Archives for category: male hierarchy

The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber & David Wengrow, a Review

The “Dawn of Everything” is a Western anthropological tome that will see few Native American readers outside of that peculiarly Western, politically correct, academic institution euphemistically called ‘Native Studies.’

This book review sets out to challenge what those in academia might not.

What the book got right: Ancient matriarchy was decentralized and (by comparison to patriarchy) non-violent, yet capable of governing large polities. What it may have got wrong about that: the suggestion we can get back to this from where we’re “stuck” for the simple reason today’s patriarchy shapes the mentality of women to point of they’re not really women in any sense of what that had meant prior to the Western mentality’s ego-individuation. [1]

The book is audacious, and in the same moment, pretentious & myopic. The cultural bias is stark; in a presumed self exam of failed assessments by anthropology, in effort to grasp how Western civilization has come to be stuck in a murderous hierarchy of the present day, there is little exploring of the literature exterior to mainstream. Rather this work, although interesting in many respects, uses a deck of old cards to posit an alternative future.

The work credibly sets out to identify commonality in the roots of male hierarchy across the world; with some success in near Asia and Europe would be my presumption (I’m no expert in these areas, probably just a bit better read than your average passing interest) and this was interesting reading (for myself, at least.) Where the book goes off the rails altogether is in the Americas, particularly in North America. What the authors cannot have known (and more than likely their historical sources as well) is, outside of ceremonial context, oral histories are given in euphemisms and figures of speech. The cultural point of this is, is to negate any possibility of drawing the attention of the past into the present in a somewhat literal sense among peoples who saw the power of speech in far greater terms of causality than Westerners.

In fact the abandoned Mississippi River ‘civilization’ of Cahokia was not “erased” from the oral histories, rather some subjects are so sensitive, they were not spoken outside of certain ceremony at all. The example I would give is, in the historic Blackfeet heartland there is a geographic-ceremonial location called “Bear River” whose location is argued over by anthropologists to this day, after two hundred years. The precise location is known to myself, courtesy of an oral historian (an elder woman) in a ceremonial context/relationship.

Of my many years acquaintance with, and interactions in (40+ years), Native American communities, 25 years were more or less immersed (10 of these years were full immersion) with peoples of the native languages of Plains culture, where I had encountered, on numerous occasions, oral historians who fluently spoke Blackfeet (Amskapi Pikuni dialect), Chippewa (Plains Ojibwa), Cree and Metis. Nearly all of their kids spoke only English, reflecting the end of the oral histories era. I witnessed this end of era, at least in the communities I had been familiar with. My understanding is, this is an accelerating process of loss that has been underway for a very long time. In some areas, where the language ‘survives’, it is so modified away from the ancient (original), it would be more than a fair question to ask; would the ancient speakers even recognize the same words use in modern dialect? In languages of what had been observation of process, nouns were nearly unknown. In the ‘new’ dialects, Western thought is encroaching to point an Indian born 200 years past wouldn’t understand what his great, great grandchild is talking about, without some significant difficulty. Nor would the descendant easily grasp this close ancestor’s mental process.

This goes to the book’s sweeping (and absolutely absurd) assertion all languages share the commonality of nouns. This is a serious mistake and a very telling one. To be the ophthalmologist in this case will be take us a bit roundabout but we’ll attempt to arrive at the penetration of this Western cultural bias (ethnocentric myopia) with a gift of sight.

One of the books claims is the absolutely correct thesis Native Americans were a significant source of ideas motivating and moving forward the Enlightenment philosophy. Throwing out the male gender and substituting “The Mystery” for Deism & God (I’ve tinkered with the following passage), the enlightenment thinker Thomas Paine’s description of our existence could have come from the mouth of any Native orator addressing Jesuits:

“The Mystery needs none of those tricks and shows called miracles to confirm our faith, for what can be a greater miracle than the creation itself, and our own existence? There is a happiness in The Mystery, when rightly understood, that is not to be found in your system of religion. The system you describe to us have some things in it that either shock our reason, or are repugnant to us, and we, if we think at all, must stifle our reason in order to force ourselves to believe them. But in The Mystery our reason and our belief become happily united. The wonderful structure of the cosmos, and everything we behold in this system of Mysterious creation, prove to us, better than any book can do, the existence of what cannot be known in its origins, and yet at the same time express its’ attributes. It is by the exercise of our reason that we are enabled to contemplate The Mystery in its’ works, and imitate it in our ways. When we see The Mystery’s care and goodness extended over all the creatures, it teaches us our duty toward each other, whilst it calls forth our gratitude to the whole of it” [2]

The book’s authors altogether miss (or avoid) this (immediate preceding) contribution to enlightenment thinking, rather focusing on personal “liberty.”

I will not argue there was significant contribution of Native American notion of liberty to the Enlightenment; but this contribution is a perverted understanding of Native American individual liberty; sans the crucial aspect of self-restraint (gone missing) in the European semi-grasp of native philosophy.

“thinkers who do seek to knit together the findings of specialists, to describe the course of human history on a grand scale, haven’t entirely got past the biblical notion of the Garden of Eden, the Fall and subsequent inevitability of domination. Blinded by the ‘just so’ story of how human societies evolved, they can’t even see half of what’s now before their eyes”

The authors themselves miss the one half of European thought, that is to say they focus on ‘the fall’ but entirely ignore the other half of it; the out-sized influence of Plato. Where is Plato? Considering their astute observation that modern society is ‘stuck’ in our current predicament, one should consider Plato versus indigenous ‘integration’ to consciousness of their respective cosmos (environment) or objectivity versus theoretical physicist d’Espagnat’s observation consciousness (demonstrated via experiments in quantum mechanics) demands one cannot be separated from environment or surrounding awareness, whether the ‘objects’ of the house you’re in (including the house itself) or a boreal forest or savanna. Here is the glaring omission:

[Plato’s] “The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment” -theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat [3]

Plato’s invisibility in the text (but visible in the approach) determines certain conclusions are correctly radical (excellent cultural self-criticism) relating to ‘the fall’ and in a paradox are also quite conservative in Plato’s European tradition and thusly observations in overall context remain highly limited from certain indigenous American view; for the fact their material must be drawn practically 100% from the tradition of Plato’s objectivity, whether ‘mainstream’ archaeology or Western interpretation of indigenous narrative.

The book jumps willy-nilly across the globe, hither & thither and back; when contrasting a presumption of matriarchy; but whether Minoan Crete versus Greece might be cast in the overthrow of the Titans & and the end of Gaia (victors wrote the ugly history of Gaia’s children as monsters) are events which do not enter the picture and it does not occur to the authors to search ‘mythology’ of Western history depicting the overthrow of matriarchy on the European side. Had this found its way into the text it should contrast well to aspect of Native American matriarchy which purpose is the absolute prohibition on the emergence of ego in any form (ego being essentially diagnosed as a mental disorder.) The purpose of the near universal Native American ‘god’ (deliberate small ‘g’), the trickster, is euthanasia of sustained ego or what the Western psychology calls “individuated ego” (better described as ‘ego-priapism’ from the native side.)

The Mississippi River city of Cahokia, and abandoned surroundings, is correctly inferred as a rejection of a philosophy of life but this was not a ‘self-rejection’ of lifestyle by the city’s inhabitants; in fact the oral histories had NOT been silent (the authors’ presumption is “erased” from the oral histories) but in fact Cahokia presumably erased from the oral histories points to the Western anthropological sources ignorance of ceremonial story-telling; you cannot speak of the great evils except under the protection of a ‘shield’ (to prevent notifying or calling forth ‘ghosts’ much effort had been made to banish.)

Cahokia’s founding date coincides with oral histories timeline of an inter-tribal ‘peace chiefs’ alliance establishment; that is when an international warrior/priesthood became emissaries opposed to deviation from the way encountered in cosmology of integration to natural determination as dictated by a greater gnosis of (emanating from) environment, not any individual (and especially ‘ego-individuated’) humans. Cahokia was ‘rubbed out’ quite literally by a far-flung alliance of tribes determined to eradicate a spreading cancer correctly inferred (in the book) as originating in the region of Central America (Blackfeet oral historian Floyd HeavyRunner had narrated to myself it was these peoples had strayed farthest from the “true way.”).

