This open source analysis begins with Italian investigative journalist Gian Micalessin’s interview of the snipers who were present at the 2014 massacre of protestors & police in Kiev’s Maidan square. They were Georgians sent to Ukraine by security services people aligned with American allied-educated Mikhail Saakashvili. American Brian Christopher Boyenger ran the sniper operation on location. CIA owned (via google) youtube makes you sign in (registers your identity) to watch parts one & two. Here is the English translation of the interview with the snipers. The NATO history of septic infection by Nazis begins below that.

After four years from the beginning at November 2013 of Maidan demonstrations, we are able to tell another truth, completely different from the official story. Our story begins towards the end of summer 2017, in Skopye, the capital of Macedonia. There, after long and complex negotiations, we met with Koba Nergadze and Kvarateskelia Zalogy, two Georgian participants and witnesses in the tragic shootings and massacre.

Both Nergadze and Zalogy are linked to former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili , who started, in August 2008, a short but bloody war with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. Nergadze, as proved by an identification card he holds, was a member of a security service at President Saakashvili’s order. Zalogy is a former Saakashvili party activist.

“I decided to come to Skopije to tell you everything we know, about what happened … and I and my friend have decided together, we need to shed some light on those facts,” Nergadze says.

Nargadze also says Alexander Revazishvilli, [we met] a few months later, a former sniper of the Georgian army, participated in the Maidan shootout. [We] met in another Eastern European country.

All three of our participants say that they were recruited at the end of 2013 by Mamuka Mamulashvili, a Saakashvili military advisor who, after the Maidan action, will move to the Donbass, to lead the so-called Georgian Legion in clashes with ethnic Russian insurgents.

“The first meeting was with Mamulashvili [was] at the office of the National Movement,” Zalogy said. “The Ukrainian uprising in 2013 was similar to the” Pink Revolution “that took place in Georgia years before. We had to direct and guide it using the same pattern used for the “Pink Revolution”

Alexander’s version is no different. “Mamuka first asked me if I was really a trained sniper, Alexander recalls, [then] he immediately told me he needed me in Kiev to pick some places.”

Our informants integrated to various groups of volunteers between November 2013 and January 2014, [after] receiving passports with false names, and money advances.

“We left on January 15, and on the plane, Zalogy remembers, I received my passport and another [passport] with my photo but with different name and surname. Then they gave us each a thousand dollars to begin, promising to give another five thousand more“

Once in Kiev, our three participants begin to understand better why they were recruited. “Our task, Alexander explains, was to arrange provocations to push the police to charge the crowd. Until the middle of February, however, there were not many weapons around. The Molotovs, the shields and the sticks were used to the maximum.”

But in mid-February, clashes around Maidan begin to get worse. “About 15 and 16 February,” Nergadze remembers, “the situation has begun to become more serious every day. It was out of control now. And in the meantime, the first shots were heard. “With the rising of tensions, new players [would] come into play”

“One day around February 15, remembers Alexander, Mamualashvili personally visited our tent. There was another guy in his uniform with him. He introduced him and told us he was an instructor, an American soldier.” The US military veteran Brian Christopher Boyenger, is a former officer and sniper for the 101st Airborne Division. After Maidan, [Boyenger] moves on to the Donbass front, where he will fight in the ranks of the Georgian Legion alongside Mamulashvili.

“We were always in touch with this Bryan, Nergadze explains, he was a Mamulashvili man. It was he who gave us the orders. I had to follow all his instructions“

The first suspects in the possession of firearms among the ranks of demonstrators, involve Serghey Pashinsky, a leader of Maidan Square, who became, after the fall of Yanukovych, chairman of the Kiev parliament.

On February 18, in a video made that day, a rifle locked in a car was recorded with video taken by a demonstrator, showing an automatic rifle. A few seconds after, Pashinsky approaches and orders the car be allowed to go. The next day, weapons were distributed to groups of Georgian and Lithuanian mercenaries residing in Hotel Ukraine, the hotel overlooking the square used as a headquarters by opposition.

“In those days, Pashinsky and three other people, including Parasyuk, had taken the weapons handbags to the hotel. They were going to get them into my room,” Nergadze says.

Volodymyr Parasyuk is one of the leaders of the Maidan Square protest. After the massacre of demonstrators, he will become famous for an ultimatum in which he will threaten to use weapons to hunt President Viktor Yanukovych.

“On February 18, recalls Zalogy, someone took some weapons to my room. In the room with me there were two Lithuanians, the weapons were unpacked by them.”

“In each bag, recalls Nergadze, there were Makarov’s pistols, Akm automatics, carbines. And there were packages of cartridges. When I first saw them I did not understand …. When Mamulashvili arrived, I also asked him. “What’s going on,” I told him, “what are these weapons? Is everything all right?

