Archives for category: satire

Had an interesting conversation with Richard Silverstein the other day concerning legitimate comparisons of the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians to the behaviors of the Nazis and relevant censorship. His article “Jerusalem Day = Nuremberg Day” is well worth a read (as well as follow-up article of recent days.) It was 2012 I was banned by the UK’s Guardian for daring to point out Israeli (especially ‘settler’) behavior towards Palestinians resembles a decades ongoing “kristallnacht” or the 1938 German pogrom terrorizing Jews with murders, arson, looting and so on. My admiration is extended to Richard for daring to make a similar comparison. We did NOT discuss this following piece I had written over ten years ago taken down (censored) by Scribd, and Richard cannot be held accountable for anything having to do with my work. But our conversation recalled [to myself] this piece and in my view this work is as relevant today as when first written:

The Enemy of my Enemy

Cognitive Dissonance/Grotesque Reflex: How the philosophy ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ makes for ludicrous bedfellows & twisted agenda:

About this absurd religious right ‘the Jews murdered Jesus’ thing .. if that were the case, shouldn’t they rather be grateful for being “Covered in the blood” of Jesus [St Paul quote] as they make money hand over fist covering the planet in blood with war profiteering, all the while in swoon over misogynist hate monger Mel Gibson’s ‘The Passion of the Christ”, the church made myth of a man they love to pretend is ‘God’ incarnate so they can engage in cannibalism every ‘Sabbath’ with a ‘Communion’ of eating Jesus flesh and drinking Jesus blood? Y’know, if people really knew how to think for themselves, there would be no such necrotic fantasies and resultant criminal civilization .. just a thought, but meanwhile:

The paranoid Jewish Zionists embrace rabid anti-Semitic Christian Zionists who fully intend the Jewish Zionists will become extinct one they’ve finished the dirty work of retaking the West Bank for the Christian Zionists necrotic vision of a road to Armageddon, meanwhile the Jewish Zionists label the non-Jewish anti-Zionist as anti-Semitic when in fact most of the non-Jewish anti-Zionists are the bitter foes of the rabid anti-Semitic Christian Zionists momentarily embraced by the Jewish Zionists

Now, in the mix of all of this, the anti-Zionist Jewish personalities are in an impossible state of being forced to play a game of ‘shut the fuck up’ or get blasted by all Zionists, Jewish and Christian, while the non-Jewish anti- Zionist is attacked by the paranoid Ashkenazi, who became paranoid and Zionist, on account of the pogroms of anti- Semitic Christian Zionists. These people bite the hand of people who’re actually doing them a favor by taking on the rabidly anti-Semitic Christian Zionists, personalities who intend as soon as the partnership of convenience is over, all those clinging to Judaism will be tossed into a lake of what will almost certainly amount to man-made nuclear fire

Meanwhile, the Sephardic Jews who’d lived for nearly one and a half thousand years in peace and tranquility in the world of Islam (notably excepting that period when they’d fought on the side of the Muslims during the Crusades) have become an extinct species in the Arab countries, not in the least because of both Jewish and Christian Zionism via policy and settlement in the West Bank and the incredibly nasty treatment of the Arabs there. Israeli Zionists have enabled this social injustice together with American Zionists, including countless conservative Christians, have bankrolled these policies abusing the Palestinians. All this came about because of Jewish Zionist paranoia of living in countries with a majority Christian Zionists and history of pogroms, yet are (for reasons of the social psychology phenomena of inter-generational violence) behaving towards the Arabs like the Christian Zionists had treated them, in turn setting up the present cycle of anti-Palestinian pogroms, based on behaviors Jews learned from Christians, now approaching a scale of nukes & nations

It only gets more ridiculous:

The Sephardic Jews who’d relocated to Israel as a result of fallout in the Arab world from Zionist policies are absolutely 2nd class citizens- pointing to the anti-Semitic tendencies of the conservative Ashkenazi Jews, a race based oxymoron of Jewish anti-Semitism. This is obviously as clear as it is ludicrous and self destructive, when a Jewish person in Israel cannot be equal, because this Jew has the appearance, language and customs of an Arab

I think a moral to this story could be: Any Zionism that is literal Zionism (unlike the benign Zionism of Bob Marley) is a loser. Perhaps this could be the idea behind the UN Resolution equating Zionism with Racism?

Inter-generational hate and violence is a known and understood phenomena of social psychology. Many people have not risen above this malevolent infection of the psyche that is imbued in a very literal sense of the Torah or Pentateuch: ‘the child inherits the sin of the father’ (or the sins of a xenophobic & nationalist stepfather)

In the larger picture of nations, relating to this inter- generational violence, should it not be the responsibility of several national leaders to stand up and state to the Israelis, whether the leaders of Russia, Spain, or (especially) Germany, examples given, ‘do not treat the Palestinian as our Christian has treated the Jew’

If only because it is the responsibility of leadership to demonstrate responsible attitudes in relation to the acts of nations. And crucial, is that nation which had transgressed most egregiously in historic times should demonstrate this courage to again confront the worst of these infantile and irrational behaviors, if only to remind the USA, not only Israel, do not dare to go down this road, do not dare to become the Nazis…

The Israeli ‘nationalist step-father’ (based on the principle of “inter-generational violence”)


Raphael’s Paradox

Ron’s Conspiracy Theory

On Israel collection


How common sense is concealed as a state secret:

kill switch
a computer function for disabling software or a device remotely: 100 percent of the French high-tech arms exports concealed a kill switch which could render the weapon useless

“Senior MPs have called for an inquiry into claims that France deliberately withheld secrets about missiles that killed 46 British sailors in the 1982 Falklands War

“The Telegraph has been told that French-made Exocet guided missiles contained a “kill switch” that could have disarmed them, but that France denied such a device existed

“Three Royal Navy ships were hit by Exocets during the Falklands conflict, two of which – HMS Sheffield and the merchant vessel Atlantic Conveyor – sank. Sailors died on all three ships

“The missiles were made by the French firm Aerospatiale and, as the Royal Navy task force sailed south to retake the islands from their Argentinian occupiers, Britain appealed to its ally for information about how they worked and whether they could be disabled

“British experts believed the Exocets contained a kill switch, which arms manufacturers sometimes secretly build into weapons so they can be disabled if they fall into the hands of a hostile state

“According to a highly-placed source, France denied that the kill switches existed, but British officials became convinced it was not telling the truth, partly as a result of investigations carried out on an earlier variant of the missile that had been bought by the UK”

knucklehead |ˈnəkəlˌhed |
noun informal
a stupid person

“Serbia plans to purchase Rafale multipurpose fighter jets from France, President Aleksandar Vucic said  … which experts saw as the latest sign of Belgrade distancing itself from its traditional military supplier and ally Russia

“”We have been negotiating this purchase of 12 new jets for a year, and we are also looking at buying another 12 used (Western) planes from another country,” Vucic told Reuters. He did not specify the type of the used planes.

“Serbia and Dassault Aviation discussed the purchase of the 12 Dassault Rafale jets, France’s La Tribune weekly reported last week

“In 2019 Serbia bought France’s Mistral surface-to-air missiles and in 2016 it acquired helicopters from Airbus

“Croatia, which is an EU and NATO member and Serbia’s wartime foe from the 1990s, also operates Rafale jets”

Right. So, Serbia will be ‘BFF‘ with Croatia & NATO and, never a worry shall arise that, when a Croatian/NATO Rafale fighter jet takes on a Serbian Rafale fighter jet, the Croatian/NATO plane will be, in every case, ‘a winner by Dassault’ .. er, excuse me, I meant winner by default (it’s the kill switch for the knucklehead with a short attention span)

So, about those Mistral missiles Serbia purchased which likely won’t touch a NATO jet; Serbia is arming up with systems that will (maybe) work against a single entity and that entity would be Russia.

And then, the preceding brings up the countless shoulder launched anti-tank & anti-aircraft missiles abandoned on the field of battle in Ukraine by Kiev’s forces as though they were useless as the NATO states pour thousands of new man-portable missile systems into the conflict and suddenly the Russians get serious about taking out the NATO supply lines. Did a Russian ‘hack’ driven software change become necessary?

A plausible WWIII footnote would be, if the French made Exocet of 1982 possessed a ‘kill switch’ and it almost certainly did, it stands to reason nearly every subsequent high-tech generation weapons system would be adapted to this ‘furtive’ technology, no matter the geo-political alignment of the manufacturer. Example given, should Russia be concerned about the S-400 system it sold to Turkey in case of hostilities with the double-dealing & back-stabbing Turkish President Erdogan? Probably not.


* Jesus Loves Nukes *

The once upon a time, hardened nuclear command mega-bunker, built inside of Cheyenne Mountain, outside of Colorado Springs, USA, drove the adversarial intelligence agencies crazy. So, what was up with that?

The nuclear command and control system had been moved out of the mountain and onto exposed ground where it was vulnerable to first strike. WTF?? was the reaction of those pesky Russkies, it not only baffled them but the Chinks too… oh, and a few allies and the domestic front. What secret new system, world mayhem, Satanic DARPA project, might be taking shape in this vacated NORAD space? (a reasonable question.)

NOT TO WORRY asserted our Christian Taliban Air Force generals; the Pentagon and Saint Augustine have our back, oh and by way of explanation for those secular infidels, you see, it’s all a command and control redundancy; we need two systems, one exposed so, if or when we miss our ‘first strike’ at the ball and the exposed system gets blown away, there is no problem (they sent this excuse out on Radio Liberty.)

