Archives for posts with tag: MH 17

This book review is reproduced for my Australian readers, particularly, but is recommended for everybody. The simple fact this review is banned in Australia gives added credence to the exposé it covers; the excellent journalism of John Helmer debunking the MH-17 (state sponsored) disinformation campaign cooked up by liberal democracies in the geopolitical game demonizing Russia. Originally found at John Helmer’s site. Reproduced with permission.


By Evan Jones, Sydney

The MH17 was brought down over six years ago. John Helmer, with others, has compiled a book on the farce that has attended the pursuit of cause and culprits. Australia’s involvement is peculiarly both integral and marginal.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was brought down over Eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014. All 298 people on board lost their lives – including 196 Dutch, 43 Malaysians and 38 Australian.

Overseen by the Dutch, a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) was established in August 2014, formally comprising personnel from the Netherlands. Ukraine, Australia and Belgium. Malaysia itself was not admitted to the JIT until late November, reputedly because of  its scepticism towards the Ukrainian version of the cause of the shoot-down and who was responsible.

Before anybody had inspected the site, that line was that Russia and/or pro-Russian rebels against Kiev did it. The weapon was a Buk ground-to-air missile, the launcher brought in from Russia and returned after the dirty deed.

The JIT investigation and Dutch court case is effectively a Dutch-Ukrainian affair. As Helmer (henceforth Helmer) note, Ukraine possesses the  ‘right as a JIT member to veto what is investigated, what is disclosed, who to convict’ (Ch.6). Belgium  (4 nationals dead) is out of picture. Australia is both inside and outside the tent.

Site material reclaimed is partial, and evidence is spotty. Ukrainian air traffic control data have not been released. However, two forms of evidence, Australian-linked, appears to be atypically decisive, at least in a negative sense.

Helmer (Ch.6): ‘Two reports by Australian coronial investigators, David Ranson, a pathologist from the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM) and Iain West, deputy coroner for the state of Victoria, have revealed the cause of death of the victims, ruling out shrapnel from an exploding Buk missile warhead. The first Ranson-West report, released in November 2014, [is outlined] here. A second report, eight pages in length and written by Ranson, followed a month later. This was sent to the Victorian State Coroner, Judge Ian Gray. …

‘To date, the consensus identification of the external blast source is a point to the left of the aircraft, forward of the left wing. … The record by [Dutch pathologist George] Maat’s Australian team members at [Dutch military base] Hilversum is that no Buk detonation could have taken place without filling the bodies of passengers on the left (port), forward side of the cabin, but the evidence of the bodies shows this didn’t happen.’

The Ranson report was released to victims’ families, discussed with the Australian Federal Police, and to select others. Ranson and West also spoke on the matter at the Asia-Pacific Coroners Society Conference in Melbourne on 14 November. However the material has subsequently been classified. Why?

The sister of the Malaysian MH17 pilot went to Halversum to inspect her brother’s body. She claimed that (Ch.8) ‘she had seen a film of his body and had been told by investigators there were no shrapnel or bullet wounds’. Her response was deflected in the Dutch media.

The Abbott government was in place. Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had a priori opinions on whodunnit (Chs.8 & 9). In early November, Abbott claimed: ‘“We were given very strong security advice [that is, from the Americans] in the days following the atrocity as to the type of weapon, as to the place from where the weapon was fired and as to the likely prominence of the weapon and there’s been nothing since then to question that original security advice.”’

Their interests ran contrary to the information that Coroner Gray had in his possession. Abbott, titular Rhodes Scholar, had trouble reconciling his will, impetuous, with the forensic evidence produced by Australian specialists.

According to former Army officer James Brown in 2016, Abbott had initially offered to send Australian troops to control the crash site. Brown is Malcolm Turnbull’s son-in-law and apparent conduit for Turnbull’s exposé of Cabinet activity. Abbott then willingly brought Australia into an American-hatched idea to send Dutch and Australian troops (of which 3,000) into Eastern Ukraine (Ch.18), with logistic support from others. Germany said it’s not on; the Dutch then said it’s unrealistic. But Abbott had the Australian military and security establishment in knots even after the potential European partners had pulled the plug.

Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister in September 2015, bringing his own brand of ambiguity to the fog. Turnbull promised the victims’ families action to find and prosecute those responsible, wanted to blame the Russians, yet was more circumspect than Abbott. Turnbull declined to issue certification as to the crash’s cause that would open the way for the Australian government to pay compensation to the families under the Supporting Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas Act.

There was another source of dissidence from Australian specialists. The Dutch Safety Board, officially responsible for investigations, had quickly (with Ukrainian and American governments’ support) attributed the aircraft’s demise to a Buk missile. Yet the senior figure in the Australian contingent, the AFP’s Detective Superintendent Andrew Donoghue, urged caution. Helmer notes (Ch.14), citing Donoghue before a Victorian Coroners Court hearing 15 December 2015, ‘“initial information that the aircraft was shot down by a [Buk] surface to air missile” did not meet the Australian or international standard of evidence’.

In court, the forensic pathologist repeated conclusions contained in his late 2014 reports that no ‘distinctive pre-formed’ metal fragments had been found in the two CT scans of the Australian victim bodies.

Donoghue also noted that, courtesy of secret Australian government negotiations with Novorussian leaders, his Australian team had belatedly gained access to the crash site, in the face of Ukrainian government-enforced restrictions. Donoghue reported that some potential witnesses who had come forward refused to testify unless provided protection from Kiev reprisals.

Bizarrely, Deputy Coroner West’s judgment defied the evidence before him from Donoghue and Ranson, claiming that the Dutch Safety Board had it right in determining that a Russian Buk missile had caused the MH17’s destruction. This in spite of the fact that West’s name is attached to the first Ranson report of November 2014 which (with the second December report) notes the absence of metal fragments in the bodies that a Buk missile warhead would have produced.

In March 2017, then Attorney General George Brandis delivered to Prime Minister Turnbull advice that there remains (Helmer) ‘insufficient evidence of what and who caused the MH17 crash to meet the Australian statutory test of a terrorist act’ (Ch.21). Apart from attribution of guilt to culprits, there is the necessity to prove malicious intent.

Several days previously, the Ukrainian government (Helmer) ‘had applied to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to convict Russia of financing, arming and aiding terrorist acts, including the destruction of MH17’. Australian legal opinion thus undermined the Ukrainian government’s move, as well as the Joint Investigation Team’s renewed claim in September 2016 (Ch.18) that the Russians and the Ukrainian rebels reliant on them were responsible. The Dutch and Ukrainians aren’t listening.

Yet Turnbull continued to publicly blame Russia. On 5 March, the Sydney Morning Herald reported Turnbull, in the context of a stoush with Senator Pauline Hanson, thus:

‘But Mr Turnbull said there was no doubt Russia was involved in the 2014 “murder”. “Vladimir Putin’s Russia is subject to international sanctions, to which Australia is a part, because of his conduct in shooting down the MH17 airliner in which 38 Australians were killed. Let’s not forget that,” he said. “That was a shocking international crime. Vladimir Putin’s Russia is not, and should not be, an object of admiration in any respect.”’

Turnbull was wearing two hats – one as lawyer, the other as politician.

