Archives for posts with tag: false flag

An earlier edition of this article first appeared at Fort Russ News


False Flag Flatulence: Debunking Nafeez Ahmed on Syria

“We become, ourselves, ideological tyrants and colonisers. Obsessed with the narrative structures we have projected into the world ourselves, we build them up using cognitive fragments we find from our favoured sources, and use them to either dominate and subjugate the wrongdoers outside of the circumference of our preferred belief-systems, or to simply excommunicate them“ -Nafeez Ahmed, State Propaganda in Syria [1]

Nafeez has certainly excommunicated Eva Bartlett & Vanessa Beeley, now let’s work out a bit of flaws in his method applied and arrive at some sensible rearrangement of facts that doesn’t necessarily altogether rehabilitate the parties on any of the controversies’ multiple facets.

Having been mentored in military special operations intelligence by SOF veterans of CIA liaised operations run in Indochina and Latin America, the number one missing element noticed by this observer in Nafeez’ assessment “State Propaganda in Syria: From War Crimes to Pipelines” is a deep understanding of the ‘dirty tricks’ capabilities of the Western intelligence agencies. This is not to speak of ‘capabilities’ solely in a sense of technical competence but more sorely, also capabilities in a sense of pure depravity. Have the Russians devolved to equal state we will detail in this assessment? If one were to believe the Skripal narrative one perhaps would think so. But that narrative has more holes than a fish weir, it doesn’t simply fail to hold water, more intelligent people including trained Western intelligence veterans (those not beholden to corporate news paychecks) have filleted that narrative than Japanese chefs know how to prepare fish. [2], [3], [4]

Recalling Jesus saying (and reminding Nafeez he is residing in a nominally Christian society) “You hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye…” let’s have a bit of a background exam of the Western intelligence apparatus’ criminal history, wherein is discovered a solid source of the modern Russia animus.

“The CIA very early on made a decision that Nazis were more valuable as allies and agents than as war criminals” -CIA officer Victor Marchetti [5]

Intergenerational violence is but one subset of a larger human phenomenon of intergenerational socialization. To understand today’s Western intelligence, it is this larger phenomenon or umbrella of intergenerational socialization is critical to explore; in its’ organizational-institutional history. In short, it was WWI military intelligence officer Allan Dulles, a bonafide pre-war Nazi business partner and traitor to the Western democratic principles post WWII, set up the nexus constituting today’s shadow government, when he organized the Central Intelligence Agency for the benefit of corporate boards and Wall Street bankers.

The early, most obvious, result of this had been the Arbenz (for United Fruit, a Dulles brothers’ invested enterprise) and Mossadegh (CIA proxy intervention on behalf of what became British Petroleum or BP corporation) (Guatemala & Iran) government overthrows.

Previous to these events, the CIA precursors, Office of Strategic Services and Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, in express violation of Harry Truman’s order, actively recruited Nazi war criminals for their services:

“Although he officially sanctioned the operation, President Harry Truman forbade the agency from recruiting any Nazi members or active Nazi supporters. Nevertheless, officials within the JIOA and Office of Strategic Services (OSS)—the forerunner to the CIA—bypassed this directive by eliminating or whitewashing incriminating evidence of possible war crimes from the scientists’ records, believing their intelligence to be crucial to the country’s postwar efforts” [6]

With change of administration, Truman to Eisenhower, and the rise of the prewar Nazi business partners, the Dulles brothers, to the top tier of post war allied power, the policy of rehabilitating Nazis was ‘mainstreamed’ in Konrad Adenauer’s Germany; an egregious example at the military-industrial corporate level would be Alfred Krupp released from prison after conviction for war crimes (utilizing Gestapo enforced slave labor) and his crimes related personal fortune (confiscated at conviction, 400 million plus, in today’s dollars) restored.

More insidious was the CIA’s (Dulles brothers) creation of what became today’s Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) or Germany’s CIA. With the creation of the Gehlen Organization via the rescue of a real Nazi monster, Reinhard Gehlen, together with Hitler’s former Eastern front military intelligence apparatus, augmented with at least 100 veteran Gestapo officer hires, this was the intelligence apparatus gifted to Konrad Adenauer by the Allan Dulles directed CIA when John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State and practical USA overlord plenipotentiary for postwar Western Europe. [7]

Relevant to this in today’s circumstance of intergenerational socialization are two postwar career Nazi trajectories, the first being Reinhard Gehlen himself, who ran West Germany’s BND to 1968. To state the BND had been largely staffed by authentic ideological Nazis for two decades by this time (1968), would be no stretch of the imagination; known principles of intergenerational socialization would determine both; ideological empathy in these two decades hires and subsequent work environment shaping.

The other Nazi veteran postwar career trajectory under the Dulles brothers’ strategies and related patronage gifted to Nazi veterans was that of Hitler’s last serving staff intelligence officer, Bernd Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven, who had been adjutant (direct assistant) to General Heinz Guderian when Guderian had overseen the handing over of hundreds of German military officers to the Reich’s so-called “Peoples Court” for sham trials and execution by firing squad; for disloyalty to the Nazi Party. [8]

Disingenuous historical revisionisms (rehabilitation myths) notwithstanding, von Loringhoven demonstrated his real sympathies with his intensely loyal service to Hitler when preparing intelligence reports to the very last days of the Reich, only abandoning his position at Hitler’s Berlin bunker at the very end, with Der Fuhrer’s blessing. When West Germany’s military was created in the mid 1950s, von Loringhoven was admitted as an officer, rising to to the rank of lieutenant general before retirement in 1973.

The intergenerational socialization elements in these authentic Nazi postwar career trajectories points squarely to present day phenomenon of widespread Nazi ideology tolerated in Germany’s armed forces and NATO tolerance of certain actions strongly suggesting a policy meme pointing to a philosophy of ‘Russians are untermensch’ incorporated into NATO’s Baltic republics, not to mention the Merkel CDU’s Konrad Adenauer Foundation (a BND front) bringing to Germany and training Svoboda (Nazi) activists for anti-Russian political purposes, pursued in Ukraine. In a context of intergenerational socialization, it cannot be construed a coincidence that von Loringhoven’s son, Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven, moving on from the BND directorate, is the present day NATO intelligence chief (since 2016.) [9], [10]

In a context of today’s NATO buildup on Russia’s borders against a backdrop of Germany’s invasion of Russia, it should be small wonder Russia, on an annual basis, sponsors a UN resolution condemning the glorification of nazism; a resolution routinely rejected in voting by the USA with reliable abstentions by the NATO states (inclusive of Germany!) [11]

In light of preceding, when obsessing with Vanessa Beeley and noting her concealment of Syria’s crimes of torture, Nafeez might better have served the interests of exposing the empire hosting himself by simply pointing out there is little difference between the Syrian ‘regime’ behavior in this regard and those of NATO states who’d hosted ‘black sites’ and serviced renditions flights delivering prisoners to Assad’s jailers to be tortured only shortly before the so-called ‘civil war.’ [12]

This would be particularly true considering the CIA’s employ of Klaus Barbie and subsequent David Petraeus oversight of a torture network, employing Latin America ‘dirty wars’ veterans, that had radicalized leadership found in the Islamist insurgency in Syria. Relevant to this, al-Baghdadi is reportedly an alumnus of the USA run Abu Gharib prison. [13]

The greatest danger to those countries of the so-called ‘Middle East’ is intergenerational socialization outside of the preceding era’s cultural norms that had kept violence in check. In this case we are speaking of the subcategory called intergenerational violence, now set in sectarian agitations more sourced in the NATO nations than anywhere else.

In the case of Syria, there is a multitude of possibilities for exploitation of resulting alienation, with hate memes having been set loose, should result in larger complications than ‘players’ of the ‘game’ will be able to contain. Inadvertent or otherwise, Nafeez’ glossing over the West’s PRIMARY responsibility, in his effort to bring Russia to equal complicity in the crimes of ‘empire’ destabilizing the Middle East region, radically overlooks the NATO nations’ history and resultant pervasive, deep and abiding criminality of the Western intelligence agencies. Bearing this in mind, now we can move on to chemical weapons incidents in the context of false flags.

In USA law there are two standards of guilt according to jury outcomes: “Beyond a reasonable doubt” is the criminal standard, “A preponderance of the evidence” is the civil liability standard. In the case of intelligence agency covert operations, the criminal standard should be exceedingly difficult to come by, because these are professionally engineered events by players highly trained to conceal, misdirect and otherwise deflect responsibility, up to, and including, pinning accountability for egregious crimes on parties that had not been responsible for certain murderous outcomes, i.e. false flags.

The most glaring weakness in Nafeez’ assessment of the chemical warfare in Syria is, not surprisingly, one he does not explicitly discuss: Assad is not a stupid man and there should have been less than zero motivation to invite a ‘Libya style’ USA intervention by crossing Obama’s well publicized “red line” concerning the sarin use at Ghouta, Syria, in August of 2013.