^ “You’re telling me 30% of our military want 8 billion people to die?” “The answer is affirmative”

Meanwhile, at the Pentagon Bible Study:

Question: “Is the ‘just’ in Saint Augustine’s ‘just war theory’ an adverb rather than the widely assumed adjective?”

Answer: “It’s easy to correct the misconstrued interpretation, for the fact our righteous Augustine was a Roman, it can only be ‘just’ the adverb.”

Who Would Jesus Bomb?

At our next lesson, we’ll have a look at how we’ll be lodging the Air Force Academy leadership of the ‘144,000 Chosen‘, here’s a quick preview:

^ Our repurposed Cheyenne Mountain

Nah. Nothing were ever so simple as an apocalyptic military doomsday cult needed a bit of NORAD’s ‘survival’ space, you think? APRIL FOOL! (for all incapable of wrapping their heads around the point of this ‘satire’)

The longer read:

It Is NATO’s Nazis in Ukraine: It’s Not Rocket Science


A Mephisto assessment of reality

The devil on the one shoulder and the angel on my other shoulder climb into my head to make love and a satire is born … having little to do with morality and much to do with ethics. So, here’s a portrait of the devil then (whilst noting the angel is still on my other shoulder…)

It came across my mind the thought; with Western Civilization well on its way to collective suicide, it should do to examine the philosophers. Some of what has been set out by the following notable ‘thinkers’ reminds me of nothing so much as a statement by behaviorist Yuval Noah Harari:

“You can’t convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana with the promise it will get 20 more bananas in chimpanzee heaven. It won’t do it. But humans will”

Considering chimps would appear to have more common sense than certain ideas Indo-European-originated mentality worships, here is the satirical consequence of the human experience in the English philosophers’ tradition or, restated, their fundamental contradictions distilled and exposed (good for a cynical laugh but it’s not pretty.)

Assembled thumbnail satires from 2015 revisited (because some things never change)

Francis Bacon


Ever true to his name
Of Star Chamber fame
Bacon smelt game

If anyone were inclined to explore scientific ’empiricism’ to its roots, they’d find a real pig of a personality. Sir Francis’ keen sense for detecting political aroma on the breeze had been seldom overcome by his own stark odor of rancid bacon. Sycophant extraordinaire in the courts of Elizabeth I & King James (Stuart), Bacon is portrayed as a tender soul, never mind he promoted the (politically expedient) executions of Mary Queen of Scots and Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, his ‘former’ friend, and subsequently tortured to obtain confession from Edmund Peacham. King James (yes, King James of ‘Holy Bible’ fame) instructed (after consulting Bacon on the legality of the procedure) that:

“attorney-general Bacon .. ‘put Peacham to the manacles as in your discretion you shall see occasion if you find him obstinate and perverse, and not otherwise willing or ready to tell the truth.’ Next day the torture was applied in the presence of the persons named, and he was examined ‘before torture, in torture, between tortures, and after torture’ .. Peacham is described as an old man at the time, and the inhumanity of the proceedings was revolting”


Peacham was left hanging (repeatedly) as his body weight, rather slowly, dislocated his wrist, elbow and shoulder joints .. tearing muscles and tendons in the process, a method considered ‘more humane’ than obtaining essentially the same physical result via ‘The Rack.’ This is method reportedly utilized by the CIA at various ‘black site’ jails but glossed over in favor of focus on water-boarding (of Spanish Inquisition fame.) At the time, Bacon was ‘clerk’ of the ‘Star Chamber’ which had been a court resembling the USA’s secret FISA court and why the Americans had founders determined to certain legal insurance via a the Fifth Amendment in the ‘Bill of Rights’ (it would seem no longer in force) and not only prohibition on self-incrimination but as well “cruel and unusual punishment” and clearly the ‘right to face one’s accuser’ and other “enumerated rights” proscribed star-chamber type secret courts.

Bacon’s Star Chamber position allowed for his prisoner facing torture to 1) self-incriminate 2) face charge of perjury if unsatisfactory answers were provided or 3) be held in contempt if no answer was given.

A reputed pederast accused of ‘buggery’ (which he denied), as well a habit his brother, educated by the same cleric, was also reputed to be fond, prosecutions for this in the upper class seemed rare; as King James was apparently of identical persuasion. Bacon went on to write of an utopia where no scent of ‘masculine love’ was to be found; and as if to convince, he married a 14 years old girl at age 48. Her subsequent preference for other men points to a rather starved appetite, which can come as no surprise. And it is of this rancid bacon, folks, inspiration for the modern ’empirical method’ comes to us behaving as an intolerant religion; replete with ‘scientific’ dogma and its narrow rut of inquiry.

Meanwhile, at Cambridge:

“The earliest known version of The King James Bible, perhaps one of the most influential and widely read books in history, has been discovered mislabeled inside an archive at the University of Cambridge. The find is being called one of the most significant revelations in decades. It shows that writing is a process of revising, cutting, and then more rewriting. The Bible is no different in this regard, even though some conservative Christians claim it is the divine word of God himself. Perhaps God, then, is a revisionist. This find certainly seems to suggest that…”


Thomas Hobbes


Hobbes-nailed boots!

Thomas Hobbes registers off the scale on the ‘smirk-o-meter’ .. where his greatest contribution to Western philosophy is a typical self-imploding set of contradictions. In an era where Gutenberg had made it possible for anyone who could read to become a blogger (not difficult, ‘mass’ circulation in those days excluded the illiterate masses) Hobbes, finding himself at loose ends, decided he would become a Western philosopher or ‘confidence man’ (the better description.) The recipe is simple; fill a 900 liter bag with verbiage-verbosity (like Bernard-Henry Lévy), slanted as to so incredibly complicate a subject (à la James Joyce), resulting in generations of those less endowed with gifts of BS spending endless semesters wrestling a ‘Leviathan‘, whilst attempting sense of nonsense.

Distilled from Hobbes’ inordinately complex, attempted order of things, his points may be summed up so: In our natural state or in raw ‘nature’, mankind is an inestimable beast prone to every savage act where:

“the life of man [is] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”

And in the same moment, without Man’s ‘natural’ understanding, God’s inspirations cannot be known:

“we shouldn’t renounce our senses and experience, or our natural reason, which is the undoubted word of God”

Do you suppose Hobbes actually meant to insinuate understanding derived from a ‘naturally endowed’ beastly nature inspires one to deeper knowledge of God’s message? Is he acknowledging ‘God’s image, man’ is quite naturally possessed of the violence we have seen Englishmen visit upon every culture deemed inferior to their own? Certainly not. If Hobbes were of a proclivity to be honest, he wouldn’t have to bury the contradictions of his culture in a massive circumlocution that can serve no other purpose than to conceal the facts. What we are actually looking at is, the phenomena of Western philosophers burying contradictions in complications, so those contradictions never have to be faced. Hobbes is a master of this common (but patently dishonest) philosophical method.

The result is no surprise, a culturally self-justified, rationalization for an unquestioned, unlimited State authority to rule over men; Hobbes would not only be a supporter of the Divine Right of Kings & colonialism but in today’s world, a modern police state. Hobbes provides apparatus of state with philosophical avenue to know empathy for the Robert Mugabes and Augustino Pinochets of this world (as easily, a Theresa May or Boris Johnson.) They’re all cut from a similar philosophical cloth.


John Locke


And Created Null, Man
-Whilst In God’s Image-
Insisted This Englishman
Cannot Know Oneself!

Ok, so the problem I have with John Locke is his  philosophy demands all men are born a completely blank slate upon which everything is drawn subsequently. In effect, there is no innate knowledge bestowed on man. If that is true, then his holding…

“The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men. It has God for its author; salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter. It is all pure”

…demands “God” who ‘created man in his image‘ couldn’t know the difference between his own ass and either end of a hollow log, when he’d arrived on the scene in Genesis. No small wonder everything is f**ked up. Well, considering this small aspect of reality, I suppose John Locke could be construed to have done the enlightenment a great favor; except it seems no one had taken note (including Locke) of a phenomena where Locke demands a portrait of god based in our ‘perfect’ human ignorance.

If you enjoy the torture James Joyce puts a reader through, this philosopher is for you; but first check out this butt-kissing introduction of Locke’s “Essay Concerning Human Understanding” .. if you actually can read through the entire thing and go on to enjoy Locke’s tortured rationalizations, recalling this rank political fellatio over his ‘lordship’s favors’ is no more than a brief foreword to Locke’s treatise, you may award yourself a sadomasochist of philosophy medal (all forgiven for skipping this and moving on to David Hume.)