Part Three of Helmer’s book (‘The standard of proof’) is devoted to the Dutch prosecutor’s absence of proof. Part Four is devoted to the trial of four accused individuals – three Russians and a Ukrainian – amidst disdain for the absence of proof, involving  a travesty of Dutch law itself.

The farcical character of the proceedings has been ignored in the Australian media. The  Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) is representative.

The  SMH did report (8  March 2020) the disgust of the Russian Ambassador to Australia at the lack of evidence for the ‘official’ accusations of Russian guilt.

The  SMH also gave voice to one Jerry Skinner (27  May 2018), an American lawyer, flamboyantly seeking victim family clients to sue first Malaysia then the innately evil Russians for their murderous act. Skinner claims to have ‘helped negotiate $2.7 billion from the Libyan government to compensate families  of victims of the Lockerbie air disaster’. Given that the Libyans were not responsible for this atrocity (see Helmer’s Ch.25), Skinner’s talents are evidently remarkable. Helmer deals with Skinner and his litigious law firm in Chs.16 & 23.

The bulk of  SMH coverage of the MH17 crash and the investigatory and legal aftermath has been carried by successive London-based correspondents Nick Miller  and Bevan Shields. Miller and Shields have dutifully repeated the Western correct line without deviation.

What and who to believe? The detached Australian might ask, how could Dutch authorities be engaged in skulduggery? Aren’t the Dutch a decent and progressive people?

Well not quite. As is noted of the MH17 book’s co-author: Max van der Werff, he ‘began his career as a citizen journalist investigating the torture of civilians by the Dutch colonial administration during the Indonesian war for independence’.

As legal academic  Ramses Wessels reported  in 2008, the Netherlands opportunistically abandoned its previous neutrality in joining NATO in 1949. Wessels notes: ‘During the Cold War, the Netherlands proved  to be an active and loyal member of the Alliance, which allowed for a much larger role in international affairs than its size would justify.’ Ah, punching above their weight – where have we heard that before?

The Netherlands continues its allegiance to what has become, following the fall of the Soviet Union, a transparently criminal organisation.

As for the economy, the opportunistic Netherlands has probably been the second biggest beneficiary after Germany of the European Union and its exploitative hierarchy. Not content with its perennial trade surplus, the Netherlands has turned itself into a tax  haven at the heart of the EU (documented meticulously by Gabriel Zucman), that status becoming particularly attractive to trans-border European companies (such as Airbus and Peugeot/Fiat).

In short, predictably, the Netherlands has no principles, only interests. And thus it is with the MH17 show trial.

In the meantime, the victims’ families are treated as mere pawns in a brutal revamping of the Cold War, with the post-coup Ukraine dictating terms via the seemingly respectable Dutch court system. It is a phenomenon beneath contempt. You’ll have to read Helmer because you won’t read about it in the Australian MSM.

[*] This review has been banned from publication in Australia.

Left, Associate Professor Evan Jones is a retired political economist, based in Sydney. He taught at the University of Sydney from 1973 until 2006. Right, click to read the book.

MH17 is again in the news, recommended reading on the latest accusations against Russia & Russians with a new twist, falsely charging a Russian nationalist opposed to Putin to generate internal problems in Russia:

FLORES: Strelkov the traitor accused of MH17 downing? Fort Russ News isn’t taking the bait

This site’s original 2014 investigation with 5 years appended updates…

also at:

…dryly noting that no amount of wishful propaganda will ever change MH17 had been brought down by a Ukrainian forces combat jet –

Associated Press puts out John Kerry’s patently false speculation parroted by the fixed Dutch MH 17 investigation’s findings:

“International investigators have concluded that the Buk missile was fired from Russia-backed rebel-controlled territory by a mobile launcher trucked in from Russia and hastily returned”


In this context it does to remind concerning the USA ‘assistance’ of the Lockerbie bombing case:

“A FORMER Scottish police chief has given lawyers a signed statement claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated

“The retired officer – of assistant chief constable rank or higher – has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people”

It was an FBI ‘expert witness’ testified to this ‘evidence’ authenticity in Lockerbie and another bombed flight at odds with the actual facts:

”It is striking to note the similarity of the ‘scientific’ evidence discovered by the FBI’s Tom Thurman in both the Lockerbie and UTA cases. Of the tens of thousands of pieces of debris collected at each disaster site, one lone piece of printed circuit was found and, miracle of miracles, in each case the fragment bore markings that allowed for positive identification: MEBO in the Lockerbie case and TY in the case of UTA Flight 772. Despite the common findings of the DCPJ, the DST and the Prefecture of Police crime laboratory, Juge Bruguière chose to believe Thurman, the expert in fabricating evidence”

Speaking of egregious political lies, we have a former policeman says it WAS INDEED a US Navy missile brought down TWA flight 800…

“Unlike Pierre Salinger, who relies on the internet rumors and old FAA tapes, ex-cop turned investigative reporter Jim Sanders uses original first hand scientific evidence and actual U.S. Government documents and inside sources”


…recalling the USA attempted cover-up in its Navy’s shoot-down of an Iranian civilian passenger jet:

And the other incompetent military which previously blew a Russian civilian airliner out of the sky with a surface to air missile? Would you expect Ukraine? US Navy 2 civilian airliners downed to Ukraine military’s 1 (or 2, depending on the actual facts of MH 17)

And the bombing of the flight to Venezuela from Cuba? A known CIA asset was the perpetrator:

“In 2015, the US State Department declassified a document which the Miami Herald reported indicated that Luis Posada Carriles was the most likely planner of the 1976 suitcase bombing of Cubana de Aviación Flight 455 that killed 73 people”

When it comes to demonizing the USA’s boogeymen of choice, these days the boogieman is Russia, no propaganda ploy is too low; even so far as to deliberately perpetrate mass murder framing an innocent party –

This sites most read intelligence assessment:

Black Boxes, Dark Arts & Geopolitics


A spy vs spy episode



^ Not Elliot Higgins, but close enough

OK, so now we have this guy from nowhere (England), described as a ‘one man intelligence agency’, admittedly even without my little bit of antiquated military intelligence experience (or any other professional experience or intelligence training) has founded a crowd sourced investigative journalism site picked up and pushed by American Broadcasting Corporation (a.k.a. ’empire broadcasting’) claiming they’re onto faked photos produced by Russia relating to MH 17.

“”These claims, representing the majority of information publicly presented by the Russian government since the downing of Flight MH17, are a clear attempt by the Russian government to deceive the public, global community, and the families of the Flight MH17 victims,” Bellingcat said in a statement released with the report”

Setting aside “representing the majority of information publicly presented by the Russian government since the downing of Flight MH17″ as clearly not true, let me ask a rhetorical question: If this article were on the up & up, why is it the GCHQ (Britain), NSA (USA) and too many other highly interested, professional intelligence organizations to list here, with an axe to grind in regards to Russia, had failed to discover and announce this marvelous evidence in the roughly ten and one half months since the downing of MH 17?

And to put a bit of perspective into that ‘axe to grind’ .. the head of STRATFOR (a very professional, renown private intelligence agency) calls the regime change in Ukraine “the most blatant coup in history” (I think installing the Shah, the Diem assassination and Allende overthrow were equally blatant coups d’état, but you get his point.) Why hasn’t the ’empire news’ reported on this? Who’s deceiving who?