The peace-chiefs’ inter-tribal diplomacy corps were initially formed as a result of determination by surrounding peoples to make Cahokia vanish from the surrounding peoples’ (multiple cosmos) proximity. After, their purpose morphed into that of healer-teachers intended to get the associated, culturally deprived peoples (survivors) back on track in the proper direction.

The Osage descendants of Cahokia having experimented with constitutional reform on multiple occasions simply exhibits a series of fits and starts (basically fumbling) their way towards reintegration to the original indigenous concept of cosmology or becoming integral to a natural order where their place is one of pruning, and away from the destructive nature of plowing (plowing here is certainly not meant to be literal but employed as a metaphor.) In this case, it would have happened the allied peace chiefs had, subsequently, instructed the Osage in recovery of the way or reintegration to a natural order of things; and clearly this ‘peace order’ would have stopped short of explicit instruction of how the Osage should determine their own cosmos arrangement; pointing the way and arrival are distinct things. To point the way in sense of process does not determine outcome at arrival, where each tribe’s adopted (or newly adopted) territory constitutes a cosmos expressing the respective ‘real peoples’ who must establish a niche in peer relationship to the ‘others’ (other manifestations of life) in the natural order of things. The established cosmos must accept the people, i.e. grant permission to occupy the land, the people do not determine this.

In fact one of the arguments dismissed by the authors is nearly spot on:

“If the indigenous peoples of North America aren’t being imagined as living in a separate time, or as vestiges of some earlier stage of human history, then they’re imagined as living in an entirely separate reality (‘ontology’ is the currently fashionable term), a mythic consciousness fundamentally different from our own”

They ‘disprove’ this preceding by pointing to the narrative skills of the indigenous orators in making comparisons to Western thinking; not realizing there was an entirely different ability to think on the indigenous side; an ability to think entirely failed by Western language with no working grasp of an aboriginal system’s vocabulary that compares well to modern quantum reality. The ‘nearly spot on’ (or near miss) is the idea of “mythic consciousness”, this a rank fail. There would be no sense of ‘mythic’ at all in practical application of this ‘other’ way of thinking on the native side; it is scientific, realizable and would be perfectly comprehensible with modern tools of understanding except for the wall of ‘objectivity’ or legacy of Plato:

“…the Diné are just as capable of thinking objectively as Western people and of using their language to make objective statements. However, they are also always aware of “an intrinsic subjective relationship which is not nullified by an objective statement [..] The capacity of intra-subjective knowing is not done unconsciously or automatically, and it does not preclude Western ways of knowing. It is an added capacity of awareness, not a primitive one” [4]

Western anthropology and archaeology would be incapable of grasping this prior to the 20th Century at earliest (with the conceptual vocabulary of quantum mechanics) and have yet but to dance about the edge with radical genius co-opted by none other than Western myth-making; Benjamin Whorf’s ‘linguistic relativity’ as related to David Bohm’s ‘rheomode’ has been hijacked by new age persona and westernized ‘Indian’ novelists. [5], [6], [7]

And there you have the wall… the Western (and ‘westernized’) peoples cannot know what (through language, particularly) they have no capacity to understand. All of the European expectations demanding explanations solely in objective mode from the native side must fail for the fact there is no capacity to grasp the intra-subjective knowing by the (limited to objectivity) ego-individuation structure of the modern European mentality.

Here it should be noted archaic terms like ‘ghosts’ actually refer to ‘energies’ in a sense of string theory (the universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings that resonate; in the native observational sense of a spider’s web) and this is why the idea of archaeology is abhorrent; vibrating past (perverse or deviant, negative) energies into ‘life’ (again) is counter to intelligent outcomes & positive present and future. Digging things up is tantamount to causing wounds in time and allowing the past to bleed into the present.

