God’s Chosen is [worse than] a Dumb Idea

Dov Weisglass: “The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger”

The Weisglass quote is in reference to the Gaza ‘blockade’ where only the minimal survival sustenance has been allowed into Gaza as a matter of official policy for years. When you read in the news that Israel has opened a crossing into Gaza to allow food and medicines across, it is subject to the statement of Dov Weisglass. The reported openings are, in actuality, a means of generating a positive propaganda spin from what is in actuality enforcing the Palestinians living in what amounts to a “Ghetto.”

The word “Ghetto” in relation to Jewish history is not a kind reference. It recalls the Ashkenazi experience at the hands of the NAZIs. It also recalls the known malignant social phenomena “Inter-generational Violence”, where one generation passes on behaviors to the next generation.

I had once been censored at “The Guardian” public forum (discussion of articles) for daring to point out the “Price Tag” vandalism by the (Christian Zionist funded) fundamentalist Israeli settlers in the West Bank resembled “Krystallnacht” insofar (I was clear in this) as the social phenomena of “Inter-generational Violence” passes a malignant behavior on to a new generation. This is not only a family phenomena but a community phenomena. No different to the behaviors of the NAZIs impacted the behaviors of some Ashkenazi, I propose those Ashkenai are impacting the behaviors of many Palestinians in a spiral of inter-generational violence.

It is in this same context of “Inter-generational Violence”, I will point out Gaza resembles a “Ghetto.” The Palestinian young people presently growing up in Gaza will see themselves as “Freedom Fighters” little differently to those Jews who lived in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1944. So a new cycle of violence begins with a new generation.

Insofar as money attending the power-corrupt insures this cycle only continues, the brilliant people at “J Street” (a Jewish organization) recently polled the American Jewish community and came up with a startling finding: 72% of American Jews support a Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders of Israel .. including East Jerusalem, but this fact is drowned out by the money of AIPAC. Who supports AIPAC? American neo-liberals and the right-wing minority Jews, politically wedded to a by far, far larger base of American neo-conservative right-wing Christians.

In essence, it is right-wing Christians producing the money and political drive supporting the Israeli policies in both the West Bank and Gaza. How it is politicians on the center-left (a few sane conservatives are at least trying) fail to shake off the boogey-man of AIPAC in the name of sanity and stand up to infantile, fascist killers like Bibi Netanyahu, is beyond the pale of reason. It is cowardice.

Netanyahu belongs to the LIKUD party which has been in governance (often in coalition with even more extreme right parties) since 2009. An IDF Special Forces veteran, Netanyahu has been known to have ordered illegal international political assassinations (murders), most famously the failed 1997 attempt on HAMAS leader Khalid Mashal. Under Netanyahu, the West Bank settlers ‘price tag’ criminality not only goes on largely ‘undetected’ (and unpunished) by one of the best governments in the world at intelligence, his political philosophy underwrites annexation of all Palestinian lands to the bank of the Jordan River. You see this play out (with lip service to peace) via the ongoing annexation by process of West Bank ‘settlement creep.’ In effect, Netanyahu and LIKUD are every bit as dedicated to the destruction of a Palestinian state as media promotes the idea HAMAS is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. This reality pointing to certain wider regional war and eventual world war, underlies the present circumstance. Meanwhile, honest narrative of the historic reality are buried in the rhetoric:

“For refugees, camps were shelters for the reconstruction of personal and social life, but were also seen as sites of great political significance, the material testimony of what was destroyed and ‘all that remains’ of more than four hundred cities, towns and villages forcefully cleansed throughout Palestine in the Nakba of 1947-9. This is the reason refugees sometimes refer to the destruction of camps as ‘the destruction of destruction.’ The camp is not a home, it is a temporary arrangement, and its destruction is but the last iteration in an ongoing process of destruction.