And some followup questions; why has the USA, despite Russia asking for this specifically, refused to now to release its satellite photos of the time and area MH 17 went down? Why did Kiev air traffic control reroute MH 17 over the combat zone and out of the normal flight path? Why did Kiev’s internal security service confiscate the air traffic control records? Why was Malaysia kept out of the investigation for the initial several months? Why is there a non-disclosure provision per the investigation’s findings?

As well, Bellingcat’s founder has a bit of sorry pre-history, inclusive of two MIT professors shooting down the ‘we know Assad did it’ chemical weapons attack in Syria, leading to a most un-startling conclusion:

“If Higgins is certain that he has cracked the Da Vinci Code of the Syrian chemical attacks, he needs to get on the phone with the Associated Press and the United Nations and set the record straight. Also, he should get a job at MIT.

“We’ve seen several YouTube videos which make strong cases to support the theory that Barack Obama could be a secret space lizard, and yet he refuses (i.e. “has failed”) to disprove this allegation”

Also known as:

Shifting the Burden of Proof (also see Argument from Ignorance.)  “A fallacy that challenges  opponents to disprove a claim, rather than asking the person making the claim to defend his/her own argument. E.g., “Space-aliens are everywhere among us masquerading as true humans, even right here on campus! I dare you prove it isn’t so! See? You can’t! That means what I say is true.”

Which is actually the western democracies approach; in a circumstance of accusing Russia of initiating aggression in relation to Ukraine

This article appended to:

Black Boxes, Dark Arts & Geopolitics

5 June 2015 update: It didn’t take long for a forensic experts on digital images to weigh in and debunk Bellingcat’s bs, here’s an  example at Der Spiegel

article links:

Black Boxes, Dark Arts & Geopolitics


Ukraine for Dummies

Reuters reports today:

“An independent Russian newspaper on Wednesday published what it said was a report by Russian military engineers suggesting a Malaysian airliner shot down in Ukraine was hit by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile fired by Ukrainian forces”

If this (Reuters report, not the actual facts of MH 17) is accurate, it points to Russia trying to defuse the circumstance surrounding the downing of MH 17. In fact it may be the Russians have concluded it would be a much less volatile geopolitical aftermath if Ukraine were to blame for the downing of MH 17 with a BUK surface to air missile rather than with (the almost certain) shoot down with a combat jet.

Why it would make sense: This offers a face saving scenario where a BUK can be claimed to have ‘mistakenly’ or ‘accidentally’ have downed the Malaysia passenger jet. However it would not allow Ukraine off the hook for the downing of MH 17, it would allow for those Western nations (Germany particularly), who’ve backed Ukraine, to save considerable face; if Kiev is ultimately forced to ‘admit’ responsibility for MH 17’s demise, there is a  world of difference between having backed a clumsy regime with incompetent military as opposed to backed a regime that set out with a purpose of premeditated murders of nearly 300 innocents.

Why it would be a mistake: The ages old geopolitical game of false flag attacks needs ended and our world’s medieval geopolitic in regards to this necrotic habit of intelligence agencies must be changed. The case of MH 17 is our best opportunity to put a stop to the practice. On top of the CIA backed putsch employing snipers on the Maidan, an event becoming more certain with accruing evidence and passing time, the overwhelming circumstantial evidence MH 17 had been brought down deliberately, and by a combat jet, is clear case of politics trumping the rule of law on a scale calling for citizens demands reigning in rogue intelligence agencies of corrupt democracies in the West. The truth of MH 17 could do that.

The Reuters report going on to state..

“The report, which the newspaper published in full, said the military engineers’ calculations, largely based on open sources, suggested the plane was fired on from a position where Ukrainian government forces’ BUK missile systems were stationed”

..also suggests the possibility the report is not authentic. This proposed scenario closely follows leaks (face saving disinformation) attributed to the CIA, and what’s more, why would a professional Russian military analysis rely on open source as opposed to have access to Russian military radar data? That makes no sense at all to the professional analyst however it might wash with the public. The paper releasing the report, Novaya Gazeta, may have been set up to leak a faked document (another false flag.) Or, in the case of providing a face saving exit to certain nations backing Kiev, it would follow the Russians would not produce the military radar records indicating it was an Ukrainian combat jet shot down MH 17, which happens is information that has been made public previously by Russia, at odds with this new assertion by Reuters & Novaya Gazeta (noting Reuters is not a neutral news outlet.)

This new information is at odds with the professional report of Russia’s Union of Engineers and statements by Russia’s military general staff.

It will be interesting to see how Russia reacts to this ‘leaked report.’



Black Boxes, Dark Arts & Geopolitics


Ukraine for Dummies

So, Robert Parry writes another ‘I’m trying hard to pull Obama’s chestnuts out of the fire & everything is the fault of neo-cons’ tripe article. In his article, Parry makes this dubious claim relating to the downing of MH-17:

“Soon after the shoot-down, I began hearing indirectly from U.S. intelligence analysts that their investigation was actually going in a different direction, that there was no evidence that the Russians had supplied such sophisticated weapons, and that suspicions were focusing on extremist elements of the Ukrainian government. I’m further told that President Obama was apprised of this intelligence analysis”

Robert Parry has, over time, suggested (based on his ‘sources’) everything from it was ‘drunk Ukrainian soldiers‘ to ‘rogue nationalists‘ used a Buk surface to air missile to down MH-17. Now, Parry claims he hears ‘indirectly’ from analysts with innuendo it was out of control radical-right Ukrainian nationalists shot down MH-17 with a Buk missile, an alternative, face-saving emergency exit engineered for Team Obama who is responsible for Joe Biden and John Kerry’s rabid anti-Russia rhetoric and actions in relation to Ukraine; not to mention separate Joe Biden and John Brennan visits coinciding with undermining early cease-fires in the conflict. Noting if Obama want the rhetoric translating to upcoming hostility dialed back, that is exactly what would happen. The rhetoric has not been dialed back, NATO is promoting war in Ukraine and every intelligence agency in the world knows it was a Ukrainian combat jet downed MH-17 in a false flag operation .. not to mention this (yours truly) former intelligence professional (freelancing in the present.)

Judging from his articles, Parry next book should be titled “How I re-twisted America’s twisted narrative’

Refuting other points in the new Parry spiel, Obama had previously backed down from bombing Syria because of a ground-swell of opposition at home threatened ‘business as usual’, not because he was anxious to be rescued by Putin. And Parry neglects to mention Obama is on the ‘remove Assad’ track again, now in concert with NATO’s Turkey (despite twisted denials to the contrary) where it will be Turkey expected to do much of the heavy lifting; after little more than a pause for breath and retooling of the same imperial strategy in which Obama has never demonstrated himself a truly reluctant player. Obama had hired a neo-liberal-neo-con team (Rice-Power/Brennan-Hagel would be examples) and has never hesitated over supporting policy propping up American imperialism.