Certain, specific ceremony (sometimes using relics), on the other hand, is a safe means of traversing time that doesn’t disturb (when properly functioning) those many phenomena best left alone when/while in pursuit of cultural continuity. [8]

At the end of the day, ‘The Enlightenment’ got 1/2 the picture of Native American liberty; missing altogether is the individual self-restraint demanded by these native nations’ original understanding; the fact they merely occupied a niche integrated into a cosmos demanding a sentient-aware natural environment is constructed to include what should be seen as environment integrated to peers (in effect, everything else) might be gardened but never dominated. European folk traditions of terror notwithstanding, let’s not forget wolves live in a practical matriarchy whose purpose is to prune, not plow. The land was not ‘communally owned’ at all except that one were to include the practical grasp of native science indicating ‘the whole of it owns itself’ supporting d’Espagnat’s assertion opposing Plato’s doctrine:

“The knowledge and use of any or all the powers of the objects on Earth around us, is as liable to lead a man wrong as to lead him right, because it is merely power, with no way of knowing how to use it correctly- except that spirit is with a man’s spirit for the light” -Red Tomahawk, Sioux (1918.) [9]

Red Tomahawk’s ‘spirit’ (relates to “naaks” in Blackfeet) is the sentient awareness of collective creation, our very surroundings are intelligent expression integrated via consciousness to nature, or one might say (in Western terms) omnipresent god. When he says ‘spirit is with a man’s spirit’ (for the light), we are looking at what d’Espagnat stumbles upon nearly 100 years later; recognizing an innate consciousness embodied in our surroundings plays in everything we can experience. Moreover, Red Tomahawk is discriminating between a sole, intimate knowledge of any single object’s raw power, and an understanding of the larger purpose concerning the nature of that very object, recognizing these are distinct things. His understanding (different to the European concept) opens to the possibility of allowing for the trees, stones, or for that matter (again), everything surrounding us, to possess consciousness and to ‘know’ purpose exterior to the European self-centered or ‘individual’ cultural shaping and resultant ‘imperative’ perception. It is only when the ego-individuated concept of the European mentality is overthrown will this larger Native door of understanding be opened, where we can know how to listen, to intelligently ‘see’ our way through the intra-dimensional nature of our existence. In retrospect, who are the primitives? The tribal people? Or the people who, if they were to work out honest equation, must discover their ‘advancement’ & ‘progress’ via method of sustained development exploiting, desecrating one could say, the omnipresence of what amounts to the living mystery expressing us through creation, must point to our ceasing to exist and nullify awareness? Jesus admonished “Know you not you are gods?” What sort of gods should we propose to be? Those who put creation to death through the arrogance of the individuated ego? That would be the effect of sustained development, globalism, the international oligarchs’ and not least, the Western science enabling it all, a cancer (a larger concept of empire) on the very expression sustaining us. The authors of “The Dawn of Everything put their toe in the water here, and as Westerners, deserve great credit for that, but they haven’t yet learned how to swim. Plato’s objectivity is the problem. As a matter of fact, for the simple phenomenon of the missing “intra-subjective knowing” capacity, the Europeans could not have accurately reported on Native mental process, not yesteryear or now.

Insofar as the authors’ conclusion:

“Nor does our evidence support the notion that major innovations always occur in sudden, revolutionary bursts, transforming everything in their wake”

Setting aside the word “always” one would think the atom bomb & internet might have been given at least a small paragraph … and it is in this regard we’ll step outside of the mainstream of anthropology to (briefly, I promise) explore just a few of those ‘explosive’ possibilities, while noting ‘ideas’ can be infectious like disease, in our conclusion.

I will quote here the oral historian (speaker of Blackfeet ancient dialect) Floyd HeavyRunner “We know who [plural, multiple parties] arrived by sea, when they came, and who was already here when we arrived.” Considering Blackfoot oral history extends back in time to migrating with mammoth herds in the south of North America prior to the ice sheet retreat, we’ll put the Blackfeet precursor people in South America before that:

“When North America was an ice-age tundra, the first Americans were “cooking” their cultures in the tropical south, moving northward and settling as the glaciers retreated, according to new linguistic evidence from indigenous languages throughout the New World.