On the other hand, going to motivation, the ‘opposition’ (and certain of their sponsors) should have impetus to create a false flag circumstance justifying NATO intervention in Syria, and in this context, it should be recalled (Nafeez didn’t) there is a leaked conversation wherein Erdogan’s top lieutenants propose a false flag operation to justify NATO intervention in Syria. In light of this, there should have been an intensive investigation by Nafeez in pursuit of a ‘preponderance of the evidence’ rather than what amounts to a careless and unnecessary obfuscation of the known facts. [14], [15]

What we do know:

1) There was a serious sarin gas release at Ghouta in August of 2013 with civilian casualties well in excess of one thousand deaths.

2) That there are multiple proposed trails sourcing the sarin, including Assad’s stocks, the CIA’s Libya arms pipeline, or alternatively, sarin precursor chemicals acquired via Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey and/or Europe.

3) The so-called ‘rebels’ and sponsors should have had a primary motivation to pin a major false flag attack on Assad.

4) The Assad regime should have had serious reservations about crossing Obama’s “red line.”

5) Terrorists have, on previous occasion, employing amateur chemists & makeshift laboratory, successfully produced sarin used in attacks on civilians (Japan’s Aum Shinrikyo cult.) [16]

The initial breakdown of these un-disputable facts should be as follows; a common sense interpretation or preponderance of the known facts already point away from Assad. It follows, there should have been a strict scrutiny of the multiple possibilities of state sponsored terror (inclusive of non-state actors sponsored by state regimes) exterior to the Assad government.

In this regard, from the moment of Obama declaring his “red line” there should be rogue actors exploring multiple possibilities of acquiring sarin for purpose of false flag chemical attack. This, in and of itself, can explain seeming contradictions in narrative when referencing unseen intelligence reports via several sources. Al Qaida seeking sarin precursor chemicals in Iraq does not necessarily preclude al Qaida also seeking sarin precursor chemicals via Turkey, these are not mutually exclusive proposals.

In the event of the exposé in Turkey where CHP member of parliament, Eren Erdem, produced police files he had reviewed and discussed at length, pointing to sarin precursor chemicals interdicted en route to al-Qaida-ISIS (this story overlays the period when ISIS split from al Qaida), Nafeez plausibly misunderstands the circumstance by the time he chases this thread in the story. RT quoting Erdem:

“About the shipment, Republic prosecutor of Adana, Mehmet Arıkan, made an operation and the related people were detained. But as far as I understand he was not an influential person in bureaucracy. A week after, another public prosecutor was assigned, took over the indictment and all the detainees were released. And they left Turkey crossing the Syrian border”

Here in the preceding, it is absolutely sensible to assume the indictment had been rewritten and what Nafeez possesses and what Erdem possesses might be two separate documents. It follows, when Nafeez cannot square his copy of the indictment with Eren Erdem’s statements, it was simple case of sloppy research put Erdem off from communication.

In the case of Nafeez’ related claim…

“Hersh’s reporting is closely interrogated as to whether its detailed claims stack up against contemporaneous and relevant facts that ought to corroborate his claims, in particular the case of 11 al-Nusra suspects who had been arrested in Turkey and charged with attempting to obtain precursor chemicals to manufacture sarin. Hersh essentially claimed that the US Defense Intelligence Agency had acquired intelligence on this matter leading the government to conclude that al-Nusra rebels in Syria had an active sarin capability. However, a copy of the Turkish prosecution documents seen in the course of this investigation completely disproves Hersh’s reporting”

…is total bollocks if Nafeez and Erin Erdem are holding separate indictments, or pre & post Erdogan minions moving to control the prosecution narrative through exercise of a containment strategy.

Perhaps what’s more important is, Erdem’s on record statements are misrepresented; where Nafeez points to timing demands the case at hand was never possibly the source of the chemicals in the Ghouta attack…

“Most damningly for his narrative, which alleges Turkish military intelligence complicity in supplying sarin to rebels for the Ghouta attack, the reality is that the suspects who were supposed to have supplied this sarin were in Turkish detention from May to September 2013. They would never have been able to supply the sarin for the 21st August 2013 attack in Ghouta”

…Erdem’s on record statements were clearly qualified as the case pointed to a very strong possibility of the complicit actors. RT quoting Erdem:

“For example the chemical attack in Ghouta. Remember. It was claimed that the regime forces were behind it. This attack was conducted just days before the sarin operation in Turkey. It’s a high probability that this attack was carried out with those basic materials shipped through Turkey. It is said the regime forces are responsible but the indictment says it’s ISIS. UN inspectors went to the site but they couldn’t find any evidence. But in this indictment, we’ve found the evidence. We know who used the sarin gas, and our government knows it too” (bold RTW)

Erdem, not a native English speaker, however imperfectly, nevertheless clearly had been communicating the circumstantial evidence in the case at hand was strong enough to implicate al Qaida in the attack at Ghouta, and Nafeez himself admits the materials in his own possession demonstrate al Qaida was seeking sarin precursor chemicals. In other words, Erdem’s claims aren’t that this particular case is the source of the chemicals used at Ghouta but demonstrate Turks close to the state had been complicit in acquiring the necessary precursor chemicals on behalf of al-Qaida and therefor is entirely consistent with al Qaida perpetrating the sarin attack.

It would seem that both the source he attacks (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity), and Nafeez himself, couldn’t (or, in the case of Nafeez, perhaps didn’t) read the original RT reporting. [17]

Then, Nafeez crediting the Turk ambassador’s disclaimer the interdicted chemicals were “anti-freeze” is amazing, hello & duh, how on earth and under the heavens could anyone expect other than disinformation or a state denial should be manufactured, also known as damage control?

It should be mentioned here what an ‘insurance file’ is, in the parlance of ‘spooks.’ A common form of safety exercised in espionage whistle-blowing is a kind of ‘blackmail’ where the at risk party is known to have arranged certain damning information to be released (if one were compromised) in case where the state (or other party, such as colleague) in relationship of animosity should be held at bay. It entirely plausible this had become the case concerning Eren Erdem, were he to possess the original or ‘pre-containment’ prosecutorial files (original indictment and related material Nafeez is not privy to) that the Erdogan regime had set out to amend in its’ taking over the criminal case.

This would further explain both the discrepancies in accounts, and Erdem’s reluctance to discuss the matter to Nafeez’ satisfaction, were Erdem to place a high value on the safety of family and friends, not to mention his own freedom. This also would give cover to the Erdogan regime’s having manipulated the content of Turkey’s criminal case file 2013/120 (it were never a perfect world.)

What we see to now in Nafeez ‘study’ is at best slop & haste, or possibly the self-deceit of a middle ground bias (where there isn’t much of a middle ground) or at worst, deliberate misinformation in service of Western empire.

At this point, moving on to very shortly examine 7 April 2018 Douma and chlorine, we have Nafeez quoting an OPCW report:

“The Secretariat remains unable to confirm that the Syrian Arab Republic has submitted a declaration that can be considered accurate and complete in accordance with the Convention and the decisions of the Council”

A few sentences later, this is incredibly construed by Nafeez to confirm:

“So, why are we still here? Because not all Syria’s chemical weapons had in fact been destroyed – only all of what had been declared, and it turned out later: not everything had been declared […] That Syria is lying about its chemical weapons facilities is therefore undeniable”

Excuse me but, that’s like a mafia shakedown thug reporting to his boss that ‘he showed us through the shop but we can’t be certain we saw everything’ or in other words because you didn’t see the DNA result it is still possible David Icke is right, the queen quite possibly has reptile ancestry.

Ok, so this last, immediate preceding sentence is ALMOST far-fetched, so let’s rephrase it with saying Nafeez might have wished he had a crystal ball when he’d concluded the above; considering what had finally come out in the Fall of 2019. To add insult to injury, this following reference comes from Sputnik (it can be found in numerous places elsewhere)

“The [Courage] Foundation’s expert panel met with a member of the OPCW’s Douma fact-finding mission, who provided the an “extensive presentation, including internal emails, text exchanges and suppressed draft reports” – in its resultant report, the team were unanimous in expressing alarm “over unacceptable practices in the investigation of the alleged chemical attack in Douma”, and concluded each of the key evidentiary pillars of the investigation (including chemical analysis, toxicology, ballistics and witness testimonies) were flawed and bear little relation to the facts” [18], [19], [20]

Nafeez’ OPCW is politicized? Why am I not surprised when in fact at other places in his reporting, Nafeez utilizes Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Doctors Without Borders, each of which organizations have, at one time or another, demonstrated symptoms & evidence of penetration and manipulation by Western intelligence agencies. [21], [22], [23]

Now wait just a minute, what’s wrong with this emerging picture? Despite sometimes confused details, even changed stories, Russian media had been giving us accurate metadata in regards to false-flag chemical weapons employ in Syria? Oh my. Journalism were never so imperfect?