“This rhetoric of double negation – the negation of negation – tallies well with what Saree Makdisi, talking about the Israeli refusal to acknowledge the Nakba, has termed ‘the denial of denial’, which is, he says, ‘a form of foreclosure that produces the inability – the absolutely honest, sincere incapacity – to acknowledge that denial and erasure have themselves been erased in turn and purged from consciousness.’ What has been denied is continuously repeated: Israel keeps on inflicting destruction on refugees and keeps on denying that a wrong has been done” –Eyal Weizman: ‘The Least Of All Possible Evils’ (Humanitarian Violence From Arendt To Gaza)

It should be recalled in context of the Eyal Wiezamn quote, it was LIKUD’s first Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, built and detonated the first car bomb ever used in an indiscriminate act of terror in what is now Israel. Prior to the events acts of this nature had set in motion, 80,000 of the Arab world’s nearly one million Sephardic Jews lived in Cairo alone, largely in peace with their culturally near identical Muslim neighbors, a legacy of over 1,000 years tolerance. That tolerance had been destroyed and the blame can be fairly apportioned in a major share to the policies of the Ashkenazi victims of inter-generational violence, now in turn perpetrated against any perceived existential threat; Arab nationalism and Iran, even Americans and/or American Jews who stand up to AIPAC, but most particularly focused on the Palestinian people.

So long as there is a Palestinian identity tied to the West Bank, it stands in the way of a vision both Christian and Jewish right-wing ideologues hold for a ‘Greater’ Israel. Here it does well to mention Israel is not a party to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and endures no inspection regime relevant to its estimated arsenal of up to 400 nuclear weapons, even as Iran is pressured under the treaty Israel rejects. The entire world outside of those western democracies pushing policy in the face of middle east nations, see this hypocrisy and this strengthens the hand of radical ayatollahs.

The equation is World Peace versus LIKUD and the American religious right, in a spiral of escalating inter-generational violence the western democracies’ political leadership is too cowardly to honestly address. In fact so long as AIPAC enables LIKUD to move for a ‘Greater’ Israel to the bank of the Jordan River, any lip service to peace based on a Palestinian state is a calculated lie.

What is clear is, the West Bank settlement policy is a determined effort to destroy any Palestinian identity with ties to the land. In regards to Gaza, the only possible purpose (outside irrational cruelty) of ongoing blockade’s denial of sufficient non-military necessities has been to deprive that population of any opportunity at a reasonable international commerce and attending standard of living, is to drive it out in despair. But it’s not working. And even if it did, Israelis will have (with the backing of the western democracies who support the Israeli policies with arms and money, lip service to peace notwithstanding) created a negative mirror image of their own history.

Meanwhile, moderate Ashkenazi, secular Jews, humanist Jews, Sephardic Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Iranian Jews, sane Jews, all pay for the policies, with the anti-Semitism generated by the behaviors of personalities like Netanyahu and AIPAC ‘friends’, not only the Arabs suffer.

The insanity of it all is expressed in AIPAC which only exists in the state of power it does today because of extreme Christian support, Christian support that is firmly grounded in a belief they are the “New Jews” who will inherit Jerusalem when Israel has finally self-destructed.

In this case, the Israeli religious right should pay closer attention to their ally the American religious right and their ‘the Jews murdered Jesus’ conviction. Convinced they are “Covered in the blood” of Jesus [the idea Jesus had been murdered by the Jews] as they make money hand over fist covering the planet in blood with war profiteering, all the while in swoon over misogynist-anti-Semitic hate monger Mel Gibson’s ‘The Passion of the Christ”, these allies of Netanyahu are certainly no friends of the Jewish people. This is the pogrom inspiration of a church made myth concerning a man they love to pretend is a murdered ‘God’ incarnate they engage in cannibalizing every ‘Sabbath’ with a ‘Communion’ of eating Jesus flesh and drinking Jesus blood. Y’know, if people really knew how to think for themselves, there would be no such necrotic fantasies and resultant criminal civilization .. just a thought, but meanwhile:

The paranoid Jewish Zionists embrace these rabid anti-Semitic Christian Zionists who fully intend the Jewish Zionists will become extinct once they’ve finished the dirty work of retaking the West Bank for the Christian Zionists necrotic vision on a road to Armageddon, meanwhile the Jewish Zionists label any non-Jewish anti-Zionist as anti-Semitic, when in fact most of the non-Jewish anti-Zionists are the bitter foes of the rabid anti-Semitic Christian Zionists momentarily embraced by the Jewish Zionists.