THIS Treatise, which is grown up under your lordship’s eye, and has ventured into the world by your order, does now, by a natural kind of right, come to your lordship for that protection which you several years since promised it. It is not that I think any name, how great soever, set at the beginning of a book, will be able to cover the faults that are to be found in it. Things in print must stand and fall by their own worth, or the reader’s fancy. But there being nothing more to be desired for truth than a fair unprejudiced hearing, nobody is more likely to procure me that than your lordship, who are allowed to have got so intimate an acquaintance with her, in her more retired recesses. Your lordship is known to have so far advanced your speculations in the most abstract and general knowledge of things, beyond the ordinary reach or common methods, that your allowance and approbation of the design of this Treatise will at least preserve it from being condemned without reading, and will prevail to have those parts a little weighted, which might otherwise perhaps be thought to deserve no consideration, for being somewhat out of the common road. The imputation of Novelty is a terrible charge amongst those who judge of men’s heads, as they do of their perukes, by the fashion, and can allow none to be right but the received doctrines. Truth scarce ever yet carried it by vote anywhere at its first appearance: new opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common. But truth, like gold, is not the less so for being newly brought out of the mine. It is trial and examination must give it price, and not any antique fashion; and though it be not yet current by the public stamp, yet it may, for all that, be as old as nature, and is certainly not the less genuine. Your lordship can give great and convincing instances of this, whenever you please to oblige the public with some of those large and comprehensive discoveries you have made of truths hitherto unknown, unless to some few, from whom your lordship has been pleased not wholly to conceal them. This alone were a sufficient reason, were there no other, why I should dedicate this Essay to your lordship; and its having some little correspondence with some parts of that nobler and vast system of the sciences your lordship has made so new, exact, and instructive a draught of, I think it glory enough, if your lordship permit me to boast, that here and there I have fallen into some thoughts not wholly different from yours. If your lordship think fit that, by your encouragement, this should appear in the world, I hope it may be a reason, some time or other, to lead your lordship further; and you will allow me to say, that you here give the world an earnest of something that, if they can bear with this, will be truly worth their expectation. This, my lord, shows what a present I here make to your lordship; just such as the poor man does to his rich and great neighbour, by whom the basket of flowers or fruit is not ill taken, though he has more plenty of his own growth, and in much greater perfection. Worthless things receive a value when they are made the offerings of respect, esteem, and gratitude: these you have given me so mighty and peculiar reasons to have, in the highest degree, for your lordship, that if they can add a price to what they go along with, proportionable to their own greatness, I can with confidence brag, I here make your lordship the richest present you ever received. This I am sure, I am under the greatest obligations to seek all occasions to acknowledge a long train of favours I have received from your lordship; favours, though great and important in themselves, yet made much more so by the forwardness, concern, and kindness, and other obliging circumstances, that never failed to accompany them. To all this you are pleased to add that which gives yet more weight and relish to all the rest: you vouchsafe to continue me in some degrees of your esteem, and allow me a place in your good thoughts, I had almost said friendship. This, my lord, your words and actions so constantly show on all occasions, even to others when I am absent, that it is not vanity in me to mention what everybody knows: but it would be want of good manners not to acknowledge what so many are witnesses of, and every day tell me I am indebted to your lordship for. I wish they could as easily assist my gratitude, as they convince me of the great and growing engagements it has to your lordship. This I am sure, I should write of the Understanding without having any, if I were not extremely sensible of them, and did not lay hold on this opportunity to testify to the world how much I am obliged to be, and how much I am your Lordship’s most humble and obedient servant-


David Hume

Allan Ramsay, David Hume, 1711 - 1776. Historian and philosopher

What is
Had ought
To wash

David Hume’s impossible postulation…

“In every system of morality, which I have hitherto met with, I have always remarked, that the author proceeds for some time in the ordinary ways of reasoning, and establishes the being of a God, or makes observations concerning human affairs; when all of a sudden I am surprised to find, that instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is, and is not, I meet with no proposition that is not connected with an ought, or an ought not. This change is imperceptible; but is however, of the last consequence. For as this ought, or ought not, expresses some new relation or affirmation, ’tis necessary that it should be observed and explained; and at the same time that a reason should be given, for what seems altogether inconceivable, how this new relation can be a deduction from others, which are entirely different from it. But as authors do not commonly use this precaution, I shall presume to recommend it to the readers; and am persuaded, that this small attention would subvert all the vulgar systems of morality, and let us see, that the distinction of vice and virtue is not founded merely on the relations of objects, nor is perceived by reason”

…is summed up in Western ethics as ‘Hume’s guillotine’ or the ‘ought-is problem.’ Now, forgive my naiveté when faced with this immutable Western dilemma of philosophy where the ‘ought-is problem‘ is posed…

“how, exactly can an “ought” be derived from an “is”? The question, prompted by Hume’s small paragraph, has become one of the central questions of ethical theory”

…as it occurs in my small universe if my ass IS dirty I had OUGHT to wash it. Correct? Or, if it is in the natural order of things one were to have a dirty ass as a matter of fact, expectation and normalcy, and those hairy-assed little s**t-balls, quaintly known as ‘dingle-berries’ in the vulgar tongue, must endure .. would it be a violation of IS to pull them out? Had one OUGHT *NOT* do that? What I’m getting at is, there was this time during my progressing baldness I had my head waxed to remove what amounted to an annoying residual fuzz. Now, it’d never occurred to me (previous to faced with Hume’s ‘ought-is problem’) hairy people OUGHT to have an ass-wax-job, but now this seems a logical progression from dirty ass as a result of hairy ass-crack, or that is an IS to an OUGHT.


Jeremy Bentham


It were one Jeremy
Put a scare in thee
Stuffed wit straw
But for his maw
Menacing his posterity

Call him ‘The Headless Horseman’ of philosophers. Bentham arranged to have his skeleton padded with straw and stitched into his clothing .. where he’s since dwelled in a closet (for the past nearly 200 years.) This is quite apropos as he was altogether unsuccessful when he’d sought to decriminalize homosexuality. Because his mummified head is too grotesque to gaze upon, it is kept locked away and does not attend those College of London council meetings where Bentham’s wax substitute for his dehydrated brains is perched on his bones and listed at roll call as ‘present but not voting.’

Like so many champions of modern democracy, for instance Theresa May and Boris Johnson, Bentham espoused individual freedoms while in actual fact he’d been busy designing the precursor to our present day surveillance state:

The Panopticon is a type of institutional building designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. The concept of the design is to allow a single watchman to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) inmates of an institution without the inmates being able to tell whether or not they are being watched. Although it is physically impossible for the single watchman to observe all cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched means that all inmates must act as though they are watched at all times, effectively controlling their own behaviour constantly. The name is also a reference to Panoptes from Greek mythology; he was a giant with a hundred eyes and thus was known to be a very effective watchman

Jeremy Bentham had been the prime candidate for honorary patron of the GCHQ, that is until a debate arose; whether he’d been the inspiration for a shepherd’s sexual encounter with a body of straw stitched into a man’s clothing:




Tales of a 1984 Journey to India

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 1 From Indian country to India

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 2 New Delhi, round one

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 3 On character

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 4 Into the Himalayan foothills

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 5 Sanarth & the Buddha

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 6 Varanasi part one

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 7 Varanasi part two

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 8 Varanasi part three

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 9 Katmandu

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 10 Trisuli River

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 11 Chitwan National Park

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 12 Katmandu reprise

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 13 Back to Hotel Imperial

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 14 The riots begin

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 15 To the Taj Palace Hotel

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 16 Out of Delhi!

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 17 Cairo-London-New York

My Madcap Adventure, Episode 18 Aftermath

My Madcap Adventure, Epilogue (Notes) corrections/disclaimers

Read in English

Ova „autobiografska“ satira anti-carstva, u indijanskom je zabavnom stilu pripovedanja, prilagođena zapadnom kulturnom iskustvu; imajući na umu indijansku poslovicu Blekfita: „Svi znaju da je belac lud“. Stilsku konstrukciju parodije trebalo bi opisati kao: „Satira u sadašnjem žanru treba da bude iskrena na indijanski način; u stvari, konstruisanje šaljive priče koja liči na stvarni život, svojevrsni kolaž činjenica, sastavljen od delića različitih iskustava, u kombinaciji sa anegdotama, kako bi se stvorila kulturno netaknuta urođena indijanska mudrost koja se može naći u njihovom humoru. Drugim rečima, delovi priče sastoje se od utkanih autobiografskih činjenica, višeznačnih imitacija životnih priča i iskustava drugih ljudi. A za razliku od sveta belaca, indijanski svet razmatra paradoks u svakodnevnom pristupu životu, neki aspekti su jednostavno sačinjeni iz maštovite riznice verodostojnih neverovatnoća“.

Yebi ssse (mn. yebite ssse)
noćni gušter, oglašava se visokim glasom, gušter koji ima lepljive jastučiće na nogama koji pomažu pri penjanju po glatkim površinama. Autohtona je vrsta je u primorskim regionima Vijetnama. • Porodica Gekkonidae • POREKLO sredina 1960-ih .: imitacija njegovog uzvika.

Veliki masakr Yebite ssse

Irak mi je smetao, jer sam bio siguran da će tamo otići moj najstariji sin [nije otišao]… veteran mirovnih snaga Bosne u Gardi. Irak mi je takođe smetao, jer se činilo da nismo ništa POLITIČKI naučili iz Vijetnama. Naša duboka umešanost u Vijetnam planirana je kombinovanim motivom za profitom od strane vojske / Stejt departmenta / CIA-e / korporativnog industrijskog kompleksa, sa lažnim incidentom u „zalivu Tonkin“… izuzetno lažnim događajem koji deli identičnu vrednost političke obmane u našim optužbama da Irak ima oružje masovnog uništavanja i vezu sa Al Kaidom … milion mrtvih iračkih civila kasnije, sve je to deo procesa u mojoj glavi, proces koji nije u potpunosti odvojen od više pokušaja oduzimanja mog života, zbog mog kombinovanog životnog iskustva i političko-ka vojnom-do obaveštajnog rada i psihološko-operativnih veština… ne samo zbog mojih uspeha kao istražitelja.