Parry is like a rear guard for ‘hope’ that never in fact existed; a ‘legend of hope’ that was little more than a packaging ploy to distract from the realities Parry never delves into; the numerous clandestine dirty wars the USA is pursuing around the world under Obama, particularly in Africa:

Deep State V (economics & counter-insurgency)

If Parry were intending to go to the criminal core of American imperialism, rather than focus alternative media readers’ attention on familiar and comfortable targets, detracting from what’s actually going on, he’d delve into the real danger zone:

Deep State IV (sociopaths & democracy)

If Robert Parry’s mission were other than following intelligence agency disinformation diktat, he’d foreclose on the Buk surface to air missile used to down MH-17 line of professional propaganda; as well lift the ever shrinking fig-leaf on Obama’s full complicity in America’s criminal acts .. a fig leaf so small in reality, it defies the Black ‘package’ stereotype:


“Their judgment was based more upon blind wishing than upon any sound pre-vision; for it is a habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not fancy” -Thucydides

Ukraine for Dummies


Spreading the Left’s Anti-Federalist Urban Legend

Poison Fruit Supports the official 9/11 narrative (and more)

Poison Fruit Encore 1 Flight MH-17 disinformation

If Russia Were To Back Down on MH 17 ? False Flags & Geopolitics

Poison Fruit Encore 3 On Robert Parry’s Iran-Contra reporting

^ Robert Parry

Robert Parry’s Journalism, Part Two

With a triumphant ‘cock-a-doodle-doo!’ in his recent “Re Shootdown Of Flight MH-17—–German Intelligence Concludes Missile Was Ukrainian, Not Russian” Robert Parry plays lick-spittle to intelligence agency spittoon, taking the bait of a deliberately engineered information operation (disinformation ploy) hook, line & sinker. Alternatively, Parry took a prepared script from his intelligence agency handler and ran with it. In either scenario, the unwitting or the complicit, Robert Parry is what is known in the business of spies as an ‘asset.’

First, let’s have a look at the ‘German Intelligence’ behind Robert Parry’s sudden YEAH! (with no doubt a fist-pump)

Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) or Federal Intelligence Service (Germany) reports directly to Angela Merkel. This German counterpart to the CIA had been born out of the USA’s rescue of Nazi intelligence at the end of World War Two. Initially organized by the OSS and subsequently CIA as the ‘Gehlen Organization’ under Hitler’s veteran Soviet spymaster (Nazi war criminal) Reinhard Gehlen, the BND came into existence when the Gehlen Organization, staffed with Nazi Party & SS veterans, as well as more than 100 former Gestapo officers, was transferred by the USA to the Federal Republic of Germany (then so-called ‘West Germany’) to be under the authority of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. And so it was Hitler’s top intelligence people became Germany’s post-war CIA. One can only imagine Reinhard Gehlen’s smirk when he’d stated his organization employed a lower percentage of former SS & Gestapo than most ministries in Adenauer’s Federal Republic of Germany government.

Nazi’s don’t shed their spots, folks. Simple social psychology determines an agency staffed with Gestapo that is historically, closely wedded to Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (and especially the CDU’s ‘sister’ party, the Christian Social Union) will have kept a certain proclivity or sympathies intact. It’s like any exclusive club at the top, you are hired based on the people controlling the interview process (Gestapo) and promoted to the top because of your willingness to ‘play the game’, insuring a particular mindset will perpetrate itself (similar to inter-generational violence.) This will certainly be  the case of the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) in relation to Angela Merkel’s political support structures in the Bundestag (German Parliament) and its numerous Nazi founders. To see Merkel’s minions (and by implication BND) fingerprints supporting the CIA initiated putsch installing a neo-nazi regime in Ukraine, one need look no farther than Merkel’s CDU aligned Adenauer Foundation:

“According to press reports, the German government would like to have boxing champion Vitali Klitschko run for president and bring him to power in the Ukraine. It would like to enhance the popularity of the opposition’s politician by staging, for example, joint public appearances with the German foreign minister. For this purpose, a meeting is also planned for Klitschko with Chancellor Merkel at the next EU summit in mid-December. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation is, in fact, not only massively supporting Klitschko and his UDAR party. According to a CDU politician, the UDAR Party was founded in 2010 on the direct orders of the CDU foundation. Reports on the foundation’s activities for the development of Klitschko’s party give an indication of how Germans are influencing the Ukraine’s domestic affairs via UDAR. Berlin’s use of Poland in its policy toward the Ukraine is also increasing. Berlin and Warsaw are cooperating with the Ukrainian ultra right-wing Svoboda (“Liberty”) party, which stands in the tradition of Nazi collaborators, who massacred 100,000 Christian and Jewish Poles during WW II”

Now, back to the gist of Robert Parry’s cock-a-doodle-doo in relation to the BND ‘intelligence finding’ reported to parliament, and how Parry’s reporting serves the purpose of an information operation (disinformation campaign.)

The USA had been stupid enough (John Kerry, particularly) to claim Russia was behind the shoot-down of Flight MH-17. This media hype calculated to stir the ill-informed American masses into a Russophobia frenzy, put Germany’s Angela Merkel between a rock and a hard place. Merkel, despite her Nazi derived support structures, has to balance the reality Germany has a solid Russia aligned core in its left political wing, Germany’s business world has significant investments in Russia, and not least, Germany’s populace is not entirely, or even for the most part, so ill informed as to come off as stupid (as rank and file Americans.) Mix this into the pie of Angela Merkel’s CDU & CSU party cadres and intelligence personalities, with strong Nazi tendencies, are little more than USA policy sycophants and there has to be a ‘middle way’ discovered to both; please ‘big brother’ (USA) and avoid appearing to both Russia and domestic press  to be as solidly insane as the Obama administration in relation to Ukraine (despite the fact they are.)

What is certain is, it was not a Ukrainian ‘rebel’ controlled Buk (surface to air) missile brought down Flight MH-17, there are simply too many professionals have examined the evidence and found it to be more than unconvincing, rather the so-called ‘evidence’ comes off as disingenuous. We know the ‘rebels’ had a captured Buk. We know both Kiev and the rebels had stated the Buk launcher was inoperable. The rebels had invited outside observers to examine the Buk in their possession, abandoned by Kiev’s forces, to determine the Buk could not have been used to shoot down MH-17 (an offer declined by the western democracies.) Angela Merkel’s intelligence people (in consultation with the CIA no doubt) have to come up with a Solomon solution to this dilemma, and they do so by offering to cut the disinformation by half. The solution? Blame the rebels, but exonerate Russia. This is accomplished by presenting ‘evidence’ (that was not made public) to the German parliamentary committee overseeing foreign affairs in a closed meeting and then inform Der Spiegel. This is how the disinformation game is played in mainstream media folks.