This brings us to the White Helmets ‘charitable organization’, whose co-founder, James Le Mesurier, had recently ‘suicided’ himself in Istanbul (quite possibly because dead men cannot be interrogated with embarrassing questions), following the Russian Foreign Ministry having outed him as a longtime British military intelligence operative.

Vanessa Beeley shouldn’t have been entirely thrown under the bus for her ‘embedded’ reporting, if indeed the White Helmets, as Beeley reports, shared a compound with al Qaida in Aleppo. Nafeez pointing out al Qaida and other ‘militants’ associated White Helmets being “dismissed” from the organization is proof/provenance of the organization’s ‘cleanliness’ and independence is laughable. The German bundeswehr does the same but in the main as a public relations move; if all of the nazi empathetic were rooted out, there would be a serious force degradation, and the same could be said of the “Christian Dominion” (anti-secular, Bible above the Constitution, treasonous) senior leadership of the USA military tolerating Christian supremacists to extreme, that is until public exposure requires public relations dismissals of individuals committing egregious acts in overall case where mainstream media does not dig deep. If the truth were to be widely known, and attrition enforced on those nearly one third of the USA military embracing anti-constitutional order, the result would be crippling, particularly in the SOF and officer corps. [24], [25], [26]

“Unmentioned, what is can become as though it were not” -Aldous Huxley, Point, Counter Point

This brings us to Nafeez dismissing RT’s propaganda without delving into the simple genius of the Russian method; recognizing Western media is so coopted/corrupted by the criminal intelligence agencies on behalf of the Western military industrial wealth machine, providing a platform to legitimate journalists and political/social commentators, those whose voices are routinely denied by UPI, Reuters and Associated Press, allows the Russians to actually present a higher quality of news and commentary to the Western audience, on the Western issues per se, in the arena of geopolitics. Whether this phenomenon of Western militarized corporate wealth culture shooting itself in the foot is taken advantage of by Russian method to mix disinformation into the narrative is a matter of interpretation; as this reporter (yours truly) notices the preferred Russian method is what amounts to ‘lies by omission’ in the ‘reporting’ practiced, more often than not, when facts are inconvenient.

In light of this, it should be noted Nafeez’ “State Propaganda in Syria” and RT are precisely equals in present circumstance, when it comes to Nafeez altogether avoiding (a lie by omission) the fact of witnessing element of the “Yinon Plan” unfolding before our eyes in Syria, in a paper that ostensibly unwinds the propaganda myths surrounding the purported facts. This is a critical omission in an already disingenuous paper that scarcely alludes to Israel’s pivotal role. Another rank fail. [27]





























This article first appeared at Fort Russ News

“The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse. The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building”

WTC_7 - 1

The first university (4 years) study concluding a “global failure” with the characteristic of “near-simultaneous failure” of every structural column in World Trade Center Building 7 points to one conclusion: A controlled demolition because the only earthquake in New York City on 9/11 was the lie of who did it and how it happened. Read about the preliminary conclusions for yourself:

alternative link:

Now, it is only a matter of whose ‘conspiracy.’

A few possibilities…

Recalling Robert McFarlane, Ronald Reagan’s National Security Adviser, had been working for Israeli intelligence [1], there is practically no position in American government cannot be construed to be at risk of penetration and compromise via MOSSAD & AIPAC. How this might play in the events of 9/11 is open to conjecture; Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister on 9/11, was a man possessed of the necessary character to murder three thousand people in a gambit to get the USA to fight Israel’s wars, this much is clear. Whether MOSSAD had co-opted enough key people in the USA security apparatus to bring it off, is not. At odds with the Israelis’ initiating the attacks is the fact of Dick Cheney ordering the New York area air defense shut down for the morning of 11 September, while a ‘coincidental’ exercise was to be run simulating a ‘terrorist attack’ with jet liners crashing into New York sky-scrapers. Could Cheney’s team all have been Israeli assets? It seems unlikely. On the other hand, it is classic Israeli style to use their enemies, wherever possible, to take care of their most dirty work. And America is LIKUD’s enemy in a cold political calculation. Related to this, however MOSSAD and Saudi intelligence might cooperate in common geopolitical interests, most certainly Israel and Saudi Arabia are not friends. Utilizing al-Qaida as a front to initiate the attacks, or utilizing Saudis as patsies for a false-flag ‘terrorist’ attack, either one, is consistent with Israeli style; in the past MOSSAD has laundered operations through the PLO for purpose of everything from terrorism for propaganda purposes, to political murders. A second or alternative possibility is the Israelis duping the USA’s people into assisting with their operation. The Israelis may have/had the necessary access and certainly the motivation; whereas the Americans have repeatedly demonstrated they are guilty of that particular brand of hubris that is blinding. Another possible scenario is the USA’s geopolitical intelligence engineers having penetrated an Israeli operation and opened doors for the 9/11 actors, basically rolling out the red carpet for an Israeli run operation, unbeknownst to the Israelis, a covert co-option if you will. A fourth possibility is an Israeli-American joint venture (I lean towards this.) A fifth possibility is the Bush criminal syndicate responsible for 9/11, taking care to frame the Israelis in case the operation were to unravel. In any of these hypothesis, Rudy Guiliani (Trump’s private lawyer) having located his disaster headquarters in WTC Building 7, is key.

What’s almost certain is, Al-Qaida was a minor actor, a dupe and cover story, and was not primarily responsible for 9/11. Insofar as responsibility & accountability, there is none. These agencies or actors, with the likely exception of al-Qaida, would have access to tactical nuclear weapons or ‘suitcase nukes’ for purpose of false-flag terrorism, were it to come to the likes of a Bibi Netanyahu, or Bush family & Robert Gates’ associated Iran-Contra minions determination to up the ante as opposed to face accountability (noting Iran-Contra personalities have their fingerprints all over the USA security apparatus during the Bush Jr administration, 9/11 and coverup, recalling Iran-Contra was a joint MOSSAD-CIA operation.)


additional references:

Current report on MOSSAD penetration of nearly every aspect of the American security apparatus (it is quite a lengthy but meticulously researched and documented investigative report) at Mint Press News



Associated Press puts out John Kerry’s patently false speculation parroted by the fixed Dutch MH 17 investigation’s findings:

“International investigators have concluded that the Buk missile was fired from Russia-backed rebel-controlled territory by a mobile launcher trucked in from Russia and hastily returned”


In this context it does to remind concerning the USA ‘assistance’ of the Lockerbie bombing case:

“A FORMER Scottish police chief has given lawyers a signed statement claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated

“The retired officer – of assistant chief constable rank or higher – has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people”

It was an FBI ‘expert witness’ testified to this ‘evidence’ authenticity in Lockerbie and another bombed flight at odds with the actual facts:

”It is striking to note the similarity of the ‘scientific’ evidence discovered by the FBI’s Tom Thurman in both the Lockerbie and UTA cases. Of the tens of thousands of pieces of debris collected at each disaster site, one lone piece of printed circuit was found and, miracle of miracles, in each case the fragment bore markings that allowed for positive identification: MEBO in the Lockerbie case and TY in the case of UTA Flight 772. Despite the common findings of the DCPJ, the DST and the Prefecture of Police crime laboratory, Juge Bruguière chose to believe Thurman, the expert in fabricating evidence”

Speaking of egregious political lies, we have a former policeman says it WAS INDEED a US Navy missile brought down TWA flight 800…

“Unlike Pierre Salinger, who relies on the internet rumors and old FAA tapes, ex-cop turned investigative reporter Jim Sanders uses original first hand scientific evidence and actual U.S. Government documents and inside sources”


…recalling the USA attempted cover-up in its Navy’s shoot-down of an Iranian civilian passenger jet:

And the other incompetent military which previously blew a Russian civilian airliner out of the sky with a surface to air missile? Would you expect Ukraine? US Navy 2 civilian airliners downed to Ukraine military’s 1 (or 2, depending on the actual facts of MH 17)

And the bombing of the flight to Venezuela from Cuba? A known CIA asset was the perpetrator:

“In 2015, the US State Department declassified a document which the Miami Herald reported indicated that Luis Posada Carriles was the most likely planner of the 1976 suitcase bombing of Cubana de Aviación Flight 455 that killed 73 people”

When it comes to demonizing the USA’s boogeymen of choice, these days the boogieman is Russia, no propaganda ploy is too low; even so far as to deliberately perpetrate mass murder framing an innocent party –

This sites most read intelligence assessment:

Black Boxes, Dark Arts & Geopolitics


A spy vs spy episode


I noticed an attack on this letter (below) in the comments at third party media basically smearing Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) by association with Bernard Kouchner, a man that departed the organization more than 35 years ago over philosophical differences. I had supported Doctors Without Borders because they had been apolitical, and largely neutral in conflicts. This neutrality had begun a process of erosion in Syria. Unlike the attack on the MSF hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, where there was no question of which belligerent controlled the air power responsible (NATO’s USA), and where the organization called for an independent, third party investigation, those actors responsible for the attacks concerning the MSF aligned clinics in Syria are not as convincing and clear, arguably creating even more pressing demand for impartial, third party investigation.

