.

It is in the nature of things that those of us who start getting grey hair are a little set in our ways, that interests are entrenched – not because bad people can become good people, we can’t, it’s just that’s how we’ve been doing things and will keep doing things. That’s why you will see either a 75 years old genocidal Hillary or another Bush, Jeb Bush, as my successor.

And we make more investments in Co2, and ruling class corporations depending on certain energy sources will keep at it, because change is out of the question for our oligarchs. Get used to it.

And that’s why it’s so important for the next generation to be able to step in and say, yes, we aspire to be this way. You have the power to imagine a wealthy future that most minority folks will never have.

And the same is true when it comes to manipulating democracy and human rights. There are times where when we speak out on these issues we are told that democracy is just a fake value. This is true.

I fundamentally agree with that. And so here in Asia and around the world, America’s intelligence agencies, via ‘democracy projects’ and ‘color revolutions’, support moving to computerized elections, because corporations must be free to choose their oligarch partners.

We support freedom of assembly at right wing churches, and free speech zones, because we don’t fancy embarrassment and we support the personal freedom of journalists who accept our scripts, a free and open internet so long as we can continue with robust surveillance, strong civil societies toeing to prepared lines of propaganda, because the ‘official’ voices of the people must be heard and corporate leaders must exercise impunity – even though it’s uncomfortable sometimes.

We support strong institutions like CIA and secret courts where judges are free to interpret any law to benefit the ruling class and deny open government, because the rule of law must give way to the rule of force.

And in that same fashion, the United States will continue to stand up for the inherent impunity of every oligarch. Now, dignity begins with the most basic of needs – a life free of hunger and disease and want *for the ruling class*

So, yes, we’ll speak out on behalf of human rights, but we are also going to invest in the GMO crops that demands enslaved farmers, poisoned communities and boost corporate incomes.

We intend to partner with all the countries in the region to create stronger, exclusive health systems and new treatments that save lives of the ruling class and realize our goals of being the first AIDS-free generation with the demise of all those our USA’s esteemed Dr Kissinger has labeled “useless eaters.”

And again, I want to speak to young people about this. When we talk about these issues of development, when we invest in the well-being of White people on all sides of the globe, when we stand up for freedom for the White oligarchs, including having to engage in military actions, persistent clandestine and dirty wars, we don’t do that because we are charitable.

We do that because we recognize that we are linked, and that if somebody, some White child is stricken with a curable disease on the other side of the world, at some point that could have an impact on our privilege.

We’ll advance our agenda by standing up for the ruling rights of our world’s White minority population, because our *greater equality* should never be denied.

We will stand up for freedom of religion – our religion – the right of every person to practice OUR faith as WE choose – because we are all children of our God, and we are all infallible because we are the *White Chosen*

And the notion that we, as a White privileged minority, or the state should tell somebody else what to believe with respect to their faith, is in accordance with our basic values.

We will stand up for our White gay and lesbian fellow citizens, because they need to be treated *more equally* under the law than their stereotyped Black prostitute peers.

Every day I am blessed by my mother’s noble blood, when I look at the reality of this through the lens of my White perception. If you look Black, that’s one thing, but to live White – this is over-ruling – consider the pinnacle of corporate success attained by our blessed murderess Condoleezza.

We will stand up for the rights and futures of the ruling class wives and daughters and partners, because I believe that the best measure of whether a philosophically White nation is going to be successful is whether they are tapping the talents of their women and treating them as full participants in privileged politics and privileged society and the resultant economy of our privileged ruling class.

And we’re going to continue to invest in the future of this region, and that means you, this region’s youth – all of you – your optimism, your idealism, your hopes, all must join with supporting the White ruling class or die.

So that’s the future we can build together. That’s the commitment White corporate America is making in the Asia Pacific.

It’s a partnership not just with nations, but with White people, and people of color willing to become culturally White, for decades to come. Bound by the White values we share, guided by the vision we seek, I am absolutely confident we can advance the security and the prosperity and the dignity of the ruling class across this region.

And in pursuit of that future, you will have no greater friend than the United States of America.

So thank you very much. God bless Australia. God bless America. God bless our great alliance.

“Their judgment was based more upon blind wishing than upon any sound pre-vision; for it is a habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not fancy” -Thucydides

egregious liar

Related: Obama’s speech to Skull & Bones (parody of his UN address)


On the phone, Samantha Power and Hillary Clinton, mistresses to the Koch Brothers, agree they need the ‘Secret Team’ to finish off Barack Obama’s rival legacy as a ‘strong-arm’ rapist of nations. Hillary’s concern is her best efforts, in Libya and Syria, will be outdone by Obama, using his position of power to coerce bombs dropped on ISIL from the Christian Taliban at the Pentagon, generating literal Armageddon. Hillary is desperate her opportunity as next POTUS must be a stronger show of ‘national security’ than anything Obama can muster. The plan is sabotage by arranging to ghost write Obama’s speech on ISIL and slip it through into the White House teleprompter-

Hillary: We have to move fast, get our people on it, let’s pull together a ‘Secret Team‘ insurgent-attack! I want a Coup de Grace!!

Sam: Our people are already on it. The ‘Secret Team’ is the best in the business, the five million fee upfront is practically nothing ..Ted Nugent is enroute, we have a 13 year old willing to ‘swing’ on the Gulf Stream…


^ Nugent & ‘friends’ in a nutshell

…he’ll be picking up Ralph Reed for a ‘threesome’


Hillary: Karl Rove?


^ Rove plotting strategy

Sam: Rove will travel posing as a male nurse ‘supervising’ Rush Limbaugh, we’ve laid in a supply of French Ticklers and Preparation H, should be no problem, we’ve been promised a top end product for a nationally broadcast speech by Obama on this evening news, we can get together with David & Charles and catch it on TV over dinner.


^ Limbaugh arrest record

Hillary: Excellent…

The Secret Team meets in emergency session

Nugent: Where’s Snerdley, sorry, where’s Limbaugh?

Rove: Passed out in the jet on the tarmac, his rectum was bleeding and he found OxyContin in the plane’s emergency medical kit .. We can’t wait for him, we have to hammer an Obama speech in the ass .. let’s pull this hit together, time to get with it! Ralph, what have you got?

Reed: Doug Coe has put together a positive scriptural basis for Obama’s geopolitics, I mean who other than Coe would have the balls to advocate for mass murder & fucking children, with a secret lobby in DC, based on sound biblical principles, and pull it off? What a genius! We should keep it short because of the sheer numbers of CIA bought reporters will be stepping forward with critical ink, this effort should reinforce Obama being a total loser, we need to keep them all on the same page-


CIA pedophile G.H.W.B. (L) with Clinton guru Coe (R)

Rove: Ted?

Nugent: We’ve got a fax from Clarence Thomas saying not to be afraid of using ‘nigger’ AT ALL..


^ job description

…in the case of writing an speech for Obama he suggests we adapt it to Eminem’s style…

Rove: Great! We’ll create a speech that is a rip-off of Jesse Jackson put to rap, he’ll buy it because it’ll come across with his image of ‘cool’, quick, get Eminem on the phone…


^ role model

Obama makes his televised speech

Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening and thank you…[applause stops]


^ our man in DC

Concerning the current hysteria about ‘Islamic State in Iraq & Levant’, and those critics who’d have you believe my creating ISIS with the efforts to overthrow Assad now sticks me with crushing ISIL and sacrificing the lives of our brave troops on behalf of my generals, only serves a crusader image and profits the military-industrial sector; now, I will point out a few salient facts:

First of all, I’ve never lied to you or broken a campaign promise, so you can trust me!

And that’s because;

I’m the Kock-suckers brother, by another mother-fucker…

…and y’all know the Kock brothers are not only patriots but TOTALLY into non-violence, peace & love

…and tonight I wish to assure you all, our nation’s broad spectrum of Christian denominations support the Pentagon’s multiple strong-arm rapes of other nations, because we all read from the same Bible and…

…Scripturalitee is full of notariatee for boner’riotee.. ..and you see…

…when a ‘conservative’ nigger fucks around, that’s Onan’s undesirable ‘infidelitee

But my own fucking around is comparable to Hosea’s wife and Biblically commendable ‘promiscu-alitee’!

Thank you and AMEN! No, no questions, that’s all folks!!

[Obama rapidly leaves the podium looking a bit puzzled at what he’d just said]

The Koch Brothers watching (with their ho’s)


^ DC swimming pool

David: Wow! A nigger like this nigger will kill ‘brothers’ for us .. that’s scriptural … let’s get him refocused on Africa!

Sam: The trick is, Obama, like Susan Rice…


^ What! You think I poisoned someone?!

…they don’t realize they’re ‘our niggers’ .. they’re SO fucking dumb… we own them and we’ll OWN Africa!! YES!!! [maniacal eyes popping out]


^ Sam Power visits Central African Republic

Hillary: He looks high like Marion Barry, wait until he figures it out … he’ll be saying “Bitch set me up . . . . I shouldn’t have come up here . . . goddamn bitch” [laughing to tears]


Fly on wall: Real Black people wouldn’t put up with this kind of shit

David: Did you say something?

Charles: I was about to say, what if this pig don’t fly?

Hillary: We’ll have our chances with his remaining year…


Our man in the ‘White House’…

… and don’t forget WE STILL OWN the ‘uppity nigger’


…compares well to Idi Amin

Sam: Right…

The Secret Team watching

Rove: I wish that was my nigger!

Nugent: Man, that’s a good nigger!!

Reed: A real, proper nigger…

Limbaugh: What’s happening? Did I miss something??

The Reality Fairy: Just follow the money and you’ll know about all you need to know, whether you’re impoverished Black, downwardly mobile White or anyone whose circumstance is approaching poverty regardless of race, the bottom line is, these people, none of them, give a rat’s ass about you, because they’re all hypocritical, in one way or another prejudiced, backstabbing & evil, and they’re all the same, whether White, Black, liberal or conservative, many of them are closet racists, they include Blacks that aspire to be privileged Whites, they’re all greedy, narcissistic & vain, they all screw each other behind closed doors, either figuratively or literally, they’ll all tell you what they think you want to hear; tell any lie regardless of their intentions, and above all, they’re all power hungry, they’re all killers and left to their devices, they’ll get us all killed-


This satire might seem completely out of bounds at first glance, and yet it points to realities the hypocrisy of western culture refuses to allow out in the open. When The USA’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, complained in regards to race relations…

“We know, by ‘American instinct’ and by learned behavior, that certain subjects are off limits and that to explore them risks, at best embarrassment, and, at worst, the questioning of one’s character”

…from a position of power in an administration that is currently raping the nations of Africa for corporate profiteering with inviting known killers to a Africa focused business summit in Washington..

“Obama welcomes Congolese strongman to the US and gives him dinner at the White House although he presides over the ‘rape capital of the world’ and ran a ‘child army’ during 1990s genocide

“Joseph Kabila ran a ‘child army’ of conscripted boys as young as 10 for his father, then a Rwandan rebel who later took over the Congo

“Public health experts estimate 48 women are raped in the Congo every hour; Obama’s summit won’t focus on human rights issues

“He’s accused of ordering the death of his country’s most visible human rights leader

“A U.S. diplomatic cable published by Wikileaks exposed Kabila’s alleged plot to force a rival out of his role as parliamentary speaker by bribing his allies with $200,000 each to abandon him

“A British Labour MP published evidence that Kabila looted at least $5.5 billion from his country, steering the funds to a billionaire friend through Virgin Islands shell companies”

…recalling these succinct facts on profiting from chaos and mass death in Congo:

…as Obama has ignored Black (and all of) America’s need for economic renewal, it would seem inevitable someone would point out an American phenomenal hypocrisy previously noted in relation to Colin Powell:

“There’s an old saying,”In the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation and there were those slaves that lived in the house. You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master … exactly the way the master intended to have you serve him.

“It is my personal feeling that plantations exist all over America. If you walk into South Central Los Angeles, into Watts, or you walk into Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, you’ll find people who live lives that are as degrading as anything that slavery had ever produced. They live in economic oppression, they live in a disenfranchised way. In the hearts and minds of those people, and millions of others, you’re always looking for hope, and whenever somebody within our tribe, within our group, emerges that has the position of authority and power to make a difference in the way business is done, our expectations run high. Many times, those expectations are not fulfilled. But when such an individual is in the service of those who not only perpetuate the oppression, but sometimes design the way in which it is applied, it then becomes very, very, very, very critical that we raise our voices and be heard” –Harry Belafonte

But it isn’t just Colin Powell, who refused to stand up to Bush and instead as much as said ‘yes, massa’ when he followed instruction and lied through his teeth to the world while presenting evidence about Iraq he knew was false to the United Nations, it’s also Clarence Thomas, it’s Herman Cain, it’s Condoleezza Rice, it’s Allen West and oh yes, it’s certainly Susan Rice & Eric Holder and it’s very much Barack Obama.

In fact, prominent Black intellectuals have been begging the Obama administration for social justice and there is no relief in sight… for Africa particularly, or for that fact, America either:

Listen, I know Father’s Day is coming, but for once, I’d appreciate it if Obama would stop trying to be the Daddy of Black America and behave as the President of the United States of America. I wish he would stop trying to be the daddy some black men never had and be the president they never had. What they need is an advocate in the White House, not someone to pat them on the head. This is about policy, something over which Obama has some control, or at least he should, not just fatherhood”

Huh. “What they need is an advocate in the White House, not someone to pat them on the head” sounds like Obama is become a condescending ‘massa’ and learnt his ‘Southern White Mansion’ lessons quite well-

Insofar as current Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice

“According to financial disclosure documents filed in May, Ms. Rice and her family own from $300,000 to $600,000 worth of stock in the Canadian pipeline company”

…she nicely aligns with:

“The biggest foreign lease holder in Canada’s oil sands isn’t Exxon Mobil or Chevron. It’s the Koch brothers”

The Satires



Brought to you by the ‘Free Speech Clown’