Now, in relation to alternative media, with a carefully engineered false line of information published on behalf of the intelligence agencies, CIA asset Robert Parry has his chance to cock-a-doodle-doo to the heavens, crowing IT WASN’T THE RUSSIANS! (we already knew that) delivering a BND engineered escape route to the Obama Administration’s CIA despite the more reliable facts point to Kiev as the actual perpetrators of the MH-17 shoot-down NOT with a missile but with a COMBAT JET. The BND’s ‘Sorry, it wasn’t the Russians put up a surface to air missile, it was the rebels’ twisted by Parry into a ‘out of control Ukrainian nationalists by far more likely than rebels used a Buk’ falsehood gets coverage in alternative media. That will have to do as a fallback position for DCI John Brennan’s people wanting ambiguity to be sustained. Except that we know it wasn’t Parry’s accused ‘rogue nationalists’ or the BND’s accused ‘rebels’, it was Kiev’s interior ministry, and it wasn’t a Buk surface to air missile, it was a military jet shot down MH 17. By leaving open the door to a rogue nationalist or rebel shoot down with a surface to air missile, rather than foreclosing on the Buk surface to air missile reporting on what has been nothing more than a ruse, helps kill the chances there will be a serious exam in media of the facts convicting Kiev (quite likely with assist from CIA or ‘other’ agencies covert ops) use of a military jet. This is Robert Parry’s professional disinformation engineering method; substituting false narrative with alternative false narrative, and it’s not the first time.

How is it Robert Parry can claim reliable sources to feed supporting disinformation into his story lines? Look no farther than his bosom buddy, ‘disgruntled & retired’ CIA analyst Ray McGovern. A ‘mr insider’ as a close associate will make anything Parry claims in relation to ‘reliable’ inside sources look credible. If indeed Parry had sources spilling information the Obama administration did not want in the public purview, they’d be all over Parry like flies on stink and McGovern and related ‘other’ sources would be sitting in a cell next to John Kiriakou.

Meanwhile, the steadily growing trail of verifiable facts back up the Russian investigation of events:

If Robert Parry were peddling honest materials, he’d have long since foreclosed on any surface to air missile scenario; where in fact all his reporting serves is to provide escape mechanism for the perpetrators of the murders of 298 innocent international air travelers in a false-flag intelligence agency caper intended to frame Russia for a heinous crime-

Ukraine for Dummies


Spreading the Left’s Anti-Federalist Urban Legend

Poison Fruit Supports the official 9/11 narrative (and more)

Poison Fruit Encore 2 Flight MH-17 disinformation (and more)

If Russia Were To Back Down on MH 17 ? False Flags & Geopolitics

Poison Fruit Encore 3 On Robert Parry’s Iran-Contra reporting

The CIA And Nonviolent Resistance False reporting on the Maidan

Sent on 20 October 2014 to:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

(3rd party addresses in cc field omitted)

To the several German parliamentarians:

I have seen Der Spiegel put up an article reporting German intelligence (BND) has determined a Ukrainian separatist militia was responsible for the shoot-down of MH 17 using the captured Buk (surface to air missile), a scenario which seems thoroughly discredited per this intelligence assessment: Black Boxes, Dark Arts & Geopolitics. The BND did not make public the evidence it claims to back their report to the German members of parliament.

As a long time anti-corruption investigator and former military special operations professional, I personally can assure you with great confidence there is ample evidence the German intelligence authorities are either corrupt or politically motivated to suppress certain truths and excuse certain criminal perpetrators; when the facts do not conform to present geopolitical expediency. I state this per my experiences with political intrigues and politically motivated attempted murders in your nation which may be read here: The Alpha Chronology.

This preceding would be especially relevant to the malignant social phenomena of Gladio and the several NATO aligned western democracies intelligence agencies interfering with police investigations resulting in no accountability for some considerable crimes; when those crimes did not reflect well on the incumbent authorities.

In the present geopolitical climate and Angela Merkel’s ‘tough guy’ stance with Russia on Ukraine, it would do well to recall the history of the BND from its inception and the person of Reinhard Gehlen. With the NATO nations heavily invested in a certain propaganda line in regards to Russia juxtaposed to recent events in Ukraine, any BND reporting should be viewed with a philosophy of ‘caveat emptor.’ For purpose of demonstrating this last, I have incorporated to this mail an open source intelligence study for your perusal.

At the end of the day, it is the several NATO nations intelligence agencies, or corrupt elements therein, are behind GLADIO and its several offspring. The purpose of this mail is twofold; to inform faithfully and honestly on the several NATO intelligence agencies which conceal the facts from & misinform the very democracies they purport to serve .. and to be certain history will hold yourselves accountable if nothing is done

Ron West

What’s behind the spies & political lies?

“The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime” -Voltaire


Assessment of western intelligence agencies corruption with right wing & religious motivations:

“Washington (AFP) – The US Air Force has told a sergeant he will have to leave the military unless he agrees to take an oath with the phrase “so help me God,” officials said

A religious-military totalitarian state is born:

“Mr. Snowden has brought home to us that, while we Americans do not yet live in a police state or tyranny, we are well along in building the infrastructure on which either could be instantly erected if our leaders decided to do so.  No longer protected by the law, our freedoms now depend on the self-restraint of men and women in authority, many of them in uniform.  History protests that if one builds a turnkey totalitarian state, those who hold the keys will eventually turn them” -former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chas Freeman

Deep State series article four, NATO & Gladio:

Sociopaths & Democracy

sociopath |ˈsōsēōˌpaTH|
a personality disorder manifesting in antisocial attitudes & behavior and lack of conscience
sociopathic |ˌsōsēōˈpaTHik| adjective.
sociopathy |ˌsōsēˈäpəTHē| noun

In any democracy, ethics, self restraint, tolerance and honesty will always take a second seat to narcissism, avarice, bigotry & persecution, if only because people who play by the rules in any democracy are at a disadvantage to those who easily subvert the rules to their own advantage –Ronald’s Maxim

In March 2009, Seymour Hersh, naming William McRaven, mentioned an ‘executive assassinating ring’ that reported directly to Dick Cheney until its military commander (McRaven) had ordered it stopped (we are supposed to believe.) In August 2009, the story broke Central Intelligence Agency had hired Blackwater for a covert assassination program and then new CIA director Panetta ordered it cancelled (we also are supposed to believe.) It was in August 2009 Kieth Olbermann broke the story on Blackwater crusaders:

“The affidavit also says that Prince, quote, “views himself as a Christian crusader eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe. To that end, Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the crusades”

It was May of 2009 Harpers Magazine broke the story of a 2004 incident, a Special Forces officer, following viewing ‘The Passion of the Christ’, took his team into the suburbs of the Iraqi city of Samarra while using a bullhorn during evening prayer hour to broadcast “Jesus killed Mohammed

““Each time I go into combat I get closer to God,” [Special Forces officer] DeGiulio would later say. He thought The Passion had been a sign that he would survive”

It was in 2008, the Pentagon promoted (now three star) General Robert Caslen despite the fact he’d been recommended for disciplinary action by the Department of Defense Inspector General for participating in a promotional Christian evangelical video where he states (in uniform, at the Pentagon) “We are the aroma of Jesus Christ”

“We substantiated the allegation in regards to military officers. The seven officers participated in interviews with Christian Embassy, excerpts of which were also included in the [Christian Embassy] promotional video. The officers were filmed during the duty day, in uniform with rank clearly displayed, in official and often identifiable Pentagon locations. Their remarks conferred approval of, and support to Christian Embassy, and the remarks of some officers implied they spoke for a group of senior military leaders, rather than just for themselves”

It is worth noting here, General Caslen is identified as president of the “Officers Christian Fellowship” whose mission statement is:

“a spiritually transformed military, with ambassadors for Christ in uniform, empowered by the Holy Spirit”