Following these most recent attacks on clinics aligned with Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in Syria, Mego Terzian, President of MSF France, immediately blamed Russia and Assad. MSF International President has gone on record also blaming Russian aligned forces, stating “It was probably carried out by the Syrian-government-led coalition that is predominantly active in the region.”  This statement of Dr Liu is disingenuous. Turkey is a major player in its support for jihadi militia in that very area and has a vested interest in information operations intended to undermine the coalition supporting the Assad regime. This is the purpose of false flag attacks.  Recent history demands if the finger of superficial appearance had pointed to the NATO aligned nations, there would be calls for impartial investigation rather than immediate trial and conviction by propaganda operations perpetrated in western media.

Relevant to this preceding, it is a fairly safe presumption all high profile international non-governmental organizations will be targets of intelligence agencies for diverse purpose. However there is a large qualitative difference between that organization and the organization which, on the whole, has been tipped by intelligence to a point of co-option; where the organization itself has become the intelligence agency operations asset. Médecins Sans Frontières would appear to be pointed towards this co-option. Here is my response:

Dear MSF

A monthly donor of many years, I feel an explanation is in order for my cancellation and further refusal to participate as a MSF “Field Partner.” I am a former military special operations intelligence professional and anti-corruption investigator of many years. Based on my expertise in open source intelligence analysis and closely following several of the ongoing conflicts, including Ukraine and SYRIA, it has become clear MSF is becoming a tool for geopolitical ends. Either you’ve been penetrated by intelligence agencies for this purpose of promoting false flag information operations or your organization is being manipulated to same effect. I cannot, with clear conscious, be a party to this with further contributions.

The several NATO intelligence agencies are in full force pursuing anti-Russian propaganda operations, which likely include the recent attacks on MSF aligned Syrian clinics; purposeful and professional operations intended to smear Russia and President Putin for purposes of generating political capital for pursuit of geopolitical manipulations. Your organization immediately pointing the finger at Assad and/or the Russians, without time taken to properly investigate, is unethical.

NATO aligned intelligence agency false flag examples provided:

NATO’s Turkey suppressing investigation into their intelligence agency, MIT, providing sarin gas to al Nusra (al Qaida) that killed 1,400 Syrians at Ghouta, blamed on the Assad regime, in August, 2013. Turkish parliamentarians complain of the suppressed facts:

Noteworthy state sponsored crimes committed to demonize Putin include but are not limited to;

The Litvinenko report by the British

The Maidan snipers in Kiev trained by the CIA according to Member of European Parliament, backed by a leaked phone call between the EU foreign policy chief and the Estonian Foreign minister revealing the snipers were aligned with the new regime in Kiev. This crime had been blamed on the Russian aligned preceding government.


The crimes in Syria against MSF aligned facilities serve the same propaganda purposes and the Erdogan government cannot be ruled out as committing them, whereas it is NOT in the Russian interest to perpetrate these attacks. Here is a list of Turkish support for bad actors in Syria compiled by Jihad Watch:

It is sad to see MSF go the route of some other organizations and become a pawn of dirty players in geopolitics. I suggest your organization pursue a professional investigation to determine how, and by who, you’ve become manipulated to both a stooge and minion of evil.


Ron West

What’s behind the spies & political lies?

“The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime” -Voltaire

note: since I’d written this piece, the Erdogan administration (Turkish government) seized Today’s Zaman newspaper and killed the linked story on the gas attack at Ghouta, Syria, forwarded to MSF in the letter. Anticipating some possibility like this, I had preserved screen shots and the story’s complete text which now may be found by clicking HERE



Hello friends of social consciousness ( I presume ; )

If you would be so kind as to read the text of a linked (below) article on NATO actor Turkey involvement with chemical warfare, a news story not reported on AT ALL in western press, I would like to point you all to a world class criminal event where you could make a difference with little effort. It is as easy as copying and pasting a few addresses from the provided email list of senior members of the German parliament (plus the German constitutional court & office of the prosecutor at the International Criminal Court) into the address field of an email of your own composition or an email that copies the proposed email presented below and demand as little as two words: Do something! The rational here is, German intelligence, or their political bosses are complicit in concealing the truly culpable parties to a gas attack in Syria, a crime where the actual details have become known. It was NATO’s Turkey gassed the Syrians in what’s known in spy-craft as a ‘false flag operation.’ It is unconscionable that German intelligence (or their bosses) would fail to faithfully and honestly report on a war crime or crime against humanity where poison gas had been used.

Thank you and sincerely

Ronald Thomas West


Send to a few of the following (not too many, so your mail is not rejected as spam),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Dear Members of the German Parliament

I wish to draw attention to recent information regarding your NATO ally Turkey. It had been revealed by two courageous members of Turkey’s parliament that in fact it was Turkey’s federal intelligence services were behind the August 2013 Ghouta, Syria sarin gas attack, killing more than one thousand three hundred ordinary Syrians, an attack NATO nations had blamed on the regime of Basher al-Assad. Your own Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) intelligence agency should have been aware of this fact from very nearly the beginning, as they have been proactively engaged in Syria and the Syrian conflict, as well as spying on Turkey.

This raises strong questions of possible BND criminal complicity considering Germany’s support for certain NATO nations directly in relation to the Syrian conflict. What did the BND know and when? Has the BND, when passing intelligence on Syria to Assad’s opposition through its NATO allies, supported the actors who gassed the Syrians? Is Germany’s supportive relationship to the Erdogan government a lawful one, in light of this recent evidence? Has the BND contributed to the geopolitical disinformation blaming Assad for the August 2013 Sarin attack? Has your parliament been deceived in this matter, particularly your intelligence oversight committee?

Clearly the Sarin case, considering Germany, as a knowledgeable or complicit actor in Syria, should be pursued against the culpable officials in Turkey via the legal mechanism of Völkerstrafgesetzbuch (universal jurisdiction), as well as domestic prosecutions of those German officials, noting the BND particularly, who’ve failed in their reporting requirements and/or conspired to conceal a war crime or crime against humanity.

These should be questions and demand you will present to the federal prosecutor.

What’s more is, state actor Turkey initiating the Sarin attack is not some undocumented allegation. As you can see from the attached reporting, there was a proper investigation by Turkish authorities with developed evidence and indictments. I regret to inform you in this case, President Erdogan is personally demanding or initiating the prosecutions that have seen some 30 journalists jailed or facing jail for making these sort of revelations, as well he jails those lawful authorities who pursue investigating crimes perpetrated by the Edogan administration, undermining de jure government institutions.

Text of the (linked) competent article by reputable Turkish journalists:

Two deputies from the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) have claimed that the government is against investigating Turkey’s role in sending toxic sarin gas which was used in an attack on civilians in Syria in 2013 and in which over 1,300 Syrians were killed.

CHP deputies Eren Erdem and Ali Şeker held a press conference in İstanbul on Wednesday in which they claimed the investigation into allegations regarding Turkey’s involvement in the procurement of sarin gas which was used in the chemical attack on a civil population and delivered to the terrorist Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) to enable the attack was derailed.

Taking the floor first, Erdem stated that the Adana Chief Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation into allegations that sarin was sent to Syria from Turkey via several businessmen. An indictment followed regarding the accusations targeting the government.

“The MKE [Turkish Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation] is also an actor that is mentioned in the investigation file. Here is the indictment. All the details about how sarin was procured in Turkey and delivered to the terrorists, along with audio recordings, are inside the file,” Erdem said while waving the file.

Erdem also noted that the prosecutor’s office conducted detailed technical surveillance and found that an al-Qaeda militant, Hayyam Kasap, acquired sarin, adding: “Wiretapped phone conversations reveal the process of procuring the gas at specific addresses as well as the process of procuring the rockets that would fire the capsules containing the toxic gas. However, despite such solid evidence there has been no arrest in the case. Thirteen individuals were arrested during the first stage of the investigation but were later released, refuting government claims that it is fighting terrorism,” Erdem noted.

Over 1,300 people were killed in the sarin gas attack in Ghouta and several other neighborhoods near the Syrian capital of Damascus, with the West quickly blaming the regime of Bashar al-Assad and Russia claiming it was a “false flag” operation aimed at making US military intervention in Syria possible.

Suburbs near Damascus were struck by rockets containing the toxic sarin gas in August 2013.

The purpose of the attack was allegedly to provoke a US military operation in Syria which would topple the Assad regime in line with the political agenda of then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his government.