Zaključak je ovo: Sve se vrti oko novca, korporativne orgije deoničara u vladi i, danas, sa ubačenim van „orvelovskim“ preokretom religioznog fanatizma, hrišćanskog fanatizma i korporativnog profiterstva Islamskog fanatizma vođenog hrišćanstvom.

Setio sam se dobitnika Medalje časti, koji je odbio da se podšiša za Niksona, na njegovoj ceremoniji u Beloj kući, nakon što je napustio vojsku, rekao je novinarima „Bio sam naduvan i izbezumio sam se“… govoreći o svojim herojskim delima. Pitam se, šta bi o njemu mislili naši „biblijski rodoljubi“ današnje američke vojne snage od 15000 jakih fundamentalista „Oficirske hrišćanske družine“? Možda bi ga pljuvali kao što se govorkalo o povratku naših vijetnamskih veterana?? To mi se nikada nije dogodilo…

Naše veteranske uslužne organizacije odbijaju članove svojim prostaklukom, socijalnim neznanjem i pijanom barskom scenom ugledne ratne slave, života i prošlih godina, krajnjim prezirom prema osobama poput mene, ne pružajući nikakvu trezvenu i alternativu posvećenu miru… „blagosloveni su mirovnjaci“, Isus nije govorio o revolverima Kolt… i oni vam mogu pribaviti psiho novac, kao što to mogu vaši veteranski advokati, svojim formularima „popunite prazno polje“ (vašim imenom), tražeći preglede invaliditeta za fizički i/ili mentalni invaliditet.

Smešno kako se taj psiho rejting penje, ali ne i rejting za fizički invaliditet, čak i ako vam se zdravlje pogoršava dok pomažete Indijancima da postignu uspehe protiv korporativnih kriminalaca … korporativnih kriminalaca koji falsifikuju poštovanje zakona da bi ukrali indijanske resurse .. korporacije poput Ševrona (Chevron) sa Kondolizom Rajs koja sedi u odboru direktora… dok advokati sa imenima poput Ju (Yoo) pišu pravne informacije, kako bi pomogli da se stvari poprave iznutra.

Nisam razumeo to što, za svoju evaluaciju, moram da odem u isti glavni univerzitetski medicinski centar, u koji uprava za veterane šalje šizofreničare na proučavanje, i da platim popriličnu sumu novca iz džepa, da bih dobio čist izveštaj o mentalnom zdravlju i poništio njihovu etiketu „psiho“… kako bi oni odbili moj čist rezultat? Nisu mogli. Naše etiketiranje i progon političkih neprijatelja bilo je malo opreznije od onog iz starog Sovjetskog Saveza… naši vojno sposobni disidenti bivaju tiho ubijeni, obično sa trovanjem koje se teško može otkriti, koje je zamišljeno da izgleda kao prirodna smrt ili isplanirane nesreće koje se ne mogu opovrgnuti ili diskreditovati. Vrlo verovatno, ljudi kao što su Karen Silkvud i Pol Velstoun, ne samo Omar Torihos.

A onda imate veteranske mirovne organizacije koje odbijaju (svojim socijalističkim zanosom) ljude koji bi inače bili članovi, levičari koji ne žele da rade sa konzervativnim antiratnim narodom da podstaknu promene za naš zajednički sekularni razum i opstanak samog života.

Naša osnovna reformska kultura, liberalna i konzervativna, liči na par koji se uvek svađa, ogovara i na kraju okreće leđa komšijama … u korist bogatih korporativnih kriminalaca, a život je drama poput nekog morbidnog rijalitija, a zapravo je ovaj esej pošten uvid u stvarnost sadašnjosti u odnosu na stvarnost prošlosti … mi NE učimo na svojim greškama i ne udružujemo se da bismo forsirali promene u našoj politici, radije dozvoljavajući istim igračima da sprovode iste subverzije naše vladavine zakona sa njihovom igrom kupovine korporativnog kriminalnog uticaja u sve opasnijim potezima u sve opasnijem svetu.

82. vazduhoplovna u Fort Bragu, 1972. godine

Nisam poznavao nikoga ko je išao u crkvu. Neki nesumnjivo jesu, ali to nam niko nije gurao u lice. Kako smo sami sebe nazivali u tim danima, skačući džankiji, bilo je zbog neuroze od fitnesa, droga i čestih zaključavanja u kasarni.

Ubilačka mašina za kolektivno ubijanje sa kojom se suočavamo u borbi, bez sumnje, uprkos brojnim vojnicima čiji je život bio koktel fitnesa i droge… muškarci koji su lako mogli osvojiti pohvale ili medalje za hrabrost, „izbezumljeni dok su naduvani“, naša obuka je bila toliko dobra, to su mnogi od nas već pokazali u Vijetnamu.

Niko, koga sam poznavao, nije morao da bude motivisan na patriotizam ili da jednostavno odradi dobar posao kao vojnik uz obavezno proučavanje Biblije, fundamentalističke gomile gluposti, kojim se silom kljukaju današnje trupe. Idem ispred sebe u hronologiji priče, ali pitam se kako se naše vijetnamsko iskustvo poredi sa današnjom vojničkom fundamentalističkom hrišćanskom stvarnošću, moja sećanja su na pošteniju vojsku ili su samo iskrenija sećanja i sigurno ne manje hrabra.

Fort Luis, 1969. godine

U indijanskoj zemlji, odakle sam ja, ono što se računa je veličina vašeg srca. Bio sam u dve tuče na osnovnoj obuci i nisam započeo nijednu. Prvu je započeo vođa mog tima na obuci, koji je smatrao da mora biti nasilnik da bi vodio. Nisam ustuknuo. Bio je za trećinu veći od mene, i po građi i po težini. On je pobedio je u toj tuči, ali ja nisam bio poražen i on je to znao… Dao sam mu mnogo više nego što je ikada mogao očekivati, zapravo o ograničenju koje je mogao da podnese i nisam pokazivao strah. Ostavio me je na miru nakon toga i prestao da izaziva ljude. Bio je dovoljno pametan da uči. Drugi momak s kojim sam se potukao, sličniji mojoj građi i ne previše bistar, bio je gurnut na mene od strane većeg tipa koji nije hteo da me napadne. Sredio sam ga očas posla. Niko nas nije naterao da idemo u crkvu.

Fort Raker, od 1969. do 1970. godine

Zahvalnost Vaše vojske što ste završili čas lakog održavanja osmatračkog helikoptera u vazduhoplovnoj školi… što znači da biste mogli sedeti na podu zadnjeg dela četvoroseda, noge sa strane, stopala na skijama za sletanje, sa mitraljezom u krilu, glumeći mamac za letelicu sa naoružanjem, s kojom ste udruženi u „timu lovaca-ubica“… je pranje lonaca i šerpi u školskoj menzi, dok čekate svoj zadatak.

Vest! Vijetnam! Nikad nisam video čovekovo lice, naredba se pojavila sa papirima, stisnutim u pesnici, kroz otvor za poslužavnike s prljavim sudovima… moja reakcija je bila neobična mešavina adrenalina i želuca koji potanja… niko nas nije terao da idemo u crkvu.

U vazduhoplovnoj bazi Travis, 1970. godine

Isplovljavajući, čuo sam za vijetnamske „jebite se guštere“ i smatrao sam to psihozom okolnosti, nisam ovo smatrao ničim drugim osim vojničkom urbanom legendom. Gušteri jednostavno ne kažu „jebi se“. To je bila moja naivna stvarnost … a činjenica je da nas niko nije odmarširao u crkvu. A nedostatak crkve NIJE razlog zašto smo izgubili Vijetnam.

U Vung Tau, od 1970. do 1971. godine

Prebačen sam u Vung Tau nakon šest meseci na kopnu kao član najmanje borbene jurišne avijacijske jedinice u Vijetnamu, bio sam raspoređen u brigadnu avijaciju u brigadi elitnih lakih pešadijskih udarnih trupa. Bili smo brutalni prema neprijatelju u borbi I DALJE bez odlaska u crkvu. Nikada nisam čuo „guštere jebi se“ toliko kao što je pomenuto, a kamoli da sam video ili čuo jednog.

Bilo je to na mojoj prvoj noćnoj straži u Vung Tauu, popušio sam džoint moćne vijetnamske marihuane, to je sad već bilo normalno, smestio sam se iza mog malog odbrambenog zida od vreća sa peskom, jer sam smatrao da me čeka dosadna noć. A onda, na tri metra iza mene… jasno, i ne pitomo, ljudski glas je rekao: „Yebi ssse!“

Sa svakom dlakom na mom telu momentalno naježenom, naglo sam se okrenuo za 180 stepeni i svakog ko je stajao tamo bih pokosio mojom automatskom puškom Kolt… da je neko bio tamo.

Sada, gore od nepostojećeg Vietkonga koji me izaziva, paranoja marihuane zvana „noids“, počela je da deluje. Potpuno sam zaboravio na „guštere jebi se“ i moj zdrav razum se mrvio… niko me u Vung Tauu nije upozorio na ovog neprijatelja, jer je za vojnike koji su tamo već bili smešteni bilo „normalno“. Verovatno sam pomislio: „Čoveče, trebalo je da idem u crkvu“.

Akcenat guštera je nalik na Amerikanca koji izgovara „jebi se“ kroz kazu, samo 95% ljudskog zvuka, a 5% kazua… otuda savršen vijetnamski naglasak i način pisanja – „yebi ssse“.

Mora da je to bio alfa mužjak yebi ssse, koji je ponekad bio posebno glasan, nalik na neku vrstu velikog pročišćavanja pljuvačke u grlu, pre nego što je pljunuo: „ou-o-iss-yebi-ssse-yebi-ssse-yebi-ssse“.