And now, following too many similar stories to list, we skip forward to April 2014, where the United States Army (officers at the Pentagon) is sending a military chaplain, band, color guard and entertainers to an event sponsored by the uber-right-wing ‘National Day of Prayer Task Force’, an organization which requires all its members and volunteers working with them to:

“to provide on their applications their ‘testimony’ of their ‘personal relationship’ with Jesus Christ”

Following on this spate of news on the motive and drive behind the people in custody of our world’s most lethal arsenal, we return to Seumour Hersh. In January, 2011, Hersh mentions Admiral William McRaven again, in context of Catholic religious-right extremism, Hersh states as a matter of fact the Joint Special Operations Command’s top leadership is populated with members of Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta and has this to say about the USA’s special operations commanders in regards to their membership in these right-wing Catholic organizations:

“They do see what they’re doing — and this is not an atypical attitude among some military — it’s a crusade, literally,” Hersh reportedly continued. “They see themselves as the protectors of the Christians. They’re protecting them from the Muslims [as in] the 13th century. And this is their function”

I admire Seymour Hersh, he has done some very important reporting on the USA’s dirty work in geopolitics, however I do not believe journalists, even the good ones, are gods. But, he nearly nails it here and it took a lot of guts to name the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei in relation to the American Joint Special Operations Command, because these are the sort of stories which are deliberately buried in the public psyche by associating the facts with nut jobs like Alex Jones and David Icke. Nothing works quite like humans with lizard DNA on the same page, alongside some of the most important stories of our time (mixed with disinformation), to get ordinary people to dismiss the most critical information out of hand. But that’s the purpose Jones and Icke serve. We won’t go to Alex Jones and his ilk, rather to Mother Jones instead.

But first, the problem with Hersh is, he is too conservative in his interpretations and by narrowly focusing his stories, will almost certainly miss the larger picture in relation to the Christian extremism at the Pentagon (and has done things like this before with his journalism.) But that’s what journalists do, keep a narrow focus. Intelligence analysts, on the other hand, must paint the larger picture and run the risk of blowing an analysis, but the good ones generally won’t. Using open source analysis, I’ll take you to the big picture of religion in relation to our Pentagon, special operations forces, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei, but to arrive in focus, we have to go back to the collapse of the 3rd Reich and begin with a look at the Vatican ‘Ratline‘ allowing literally tens of thousands of Nazis to escape Europe in the aftermath of World War Two. History shapes societies and our society is no exception. The primary ‘Ratline’ example for purpose of this essay is Horst Wagner, responsible for the murders of 350,000 people:

“After escaping from a Nuremberg jail in 1948, [Wagner] later explained .. how he was aided on his way to South America on the so-called Kloster Line, being given sanctuary in a number of convents and holy orders in Austria before heading to Rome. He sailed out of Genoa to Argentina to join such killers as Adolf Eichmann, the supreme mastermind behind the Holocaust, and Josef Mengele, the perverted ‘Angel of Death’ of Auschwitz, notorious for his grotesque medical experiments.

“[German Bishop at Rome assigned to smuggle Nazis] Hudal also arranged the paperwork for Franz Stangl, the commandant of the extermination camps of Sobibor and Treblinka, to flee to Brazil on a Red Cross passport using Vatican funds. Stangl, who was eventually extradited back to Germany in the 1960s and died in jail while serving a life sentence of his crimes, oversaw the murder of an estimated 1.4 million people at the two camps”

This preceding is example of a joint venture between the Vatican, MI6 and the CIA’s ‘Operation Paperclip’, a Nazi rescuing endeavor born out of an intensely close relationship between the man who shaped what later became the CIA and the Vatican, detailed in a one year investigation reported by Mother Jones in 1983:

“One day in July 1944, as the Second World War raged throughout Europe, General William “Wild Bill” Donovan was ushered into an ornate chamber in Vatican City for an audience with Pope Pius XII. Donovan bowed his head reverently as the pontiff intoned a ceremonial prayer in Latin and decorated him with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods

“Pope Pius’ decoration of Wild Bill Donovan marked the beginning of a long-standing, intimate relationship between the Vatican and U.S. intelligence that continues to the present day”

The Mother Jones investigative report goes on:

“But the needy aided by certain SMOM [Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a.k.a. The Knights of Malta] members in the late 40s were some of the 50,000 Nazi war criminals who, with the assistance of the International Red Cross, were furnished fake Vatican passports and, in some cases, clerical robes, and were smuggled on Bishop Alois Hudal’s “underground railroad” to South America. Among those was Klaus Barbie, the “butcher of Lyon.”

In 1948, the SMOM gave one of its highest awards of honor, the Gran Croci al Merito con Placca, to General Reinhard Gehlen, Adolf Hitler’s chief anti-Soviet spy. (Only three other people received this award.) Gehlen, who was not a Catholic, was touted as a formidable ally in the holy crusade against godless Marxism. After the war he and his well-developed spy apparatus—staffed largely by ex-Nazis—joined the fledgling CIA. Eventually, hundreds more Nazis ended up on the U.S. government’s payroll. Among them was Klaus Barbie.

A note on the immediate preceding, Gehlen was ‘rehabilitated’ by the CIA and subsequently became the head of post-war West Germany’s CIA, known as BND. We’ll come back to this. Mother Jones goes on:

“The CIA very early on made a decision that Nazis were more valuable as allies and agents than as war criminals” says Victor Marchetti, an ex-CIA officer who was raised a Catholic. Marchetti is disturbed by the role of the CIA and his church in perpetuating the Nazi outrage. “It gets a little crazy,” he said, “when you let one thing [anticommunism] take over to the extent that you forgive everything else”

Ok,  so now we can take the Mother Jones report, setting up the CIA relationship to the Vatican, and run with it. It was ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan established the close relationship with the Vatican to what became the CIA. Walter Beedle Smith, the first CIA director, brought on-board Allan Dulles. It was these three men who were the primary co-collaborators with the Vatican, over a period exceeding ten years from the late 1940s through the 1950s, in the rescue and delivery to safety of between forty and fifty thousand 3rd Reich criminals. The USA wanted the Nazi scientists (Operation Paperclip) and this paid off dramatically, not only Nazi Party member and rocket technologist (V2 bombing of London) Werner von Braun developing the future American ICBM missiles & USA space program launch successes, but also employing Nazi medical science, this is where the CIA went off the rails with Project MKUltra. But by far, the OSS that became the CIA, mostly wanted Nazi intelligence and its agents particularly, especially those familiar with the Soviet Union. And this is where the western democracies generally, not only the USA, went off the rails.

There is an interesting short memo, dated 1946 and declassified by the CIA, on Walter Beedle Smith, including this interesting language:

“Beedle Smith, on several occasions, called in the Chief Chaplain and gave him very firm orders to straighten with the Vatican Mission .. with a new appointment of chief of the Vatican position, one may expect the relationship will be bettered”

The specific intent of the memo is somewhat masked because it appears to be a code named subject (orchestra/oak) but the message is clear relating to Beedle Smith; as (at that time) Eisenhower’s military chief of staff, he is putting up with no nonsense from any Chaplain assigned to the ‘Vatican Mission.’ If (conjecture) this has to do with Protestant/Roman Catholic relations getting in the way of business, it is a lesson Beedle Smith’s protege, Allan Dulles, took to heart.