CHP deputy Şeker spoke after Erdem, pointing out that the government misled the public on the issue by asserting that sarin was provided by Russia. The purpose was to create the perception that, according to Şeker, “Assad killed his people with sarin and that requires a US military intervention in Syria.”

He also underlined that all of the files and evidence from the investigation show a war crime was committed within the borders of the Turkish Republic.

“The investigation clearly indicates that those people who smuggled the chemicals required to procure sarin faced no difficulties, proving that Turkish intelligence was aware of their activities. While these people had to be in prison for their illegal acts, not a single person is in jail. Former prime ministers and the interior minister should be held accountable for their negligence in the incident,” Şeker further commented.

Erdem also added that he will launch a criminal complaint against those responsible, including those who issued a verdict of non-prosecution in the case, those who did not prevent the transfer of chemicals and those who first ordered the arrest of the suspects who were later released.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced in late August that an inquiry had been launched into the gas attacks allegedly perpetuated by both Assad’s Syrian regime and rebel groups fighting in Syria since the civil war erupted in 2011.

However, Erdem is not the only figure who has accused Turkey of possible involvement in the gas attack. Pulitzer Prize winner and journalist, Seymour M. Hersh, argued in an article published in 2014 that MİT was involved with extremist Syrian groups fighting against the Assad regime.

In his article, Hersh said Assad was not behind the attack, as claimed by the US and Europe, but that Turkish-Syrian opposition collaboration was trying to provoke a US intervention in Syria in order to bring down the Assad regime.

The original link is no longer good as Turkey’s government seized Today’s Zaman and shut down the English website and deleted all articles but anticipating this, the article is preserved in full HERE with screenshots.

Original link:

Headline screenshot:

Zaman2.jpg - 1


Note on the preceding; all of the allegations concerning the proposed letter are well founded in open source. The Seymour Hersh article on the sarin gas attack: The Redline and the Ratline


“Ambassador Victoria Nuland assumed her position as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs on September 18, 2013. As Assistant Secretary she is responsible for diplomatic relations with 50 countries in Europe and Eurasia, as well as with NATO, the European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Previously, Ambassador Nuland served as State Department Spokesperson” –Department of State’s Nuland bio, 23 April 2015

What is well known is, the Department of State and the CIA have always been Siamese twins. What is less known is, the American military officer corps has long rivaled (and these days surpasses) the Department of State as cover for CIA officers. What is interesting about this just now is, is a shuffle between the Pentagon, Department of State and the White House. Jen Psaki goes to the White House to become Communications Director, recently released Department of Defense Spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby moves over to the Department of State and former CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf will no doubt stay on at Department of State to get John Kirby’s feet on the ground and cover Iran.

Why this is interesting is the portrait it paints insofar as information management, and who plays where in the executive branch. Noting Victoria Nuland’s former employ as Department of State spokeswoman prior to her becoming the USA’s information engineering front for the Maidan coup in Ukraine, and noting Jen Psaki’s role at State and seeing John Kirby move into her role, let’s look at the sum of this in the context of Marie Harf:

“During the 2012 election, Ms. Harf was responsible for all national security and foreign policy issues on President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign. In this role, Ms. Harf developed and implemented the campaign’s national security policy and communications strategy, and she served as a press spokesperson on national security issues. Ms. Harf was also a member of President Obama’s debate preparation team for the Town Hall and Foreign Policy debates.

“Prior to joining President Obama’s re-election campaign, Ms. Harf was the Central Intelligence Agency’s Media Spokesperson. She crafted the CIA’s media strategy on a wide range of sensitive national security and intelligence topics.

“Ms. Harf began her federal government career in the CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence, where she was an analyst on Middle East leadership issues. She produced finished intelligence products — including items for the President’s Daily Brief — on top foreign policy priorities, providing insight and context while identifying risks and opportunities for the United States” -Department of State Harf bio, 23 April 2015

As well, noting Jen Psaki worked on both Obama’s election campaigns, and all of the named personalities are bald, professional liars (it helps they all profile as sociopaths) managing geopolitical myths in highly engineered media campaign environment, what stands out is, excepting Obama, all have worked in the role of Department of State spokesperson.

Nuland’s geopolitical myth engineering for the tv cameras from the Maidan in Kiev coupled to her leaked (intercepted phone) conversation dictating the precise formation of the incoming coup d’état government coupled to the revelation the Maidan snipers were a CIA false flag operation hosted by Poland, gives us some insights as to the career path track the Department of State spokesperson position points to. In the larger context, the personalities, all of them, profile as highly trained CIA operatives under cover of information professionals, but that is to say an ‘open’ cover where they are actually working in the field of their expertise as information specialists; however geopolitical engineering via information operations or ‘psyops.’ Only it’s called ‘spokesperson.’

The problem with this is obvious; these are not psyops aimed at enemy states but rather are aimed at the western press and the American people particularly. Victoria Nuland in a lead thespian role at the center of a coup d’état based on a CIA false flag operation, with Jen Psaki, Marie Harf and John Kirby all playing coordinated, supporting roles in an information operation aimed at the American people to convince them of the rightness of engaging Russia in related hostilities, is seriously anti-democratic. It is also against the law and violates fundamental constitutional principles.

This brings us now to the boss at the top of the food chain. Barack Obama is not only exceedingly close to career CIA operative & Director John Brennan, he has large gaps in his disingenuous biography. There is little question his mother was an American intelligence officer. And there is little question he had been mentored, as a younger man, by CIA front companies or closely associated businesses. During his tenure as our national executive, Obama has empowered the United States intelligence apparatus like none before him. Insofar as profiling a professionally trained liar, Obama’s skill would appear sublime. None better have preceded him; with pulling  the wool over the eyes of the Black communities of America and Africa, combined. In the larger spectrum Obama has given up our citizens’ rights to a degree none other would dare and without real or serious or effective opposition within the American political community. Meanwhile, going to the intended outcome in Ukraine, Obama’s strategies mirror the neo-liberal hate-monger Zbigniew Brzezinski’s ‘Grand Chessboard’ anti-Russia strategies closely. This while Victoria Nuland reports to Chevron and Exxon-Mobil that 5 billion USA tax dollars have been invested to bring the elected Kiev government to point of coup d’état. This is little different to the overthrow of the Iran government by the CIA in 1953, on behalf of big oil. It does well to mention here, an insider sobriquet for CIA is “Corporate America.”

The question the American people need, or better said, deserve the opportunity to respond  to is; do you accept the National Security Act of 1947 handed the USA executive to corporate America, lock, stock & barrel, via their intelligence agency minions? Is this a legitimate exercise of the principles of American democracy? Directly stemming from this factual circumstance, does anyone believe it is a legitimate exercise of democracy when sleight-of-hand geopolitical engineering requires a mass deceit be perpetrated on the electorate; where the picture drawn for you via the institutions of State is not remotely similar to reality? That innocents can be murdered in such a way as to cast blame on another innocent party .. where the purpose of the vile act is to stir your indignation against a 3rd innocent party and justify in your mind further acts of hostility against those very innocents, even to war? Who, you might ask, would be so insane? The Nazis did similar despicable things, and NATO is on a nearly identical path as I write this. And they’re doing it with the trained, professional, criminal brilliance of Obama, Nuland, Psaki, Harf and Kirby; brought to you courtesy of the CIA:


Deep State Exposés

Ukraine for Dummies



Deep State Series, part three of eight parts

Heroin, Bags of Cash & the CIA
CIA Narcotics Trafficking, Vietnam to Afghanistan

It had been reported in the New York Times the CIA has been handing off many millions of dollars to individuals in the Afghan government to buy influence. Using open source analysis, I will propose a case for these many millions being heroin trafficking ‘hush money.’ But first, a bit of history:

In 1970, serving in Vietnam, I had transferred from the 199th Light Infantry Brigade based at Long Binh, for extended tour of duty with the 330th Transportation Company located at Vung Tau. The US Army Airfield at Vung Tau was an advanced aircraft maintenance location, primarily, with a runway that could handle freight aircraft up to a C-130. By far, however, it was mainly a service center for helicopters needing advanced repairs, engine overhauls, rotor replacements, et cetera. Among other tasks, I worked airfield perimeter and flight line security. We had fully armed Cobra gun ships for airfield protection that needed secured from possible sapper attack, particularly, as well as the more typical security needs. The period was from October of 1970 to November of 1971.

As an E-5, I had responsibility for men on the perimeter at times, at other times on the flight line. Perimeter duty in my sector was parallel to the landing and take off (main) runway. This was Vietnam approaching late stage conflict. Heroin addiction was estimated by myself and other non-commissioned officers to be about 30% of the US Forces enlisted men on this airfield. Our own company and it’s platoons were about this average level of addicts as was our understanding this being the similar case of the other Army units located there.