Propagandni timovi CIA-e obučavali su guštere, a to i činjenica da su naši Vietkong yebi ssse šverceri heroina iz Vung Tau, nekako mi izazove podsmeh pri pomisli na 500 miliona dolara talibanskog profita za heroin… jer to su bili gmizavci yebi ssse obučeni kao „Ljudi u crnom“ koji isporučuju heroin CIA-inim avionima „Air America“, da bi opskrbio naše vojnike zavisnike u Vung Tauu.

Gušteri yebi ssse Vietkonga iz Vung Taua prodavali su našu dobru hranu u gradu, koristeći kamione američke vojske za dostavu, naši vojnici su morali da kupe svoju hranu nazad da bi dobili pristojan obrok, nekako me nasmeje pomisao na naše „hrišćanske“ vojne lidere, koji upiru prstom u korupciju u Avganistanu, sledeći Halibarton u Iraku.

Jedan od naših kuvara bio je toliko ogorčen zbog pripreme obroka od vodenog bivola ubijenog u pucnjavi, pa je napravio kolačiće od marihuane za naše yebite ssse kadrove (i otišao u zatvor govoreći o-yebote).

Gušteri su uzeli svoj deo od zarade taksi vozila, od onih taksija kojima je bilo dozvoljeno da koriste premijum parking ispred kapije naše baze, yebite ssse su na ovaj način povećali vozarinu, a naši vojnici su zglobnom raketom i kugličnim ležajevima odvezli taksi od kapije, mrmljajući: „yebeni yebite ssse“.

To nas je sve uvalilo u nevolje i postali smo yebite ssse koji se ispovedaju u formaciji. Naš yebi ssse, prvi narednik: „Želim taj uređaj i želim da odgovorni iskorače napred i stanu u sredinu!“ Sa zadnje strane formacije: „Yebi ssse“. To je došlo iz mog odreda i odjednom je prvi narednik bio u zadnjem delu naše formacije, viknuo u moje lice: „Vest! Ko je to rekao!!“ Sa prednje strane formacije dolazile su reči: „Yebi ssse“.

Scena „Bigus Dikus“ u Monti Pajtonovom filmu „Žitije Brajanovo“ MORALA je biti inspirisana ispitivanjem „yebi ssse“ u Vung Tauu.

A jedan momak koga sam znao iz našeg društva i koji je išao u crkvu, naš zaluđenik za Isusom, bio je dobar momak, nikad nam to nije naturao u lice, ali većina nas uopšte nije poznavala pobožnost i uradili smo sjajan posao na obnovi ratom razderanih helikoptera.

U kampu Frenzel-Džouns (Long Bin), 1970. godine

Zvali smo ga O, bez šale, jednostavno tako, O. Iza njegovih leđa neki su ga zvali Psih-O, jedan od njegovih saboraca iz borbenih helikoptera rekao mi je da se O seksualno uzbudio u borbi. Mislio sam da je to zanimljivo, ali koga je briga? O je bio ubica i to dobar, a to je bilo najvažnije u našem poslu.

Ali ubicama, u vojsci, ne samo na ulici, mora se upravljati, kao jednom kada sam išao da obavim neke stvari i O je želeo da pođe sa mnom, jer je usput mogao da kupi dobre cigarete sa marihuanom pojačane opijumom. Slučajno su ih vojnici obično nazivali ‘o-džejs’, prilično prikladno… Zastao sam na jednoj tezgi na autoputu između Long Bina i Sajgona, gde je O obavio kupovinu, izašao sam iz kamiona i razgledao ponudu, kad su se najednom O-ove oči iznenada zakolutale uvis iza kapaka i ponovo izašle odozdo, druga osoba… iz džepa je izvukao pištolj kalibra 38 i spremao se da puca u svog trgovca drogom zbog manjka kusura, uleteo sam između njih, gurnuo O-ovu ruku kojom je držao pištolj, ostvarili smo kontakt pogledom i video sam da je, kada sam mu rekao „Uđi u kamion O, idemo…“, prepoznao da nisam bio zavisnik od marihuane, već da sam samo bio radoznao.

O je bio topnik kalibra 50 na helikopteru modela Bell UH-1-H preuređenog u top, zastrašujuću mašinu za ubijanje u koju je bio spakovan O-ov 50 Cal, kao i modifikovani XM-27 „mini“ sistem topa: velika zapremina, višecevna, moderna puška Gatling velike brzine, kojom upravlja posada, od 7,62 mm, vođena električnim motorom – na brodu je bio bacač granata, takođe ručne bombe, koje bi posada jednostavno mogla da izbaci iz aviona (naše posade su letele sa uklonjenim vratima) to je uključivalo fragmentaciju i granate sa „belim fosforom“… bela granata od fosfora bačena u neprijatelja pozicioniranog sa maskirnom nadstrešnicom za skrivanje, može biti posebno efikasna u panici i izbacivanju ciljeva na otvoreni prostor, gde ih je lako ubiti. Ne sećam se da su nas ikad učili da je ovo ratni zločin koji krši Ženevsku konvenciju, ili možda još nije bio zabranjen, ali sumnjam da bi to bilo važno … radilo se o ubijanju naoružanog neprijatelja u borbi i zvalo se „šta god da deluje“.

Biti dobar ubica ne dolazi prirodno nikome, a većina nas je, za razliku od O, morala da nauči. Mnogi su naučili da ubijaju, učeći da mrze. Sećam se kako se jedan od mojih kolega vojnika smejao tome što su bacili CS granatu (suzavac) na budističku pogrebnu povorku, dok su preletali na niskom nivou… Mislio sam da je to prilično podlo, ali to je za njega bilo emocionalno preživljavanje, naučio je da mrzi „kosooke“ kako bi bilo ispravno to što ih ubija. Možda još uvek održava svoju mržnju i emocionalni opstanak pričajući ratne priče, u pijanom stanju u klubu veterana stranih ratova.

Nijedan od vojnika koje sam poznavao nije verovao da su bezbožni komunistički neprijatelji naših političkih lidera „sotonina deca“, koje bismo mogli redom ubijati, uključujući i njihove porodice… to se događa i dan danas sa našim specijalnim operacijama u Avganistanu… Naši vijetnamski vojnici prihvatili su predaju i nikada nisam čuo za neko ubistvo civila, osim za masakr u Mi Laju i ubistvo koje sam ja sprečio. Ali naše posade su imale puno prilika „ispravno je jer ih mrzim“ da rade stvari poput ispuštanja suzavca na venčanja i sahrane na otvorenom… jer smo većinom leteli malo iznad nivoa krošnje… kako bismo bili kratka i prolazna meta od bilo kakve neočekivane neprijateljske kopnene vatre.

Povratak u Vung Tau

Ne znam ili se ne mogu setiti ko je to započeo. Možda je vojnik pukao i rekao „Pokazaću vam jebi se!“ Bio je mrak, vikend. Između trideset i četrdeset nas nije išlo u grad iako smo imali izlaz, jer nismo imali novca ili jednostavno nismo marili. Brojni yebite ssse bili su posebno glasni te noći. Neko je pronašao štap i počeo da ubija yebite ssse, a vojnici su se iznenada mobilisali kao da im je naređeno da napadnu i krenuli su divljački da ubijaju guštere. Iznete su baterijske lampe. Locirano je sve više štapova za ubijanje. Trajalo je to možda dva ili tri sata, sve dok živi yebi ssse nije mogao da se nađe. Tela guštera bila su svuda.

Ako smo išta mogli naučiti u Vijetnamu, jeste: čak su i gušteri bili predodređeni da nas mrze.



Don Rumsfeld: 9 July 1932 – 29 June 2021


You all have heard of the first grade primer ‘Dick and Jane’? Well, as fate would have it, Dick did not grow up to love Jane, because Dick (like Don) matured into a homosexual in denial, or “RRR” (sounds like a Rottweiler growl), one of those closet morality, socially/sexually frustrated and consequently mean people known as a Religious Right Republican.

So, this has to be a adult repressed homosexual ‘dick’, or machismo porn variation, of the ‘Dick and Jane’ story. Consequently, the story of how Don Rumsfeld met his demise, because of Dick Cheney’s dog, is pretty screwed up. It’s called: Don & ‘dick.’

Rumsfeld was visiting ‘big dick’ Cheney at Cheney’s ranch in Wyoming, Cheney was wishing he could have shot George Bush in the face with his shotgun because the coward George flinched and did not pull the trigger on Iran…

While reminiscing missed opportunities at initiating Armageddon, wishing they could have shot more people in the face, especially more Arabs, and about their longing for certain fascists to be in their lives, past and present, secular and religious.. among other things, Rummy suddenly asked ‘big dick’ why his Rottweiler, “Machismo”, was always chained up at his kennel.

Mean people have mean dogs and, dick explained to Don that “Machismo” had an edge about him, Machismo simply could not be trusted around visitors. dick went on to explain how he wished it were otherwise and how he wished Machismo could be trusted to obey him and only tear apart people that he did not like, he’d tried dog trainers but they cost him money, too much money, because Machismo took a chuck of flesh out of all of them, every dog trainer he had tried. His insurance premiums had gone sky high, all on account of Machismo.

Rumsfeld: “Why don’t you get a different dog?”

Cheney: “Because I love my Machismo.”

Then Don had an idea.