“Koba, things are getting complicated, we have to start shooting,” he replied, “we can not go to the pre-election presidential elections …” “But who should we shoot? And where? “I asked him.” He replied that where he did not care, we had to shoot somewhere … to sow some chaos.“

“While Nergadze and Zalogy assisted in arms distribution at the hotel, Alexander Revazishvilli and other volunteers went to the Conservatory, another building overlooking the square. “It was February 16th … Pashinsky ordered us to collect our belongings and bring them in … Other people arrived, they were almost all masked.

“From their cases I understood … they carried weapons …. They pulled them out and handed them over to the various groups. Only Pashinsky was talking … “He was giving orders. He asked me where we were supposed to shoot. ” “In the meantime, explained Nergadze, even at the Ukraine hotel, the leaders of the revolt underlined the purpose of using the weapons.

“They explained to us to shoot to create chaos and confusion. We did not have to stop. It did not matter if we fired at a tree, a barricade, or a molotov. The important thing was to sow chaos. ”

On the 20th, in the morning, the plan came into action. “It was supposed to be dawn,” Zalogy remembers, “when I heard the sound of the shots … they were not bursts, they were single strokes … came from the next room. At that same time, the Lithuanians opened the window. One of them fired one shot while the other closed the window. They have fired three or four times everywhere.”

Alexander, admitting he was involved in the shootout from the Conservatory building, claims to have understood very little. “Everyone started shooting two or three shots at a time. We did not have much choice. We were ordered to shoot both the Berkut, the police, and the demonstrators, no matter what. I was totally outraged. It went on for fifteen minutes … maybe twenty. I was out of my mind, agitated, under stress, I did not understand anything. Then suddenly, after 15, 20 minutes the shooting ceased and everyone has put down the weapons. ”

As wounded and dead arrived in the Ukrainian Hotel’s reception, the snipers fled from the rooms. And so the victims found themselves next to their assassins.

“Inside, recalls Nergadze, “there was chaos, you did not understand who was who. People ran back and forth. Someone was hurt … someone was armed. Outside was even worse. There were so many injured in the streets. And the many dead.”

Alexander says he left in a hurry. “Someone was shouting that there were snipers, I knew what they were talking about,” he said, “my only thought was to disappear before they knew about me. Otherwise, they had me. At that time, however, I did not realize, but now I understand. I do understand. We’ve been used. Used and discarded.”

Note: Polish European Member of Parliament, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, independently confirms CIA trained snipers presence at Maidan:

Tidings Article Headline: Korwin-​Mikke: snajperzy z Majdanu byli szkoleni w Polsce [translates Korwin-Mikke: snipers at Maidan were trained in Poland]


Tidings Magazine: “Pan jest zwolennikiem tezy, że to była operacja CIA?” [Your thesis is this was a CIA Operation?]

Korwin-Mikke: “Majdan to była również nasza operacja. Snajperzy byli szkoleni także w Polsce” [Maidan was also our operation. The snipers were trained in Poland.]

Where It All Begins

Who are the nazi-American shadow government players? We begin with looking into what Mark Gorton calls “The Enterprise”…

“The tools of the cabal include domestic [and foreign] death squads, political prisoners, Orwellian control of the media, domestic spying and domestic (and international) terrorist attacks. The cabal has partnered with some of the worst people on earth including, Nazis, drug dealers, terrorists, the mafia, cults, mass murderers, child molesters and pedophiles” 

…and comparing it to what Jeff Sharlet describes as ongoing in “The Family”…

One needn’t be a Marxist to find fault with the Family’s mash-up of New Testament and unfettered capitalism — Adam Smith himself would have recognized that theology as a disingenuous form of self-interest by proxy. Such interests have led the Family into some strange alliances over the years. Seduced by the Indonesian dictator Suharto’s militant anti-communism, they described the murder of hundreds of thousands that brought him to power as a “spiritual revolution,” and sent delegations of congressmen and oil executives to pray to Jesus with the Muslim leader. In Africa, they anointed the Somali killer Siad Barre as God’s man and sent Sen. Grassley and a defense contractor as emissaries. Barre described himself as a “Koranic Marxist,” but he agreed to pray to Grassley’s American Christ in return for American military aid, which he then used to wreak a biblical terror on his nation. It has not yet recovered”

…followed on with with a comparison to Wayne Madsen’s research…

By 1957, ICL [International Christian Leadership, a ‘Family’ corporate euphemism or front] had established 125 groups in 100 cities, with 16 groups in Washington, DC alone. Around the world, it had set up another 125 groups in Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Ethiopia (where Emperor Haile Selassie gave ICL property in Addis Ababa to build its African headquarters), India, South Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Guatemala, Cuba, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Bermuda. ICL’s international activities coincided with activities in countries where the CIA was particularly active – an obvious by-product of the close cooperation between [founder Abraham] Vereide and the CIA’s Allen Dulles and James Jesus Angleton. Angleton and his close associate, Miles Copeland, favored using private businessmen to conduct operations that the CIA was barred from conducting statutorily [lawfully.] The ICL fit the bill very nicely”