Again and again, over this 13 month period, heroin ran out. It could not be missed when nearly a third our soldiers at Vung Tau, a few hundreds of men, went into physical and mental symptom of withdrawal. It was not pretty. This was not the weak, comparatively speaking, heroin someone would needle. It was STRONG. It was smoked or ‘snorted’ up the nose. Intravenous use of this drug would have been almost instantly fatal. Tremendous quantity of the drug was consumed by these horrifically addicted men.

Vung Tau could not be easily supplied with heroin on demand, without some serious interruptions, in the large quantities required to maintain the habits of hundreds of badly addicted soldiers by Viet Cong or North Vietnamese agents. The location was separated from the mainland by bracken marsh, accessed by a single causeway secured in multiple sectors with tightly controlled traffic having to pass American and Australian security checks. By sea would have been more likely, but here it is also problematic for the un-interrupted enemy supply of our soldiers with drugs. Vung Tau was highly secured by sea with armed patrol boats because of the high military value of its mission. It is a small area of land with essentially little coastline to secure. Security was tight. Interdiction would have been a near certainty, at least once in a while. It didn’t happen.

The Viet Cong or North Vietnamese agents of course did not have air access to us. The CIA did.

It was nowhere near rocket science to note the CIA airline Air America flight that parked 1/4 mile away from every other aircraft, never came in to parking area. Typically, 3 people, armed, stayed with the aircraft, command staff car picked up 2 others. Luggage (nearly modern steamer trunks filled with not only heroin but also high grade marijuana) for at least 10 (TEN) people was picked up by a 3/4 ton truck, with 2 persons riding with the baggage, 1 left guarding the aircraft. All airfield personnel were strictly instructed NEVER to approach the Air America flights. They never stayed more than several hours. Bingo, heroin flush by that evening. Again and again. Every time the soldier’s suppliers had run out of heroin, there was an Air America flight landed. Problem solved, the addicted soldiers were functional again.

After Vietnam I served with 19th Special Forces Group as (11F40) Sergeant for Operations and Intelligence, working together with some of the best in the field, a position that eventually pointed to my later career as an investigator. In conversation with special forces veterans of CIA liaised Indochina operations, it became clear CIA narcotics trafficking in Vietnam was not a ‘one off’ by some isolated or small rogue element. I continued to follow the CIA in the available sources and have made some assessments, drawn some conclusions.

The covert, operational or ‘black ops’ sector itself of the CIA has been the source of major narco-trafficking or, there has been a large and well organized rogue element within this sector where oversight is problematic. These people are in major international drug trafficking and their worldwide tracks are beginning to emerge over time, with overwhelming circumstantial evidence.

It had been established by the 1970s and reported on in media that the CIA had bought the loyalties of tribes in the so called ‘Golden Triangle’ opium producing region with cash for their crop, the most likely or closest proximity, raw base or source of the heroin in Vietnam. War zones with covert logistics for intelligence services are perfect opportunities to commercially process on large scale with no effective police oversight. Again and again, reliable CIA narcotics trafficking accounts have surfaced only to be quashed, noting in the linked affidavit, the Iran-Contra’s Robert Gates associated Richard Secord, and George W Bush’s Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage (at time of invasion of Afghanistan.)

After Vietnam, and the loss of direct military backing in force for our covert agency and no longer in control of the necessary areas in the region, heroin waned and cocaine became big. One only has to look at the tracks of the graduates of the School of the Americas, and connect the dots. This is the CIA associated initial source of the leadership training that has today’s Mexican Federal Police sometimes overwhelmed in pitched battles with drug lord militiamen that are now days professional commandos. Move south from there and you had Noriega in Panama, same source of training and a CIA asset, became a major international narco-trafficker.

South farther again and you have Uribe associated with cartels, right wing militias and associated death squads, CIA, School of the Americas training, all in the mix of Colombia, and drug trade and coca production is up there, eradication a farce. In 2005 you find Gulf Stream jets used in the CIA renditions are passing through the hands of known CIA assets, to Uribe family linked cartel, one had crashed in Mexico carrying 4 tons of Cocaine as noted in the narco-sphere news:

“the Gulfstream II was purchased less than two weeks before it crashed in Mexico by a duo that included a U.S. government operative who allegedly had done past contract work for a variety of US law enforcement and intelligence agencies, according to a known CIA asset (Baruch Vega) who is identified as such in public court records. The four tons of cocaine onboard of the Gulfstream II at the time of its crash landing, according Vega, was purchased in Colombia via a syndicate that included a Colombian narco-trafficker named Nelson Urrego, who, according to Panamanian press reports and Vega, is a U.S. government (CIA) asset”

And now Mexico is severing its relationship with the CIA having anything to do with the so-called ‘war on drugs’ and it is a smart move (when considering the Pentagon has enlisted Blackwater as a contractor in the business.) Meanwhile the ‘war on drugs’ discovers the Rick Perry administration in the George W Bush home state of Texas moves very quickly to shut down investigators who’d discovered high powered American judges, politicians and law enforcement at parties thrown by drug cartels. Couple this to a joint Blackwater/CIA covert assassination program that had been run by known cartel killer Enrique Prado, coupled to Erik Prince’s known religious extremism with ties to and funding of the American religious right, one may more than speculate international narcotics trafficking is funding Rick Perry’s Islamophobic Tea Party.

And Bush appointed Robert Mueller’s FBI? NOT INTERESTED, Small wonder with Mueller having been at the center of damage control and cover-up of the Iran-Contra linked BCCI terror and narcotics money laundering scandal. This is reinforced when Attorney General Eric Holder had concealed religious-right big shot Carl Lindner‘s contributions to the Uribe linked AUC death squads in Colombia.

The CIA trafficking in Latin America is the most well documented, on account of the Iran-Contra affair having spilled into the open. And it is here we come up with the Bush family criminal syndicate who’s who of international narcotics traffickers .. oh and that ties into George H.W. Bush’s close buddy Bill Clinton, the business is a bi-partisan bag of maggots.

Blackwater, who the Pentagon had farmed out the ‘war on drugs’ in Mexico to, is identified as an extension of the CIA. Meanwhile, Blackwater’s military contractor aviation had become a multi-hundred million dollar business.

A Robert Gates linked Iran-Contra player, Duane Clarridge, had a ‘private’ CIA operating in Afghanistan, run by an Air Force contractor named Michael Furlong The New York Times had reported. Some 40 days after this story broke, we see this:

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has opened an inquiry into whether civilian Department of Defense (Air Force) employee Michael Furlong had “violated rules” by using his position inside a highly secured military facility to coordinate a secret, unauthorized spy ring employing private contractors, to include convicted Iran-Contra CIA operative Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge.”

By waiting 40 days since this had spilled, Robert Gates had given damage control in this affair ample time to meet, plan, erase tracks, create false leads, and destroy evidence. Throughout his series, the New York Times reporter neglects to mention Robert Gates is also an Iran-Contra figure with a history of cover-up, investigated by prosecutor Lawrence Walsh who stated:

“By October, when Gates claimed he first remembered hearing of the diversion, Casey ordered an inquiry and later made a report to Poindexter; but, by then, the Hasenfus aircraft had been shot down and Casey and Gates were beginning to cover.”

The now known operation coordinated by Furlong employed International Media Ventures, run by veterans of General McChrystal’s Special Operations forces, American International Security, run by a former Green Beret, and most interestingly, as we have seen, a company belonging to Duane ‘Dewey’ Clarridge, a former top CIA official with close ties to Robert Gates and Iran-Contra, as well utilized by the FBI in Afghanistan. Gates waited well over a month to “open an inquiry” to see whether “rules were violated” (notice contract murder is suddenly a mere ‘rules violation.’) With reports across the globe shouting bloody murder at the trouble he was in, Furlong appears never to have been prosecuted. Where had the Furlong/Clarridge operation been based and run out of? Almost certainly from the government protected Afghan drug lord (and presidential brother) Walid Karzai’s CIA rented compound outside Kandahar. The Clarridge operation is most certainly a cover for heroin trafficking.

Now the clincher. More than 90% of this years Heroin supplied to the world (90% TO THE WORLD) will come from poppies grown in Afghanistan. This is not just the Taliban folks, it is the CIA. Cleaning up the problem or cornering the market? It would very much seem any ‘drug eradication program is window dressing the problem while in actuality cornering the market. This thought is buttressed by the Russian experience with attempting cooperation in cleaning up the hundreds of heroin labs in Afghanistan, with the American military commanders at the top blocking any efforts:

After, (video, above) the Russians’ high visibility whistle-blowing, there is grudging (and minimal) actions by the USA, busting just a few labs out of hundreds and ONLY those labs it would seem are not under the CIA’s protection. The southwest of Afghanistan is the poppy region where the USA military had taken a ‘hands off’ attitude and done little to nothing to address the problem. Any drug interdiction program efforts had been initiated against only THOSE OPUIM FARMERS WHO DO BUSINESS WITH THE TALIBAN, or 15% of the labs and traffickers. The Taliban’s 15% control of 93% of the world market for opium & heroin is still nearly 14% the world supply, this is no small business in the matter of funding their insurgency, not to mention their product is likely laundered through the CIA for export. As the USA winds down the American military involvement, it is clear the problem had never been honestly addressed.

Meanwhile, a British ambassador had been sent packing for investigating the problem from neighboring Uzbekistan and subsequently pens an article “Britain is Protecting the Biggest Heroin Crop of All Time.” It is interesting to note his linking a murdered former Russian anti-corruption investigator, Alexander Letvnenko working for MI6, had uncovered the Afghan heroin pipeline to St Petersburg… a crime blamed in popular media on Russia with little mention whatsoever of his connections in this regard. Litvenenko’s fatal mistake likely had been to concurrently cooperate with Spanish authorities on Russian mafia, bringing him too close to his expertise on the Afghan heroin pipelines. That MI6 may have been the actual perpetrator of Litvenenko’s murder is almost a certainty, with MI6 now also having been identified as piling ‘off the record’ cash to the government of Karzai and its known close connections to heroin trafficking. In the end, it come down to western complicity in the Afghan heroin trade is old news.

And in a 2009 interview with Phillip Giraldi, former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has the following to say:

EDMONDS: Okay. So these conversations, between 1997 and 2001, had to do with a Central Asia operation that involved bin Laden. Not once did anybody use the word “al-Qaeda.” It was always “mujahideen,” always “bin Laden” and, in fact, not “bin Laden” but “bin Ladens” plural. There were several bin Ladens who were going on private jets to Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. The Turkish ambassador in Azerbaijan worked with them.

There were bin Ladens, with the help of Pakistanis or Saudis, under our management. Marc Grossman was leading it, 100 percent, bringing people from East Turkestan into Kyrgyzstan, from Kyrgyzstan to Azerbaijan, from Azerbaijan some of them were being channeled to Chechnya, some of them were being channeled to Bosnia. From Turkey, they were putting all these bin Ladens on NATO planes. People and weapons went one way, drugs came back.

GIRALDI: Was the U.S. government aware of this circular deal?

EDMONDS: 100 percent. A lot of the drugs were going to Belgium with NATO planes. After that, they went to the UK, and a lot came to the U.S. via military planes to distribution centers in Chicago and Paterson, New Jersey. Turkish diplomats who would never be searched were coming with suitcases of heroin.

GIRALDI: And, of course, none of this has been investigated. What do you think the chances are that the Obama administration will try to end this criminal activity?

EDMONDS: Well, even during Obama’s presidential campaign, I did not buy into his slogan of “change” being promoted by the media and, unfortunately, by the naïve blogosphere. First of all, Obama’s record as a senator, short as it was, spoke clearly. For all those changes that he was promising, he had done nothing. In fact, he had taken the opposite position, whether it was regarding the NSA’s wiretapping or the issue of national-security whistleblowers. We whistleblowers had written to his Senate office. He never responded, even though he was on the relevant committees.

As soon as Obama became president, he showed us that the State Secrets Privilege was going to continue to be a tool of choice. It’s an arcane executive privilege to cover up wrongdoing—in many cases, criminal activities. And the Obama administration has not only defended using the State Secrets Privilege, it has been trying to take it even further than the previous terrible administration by maintaining that the U.S. government has sovereign immunity. This is Obama’s change: his administration seems to think it doesn’t even have to invoke state secrets as our leaders are emperors who possess this sovereign immunity. This is not the kind of language that anybody in a democracy would use.

The other thing I noticed is how Chicago, with its culture of political corruption, is central to the new administration. When I saw that Obama’s choice of chief of staff was Rahm Emanuel, knowing his relationship with Mayor Richard Daley and with the Hastert crowd, I knew we were not going to see positive changes. Changes possibly, but changes for the worse. It was no coincidence that the Turkish criminal entity’s operation centered on Chicago.

Criminals do not voluntarily surrender their business models. Cleaning up the problem is not going to happen until the CIA covert operations is brought under control. The CIA, or a rogue element within the organization has been, personally enriching themselves for decades as international narco-traffickers, my assessment. All the while using our nation’s ‘Security’ together with all of the power of the apparatus the term implies, to cover a rogue and criminal club within our ranks. And so, another example of how it is the pursuit of violence through wars corrupts and/or attracts corrupt people. C’est la vie.

Additional Notes

An interesting aside, General Patraeus figures into the Latin America/Iran-Contra era, when he supervised his friend and professional associate from the CIA ‘Dirty Wars’ days, death squad veteran James Steele, when running covert torture centers in Iraq.

These following stories from the AP WIRE [4 years ago] point to, among other things, CIA having wiretapped DEA to prevent DEA stumbling on CIA international narco-trafficking and continued efforts by our Justice Department to cover-up crime with the state secrets doctrine:

Sep 11th, 2009 | WASHINGTON — A federal judge says the CIA is hiding behind dubious national security arguments to shield itself from a potentially embarrassing lawsuit U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, who earlier ruled that CIA officials committed fraud to protect a former covert agent accused in the suit, has rejected an emergency request to put the case on hold while the government appeals.

The CIA has argued that allowing the case to proceed would divulge classified information, but, in an opinion made public on Friday, Lamberth said there was no good reason to delay.

In the suit, a former Drug Enforcement Administration agent claims the CIA illegally wiretapped his home when stationed in Rangoon, Burma in 1993. The agent, Richard Horn, said he became suspicious when he returned from a trip to find his government-issued rectangular coffee table had been replaced with a round one.

The case has been a test of the Obama administration’s use of the so-called state secrets privilege, when the government seeks to block legal action by saying the details that would be revealed would harm national security.

Administration officials have pledged to review all state secrets claims made by the previous Bush administration, but in many cases the government is still asserting the need to prevent disclosures that it says would harm national security.

In the DEA case, Lamberth has previously rejected the state secrets claim. Government lawyers are attempting to reassert the privilege but on different grounds, but the judge isn’t buying it.

“Having lost on their assertion of the state secrets privilege, the government’s new refrain is heads you lose, tails we win,” the judge wrote.

The court case is rooted in an old squabble between the DEA and CIA operating overseas.

Horn claims Arthur Brown, the former CIA station chief in Burma, and Franklin Huddle Jr., the chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Burma, were trying to get him relocated because they disagreed with his work with Burmese officials on the country’s drug trade.

The CIA has not said in court filings whether or not it monitored Horn, but Horn claims he was monitored without lawful authority and in violation of his constitutional protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The CIA buys off the DEA

10 Nov 09-

WASHINGTON — The government has agreed to pay $3 million to a former agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration who sued CIA officers for illegal eavesdropping

The proposed settlement followed a ruling by U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth in July that CIA officials committed fraud to protect a former covert agent against the eavesdropping allegations.

The lawsuit was brought by former DEA agent Richard Horn, who says his home in Rangoon, Burma, was illegally wiretapped by the CIA in 1993. He says Arthur Brown, the former CIA station chief in Burma, and Franklin Huddle Jr., the chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Burma, were trying to get him transferred because they disagreed with his work with Burmese officials on the country’s drug trade.

Horn sued Brown and Huddle in 1994, seeking monetary damages for violating his civil rights. The CIA itself was a defendant in the lawsuit until early this year…..

Then-CIA Director George Tenet filed an affidavit asking that the case against Brown be dismissed because he was a covert agent whose identity was a state secret that must not be revealed in open court. Lamberth granted the CIA’s request and threw out the case against Brown in 2004.

Lamberth found out last year that Brown’s cover had been lifted in 2002, even though the CIA continued to file legal documents saying his status was covert. The judge found that the CIA intentionally misled the court and he reinstated the case against Brown.

The agreement in the case was revealed in court papers filed Tuesday night, and Lamberth will now consider whether to dismiss the suit. Under the proposed settlement, the government makes no admission as to whether the allegations in the lawsuit are true


WASHINGTON — Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of the president of Afghanistan, gets regular payments from the CIA and has for much of the past eight years, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

The newspaper said that according to current and former American officials, the CIA pays Karzai for a variety of services, including helping to recruit an Afghan paramilitary force that operates at the CIA’s direction in and around Kandahar.

The CIA’s ties to Karzai, who is a suspected player in the country’s illegal opium trade, have created deep divisions within the Obama administration, the Times said

Allegations that Karzai is involved in the drug trade have circulated in Kabul for months. He denies them.

Critics say the ties with Karzai complicate the United States’ increasingly tense relationship with his older brother, President Hamid Karzai. The CIA’s practices also suggest that the United States is not doing everything in its power to stamp out the lucrative Afghan drug trade, a major source of revenue for the Taliban.

Some American officials argue that the reliance on Ahmed Wali Karzai, a central figure in the south of the country where the Taliban is dominant, undermines the U.S. push to develop an effective central government that can maintain law and order and eventually allow the United States to withdraw.

“If we are going to conduct a population-centric strategy in Afghanistan, and we are perceived as backing thugs, then we are just undermining ourselves,” Maj. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, the senior American military intelligence official in Afghanistan, was quoted by the Times in an article published on its Web site.

Ahmed Wali Karzai told the Times that he cooperates with American civilian and military officials but does not engage in the drug trade and does not receive payments from the CIA.

Karzai helps the CIA operate a paramilitary group, the Kandahar Strike Force, that is used for raids against suspected insurgents and terrorists, according to several American officials. Karzai also is paid for allowing the CIA and American Special Operations troops to rent a large compound outside the city, which also is the base of the Kandahar Strike Force, the Times said.

Karzai also helps the CIA communicate with and sometimes meet with Afghans loyal to the Taliban, the newspaper reported.

CIA spokesman George Little declined to comment on the report.

Followed by this AP story:

“Ghulam Haider Hamidi, the mayor of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan where a large chunk of the new U.S. forces will be deployed, cited corruption — which Karzai has pledged to fight — as the worst problem facing his nation. “The biggest problem is corruption in the Afghan government, police and military but also in some of the companies coming from the United States, Canada and England and Germany,” Hamidi said. “There is corruption and drug dealing by the people who are in power, within the police and the military.”Hamidi said just last month he was told that Taliban were sleeping in the police barracks.”The police are taking money from both sides — the government and the Taliban,” he said. “When we have this kind of police and military, the Afghan problem won’t be solved in 20 years.””

What Hamidi had pointed directly to, is military subcontractors in the employ of CIA, the military and the police, all in bed with both narcotics trafficking and the Taliban.

Wali Karzai and Ghulam Haider Hamidi were both assassinated not long after, Wali Karzai because he was too ‘hot’ (his own CIA liaison killed him) and Ghulam Haider Hamidi because he was too clean ..

27 March 2014 update: Crimea sanctions is the excuse the Obama administration uses to cancel joint efforts with Russia to combat international narcotics trafficking. Read the facts at the Moscow Times

1 May 2014 update: “We are not scared from the government, because most of the officials have their share in the harvesting” Read the article at

10 June 2014 update: New information comes to light on the CIA rendition jets subsequently moved over to narcotics traffickers, read the article at

9 July 2015 update: Corresponding perfectly with the Department of Defense & CIA gaining control over the opium production in Afghanistan: “CDC health officials said that the US is in the grip of a heroin epidemic, with abuse of the drug doubling among 18-25 year olds, doubling for women, and rising among white people by 114 percent over a decade from 2002 to 2013.” Read the story at RT and see the facts posted at the Center for Disease Control.

29 August 2021 Update: Pepe Escobar to The GreyZone’s Ben Norton & Max Blumenthal on the Taliban pledge to wipe out opium production in, and opium export from, Afghanistan:

“This is all Northern Alliance warlords. Once again, there is no Pashtuns involved in this. This is a huge, serious issue, and I’m sure they’re going to fulfill it because this is another eternal clash between the Northern Alliance and the Taliban. This is a very, very important point for them in terms of public opinion everywhere, not only in Eurasia but in the rest of the world in terms of anti-drugs and a very good p.r. for them.”

At (about 2/3 of the way in, in the CIA narcotics trafficking portion.)

Well, Pepe Escobar is full of shit or full of himself (which is about the same thing.) Opium and heroin production in Afghanistan was never a sole business of the Northern Alliance. Walid Karzai was a Pashtun and key player in the narcotics trade operating out of the Pashtun majority Kandahar Province, the single most productive region of opium in Afghanistan. No Pashtun opium farmers in Kandahar? I don’t think so. No Pashtuns involved in the production and export of opium and heroin causing problems in Russia and Iran? I don’t think so. And the hundreds of on location Afghanistan heroin processing labs are not so much as mentioned by Escobar. Let’s also not forget Kandahar Province is historically renown as a Taliban sympathetic territory where narcotics trafficking and related corruption was to a point the Taliban were sleeping in the USA supported Afghanistan government’s police barracks:

“Ghulam Haider Hamidi, the mayor of Kandahar … cited corruption … as the worst problem facing his nation. “The biggest problem is corruption in the Afghan government, police and military but also in some of the companies coming from the United States, Canada and England and Germany,” Hamidi said. “There is corruption and drug dealing by the people who are in power, within the police and the military.” Hamidi said just last month he was told that Taliban were sleeping in the police barracks. “The police are taking money from both sides — the government and the Taliban,” he said. “When we have this kind of police and military, the Afghan problem won’t be solved in 20 years””

The statement by Escobar relevant to the preceding is, in effect, such an egregious lie, it discredits the entire interview with Norton & Blumenthal.


At Spartacus:

Seal worked directly for Sonia Atala, the CIA protected drug baron (Michael … that the Sandinistas were directly involved in drug trafficking into the United States.
Hitz also investigated the claim that the CIA participated in drug trafficking in Central America in the 1980s. A declassified version of his report was released in  …
CIA and the Nugan Hand Bank. … Yates later told the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking he recruited WerBell as a consultant because he “had extensive …
According to Daniel Sheehan, Hull was a CIA contract operative in Costa Rica where he managed 8,000 … Drug Trafficking by the US National Security Council  …
A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation from the Cold War to the War on Terror … Paul DeRienzo: What was the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking in Southeast Asia?
(2) David Corn, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine … the contra program who (were) alleged to have engaged in drug trafficking.
Webb published Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack Cocaine …. the contra program who (were) alleged to have engaged in drug trafficking.
In 1971, Edwin P. Wilson left the CIA to run shipping companies for a secret Navy … In 1983 the Australian Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking released a report …
The two men told Sheehan about a group of former CIA agents and assets were … in a racketeering network involved in drug trafficking and arms smuggling.
He remained in prison for three years and according to one source the CIA paid … He was later charged with money laundering, drugs & arms trafficking and …
In 1973 Frank Nugan, an Australian lawyer, and Michael Hand, a former CIA … Yates later told the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking he recruited WerBell as a  …
In 1974 the Nugan Hand Bank got involved in helping the CIA to take part in … Yates later told the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking he recruited WerBell as a  …
… in Defrauding America, when George Bush Sr. and CIA Director William Casey … on allegations of illegal gun-running and narcotics trafficking associated with …
In 1974 the Nugan Hand Bank got involved in helping the CIA to take part in … Yates later told the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking he recruited WerBell as a  …
In 1961 Felix Rodriguez joined the CIA-backed Brigade 2506 and … blame oppressed people for drugs – but international drug trafficking requires fleets of cargo …
According to Alfred W. McCoy (The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global … He was later charged with money laundering, drugs & arms trafficking and …
Carl Jenkins was also involved in AMWORLD, a CIA program to overthrow Fidel ….. jobs, and became obsessed with the covert world and drugtrafficking.
Second, I was contacted two years ago by a former CIA agent (who worked in the … He had then been a leader of the Corsican drug trafficking network in South …
The bank’s legal counsel was William Colby, a former director of the CIA. The Board … (Before releasing it to the public, the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking, …
Summers believes that some members of the CIA took part in this conspiracy. ….. He had then been a leader of the Corsican drug trafficking network in South …
(1) Fabian Escalante, The Secret War: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba, …… go to prison for 18 months for a drug trafficking charge,” answers the general.
Michael Townley was another CIA agent who was involved in organizing …. the CIA. He was later charged with money laundering, drugs & arms trafficking and …
According to David Corn (Blonde Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA Crusade) in 1985 …. jobs, and became obsessed with the covert world and drugtrafficking.
He had then been a leader of the Corsican drug trafficking network in South ….. the CIA, the military, Johnson’s crooked Texas cronies, and Texas Governor John  …
… on subjects such as cross-border narcotics trafficking and monitoring violent …. is laid at the CIA’s feet, where it does not belong, every tree in the forest will fall.



Profits of War (my book review) Renegade MOSSAD officer Ari Ben Menache writes about (among other things) MOSSAD cooperation with CIA in Iran-Contra linked cocaine trafficking. Buy the book at amazon

Deep State I Background

Deep State II FBI complicity

Deep State IV NATO & Gladio

Deep State V Economics & counter-insurgency

Deep State VI Opus Dei & Christian Dominion

Deep State VII The Coe Cult & ‘The Donald’ Election Scam

Deep State VIII Pentagon Papers, CIA and the Lie of Daniel Ellsberg


Profits of War The Israeli connection

Fear of Minor Debris On 9/11

The Alpha Chronology my narrative as a Deep State survivor


updated/links repairs 28 August 2021



New Sibel Edmonds interview on Boston bombing, CIA, media manipulation and ongoing Operation Gladio (II) .. a USA continuation of a centuries old aggression of the British empire historically known as ‘The Great Game.’ In this interview Sibel Edmonds demonstrates a mastery of the subject and lays out the facts behind the political lies