Rumsfeld: “Hey dick, there is the Arapaho Indian Reservation right up the road, why don’t you get a Medicine Man to take the edge off your Machismo? I saw on the Discovery Channel the Indians can talk to animals, you know they are all devil worshippers, so maybe there is something to it.”

dick’s eyes brightened considerably, an amazing thing, as though a light had turned on upstairs, but then his brow furrowed back to normal, as though nobody were home.

Cheney: “That’s the problem. They are all devil worshipers, you know, Indians are sorcerers like the Old Testament forbid be ‘found among us.’”

So Don & dick discussed that and came up with a solution. If they were not at dick’s ranch while the medicine man worked with dick’s Machismo, the sorcerer would not be found ‘among them’ and it would all be ok in the end, because St Paul had said “All things work together for good” for Christians like Don & dick. So they sent a Secret Service agent to find a medicine man with an explanation of how dick would like the edge taken off of his Machismo, and then went quail hunting, so the Indian sorcerer would not be ‘found among them.’

The secret service agent found a medicine man, a Blackfoot married to an Arapaho and living in Wyoming, a typical dumb Indian, who with a look of stunned disbelief, kept asking the agent again and again “What!?” After the agent had identified himself four times and explained dick Cheney wanted the edge taken off his Machismo eight times, a light filled this Blackfoot Indian’s eyes, this agent was serious, and the devil was right at home.

Indians know when the gods deliver the opportunity of  a lifetime, and this was opportunity at redemption. It had been awhile since the medicine men had been noticed, that is, the now days scarce authentic ones, and the agent had stumbled onto the real thing. First and foremost, this Indian believed in the Native law of reciprocity and well knew how it worked, something the Whitemen had not sorted out since Jesus had told them about it two millennia ago: “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

In this Indian’s world view, the opportunity was all about deliverance, and the attending attrition from any consequence, a sort of natural quantum mechanics shamanic death manifest by friendly fire, simply would have to be tolerated, because the medicine men are all about manifesting truth, and this native cultural idea taken together with the dogs name, set out the path to healing dick’s Machismo: The dog would have to be taught how to enjoy narcissistic sex, instead of biting people.

Initially, the medicine man realized he would have to endure Machismo’s instinct to hump his leg, that was disturbing, but to reach the goal beyond… The Indian told the agent, well, ok, he would do it for ‘dick.’ The agent missed the straight faced Indian humor… and utterly failed his agency’s chartered mandate.

Indians are observational people, primarily, and know the purpose of dog butt sniffing rituals, sort of like when a Blackfoot and Cree spot each other from across a boulevard in downtown Calgary, the hair goes up on both backs and both Indians are thinking to the other “You can sniff my butt” in a historical context, and it is not a friendly thought. The actual butt sniffing between them is purely psychic, preceding any challenge and fight, and the medicine man doctoring dick’s Machismo would need to circumvent this phenomena to achieve his aims. So sorcery came into play. He collected urine from a bitch in heat, rubbed a little of it on his knee, and bringing more along in a vial, he traveled to heal dick’s Machismo.

The dog was very happy to see him, no hostility or butt sniffing ritual encountered at all, the Indian told the agent ‘the spirits’ required he had to work with the dog alone, brought out a plastic baby rattle wrapped in leather with a few strings with beads, to look convincing, and dick’s fundamentalist christian body guard was more than happy to leave. Then this Indian, bringing out the vial of bitch urine, began to work with dick’s Machismo: “Now Machismo, my leg is a good beginning, but we have to show you something, you don’t need my leg or me at all, you can do this all for yourself- just follow her scent to where it feels so right….”

In Blackfoot language we have a word, I don’t know how to spell it in the Whiteman’s language, but it sounds something like oww-woe-tops and it means you are crazy and “everyone knows the Whiteman is crazy” is a Blackfoot proverb proven again and again, example given, ‘dick’ Cheney hiring an Indian that hates him, as every Indian should, to tame his Machismo. There is another Blackfoot word I dare not try to pronounce here, but it means “Dog Face.” It is about as bad as Blackfeet language profanity gets, and it is not as tame as it might seem, initially. The term refers to a certain facial expression…

Don & dick were headed back to dick’s ranch, the agent had called and told them the medicine man had pronounced dick’s Machismo healed and was leaving, and as fate would have it, the medicine man, and Don & dick passed each other on the dirt and gravel country road, the Indian pushing his 1968 Chevy pickup named the “Red Jet” as hard as he could, the worn out 327 V-8 boiling blue smoke into the dust storm he was whipping up behind him, windows down, braids flying, wild eyed panic combined with a maniacal mirth at his crime, co-mingled with prayers to all the gods that he WOULD escape… thinking when he saw Don & dick “you can sniff my butt” while trying to put on as many miles as he could, as fast as he could, to escape dick’s ‘spread.’ Don said “God Damn”, dick in the same moment saying “he must have brought along his whiskey”…

Then, ‘dick’ & Don, walking to the kennel, turned a corner bringing Machismo into view in that very moment Machismo was swallowing it, gulping himself down with a certain facial expression… Don had a sudden epiphany, and he exclaimed “Machismo sucks!”, and dick’s perpetual grimace of hate torqued down to the point it actually broke his primitive semblance of a mind, he pulled his permitted concealed weapon…

The camera pans away to the beautiful red rock cliffs of Wyoming, there was a first shot echoed together with Machismo’s dying yelp, Don shouted “NO!” and the second shot was heard… a pause.. the third shot sounded and America never heard ‘dick’ Cheney say “Terror” again.

In the here-after, for all of eternity, Don repeated “Look Dick, look. See Machismo suck!” And for all of eternity Dick shot Machismo and Don, again and again and could not kill them or himself (because they were already dead.)

The Secret Service agent kept his mouth shut about his role in the cause behind the Rumsfeld/Cheney murder/suicide, and no one came after the medicine man who laughed for years, again and again like a child, every time he recalled:

“you can sniff my butt”




Cosmology is the Conspiracy

It would appear quite possible that groups of people create collective realities seeming unconsciously, and cause via their collective belief, events to take on what would appear to be an ‘unconscious’ but in reality is a ‘super-conscious’ intelligence that is organized, functions as though it were managed by individuals (even when it is not) and the result is, we can read into those events as though they were managed in a sense they actually are not.

This collective ‘meme’ can explain what is called in the biblical sense ‘principalities of darkness’ or that is to say a ‘spirit of evil’ managing events in a sense of both conspiracy and superstition.

There is quite a bit of ‘coincidental incidence’ in our world indicating peoples of the western culture are creating reality quite independent of self-aware thought and, to a rational observer, it could seem almost certainly by design when in fact this is not necessarily the case. Such would explain a belief in Illuminati when in fact it did not exist in any individual self conscious or ego-aware organized form but nevertheless manifest as an observable phenomena of symptoms or consequence derived from a collective super-conscious phenomenon.

A conclusion could  be there is a ‘super awareness’ of the group causes what appears to be ingenious evil of conspiracy when in fact there is no one individual or group of managers within the group capable of implementing these designs which, nonetheless in actuality, are perceived. To accomplish a reality of evil would only require evil ideas as cultural drivers; whether neoliberal fascism or fascism at the other end of the spectrum of the horseshoe where they meet, Huxley and Orwell both had it right. Huxley’s ‘it’s all about me’ descriptions of licentiousness points to the MTV generation and the global mono-culture of Soros, whereas Orwell’s sequestered environmental portraits aptly describe today’s several manifestations of religious fundamentalist cultures ultimately embedded in institutions of state; where lifting the curtain often discovers rampant closet decadence resembling the Sodom these ‘people’ (if they can be called that) so vehemently condemn.

The natural progression to end result would be, when a large portion of an aggressive society collectively believes in an archetype, whether a science fiction ‘utopia’ (despite the collective social denial this is in fact a murderous dystopia) or religion inspired Armageddon, all of the necessary players will naturally manifest in a super-conscious organized format empowered to bring it off, where no one individual or group of individuals or players could effect this by individual or personal volition; nevertheless the super-consciousness of the event’s initiating group insures creation of this reality for the collective whole. Huxley or Orwell? Which past projection of these valid co-equal realities will win out?

Huxley’s projected manifestations that became Google, Gates and Suckerberg pushing trans-humanism on this world stand little chance of survival when contrasted to Orwell’s projected, medieval, but 21st Century technology empowered, apocalyptic ‘good versus evil’ fable driving our Western world’s fundamentalist religions’ reality.

If you’ve not seen the Pentagon in this light, and radical Christian cosmology is the effective driver of what appears to be pointed to inevitable catastrophic outcome, better to change fables at the top, you think? Now, just how do you suppose this change of fables at the apex of military power could be accomplished? As things stand,  we’re all little more than an extinction event waiting to happen. To all of us.

Of course, even if it were somehow managed to remove the nukes from the hands of our military/industrial complex control (yo, senile Joe, our religious Pentagon’s Orwellian possession of ‘tactical’ nukes likely to move WWIII towards an extinction event aren’t necessarily controlled by your presidential ‘football’) we all still remain on the receiving end of Huxley’s social projection morphed into ‘trans-humanism’ pushed by Gates & Suckerberg. It’s the mRNA vaccine scene called Covid 19. Ouch.


Satirized information for the seasoned cynic:

DIY is the American acronym for ‘do it yourself.’ Now, sit down before you go on to read what follows; where reality mocks sanity.