…these preceding are clearly the same organization. Whether you call them affiliates or fronts, the ‘Enterprise’, The International Christian Leadership (ICL), The Navigators (farther on, keep reading) and The Family amount to a single talent pool from which cells (‘Enterprise/Secret Team’) are built, along the line of intelligence agency organizations. Former CIA Director GHW Bush, although it did not originate with him, was at the nexus of welding this pseudo religious crime organization into the USA government over decades, where it has consequently spread throughout the NATO hierarchy (and elsewhere) via the USA military. This is what former Pentagon liaison to the CIA, L Fletcher Prouty, was writing about 50 years ago with his description of ‘The Secret Team’

“For all its fabrication and apparent unreality, especially in this open society, the ST [Secret Team] machine does have a central soul or brain… or perhaps… holy spirit. It is the evidence of a form of new religion. It has its secrets. It has its divine and unquestioned rights and obligations. It has self-righteous power over life and death. It does not believe in anything. It does not value anything. It is utterly ruthless”

When George H.W. Bush had become the ‘clandestine operations’ executive officer (replaced Allen Dulles), it was Vereide’s heir, Doug Coe, had become the ‘theocracy’ co-captain (with Richard Halverson) who delegated authority and ‘blessed’ GHW Bush into the driver seat not long after the death of Abraham Vereide (d.1969.) Preceding Bush having consolidated control over the ‘executive action’ arm in 1970 (with Coe’s ‘blessing’, like a mafia godfather) Allen Dulles (d.1969) had been the previous undisputed clandestine operations ‘executive officer’ of this ‘Christian mafia.’ Dulles had been a WWI military intelligence officer, a Nazi sympathizing traitor throughout WWII, ran the CIA over the majority of the Opus Dei (Vatican) ‘rat line’ years (cooperating with Opus Dei rescuing Nazi war criminals from justice) and was ultimately responsible for subverting the CIA, the operations sector particularly, into a tool of ‘The Family’ which had itself been organized into cells on intelligence agency model.

“A lot of their key men in a country would be the intelligence officers in the American embassy. Throughout their correspondence, that’s the kind of guy they would like to have involved. They always had a lot of Army intelligence guys involved, Pentagon guys”

Via the Department of State, and its Siamese twin the Central Intelligence Agency, and Pentagon officers in NATO and military attache assignments to embassies, over 70+ years, this septic infection has spread throughout the Western world and beyond.

On The American Domestic Front

[Trump mentor Roy] “Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along”

Now, to the Epstein issue. Almost no one knows the intelligence agencies have a designer drug that both; breaks down the will and super-enhances sexual acts via a distorted sense of time (not only heightened sensuality.) Most blackmail targets who’d been unwittingly drugged wouldn’t care in the moment of sex with underage kids provided to them, even if they knew they were being recorded. Think Homer’s Odyssey and the sirens where Odysseus was tied to the mast of his ship and his crews’ ears plugged with beeswax. Only the USA’s ship of state (and ultimately, the NATO nations and more) had no captain the equal of Odysseus and no beeswax for its crew. The only question (in my thinking) is who has recordings of who.

“he asked a young man who’d put himself, body and soul, under the Family’s authority, “Let’s say I hear you raped three little girls. What would I think of you?” The man guessed that Coe would probably think that he was a monster. “No,” answered Coe, “I wouldn’t.” Why? Because, as a member of the Family, he’s among what Family leaders refer to as the “new chosen.” If you’re chosen, the normal rules don’t apply”

Just suppose ‘the family’ were an embedded phenomena in the several NATO nations’ intelligence agencies, this next (former spook) may have come close but didn’t win a cigar (it’s not only Mossad, his own CIA has the longer history and a track record of illegally compromising Americans; not to mention its complicity in GLADIO)

Selective inquiries into wrongdoing to include intense finger pointing are the name of the game in Washington, and the affaire Epstein also has all the hallmarks of a major espionage case, possibly tied to Israel. Unless Epstein is an extremely sick pedophile who enjoys watching films of other men screwing twelve-year-old girls the whole filming procedure smacks of a sophisticated intelligence service compiling material to blackmail prominent politicians and other public figures. Those blackmailed would undoubtedly in most cases cooperate with the foreign government involved to avoid a major scandal. It is called recruiting “agents of influence.” That is how intelligence agencies work and it is what they do”

Meanwhile, over at the Pentagon…

Due to DCIS [Defense Criminal Investigative Service] headquarters’ direction and other DCIS investigative priorities, this investigation is cancelled”

The upshot? After A FURTHER DECADE of inaction, it is LITERALLY taking a proposed Act of Congress to attempt shutting the Department of Defense child porn network down:

“The END Network Abuse Act would require the Pentagon to enter into agreements with groups including law enforcement, child protection services, social services, and trauma-informed healthcare providers in order to cut down or halt the spread and impact of these images on DOD networks. The bill would also upgrade the training and technical expertise of the military organizations involved in investigating these types of crimes.