Now, in the mix of all of this, the anti-Zionist Jewish personalities are in an impossible state of being forced to play a game of ‘shut the fuck up’ or get blasted by all Zionists, Jewish and Christian, while the non-Jewish anti-Zionist is attacked by the paranoid Ashkenazi, who became paranoid and Zionist, on account of the pogroms of anti-Semitic Christian Zionists. These people bite the hand of people who’re actually doing them a favor by taking on the rabidly anti-Semitic Christian Zionists, personalities  who intend as soon as the partnership of convenience is over, all those clinging to Judaism will be tossed into a lake of what will almost certainly amount to man-made nuclear fire.

Meanwhile, the Sephardic Jews who’d lived for nearly one and a half thousand years in peace and tranquility in the world of Islam (excepting that period when they’d fought on the side of the Muslims during the Crusades) have become an extinct species in the Arab countries, not in the least because of both Jewish and Christian Zionism via policy and settlement in the West Bank and the ‘ghetto’ called Gaza, and the incredibly nasty treatment of the Arabs there. Israeli Zionists have enacted this social injustice, enabled by American Zionists, including countless conservative Christians who label all Jews (except ‘Jews for Jesus’) “Christ Killers”, while bankrolling these policies abusing the Palestinians. All this came about because of Jewish Zionist paranoia of living in countries with a majority Christian Zionists and history of pogroms, yet are (for reasons of the social psychology phenomena of inter-generational violence) behaving towards the Arabs like the Christian Zionists had treated them. This in turn set up the present cycle of anti-Palestinian pogroms, based on behaviors Jews learned from Christians, now on a scale of nukes & nations.

It only gets more ridiculous:

The Sephardic Jews who’d relocated to Israel as a result of fallout in the Arab world  from Zionist policies are absolutely 2nd class citizens- pointing to the anti-Semitic tendencies of the conservative Ashkenazi Jews, a race based oxymoron of Jewish anti-Semitism. This is obviously as clear as it is ludicrous and self destructive, when a Jewish person in Israel cannot be equal, because this Jew has the appearance, language and customs of an Arab.

I think a moral to this story could be: Any Zionism that is literal Zionism (unlike the benign Zionism of Bob Marley) is a loser. Perhaps this could be the idea behind the UN Resolution equating Zionism with Racism?

Inter-generational hate and violence is a known and understood phenomena of social psychology. Many people have not risen above this malevolent infection of the psyche that is imbued in a very literal sense of the Torah or Pentateuch: ‘the child inherits the sin of the father’
 (or in the case of certain Ashkenazi, the sins of a xenophobic & nationalist stepfather)

In the larger picture of nations, relating to this inter-generational violence, should it not be the responsibility of several national leaders to stand up and state to the Israelis, whether the leaders of Russia, Germany or Spain, examples given, ‘do not treat the Palestinian as our Christian has treated the Jew.’

If only because it is the responsibility of leadership to demonstrate responsible attitudes in relation to the acts of nations. And crucial, is that nation which had transgressed most egregiously in historic times should demonstrate this courage to confront the worst of these infantile and irrational behaviors, if only to remind the USA, not only Israel, do not dare to go down this road, do not dare to become the NAZIs.

In the end, whether Jewish or Christian ‘New Jew’, “God’s Chosen” is worse than a dumb idea, the idea that will get everyone killed if this insanity goes on much longer-