Firstly, anyone reading here can go to any search engine and order ‘do it yourself’ [diy] gene editing kits. Enter “diy gene editing” and what do you know! What used to be the province of scientific labs at universities is history, last century, passé, done and over with. A bright 17 year old with wealthy and disconnected parents can, these days, set up a world class equipped, home laboratory in the basement of his house and create what could amount to a military grade bio-weapons facility.

Yep. Been worried about what DARPA might do? So dated, out-of fashion, these days any wealthy kid with an IQ of 150, left to raise himself up to be a sociopath, can do what was proposed at the Pentagon [link to post subjected to an intense information war determined to ‘debunk’ it] a scant 15 years ago; genetically edit religious conviction out of the future:

Ooooh… those naughty scientists at wooohan were so careless to let the genie out of the geopolitical bottle, er, I meant let Bat-woman do the big no-no… when actuality is, it could be (these days) any pissed off bright person with a bit of money and biological know-how and an ax to grind with humanity can make mass shooters look like your typically ignorant school yard bully… and f***ing harmless by comparison. In fact (except for its creator) nobody knows for certain and most likely we’ll never know with absolute certainty where Covid 19 actually came from. All we do know is, it looks like it was made in a lab, kitchen, basement or garage.

Yes, folks, that’s what Cartesian-Platonic civilization’s ‘thirst to know’ has brought us all to (Western science is the story of Pandora’s Box) while our political bosses are running us all off a cliff like lemmings; enabling their corrupt buddies at big pharma to take advantage of ’emergency use authorizations’ generating vast amounts of filthy lucre with even more experimental gene editing .. the only fit for lab rats mRNA gene therapies created by scientists not nearly so bright as our world’s angry kids.

Either one could kill us all –

Covid: Scientific Counter-Narratives

updated 6 February 2022

One to watch: Growing Indisputable Evidence; Uttar Pradesh, India. 200 Million People. Down to 17 New Covid Cases daily. 14 Straight Weeks of Downward Trend in Covid Infections. Just Over 400 Total Active Infections. What’s the Other Story Here? Ivermectin is Responsible. Update: Uttar Pradesh now at 0.01% positivity rate, 33 districts covid free. 2nd update: WHO is aware but keeps quiet on Uttar Pradesh success story.

Covid scientific counter-narratives includes links to information provided by front-line doctors and top scientific researchers from universities and other institutions that are suppressed by algorithms at google search and have been censored at Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & LinkedIn.  If it appears any of the links have been scrubbed from the net, copy the link location (control + click with a macbook on any link below) and enter it into the search-bar at (where the articles are backed up.) This list is updated more or less weekly. The first five articles are my own, most of the rest (with a few exceptions) are either external links or journalism republished at

Transcendent Corruption & Corona Virus part one

Transcendent Corruption & Corona Virus part two

When Western Culture Turned to Cannibalism

Covid, mRNA & Mad Scientists

The Flip: Russian Propaganda Technique

Holocaust Survivor on Covid Policy: “Never Again is Now”

Study: Lockdowns Don’t Stop Covid, Destroy Social Fabric

Damning Leaked Pfizer Documents

British Columbia 1/2 of Covid Hospitalizations are not Covid

Underlying ‘pandemic’ Motivation (op-ed)

UK Covid Death Statistic Inflated to a Factor of 10 (youtube)

Sole Natural Immunity Missing From “Super-Immunity Study”

Covid in Europe Before Discovery in China

Inventor of mRNA Banned by Twitter

Interview With Inventor of mRNA

Ivermectin Crushes Covid in Japan

USA: Corrupt Federal Covid Statistics

Danish Doctors Reject Merck Pill for Covid: “flimsy documentation”

Omicron is Covid Morphed Into Normal Flu

Big Pharma’s $1,000 a Second Covid Rake-in Adds Another EUA

Netherlands Doctors Break Law & Prescribe Ivermectin (Dutch)

The Gates-Fauci Multi-Billion Vaccine Empire

University School of Medicine: Natural Immunity is Good For Life

Another Study: mRNA = 150,000 Dead Americans in Six Months

mRNA Vaccines Can Make Spike Proteins “Forever” in Kids

New Measures? Omicron hosptalizations “low”

Vaccine: Dissident Scientist Assassinated

Yale Epidemiologist: Covid “Manufactured” Pandemic of Fear

Covid in Tolkien’s Shire (Op-Ed)

Court Ordered Ivermectin Saves Hospitalized “Dying Patient”

South Africa: Omicron Cases “Mild”

German Government Raking in Billions on Pfizer/BioNTech

Big Pharma Collecting $1,000 per Second on Covid

USA to Court: Hide Pfizer Data For 50+ Years

Study of Studies: Masks Don’t Work

USA Buys Ten Million EUA Pfizer Pills ($529 per pill)

Mercola: ‘Boosters for Life’

Vaccinated 9 x More Likely to Be Hospitalized

More on mRNA is “gene therapy” & Vaccine Deaths

USA: Hospitals Reap Covid Bounties

Attorney RFK Jr: Covid Dictatorial Decrees

Germany: Higher Vax Rate = Higher Excess Mortality (German)

England Official Statistic: More Covid in Vaccinated

Top Experts: Don’t Vaccinate The Kids

Biden’s ‘inform on thy neighbor’ Vaccine STASI

Infants Are The New Vaccine Lab Rats

Viral Vaccine Immune Escape

20 Studies: Vaccine Mandates Not Based on Science

Thailand Approves Herbal Treatment for Mild Covid

UK: When official Data Doesn’t Match Official Propaganda, Grovel

Expert Discussion on Vaccine Mandates vs Vaccine Injuries (youtube)

Natural Immunity vs Vaccinated: CDC Study Drops The Ball

OSHA To Employers: Don’t Bother Reporting Adverse Events

Dr of Pediatric Neurosurgery: Child Vaccination “Giant Experiment”

Study: mRNA Vaccination = 80% Miscarriage In 1st 20 Weeks (pdf)

Moderna CEO “No Moral Compass”

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine = 3.5 x Increase In Blood Clots

Covid Data Integrity Issues At Pfizer 

EU Statistic: Vaccine Deaths Now At 28,000 (1/2 of Europe)

Problems Emerging In Pfizer’s ‘Israel is Our Lab’ Experiment

Canceling Medical Professionals Raising Questions Ongoing

Vaccination Erasing Natural Immunity

FDA Presentation: Vaccination and Kids Deaths

Scotland Official Statistic: 85% of Covid Deaths Are Vaccinated

Singapore: High Vaccination Rate = High Covid Rate

Here It Is Again: Higher Vaccination % = Higher Covid Rates

NIH: Low Vitamin D Predicts Covid Infection

FDA & CDC Suppress Hospital’s 90% Vaccinated Covid Patients

Ivermectin: Rogan Takes On CNN’s Sanjay Gupta (Rogan Wins)

How Israel Became Pfizer’s Lab Experiment

Big Pharma Lap Dog: Ivermectin Works But Let’s Study it More

29 Studies: Natural Immunity is Superior to Vaccination

Amish Covid (herd immunity)

New Anti-Covid Drug = Profit Over Safety

How Covid Manipulation Made Moderna Fiscally Viable

Doctors Stepping Outside Official Narrative Risk License Loss

Merck Sells EUA Covid Pill at 40 Times Production Price

Vaccination Injuring Young Males At Unprecedented Level

Senator Rand Paul on the Covid Fraud (video & text)

Bad News for Gene Editing

Lengthy Breakdown of the Covid History & Fraud

Vaccination of Kids “Against Established Science”

AMA Directs Doctors to Deceive (Mercola)

Covid Math Doesn’t Add Up

Croatia: No More Vaccinations

US Army Equates Anti-Vax With Satanism (threatens soldiers)

Social Distancing “Completely Made Up” (FDA official)

Labs Can’t Find Covid Virus in 1,500 Positive Tests

Anti-Ivermectin ‘Experts’ Conflicts of Interest

USA: Ivermectin Disinformation Source & Timeline

German Doctors: Stop The Panic Propaganda (in German)

FDA Expert: Vaccines May Kill More Than They Save

India Lawsuit vs WHO (youtube, 53 min)

In Australia, Flu is Covid

Covid in Geopolitics (Gorilla Radio)

“Constitutional Work Around” The USA Vaccine Mandate

More Heath Workers Quit Rather Than ‘get the jab’

RollingStone & Twitter Collude in Fake Ivermectin Story

Five Alarm Fire: Vaccine Replication of Spike Protein

Aussie Prison vs Russian Freedom (youtube, 52 min)

Scotland Statistic: Vaccines Kill More People Than Covid

FDA Rats Leave the Sinking Ship

Ivermectin & Joe Rogan

Innumerable False Covid Cases Officially Registered

On Indigenous Healers of Covid (Columbia, Pacific Coast)

UK Statistic: Less Than 1/3 of Covid Deaths in Unvaccinated

Vitamin D: Study Says Without It, Covid Patients Often Die

Faux FDA Pfizer Approval, EUA Still Applies (pdf)

21% of Covid in Vaccinated = 58% of all Covid Deaths

Corrupt Oxymoron in FDA/Pfizer Approval (pdf)

Statistical Fraud in the FDA/Pfizer Vaccine Approval

Links Collection to 30 Studies: Masks Don’t Work

Bill Gates Major Pfizer Shares-holder

Another Study: Ivermectin Works

Leading Expert: Mass Covid Vaccination “Historic Mistake”

Top Tokyo Medical Authority: Use Ivermectin

New Scientific Study re HCQ & Ivermectin: It Works

Does Pfizer Require Employee Vaccination? No.