“The National Criminal Justice Training Center, one of the groups that has thrown its weight behind the bill, reported in 2018 that DOD’s network was ranked 19th out of almost 3,000 nationwide networks on the amount of peer-to-peer child pornography sharing”

So, another big question: How is it our “Christian Taliban” coordinating with a suddenly ‘out of the closet’ (CIA paramilitary operations) dominionist cast at CIA…

“Weinstein told TYT his group has received complaints from CIA personnel about Pompeo’s introduction of overtly religious behavior into the workplace, including Rapture references. “He is intolerant of anyone who isn’t a fundamentalist Christian,” Weinstein said. “The people that worked under him at the CIA that came to us were never confused—they never had time to be confused. They were shocked and then they were scared shitless””

…are rubbing shoulders with a bunch of little kid f**kers at the Pentagon in their special operations joint efforts, you know, all of that super Christian (Gott Mit Uns) culture represented in the USA military forces “Officers Christian Fellowship” and their Pentagon prayer groups in an organization professing…

“… create a spiritually transformed U.S. military with Ambassadors for Christ in uniform empowered by the Holy Spirit …”

…and multiple coordinated intelligence agencies (Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency) with all of their professional ‘penetration’ capacities can’t clean this shit up?

Pentagon_Christians - 1

Huh. Maybe there’s something to the adage “Nothing fails like prayer.” Certainly the balls to stand up this seem to be altogether AWOL or the ethics & morality at the Pentagon (especially) is in a state of DESERTION and praying ‘Oh Jesus, save us’ is not going to cut the evil out.

The NSA is run by the Department of Defense, as well the Pentagon owning the Defense Intelligence Agency, together with any idea the Department of Defense cannot solve this problem with exposure of the criminal element, is patently absurd. Nothing short of complicity at the top could keep the little kid f**k circus in business. Who is compromised at the top? Well, it goes to the top on both ‘parties’ part.

“Doug Coe is a unique presence in Washington: a genuinely loving spiritual mentor and guide to anyone, regardless of party or faith, who wants to deepen his or her relationship with God” Hillary Clinton

“You know Jesus said ‘You got to put Him before mother-father-brother sister? Hitler, Lenin, Mao, that’s what they taught the kids. Mao [“Gang of Four” actually] even had the kids killing their own mother and father. But it wasn’t murder. It was for building the new nation. The new kingdom” Doug Coe

Who was Doug Coe? (d. February 2017.) The spiritual guru of not only Hillary but also MIKE PENCE. It was Mike Pence attended the meeting where Donald Trump was introduced to Doug Coe

Coe meets Pence - 1

Every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953 has spoken at the breakfast, a point made at the meeting to Trump by the evangelical lay minister Douglas Coe, a leader in The Fellowship religious organization, according to Coons. Also attending the meeting with Trump was Boozman, Vice President-elect Mike Pence, and several of Trump’s faith advisers”

Here is Doug Coe in his own words, the spitting cobra speaks for himself:

Beginning at minute 5:30 of the above video:

“Jesus said you have to put me before other people. And you have to put me before yourself. Hitler, that was a demand to be in the Nazi Party. You have to put the Nazi Party and its objectives ahead of your own life, and ahead of other people”

Coe goes on to say:

“I’ve seen pictures of the young men in the Red Guard… They would bring in this young man’s mother. He would take an axe and cut her head off. They have to put the purposes of the Red Guard ahead of their father, mother, brother, sister, and their own life. That was a covenant. A pledge. That’s what Jesus said”

And then:

“If you’re going to have any movement that moves men and nations, you have to have that kind of commitment”

Yep. Pence and Hillary’s guru stated you need make a commitment to following the principles, and emulating the behaviors of, some of history’s more infamous mass murderers, to move their ‘Christian’ agenda forward. If you keep listening, it doesn’t get any better.

Who are the ‘Navigators’ Pence’s long time spiritual guru had been addressing? An elite right-wing (actually Nazi) international Christian proselytizing organization with a 100 million dollar (+) annual budget. Probably it should come as no surprise the Navigator organization Coe preached to has for its registered symbol a neo-Nazi cross that also features in the Klu Klux Klan decor kit:

Coe-Navigator - 1

Each part of The Wheel® Illustration represents a crucially important component of a vibrant Christian life”

Compared to the contemporary neo-nazi decor at duck-duck-go:

Navigator_Circle - 1

Is Zelensky a case of the ‘Anti-Semites Who Loved Jews…And the Jews Who (Sometimes) Loved Them Back’ ?

Spengler love? - 1

Maybe. Historically speaking, there’s nothing unique in Zelensky’s relationship to Ukraine’s fascists and in this case the bad marriage is just another cell of an exclusive ‘serial-killers only’ swingers’ club where everybody is tired of the limited opportunity at couplings, yet their sex (murder) addiction requires everyone screwing everyone out of habit and everyone hates everyone’s guts. At some point, this ever-expanding (NATO) crew will resort to new mass murders, such as the ongoing false-flag massacre in Ukraine’s Mariupol, consistent with an American ‘Monroe Doctrine’ past:

These cells operated, as many of the Family’s projects do, through God – “the Catholic generals and colonels who rotated coup by coup through the leadership of Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador … consented to the Protestant ministrations of the Fellowship in return for access to American congressmen”

Now, to the present day Catholic Church Nazis the theologian David Berger had blown the whistle on:

Self-supressed Catholic priests - 1

Hitler was praised for having interned and murdered homosexuals in concentration camps

“the Vatican is .. relying increasingly on reactionary troops. It is closing ranks with evangelists, bible fundamentals and extremely reactionary forces”

This last, preceding quote, bring us to Mario Bergoglio’s meeting with Doug Coe:

Coe meets Pope - 1

At the end of the day, Nazi-pedophilia enabled blackmail seems evident in every direction; ‘The Family’ (in association with the Church at Rome) will have opportunity through the Catholic church, particularly via the ‘Eastern Rite’ Catholics of Western Ukraine’s Galicia.

Dominionism’s Fingers in Kiev

There is a very interesting blurb from the official White House website:

“our office launched the first-ever Interagency Working Group on Religion and Global Affairs (RGA), co-chaired by the [White House] Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and the White House National Security Staff.  This groundbreaking working developed a comprehensive map of how our government currently engages religious actors in foreign affairs through USAID Missions, Embassies, and Departments across government from the Department of Defense to the Department of Health and Human Services”

This is a pretty blanket admission religion plays a role throughout the USA government, despite the American foundational law erecting ‘a wall of separation between church and state.’ It is no news to me the White House (and American government generally) trashes this principle of law, and that is not the particular focus of today’s ‘revelation.’ Let’s narrow the preceding quote:

co-chaired by the [White House] Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and the White House National Security Staff

Ok, so now we’ve reduced this to a White House endeavor or effort on behalf of ‘religion’ and ‘national security.’ Never mind just how creepy that sounds, when contrasted to religion in history from ancient to modern time, the associated role of empires, and the countless dead in too many wars to count. Rather lets look at another aspect of the quote in relation to modern USA foreign policy:

a comprehensive map of how our government currently engages religious actors in foreign affairs through USAID Missions, Embassies, and Departments across government

Particularly noting ‘engages religious actors’ & ‘USAID’ & ‘Embassies’, and noting the ’embassies’ recalls the fact of Department of State is a CIA Siamese twin, and USAID is a CIA cover program, one need not wonder for long how it came to be Voice of America (CIA radio) notes Ukrainian of the Greek Catholic Church was in attendance at a so-called ‘National Prayer Breakfast’…

“It was a great possibility, not only to represent Ukraine, but also make connections, meet people and transmit truth about Ukraine and the situation in Ukraine”

As previously noted in my article ‘Victoria Nuland’s Wedding with Christian al-Qaida‘, the Voice of America (CIA) states the so-called ‘National Prayer Breakfast’ attended by the Arch Bishop Major of Kiev is sponsored by ‘The Family’ or that is the ‘Christian Dominion’ element which has penetrated every aspect of American government. The three pillars of the Christian Dominion movement in the USA are:

  • Dominionists celebrate Christian nationalism, in that they believe the United States once was, and should again be, a Christian nation. In this way, they deny the Enlightenment roots of American democracy.
  • Dominionists promote religious supremacy, insofar as they generally do not respect the equality of other religions, or even other versions of Christianity.
  • Dominionists endorse theocratic visions, believing that the Ten Commandments, or “biblical law,” should be the foundation of American law, and that the U.S. Constitution should be seen as a vehicle for implementing Biblical principles.

And again to Ukraine and Ukrainian

2 June 2014 “The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk and head of the [schismatic, unrecognized by larger Orthodoxy] Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate) as well as government representatives and opposition leaders will attend today the [Family] National Prayer Breakfast, a traditional event held in Washington”


Answers to Rome

 The Pope at Rome considers all Christians, regardless of denomination, to be in communion with the Catholic church, no matter how ‘imperfect.’ The Orthodox church does not, however, recognize the Pope’s authority. Roman Catholicism is dominionist by deed and history to present time, example of present day dominionism in Spain, similar to ‘The Family’ is given:

“As an organization of Catholics – half-monks, half-soldiers – they seek to sanctify themselves through political struggle and their goal is to gain power. It’s a hierarchical structure governed by the motto “He who obeys does not go astray.” They overlap with the Church, invoking the bishops and the pope with an ethical, Christian discourse and with right-wing political and media organizations”


“the Anvil is made up of airtight cells, to make effective the following rule: “Know no more than what is strictly necessary.” He claims to have no clue how many members there are, but says there are national and international leaders. “Our enemies were masonry, the gay movement, feminism, de facto unions, abortion, Marxism, and of course, Zionism””

What does the Roman church authority have to say about this?

“Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, the former archbishop of Toledo and current prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, based in the Vatican [stated] “They’re not called the Anvil any more; now they go by the Association for the Common Good and I think they are offering great services to society””

The major differences between the Catholic and Orthodox are more than cosmetic, the church at Rome is a strict hierarchy with a dominionist theology founded in neo-Platonic thought. The Orthodox church theology is, by contrast, rooted in mystic asceticism. Catholicism is aggressive in comparison to the Orthodox, and particularly aggressive towards the Russian Orthodox Church:

“After the breakdown of the Soviet Union” [a spokesman for the Russian Patriarch said] “a great number of people in the Roman Catholic Church decided that was the moment when it was possible to conquer these big territories and huge populations of the countries of the former Soviet Union”

Ukrainian of the Greek Catholic Church, it must be noted, is a stealth Roman Catholic, having trained at Rome in the Roman doctrine of Thomas Aquinas’ neo-Platonic theology, anathema to the Orthodox Rite he purportedly represents as an Eastern Rite or so-called ‘Greek Catholic’ (with allegiance to the Pope.)

The Church at Rome aligned Greek Catholic minority (6%) he represents in Ukraine, makes his elevation into American foreign policy circles (under the guise of a ‘religious’ event) all out of proportion to the Ukrainian mainstream Orthodox (Moscow Patriarchate), but this begins to make sense when one looks at the larger picture coming into focus with the USA dominionist agenda in concert with recent USA policy promoted in Ukraine. In fact the USA putsch installed ‘interim’ prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, is a right wing Greek Catholic, in league with the neo-nazi Svoboda party which held five ministries in his new [2014] putsch regime.

So, who is using who here? Is the Roman Catholic church using the dominionists in the USA or are the USA ‘Family’ dominionists using the Roman Catholic church? The plain answer is both. It  is a joint effort in Ukraine.

This analysis points to church-state intrigue of a sort you’d expect in medieval Europe. It would appear some habits never die…

Germany’s Role


3rd Reich monument at Lindau (Bodensee)

denazification |dēˌnätsəfiˈkāSHən|
noun: the process of bringing the leaders of the National Socialist regime in Germany to justice and of purging all elements of Nazism from public life.

Denazification didn’t actually happen in Germany folks, I took the photo of the Third Reich eagle (NAZI monument) at Lindau myself, in 2008. Germany still harbors deep NAZI sentiment widely, particularly in the south. Many Nazi criminals were quietly reintegrated to German society and lived out life unpunished with rationale such as:

“the West German Supreme Court overturned the judgment .. saying Rehse and other judges of the [NAZI] People’s Court had only been abiding by the laws of the time”


“The Americans and the British turned over the denazification program to the Germans, who made a mockery of it by electing or appointing some Nazis back into power”

It is only recently, with the most serious offenders dead of old age, a few lowly camp guards have been prosecuted in what amounts to a token expression of social responsibility. Insofar as Angela Merkel’s government had been years in coalition with (Scholz’s) Social Democrats, together with her Christian Democrats and their ideologically aligned Christian Social Union, this points to a wider tolerance of the German past than could even be imagined only a short time ago. But first:

On 24 March 2014, in Ukraine, Oleksandr Muzychko, neo-nazi leader of the ‘Right Sector’, was assassinated by interior ministry elite special operations police of the new regime in Kiev. He was without doubt a nasty man, a killer, criminal and terrorist. And because he was incredibly stupid, he also died a ‘patsy’ or that is a used and discarded stooge.


Oleksandr Muzychko

This man led the skinheads who provided the ‘muscle’ behind the violence that brought the new regime to power in Kiev. Now, his CIA supported putsch having been accomplished, he became an embarrassment. Can’t have people running around openly proclaiming a NAZI agenda. Muzychko, having been used to provide a service, was then shot dead in a demonstration of the new regime asserting ‘law and order.’ The Western media spin will be all about tamping down on the criminal NAZI element in the Kiev uprising and all  the USA’s sheep will sleep better at night, knowing NATO & ‘friends’ aren’t doing business with NAZIs (and couldn’t be more misled.)

It is beyond question the USA’s intelligence (CIA, primarily), having utilized Muzychko to optimal putsch effect prior to demanded he be eliminated (the more likely story) for appearance sake. In today’s game, you cannot be openly Nazi, you have to conceal the fact in order to qualify for support from the western democracies leaders. But in fact a neo-nazi party, Svoboda, held five ministries in the putsch regime at Kiev, putting down the ‘Right Sector’ was a smokescreen. Check this out:

“One of the “Big Three” political parties behind the protests is the ultra-nationalist Svoboda, whose leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, has called for the liberation of his country from the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.” After the 2010 conviction of the Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk for his supporting role in the death of nearly 30,000 people at the Sobibor camp, Tyahnybok rushed to Germany to declare him a hero who was “fighting for truth.” In the Ukrainian parliament, where Svoboda holds an unprecedented 37 seats, Tyahnybok’s [Svoboda’s] deputy [member of parliament] Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn is fond of quoting Joseph Goebbels – he has even founded a think tank originally called “the Joseph Goebbels Political Research Center””

Kind of puts this next photo in perspective:


Far-fetched? Perhaps not

Can anyone explain how Merkel (and Scholz) would not have known this following?

“The European Parliament in 2012 condemned Svoboda’s racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia as “against the EU’s fundamental values and principles”

Especially considering

“In [the 2011] commemoration of the 1918 Battle of Kruty, Svoboda, accompanied by a substantial number of so-called autonomous nationalists, organized a huge torchlight parade, rife with Nazi symbolism.

“On April 28, 2011, Svoboda celebrated the 68th anniversary of the establishment of the Waffen-SS Galizien. Octogenarian Waffen-SS veterans were treated as heroes in a mass rally, organized by Svoboda and the “autonomous nationalists”” -quoting ‘The Return of the Ukrainian Far Right’ by Swedish academic Per Anders Rudling (2013)

I hold Germany responsible for the Nazis put in power in Kiev, not the USA. Why? Historic responsibility, plain and simple. Scholz has a historic responsibility to call out the the facts of a Nazi regime in Kiev and refuse on principle to do business with killers laundered into power by the CIA (and their lackey BND.) If a German leader had the personal courage to do this, it would stop the nonsense in its tracks and we’d have a whole new geo-political game. But in fact German politicians are cowards (or worse.)

Think Scholz doesn’t know this next?

“the Ukrainian right wing has also received instruction financed by German taxpayers. [Svoboda] Party members appeared at events hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the German political foundation affiliated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives. Examples include the conference entitled “Lessons from the 2012 Parliamentary Elections,” the seminar series called “The Higher School of Politics” and a discussion on the 2012 elections”


Svoboda party leader Oleh Tyahnybok

Without a doubt, despite CIA media laundering, German intelligence certainly knows the facts about Svoboda, and nothing is done. I wonder what that has to with the preceding noted article going on to mention…

“[Svoboda] Party members appeared at events hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the German political foundation affiliated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives”

… considering who have been the German interior ministers of the past decade, responsible for domestic intelligence. All have been appointments from the German right. You think these Merkel Christian Democrat, and their affiliated Christian Social Union political appointments, didn’t know the Merkel aligned Adenauer foundation is associating with and sponsoring NAZIs? Recall today’s Chancellor Scholz had been in a ‘Grand Coalition’ partnership with these people, for years.

“Adenauer’s determination to integrate the right-wing nationalists who supported the Nazis into the CDU and thus into an acceptance of democracy explains much of the apparent paradox between his dislike of National Socialism and his willingess to accept men who had been very active in supporting the National Socialist dictatorship”

What’s more is, Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) or Federal Intelligence Service (Germany) reports directly to Germany’s chancellor. This German counterpart to the CIA had been midwifed into existence by the USA’s rescue of the Nazi regime’s intelligence at the end of World War Two. Initially organized by the OSS and subsequently CIA as the ‘Gehlen Organization’ under Hitler’s veteran Eastern front spymaster (Nazi war criminal) Reinhard Gehlen, the BND came into existence when the “Gehlen Organization”, staffed with Nazi intelligence & SS veterans, as well as more than 100 former Gestapo officers, was transferred by the USA to the Federal Republic of Germany (then so-called ‘West Germany’) to be under the authority of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. And so it was Hitler’s top anti-Russian intelligence talent became Germany’s post-war CIA. One can only imagine Reinhard Gehlen’s smirk when he’d stated his organization employed a lower percentage of former SS & Gestapo than most ministries in Adenauer’s Federal Republic of Germany government

Following on this historical political fantasy of a leopard shedding its spots in post-war Germany, of these recent interior ministers, Hans-Peter Friedrich & Horst Seehofer are from the Christian Social Union’s ‘unreconstructed south’ of Germany, de Maizière & Schäuble are from Adenauer’s Nazi integrated Christian Democrats (Merkel’s CDU.)

Wolfgang Schäuble, 22 November 2005 to 28 October 2009

Thomas de Maizière, 28 October 2009 to 3 March 2011

Hans-Peter Friedrich, 3 March 2011 to 17 December 2013 (boss when files likely incriminating the German police relationship to neo-nazis were shredded)

Thomas de Maizière, 17 December 2013 to 14 March 2018

Horst Seehofer, 14 March 2018 to 8 December 2021

The frosting on the Adenauer empowered Nazi cake would be this next:

“Arrested by the Canadian Army in 1945 Alfried Krupp was tried as a war criminal at Nuremberg. He was accused of plundering occupied territories and being responsible for the barbaric treatment of prisoners of war and concentration camp inmates. Documents showed that Krupp initiated the request for slave labour and signed detailed contracts with the SS, giving them responsibility for inflicting punishment on the workers.

“Krupp was eventually found guilty of being a major war criminal and sentenced to twelve years in prison and had all his wealth and property confiscated.

“On 5th December, 1950, Adenauer wrote .. a letter urging clemency for Krupp.

“In January, 1951, [it was] announced that Alfried Krupp and eight members of his board of directors who had been convicted with him, were to be released. His property, valued at around 45 million, and his numerous companies were also restored to him” (45 million in 1951 is 410 million 2014, adjusted for inflation)

Denial aside, Adenauer’s Nazis reintegrated to the politics post-war Germany, could explain a lot about Germany’s strongly supportive relationship with the Nazi regime in Kiev, you think?

Meanwhile, In Nazi Germany’s ‘Neu Ostland’


“Vilnius: Lithuania on Thursday accused Russia of a military [2014] “invasion” of conflict-torn Ukraine and called for a United Nations Security Council meeting over the issue.

“Lithuania strongly condemns the obvious invasion of the territory of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation,” the foreign ministry said, adding that the Security Council should address the matter “immediately””

Never mind the CIA, with the complicity of Germany, overthrew an elected government in Ukraine and has supported a post-coup neo-nazi regime in Kiev.

Neo-Nazis march in Kaunus, Lithuania, February 16, 2013 (photo: Dovid Katz)

Neo-Nazis march in Lithuania, February 16, 2013 (Dovid Katz photo, Times of Israel)

^ “one of the “heroes” of the marchers whose portrait appeared on a large banner was Juozas Ambrazevicius, the Prime Minister of the Provisional Lithuanian government of June 1941, which fully supported the Third Reich […] in May 2012, his remains were brought back to Lithuania and buried in Kaunas with full national honors, despite his despicable role in Holocaust crimes”


“Four Latvian MPs (E. Cilinskis, J. Dombrava, R. Dzintars, I. Parādnieks) attended the Waffen SS fest giving it, in 2014, a flavor of state approval taken in tandem with the gifting of the city center and Liberty Monument area”

Screenshot of the Latvian National-Socialist Party glorifying this annual festival taken down at youtube:

(^ fine print: notice Baltic Nazi sympathies are in line with the Ukrainian Svoboda Party & Right Sector the Russians are taking issue with, Nazis having taken power in Kiev with ample assistance from an ever more aggressive & expanding NATO.)



“Russia has been destabilising Ukraine for too long. By now, terrorists acting in Eastern Ukraine have received added reinforcements in the form of Russian military forces that can clearly be recognised. This is undeclared war”

Sure, it actually is undeclared war, a war began by NATO and the EU undermining Ukraine, empowering neo-nazis, while crapping on its promise to Russia not to expand NATO when the Russians agreed to dismantle the Soviet Union. And speaking of terrorists in Eastern Ukraine, what do you suppose that might have to do with the coup supporters murdering people en mass on multiple occasions? One of those occasions, the Maidan massacre, is spoken to by the Estonian foreign minister, captured in a leaked phone call:

“So that there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition”

Now, why do you suppose the Estonian didn’t go public with this? Because the Estonian government also harbors Nazi sentiment?

”It is really surprising that Estonia has so hysterical reactions in their need [to] support the SS-Waffen celebration. I wrote a RT-column about two weeks ago about these celebrations. And now SS-Waffen celebrations are carried out again in Estonia, but Estonia’s security service wrote the prohibition against me to enter the country. Estonia limits the freedom of journalists to report about the political phenomena, if these journalists don’t work under the service of Estonian security service and their ideology.

”I had a plan to enter to Estonia and write a RT-column about these SS-Waffen celebrations, feelings, symbols, etc. I haven’t ever done any crimes in Estonia (or in other country), I am an EU-citizen. Fortunately, I had planned to travel separately from Finnish friends of mine. If did I travel with them on board, now I would sit in a prison cell, together with Dr. Johan Bäckman.

”Johan Bäckman, an adjunct professor at the Helsinki university, was arrested during last night 30th July although his name was not on any “blacklist”. Bäckman has never done any crime in Estonia. He would have written critically about these Nazi celebrations.

”Petri Krohn, the president of the association Finland without Nazism has also an entry ban for the days of SS-celebrations” …


The English sub-titled version of the film ‘Ukraine: The Masks of the Revolution’ by French Journalist Paul Moreira was almost immediately taken down by youtube following its release by Canal+ TV in France. This film had Kiev’s apologists squealing like electrocuted pigs, so it must have hit a nerve. Read Moreria’s defense of his documentary HERE.

This film’s interviews of the Odessa massacre survivors & perpetrators goes far towards setting the record straight on who was behind the 2014 events in Ukraine.

Where does it end? War with Russia on account of the West’s Nazis?


Updated 5 April 2022