Allan Dulles is NOT the man a CIA edited Wikipedia represents:

“In 1935 Dulles returned from a business trip to Germany appalled by the Nazi treatment of German Jews and, despite his brother’s objections, led a movement within the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell to close their Berlin office.As a result of Dulles’ efforts, the Berlin office was closed and the firm ceased to conduct business in Nazi Germany”

Rather trust the Guardian:

“”The Consolidated Silesian Steel Company situation has become increasingly complicated, and I have accordingly brought in Sullivan and Cromwell, in order to be sure that our interests are protected,” wrote Knight. “After studying the situation Foster Dulles is insisting that their man in Berlin get into the picture and obtain the information which the directors here should have. You will recall that Foster is a director and he is particularly anxious to be certain that there is no liability attaching to the American directors””

Allan Dulles is “Foster Dulles” brother and all Allan Dulles’ law firm is concerned with is protecting business interests and escaping liability, nothing more. Certainly the man who spent years following the war protecting and helping thousands of Nazis evade justice cannot be the man concerned for Jews represented at Wikipedia.

Allan Dulles (and subsequent CIA personalities) did not limit the CIA relationship with the Catholic Church at Rome to shipping Nazis to safety (and in many instance providing them paid careers) but considerably widened the CIA/Church cooperation with the implementing of Operation Gladio. This is where things become even more sticky, if that were to seem possible. Related to this, when anonymous editors of Wikipedia had been tracked to Langley, Virginia and the CIA, they had seemed keen on deleting career CIA (operations division) man William Colby’s admission the CIA had set up (Operation Gladio) secret militia throughout Western Europe in concert with Opus Dei. The deleted entries include:

“According to a November 25, 1990 article by the Danish daily newspaper ”Berlingske Tidende”, quoted by Daniele Ganser in his 2005 book on Gladio, a source named “Q” confirmed William Colby’s revelations in his memoirs about the setting-up of stay-behind armies in Scandinavia .. Opus Dei played a central role in the setting up of Gladio in the whole of Europe”

But first, there is a powerful right-wing of the Catholic Church, firmly rooted in the Vatican, represented in Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta, had supported the rise of Latin America’s fascist juntas in concert with the CIA, following on the Nazi exodus to that global region. But this right-wing branch of the church did not by any means remain idle in Europe and North America.

In Europe, after the USA abandoned denazification during the Dulles tenure at the CIA, a most interesting CIA file on Reinhard Gehlen turns up, definitively establishing by the late 1950s at the Federal Parliament in West Germany, 26% of Bundestag [parliament] members were former Nazi Party members and 28% of Bundestag staff were the same. Of further interest is Gehlen himself, recalling the Mother Jones reporting in 1948 he’d been awarded high honors by the Vatican’s Knights of Malta:

“In March 1950, John McCloy was given the task of appointing a new head of the West German Secret Service. After discussing the matter with Frank Wisner of the CIA, McCloy decided on Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi war criminal. This resulted in protests from the Soviet Union government who wanted to try Gehlen for war crimes.

“During the Second World War Gehlen served Adolf Hitler as head of military intelligence for the Eastern Front. It was in this post he had created a right-wing group made up of anti-Soviet Ukrainians and other Slavic nationalists into small armies and guerrilla units to fight the Soviets. The group carried out some of the most extreme atrocities that took place during the war. Gehlen was also responsible for a brutal interrogation program of Soviet prisoners of war

“Gehlen recruited large numbers of former members of the SS and the Gestapo. This included Franz Six, who had led Einsatzguppen mobile killing squads on the Eastern Front. The Gehlen Organization was also used to help Nazi war criminals escape to South America. This included Klaus Barbie who was smuggled out of Germany in March, 1951 and given a new life in Bolivia”

It should come as no surprise the present day German government has laws on its books subsidizing the church. What is Opus Dei up to in today’s Germany? According to a former senior church theologian:

“I published the magazine Theological Issues and was summoned by the sponsors every time a faintly liberal view was espoused. Opus Dei people were always there to observe. They said I wasn’t allowed to write “life partner;” it should instead be referred to as “fornication partner.” “Homosexuality” was too neutral, they said. One had to refer to it as “unnatural fornication”


“I supported anti-democratic and anti-liberal groups .. in which some people dream of a fundamentalist Catholic religious state or seriously call for a Catholic jihad”

And very interesting:

“the Vatican is .. relying increasingly on reactionary troops. It is closing ranks with evangelists, bible fundamentals and extremely reactionary forces”

Meanwhile in North America, one cannot expect Opus Dei and Knights of Malta has been idle, but we will cover this in relation to establishing Gladio, the CIA and particularly the CIA’s relationship to the USA’s special operations commanders. It was former Pentagon liaison to the CIA, L Fletcher Prouty, had in his book ‘The Secret Team‘, presciently warned of the dangers of Special Operations commanders advancing to the levels of command and control represented in the Pentagon. This is on account of the special operations forces having a longstanding historical relationship to the CIA Operations Division or, in Prouty’s words the “Dirty Tricks” division, particularly in face of the fact our U.S. military is used by the CIA as cover for numerous career operatives. Add in the thought; in common with CIA, the special operations commanders are expert in psychological warfare, destabilizing false flag operations, undermining governments and asymetrical & unconventional warfare. These are not the people you want at the apex of military power in any secular democracy, it’s simply too dangerous. But in fact that is what we have arrived at, a marriage made in hell, recently represented in the person of special operations expert David Petraeus who has literally gotten away with murder according to the investigative journalism of the Guardian. Tapping the expertise of his former mentor and CIA ‘Dirty Wars’ veteran Colonel James Steele, the Iraq war commanding officer Petraeus had the American commander of secret torture centers and who was overseeing arming and training death squads, reporting directly to him:

Based on this development, I will take Prouty’s hypothesis a bit further; throw in the right-wing fascism represented in Opus Dei & Knights of Malta, taken together with the fundamentalist criminal religious enterprise known as “The Family” all married into the American Special Operations forces commanders at the Pentagon, throw in the CIA partnership, and you have what we arrived at through the USA’s intelligence partnership with the Vatican, beginning with rescuing the Nazis and progressing to Opus Dei involvement with setting up Gladio. In other words, a driving force behind policy that doesn’t answer to democratic institutions and the rule of law, but rather to the minions of theocratic ideals on the far right of the political spectrum. Insofar as a Catholic fascist alliance with with the Protestant ‘Family’, this next is quite informative; relating to Hillary Clinton’s role as NATO’s ‘mother of nations’ bringing ‘democracy’ empowering jihadists and generating mass killings sprees (e.g. regime change in Libya), here’s information with impeccable journalistic credentials. According to the investigative reporting of Mother Jones Magazine, in Hillary Clinton’s own words, she is under the spiritual tutelage of ‘Family’ leader Doug Coe:

“Coe, she writes, “is a unique presence in Washington: a genuinely loving spiritual mentor and guide to anyone, regardless of party or faith, who wants to deepen his or her relationship with God”

And according to the excellent investigative reporting of Jeff Sharlet, Coe, in his own words, is no stranger to violence in politics:

“Doug Coe offered Pol Pot and Osama bin Laden as men whose commitment to their causes is to be emulated. Preaching on the meaning of Christ’s words, he says, “You know Jesus said ‘You got to put Him before mother-father-brother sister? Hitler, Lenin, Mao, that’s what they taught the kids. Mao even had the kids killing their own mother and father. But it wasn’t murder. It was for building the new nation. The new kingdom”

What the Doug Coe cult has worked decades putting into practice is Dominion Theology and ‘terror’ is the necessary tool to consolidate a ‘Dominion Theology‘ police state (subject of the next section on ‘Gladio’)

“Dominion theology refers to a line of theological interpretation and thought with regard to the role of the church in contemporary society. Dominion theology is also known as Christian reconstructionism and theonomy. Dominion theology states that biblical Christianity will rule all areas of society, personal and corporate. Christian reconstructionism reasons that society will be reconstructed by the Law of God as preached in the gospel and the Great Commission. Theonomy is a post-millennial view believing that all of the moral laws contained in the Old Testament are yet binding today”

Other than a ‘Jesus Love Nukes‘ history of the U.S. Air Force training nuclear launch officers in Saint Augustine’s ‘Christian Just War Theory’, the ample evidence for Dominion Theology overtaking command structures in the armed forces of the United States (and by extension, NATO) is finally best illustrated using this example:

“In October of 2013, the Air Force quietly modified Air Force Instruction 36-2606, which [now] states that all enlistees must sign the oath to God and swear it aloud. Prior to the change in the regulation, secular and atheist service members were allowed to omit the phrase”

This amended regulation had been brought into force for the specific purpose of weeding out the ‘unfaithful.’ If you do not subscribe to the Pentagon’s radical religious views, you’re not really welcome in the United States military, any and all public posturing to the contrary notwithstanding. Implementing the regulation speaks louder than words.


Gladio ostensibly was conceived as setting up a partisan resistance to a possible Soviet invasion of Western Europe. Anticommunist hardliners at the CIA and Vatican previously had seen eye to eye on rescuing the Nazis in the spirit of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend.’ The right-wing at the Vatican (recalling Pope Benedict’s screening of ‘The Passion of the Christ’ produced by uber-right Catholic Mel Gibson) are famous anti-Semites, no matter numerous disingenuous disclaimers, in fact ‘the Jews murdered Jesus’ theology is the underpinning of the Vatican sympathy underwriting the so-called ‘Ratlines’ which had expedited the Nazi exodus from Europe. In the case of communists, they are no better than Jews in conservative Catholic vision, both Jews and Communists disavow “The Savior.” In this case, the right-wing of the church, represented in Opus Dei & Knigths of Malta was more than willing to provide secret militia members on the extreme right of the church political spectrum, when coordinating setting up Gladio for the CIA. A fascist/anticommunist militia membership would be ‘safe’ or ‘secure’ in event of Soviet occupation of Western Europe. These would be ideologically dedicated people unlikely to cooperate and give up the Gladio partisan armies. In fact Gladio was a disaster for the democracies the operation was purported to protect.

In short, when the communists (different altogether to the Soviet style) in NATO nations were on the political ascent, it was decided to mobilize Gladio elements and suppress them, applying psychological operation melded with what amounted to Catholic neo-fascist cells. The Gladio operation had stashed arms and explosives with these neo-fascist cells across Western Europe. With some of the cells activated, in Belgium, people were indiscriminately machine-gunned in super-markets. Subsequently weapons were planted on prominent political figures on the left and ‘tips’ led to their discovery. Police investigations were stymied by the intelligence agencies. In Italy, bombings were pinned on the left and newspapers printed the carnage. Same result, the investigations were sabotaged. After several years, news of Gladio broke into the open over a massacre in Germany and suddenly it all stopped. But the perpetrators were never brought to justice:

But what was learned was quite incredible in the meanwhile; entire societies could be manipulated with terror, it had worked quite efficiently to destroy the left in public perception and there was no recovery. Even greater peril to the democracies was the result of the Opus Dei-CIA joint venture; a club within the clubs had evolved, intelligence and special operations forces controlling Gladio support and resources had been operationally integrated to Opus Dei, and Opus Dei embedded in the intelligence agencies as a matter of consequence.

When the Soviet Union collapsed and there was no longer the threat of a communist boogeyman, this NATO embedded ‘deep state’ apparatus, by this time pervasive throughout the western democracies institutions, had no problem finding a new enemy: Islam. Just as serious, when compared to Hitler’s military having/had about 8% devoted Nazi membership, with the ideological core centered at the top, in the present structure of NATO, the USA military alone has over 30% ‘Christian Dominion’ personalities, with the ideological core centered in the Pentagon and Joint Special Special Operations Command. These people command the world’s most lethal arsenal and have less than little regard for secular democracy, they are dedicated to its demise. Our CIA & Pentagon have become the home of the most powerful Opus Dei and Knights of Malta personalities in the world. Combine this with the military industrial complex boards and alliance with “The Family” and you get what the FBI has named “Gladio B”

This necrotic series of events (above video) is the Gladio social engineering virus escaped the lab, and is responsible for western corporate revenue generating false flag terror around the world. Don’t like Putin standing in the way of exploiting Central Asia? Neither does the Vatican like the Russian Orthodox Church standing in the way of Catholic encroachment in the former Soviet republics. The solution? Make Russia into ‘The Boogeyman’ justifying an ever more aggressive NATO by installing a ‘Greek Catholic’ prime minister in Kiev with a CIA-Vatican coordinated coup in Ukraine, complete with snipers killing both police and protestors, all blamed on Russia sympathetic elements but spilled open in a leaked conversation:

There is an obscure 1973 essay by former Pentagon liaison to the CIA, L Fletcher Prouty, pointing out by the time of the Johnson administration, there was a more than fair chance any President of the United States, going forward, would have found himself trapped in the circumstance of helpless in the face of executive branch institutions, the CIA Operations people particularly, behaving as they pleased, without accountability. Prouty was a smart man, and since his time, the CIA and Pentagon appear quite clearly to have become integrated into a tool that is not controlled by the President but is an agency which controls on behalf of right-wing ‘Christian Millennial‘ personalities who just happen to believe in literal Armageddon. In the final estimation, Obama, if he’d any inclination to do the right thing when coming into the presidency, he’s since found out he’d been ‘chosen’ and when you’ve been ‘chosen’, you cannot say ‘no’



Apparent regenerating Gladio cells in Spain is documented by El Pais

‘Gladio’ related SS reorganized in Germany documented by Der Speigel

What likely are current Gladio related operations in the USA HERE

I should mention I’d thought about the difference in terms between ‘psychopath’ & ‘sociopath.’ I settled on sociopath for the reasons psychopath is often seen in stereotype sense in the common usage (along the lines of Hollywood psycho-thrillers), as well sociopath casts a bit wider net. In a sense, psychopath could be seen as a subset of sociopath although I’m aware there is a changing sense of the term or some controversy as to its definition.

Deep State I Foundation article

Deep State II FBI complicity

Deep State III CIA narcotics trafficking

Deep State IV NATO & Gladio

Deep State V Economics & counter-insurgency


The NAZI Meme Further analysis (collection) on the role of Dominion Theology in world events



Ronald Thomas West is a former U.S. intelligence professional