Highly Qualified Virologist: Vaccines are Driving the Pandemic

Gibraltar: 99% Vaccinated, 2,500% Spike in Covid Cases 

Israel: Natural Immunity Far Stronger Than Vaccine Immunity

Study: Ivermectin Cut Intensive Care Deaths 38% (Spanish)

Another Study: Ivermectin Stops Covid

Survey: Over 1/2 of America’s Doctors Decline Vaccination

CDC Proposes ‘Covid Camps’ for the “Vulnerable”

Expert: Covid Propaganda Threat to Democracy (video, 44 min)

Natural Immunity in Unvaccinated/Recovered is STRONG

Each Covid Booster Multiples Chance of Dying From Vaccine

Overview of Misconduct Alleged by Whistleblowers

EU: 20,500 Deaths, 1.9 Million Injuries from Vaccines (1/2 of Europe)

Anti-Body Dependent Enhancement in the Vaccinated (nasty stuff)

2020: 1.6 BILLION Masks in the Ocean, 450 Years to Decompose

Over 100,000 Vaccinated Get Covid, CDC Quit Counting at 10,000

Vaccinated Dropping Dead in Scotland: Official Statistics

Delta Variant in India: No Worse Than a Common Cold

CDC Notice: PCR Test Goes to Trash (see Gates & Soros)

Gates & Soros to Buy Covid Testing Company

Forensic Analysis: 9,000 Vaccine Deaths Should be 45,000

PCR False Positives Big Problem in Australia

USA New Trend: More Deaths From Vaccine Than Covid

UK New Trend: More Cases in Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated

Pfizer Ex-VP: “Fact-Checkers Pack of Lies”

Dr Martin’s Fauci/Covid Criminal Dossier (pdf 205 pages)

PCR Tests Accuracy Debunked (again)

EUA (experimental) Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Ethics 

Canada Fires Another Top Doctor for Raising Questions

Pfizer Manipulated Vaccine Protocols for Children

USA Senator: Suppression of Vaccine Deaths in Media

Politics of Ivermectin in Indonesia

18-39? AstraZeneca Twice as Likely to Kill You as Covid

Fear Mongers vs Delta Variant kills 0.08% of Unvaccinated

Countless Holes in the Official Covid Narrative (the long read)

Lisbon court: 0.9% (152) covid deaths, not the 17,000 claimed (pdf)

1.5 Million Vaccine Injuries, 15,000+ Deaths in EU (1/2 of Europe)

Top Medical Professor Fired for Questioning Vaccinating Children

Inventor of mRNA censored at Youtube for saying “ivermectin”

Moderna mRNA Vaccine Developed Before Covid Outbreak

Asymptomatic Covid Spread Alarm Was False

Science Breakthrough: How Ivermectin Works on Covid

PhD in Immunology censored at Youtube

India Lawsuit Against WHO Chief Scientist (pdf)

India Bar Association Sues WHO Chief Scientist

Corrupt WHO Pushes Back on Ivermectin in India

India Court Over-Rules WHO, Allows Ivermectin

Ivermectin Crushes Covid in Mexico City

Pfizer’s Own Research Reveals mRNA Vaccine deadly

Suppressing Ivermectin Has Killed 1/2 Million (to May 2021)

John Hopkins Professor: 1/2 of Americans are immune

The Drug That Cracked Covid (pdf file)

CDC Data 12,000% Increase in Deaths With EUA Vaccines

Another 160 Experts Say Stop the Experimental Jabs

Ivermectin Crushes Covid in Delhi

How Corruption Suppresses Ivermectin

Paper by 57 Scientists: Stop EUA Vaccinating Now

Bill Gates Protects Big Pharma Profits on Covid Vaccines

More on mRNA Experimental Vaccine

Top Yale University Researcher: Ivermectin Kills Covid

Covid vs Flu: Where is the Grim Reaper’s Scythe in 2020-2021?

Covid: Suppression of Scientific Counter-Narratives

mRNA: “It’s Gene Therapy, Not A Vaccine” David Martin, PhD

We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April by Dr Marty Makary (Johns Hopkins)

Treat Your Own Covid by John Day MD

Beating covid with generic drugs

The Great Barrington Declaration on covid

Fear is the Killer on covid

PCR False Positives (Study: Ten Fatal Flaws)

Propaganda & Corona Virus


Covid 19


A former Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence for Special Forces, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald had lived over thirty years in close association with Blackfeet Indians (those who still speak their language), and is published in international law as a layman: The Right of Self- Determination of Peoples and It’s Application to Indigenous People in The USA or The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole. Ronald has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background (no degree) is social psychology. His therapeutic device is satire.


“Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with the good” -Mahatma Ghandi

When greed supersedes racism, suddenly, ‘everyone is a nigger.’ Trump’s manipulated ‘white trash’ or ‘crackers’ had failed to understand it is identical underlying force, greed, and greed’s attending model of exploitation, had been the origin of chattel slavery that now underwrites the collapse of the blue collar, white middle class. We shouldn’t blame Trump for creating the conditions creating a new class of honky crackers (globalism did that) but certainly Trump exploited their ‘hope’ when he surrounded himself with world class criminal sociopaths on the extreme right of the 1% (the 2019 Trump cabinet included 17 millionaires, 2 one hundred million plus millionaires and 1 billionaire; altogether worth $3.2 billion.) Any expectation this crew would have sacrificed any portion of their fortunes (via profit losses) by reinvesting in the USA rather than cheap, outsourced labor, is fantasy par excellence. We’re all ‘niggers’ now, not to mention ‘useless eaters.’

What has manifest since Bill Clinton deregulated the American economy is a form of 21st Century slavery that doesn’t give a damn for the color of your skin and it doesn’t matter to any of the 1% whether your ‘master’ is on the left or right. Just don’t hurt the bottom line (profit) because the underlying motive is ‘all you stupid white niggers, if the global 1% can get you all fighting with (the dumber than fuck) antifa, as well as hating blacks, Mexicans, kulaks and chinks, we’ll never have to worry about y’all getting together to throw us out.’ So, listen up, whitey, here’s the what and how behind the modern rendition of what’s happening to you, with a relevant thumbnail history:

When America’s ‘European morality’ had ‘matured’ and the abolition of slavery became a political expediency of Abraham Lincoln…

“If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that”

…following the war which ‘saved the union’, ’emancipation’ was morphed into 100 years of ‘Jim Crow era’ where freed slaves and their descendants were denied voting rights and were literally “barbecued” or lynched after having been tortured to death, sometimes burned alive or dragged to death, with large attending crowds photographed with the dead  victims at these events made into postcards that were delivered by the United States Postal Service.

In fact Lincoln (and his successors) didn’t give a rat’s ass for the civil rights of blacks, he just wanted (and did) what was necessary to keep his political power intact while serving an industrialized North with it’s own system of chattel exploitation (keep reading.)

Abandoning their ’40 acres and a mule’ (a sort of compensation towards a ‘new’ post-slavery life) in droves, over six million blacks fled the South’s ‘crackermania’, migrating to cities in the West and North of the USA where they took the bait of the industrial corporations offers of factory work; that is, until the factories were no longer profitable and the corporations abandoned these communities to their own devices with little opportunity at community advancement or even sustaining what they’d gained in the short term. Locked into a subsequent social prejudice driven poverty with menial labor afforded to the LUCKY ONES, that’s the short history leading to America’s ‘black slums.’ Nobody with the political power to repair this actually gave a damn, they were all bought then, little different to now.

That’s the principle, in short, of what drives today’s globalism and makes everyone poor, regardless of color of skin. Corporations have taken their capital out of America’s communities to invest in cheaper labor abroad and the white working class is collapsing into the same poverty that had been the experience of the black communities previous to this. Now, how’s it feel to be the ‘nigger’? And it doesn’t stop there, because when they decide you’re too much burden, or think you’re becoming ‘uppity’, they’ll ‘barbecue’ you too (little different to any hellfire missile launched outside the empire’s “homeland”)

Maybe, just maybe, whitey, y’all should look at setting some history aside and begin negotiating some détente and political alliances with black people in the lower middle class communities you should be grateful hadn’t adopted the attitude of ‘the only good cracker is a dead cracker.’ From there alliances might be bridged deeper into those ghettos with a seething anger at what had happened to them and what is now happening to you. Nobody has to be in love, only reasoned, civil and fair.

The concluding reality is, if the 1% are Sneetches decorated with stars, and Trump is a Sneetch with a star, what Trump actually promised you, that is recovering the short lived ‘golden age’ of the white America of the 1950s, that horse has bolted the barn. It ain’t coming back and the Sneetches with stars who stole it from you aren’t going to share the wealth because criminals don’t voluntarily surrender their business models. Whatever opportunities might exist aren’t going to manifest from nostalgia; and they won’t manifest at all so long as the filthy rich can keep you all hating, divided and fighting from a stance of ignorance.

A closing note would be to the crackers’ adversaries, that is libtards in general, Black Lives Matter (shouldn’t all life matter?) and antifa; insofar as the one percent millionaire and de facto President Harris using you like the idiots you are, you’re dumber than this cracker portrayed wondering at a life in a world that never did exist and never will exist:

She’s an incarceration queen chosen by corporate boards to protect their wealth from you, anyone and everyone, end of story. Maybe all you libtards should look at opening a dialogue with the ‘crackers’ … because if you were actually ‘woke’ you’d understand we’re all niggers now.


Some serious reading:




