
^ LaRouche undercover at Buckingham Palace

Ok, so Glass-Steagall was a good thing and the Queen of England presides over a historically murderous race of people, the Anglo-Saxon. Then, somehow the end of civilization is pinned on a dowdy old broad by the LaLunatics, so what if the Queen is greedy and corrupt by nature, that only make her equal to numerous other homicidal nit-wits. I don’t believe for a New York second the Queen of England holds the trigger to a weapon meant to put down 7 billion people as a matter of fact conspiracy. Western Civilization is inherently homicidal/suicidal and LaRouche ‘pie-in-the-sky’ visions of this Earth’s human infection (a.k.a. western cultural mentality) billions (like a swarm of locusts) rescued by Glass-Steagall moved on to conquer space, is not going to save it.

LaLunatics? How about RaRunatics (Imagine Scooby-Doo making the pronunciation.) These people live in a cartoon.

So, I had been on one of my mad forays into Berlin at the beginning of July and this cute young Asian-American chick had caught my attention: “Ready to dump Obama?” She was holding a portrait of Obama wearing a Hitler moustache and I must say the image matched my thinking.  But perhaps more importantly, she was cute. And so it  was, Lyndon LaRouche’s prettiest Berlin groupie conned me out of a fifty euro banknote (noting I was willing to pay 20 Euro per her companion’s demand, for the opportunity at extended conversation, but the promised 30 Euro change was never forthcoming.) Now she will pay it back.

What likely she did not realize was, I recognized her companion, a perennial loser candidate for Bundestag (German Parliament) I had conversed with two years before. The guy has little appreciation for American history, or perhaps simply is uninformed as to the facts of Alexander Hamilton, his thinking having been shaped by an ideologue named LaRouche. But the direction he has taken can be  summed easily enough, does it make sense to turn from one form of tyranny to another? I don’t think so… at least I wouldn’t care to be Kafka’s ape in captivity, here we’ll presume addressing the Schiller Institute at behest of a LaRouche invitation ..


^ LaRouche’s invited guest

.. but the ape’s statements could not be controlled:

Honored members of the Academy! You have done me the honor of inviting me to give your Academy an account of the life I formerly led as an ape…  I could never have achieved what I have done had I been stubbornly set on clinging to my origins, to the remembrances of my youth. In fact, to give up being stubborn was the supreme commandment I laid upon myself; free ape as I was, I submitted myself to that yoke.

So Lyndon Larouche spews mad ramblings of society’s secrets unlocked, couched in Shakespeare and Beethoven’s hidden messages only himself and his anointed are privy to deciphering (you can’t make this shit up) .. BUT! .. if you remember ‘a sucker is born every minute’ one only must suck up to this mad guru’s enlightenment and make believe you can see it too… if you ‘submitted .. to that yoke’

“Bail out or bail in: The Queens policy is genocide”

screams LaRoushie Dennis Small’s headline in the RaRunatic newsletter. OMG, this decrepit old woman with a smile indicating she has a mechanical thumb up her butt massaging artificial implant prostate glands, is the policy maker responsible for everything gone wrong in this world and the ‘bubble burst’ … and speaking of bursting bubbles (i.e. realities) … I mean how close is this to David Ickes ‘Lizard DNA’ ?

Kafka’s ape: I read an article recently by one of the ten thousand windbags who vent themselves concerning me in the newspapers, saying: my ape nature is not yet quite under control; the proof being that when visitors come to see me, I have a predilection for taking down my trousers…

So we have what LaRouche (and minions) actually think of us mere mortals doubting a demented old woman (with expression indicating a mechanical thumb up her butt) is entirely responsible for our world’s failure to wake up to enlightenment via the strains of Beethoven… when in fact ‘dark queen’ Condoleezza (mirror, mirror on the wall) exercises more practical genocidal power on behalf of the CHEVRON board directors than all of ‘Queen Bessie’s horses and all of Queen Bessie’s men’ (with a most stimulating, retarded smile inducing, artificial thumb up her butt)

queen bessie

^ The brains behind the LaRouche ‘conspiracy’

Ok, next RaRunatic article…

Helga Zepp(elin) – LaRouche’s ego is only equal to a flammable airship.  Delusion = dirigible is what goes here. Her article has excellent points on ‘responsible’ banking but there is one very big problem with this social equity ideal; one particular and very natural spark of static electricity will burn her banking Hindenberg on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic. Going to that point, in the previous article, Mr ‘small’ (as in mind) accused Queen Bessie of the Thumb’s minions of being ‘Dr Cancer’ with their financial cure. Fair enough, but now I have to point something out: Ms Dirigible in her follow-up article proposes a hyper-sustained development, when equitably shared by humanity, as opposed to dictated and exploited for the greedy by the bankers, will put us on a path to… well, apparently La-La Land. Ms Dirigible, I have news for you, ‘sustained development’ IS PRECISELY the principle of cancer.

So whilst allowing Queen Condoleezza of the Kingdom of CHEVRON throwing 7 billion people off the edge of the European mentality’s flat Earth, with Co2 having reached 400ppm for the first time in 4 million years as the Artic melts and the race is on to drill, Ms Dirigible will work in tandem to trance-walk 7 billion people off the edge of the European mentality’s flat Earth while high on hypnotic strains of a Beethoven overture; when insisting on equitable distribution of wealth gained from the same cultural mentality producing the Co2. Ms Dirigible, the real news here is, civilization doesn’t need reformed, civilization needs DISMANTLED.


^ LaRouche’s #1 sustained development fan

Kafka’s ape: Everything is open and aboveboard; there is nothing to conceal; when the plain truth is in question, great minds discard the niceties of refinement. But if the writer of the article were to take down his trousers before a visitor, that would be quite another story…

Following on is a RaRunatic (un-attributed) ode to great progress and the damming of America’s rivers (one might say ‘damning’ of rivers) or several RaRunatic newsletter pages praising civilization’s rape of the North American continent (humn, what genocide has been conveniently omitted from a revisionist European WHITE history here?)


^ The LaRouche omission

Kafka’s ape: I belong to the Gold Coast. For the story of my capture I must depend on the evidence of others. A hunting expedition sent out by the firm of Hagenbeck—by the way, I have drunk many a bottle of good red wine since then with the leader of that expedition—had taken up its position in the bushes by the shore when I came down for a drink at evening among a troop of apes

Oops, the Ape refers to Black slavery rather than Red genocide, well, it’s not a perfect world but maybe we can make something of this, stay tuned. Or perhaps we should just kill the beast here and now, so to speak; as a matter of fact I never, personally, owned Allen West’s ancestors and I don’t really think it is all that smart of Allen West to behave like the people named West who DID own Allen West’s ancestors and I think the ape is getting at something similar…


^ Allen ‘philip sheridan’ West: “The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim”

So while restoring wetlands is ‘Her Majesty Thumb-Up-Her-Butt’s plan to murder people with mosquitoes’ paranoid fantasy, mixed in with legitimate gripes about typical corporate greed,  between lucid moments interspersed with jacking nature around in major ways not only to sustain but to grow what are in actuality un-sustainable human populations, all the while pushing for uranium mining and nuke plants (fuk-U-shima) and every frustration in the way of this developing the shit out of everything that could otherwise be put off on the human stupidity (reality) that is European mentality, all responsibility for any frustrating of a lunacy of hyper-development is pushed off on an old biddy with a synthetic thumb up her butt at Windsor Castle .. and suddenly a ‘whaddayaknow’ moment; godsend-moroness LaRoushie Noelene Isherwood throws in “aboriginal groups” land title fencing out White developers as part of Her (brown thumbed) Majesty’s genocide conspiracy…


^ The ‘family values’ of Condoleezza, Lyndon Larouche & Allen West 

If Race can be construed to be a state of mind, White Eugenics certainly would not require a White skin. And so it is Allen West behaves like the White people that owned his family name, Condoleezza Rice became a White man to earn her place at CHEVRON tasting the raw power of White men who’d ‘throw the nigger under the bus’ in a heartbeat if necessary save their own skins, and a cute Asian-American LaRouche groupie in Berlin can literally have a White man’s mentality and would never suspect this is the case.

News for you LaRouche: Your demented to the left of the far left fantasies of a world Alexander Hamilton would be aghast at, are only equal to the right of the far right fantasies of the supposedly Hamilton philosophy based Federalist Society (that Alexander Hamilton would be aghast at.) Condoleezza would toss 7 billion off a cliff at the edge of your flat Earth because she is White. You would sleepwalk 7 billion and more off a cliff at the edge of your flat Earth because you are White.

The portrait of Obama with the Hitler moustache was spot on because he is White and it ends there. Nature hates you and 7 billion will die because you’re all equally European mentalities living out various fantasies of moral certitude ignoring any humility of place in relation to the very Nature that can no longer sustain us.

If there were to be a moral to this story, where Race can be demonstrated a state of mind or culturally shaped perception, which it most certainly is, there cannot be a definitive rule requiring anyone to be White, no matter the color of your skin…


^ The ‘white’ author’s culture (My 1990’s Summer home)

My hat is off to the truth-telling ape:

A Report to an Academy

Honored members of the Academy! You have done me the honor of inviting me to give your Academy an account of the life I formerly led as an ape. I regret that I cannot comply with your request to the extent you desire…

Read the ape’s complete speech to an academy HERE


Kafka & The Human Zoo On Racism

Apple Indians & Anthropology Embracing the ‘flat earth’ mentality

Native Americans and Race Race is BS to authentic Indians

You’ve Got Apes! European cultural mentality


The Satires