“The evidence suggests that humans have been in the Americas for a very long time, perhaps 40,000 years. It also suggests that most native American languages derived from Ice Age inhabitants who were isolated in the Western Hemisphere for many millennia.

“Only along the west coast do languages appear to come from immigrants who arrived after the Ice Age 14,000 years ago, a Berkeley linguist reports” [10]

Think that’s far-fetched? Then try this next, where a 2019 DNA analysis pins the Blackfeet journey as plausibly located in the region of Arizona 17,000 years ago, on what could only be on a long-term journey towards the north:

[Blackfeet tribal member] “Crawford’s DNA story suggests his ancestors came from the Pacific, traveled to the coast of South America and traveled north […] The DNA group’s closest relatives outside the Americas are in Southeast Asia […] Its path from the Americas is somewhat of a mystery as there are no frequencies of the haplogroup in either Alaska or Canada” [11]

Yeah, a mystery so long as denial of perfectly plausible 40,000 years past voyages by sea persist. It should be noted here that Floyd maintained people were already here when the remote ancestor (long before mega-fauna extinction) Blackfeet precursor people arrived by sea.

Moving on…

“I saw in this land an Indian woman and a child who would not stand out among white blonds. These people [of the upper class] say that they were the children of the idols” [gods] – Pedro Pizarro, chronicler of the Spanish conquest of Peru

“The remarks made by Pizarro as to the skin-colour of the Peruvians are very important and, probably, truthful. Today one finds people who claim to be pure Indian in blood who are very light in colour, but it is not possible to be sure that they have not some white blood” [12]

The ‘culture zones’ miss (entirely) plausibility of different cultural origins from abroad i.e. 40,000 vs 13,000 years, intervals between, and more recent pre-Columbian arrivals (other than Viking) from both West & East.

Was there a lost boatload of Phoenicians in Brazil? It’s possible. [13]

And what about that sunken load of Roman amphora found in a bay in Brazil? [14]

Did the Olmec begin at the site of a seafaring landfall? It’s a fair question. As the ‘cradle of Meso-American civilization’ was the Toltec, Inca, Maya and Aztec ‘cultural ancestry’ handed down from the Olmec? There’s a likely source of the ‘misdirection of spirit’ ultimately expressed in Cahokia

On the other coast (Peru) we have the knotted string records system of Polynesia (and China before that.) [15]

On the other hand, Tlaxcala (the Cortez allied city mentioned by the authors) exhibits a deliberative council no more or less remarkable than the original indigenous councils of numerous tribes from the Rocky Mountain Front to the Atlantic seaboard and the Canadian woodlands to the present day northern Mexico. Nothing unusual there (except for the authors wondering at it located in a Meso-American city.)

Back in the Pacific Northwest of North America, just suppose the coast Indians are a culturally Polynesian precursor people. That would explain a LOT about a group of late arrivals (by North American oral history timelines) who differ radically from the inland groups. Did they bring the identical mathematical principles of oracle shared by the Western tribes’ Native American stick game & the I Ching of China? [16], [17]

Moving on again […] well, actually, what could go on and on is already enough. Now, finally closing this out, close your eyes and listen to a music composition from a West Papua Melanesian people and hear something identical to what you’d expect to be a ceremonial sound experience on the plains of North America:



[2] Unmodified Paine quote: “The Deist needs none of those tricks and shows called miracles to confirm his faith, for what can be a greater miracle than the creation itself, and his own existence? There is a happiness in Deism, when rightly understood, that is not to be found in any other system of religion. All other systems have something in them that either shock our reason, or are repugnant to it, and man, if he thinks at all, must stifle his reason in order to force himself to believe them. But in Deism our reason and our belief become happily united. The wonderful structure of the universe, and everything we behold in the system of the creation, prove to us, far better than books can do, the existence of a God, and at the same time proclaim His attributes. It is by the exercise of our reason that we are enabled to contemplate God in His works, and imitate Him in His ways. When we see His care and goodness extended over all His creatures, it teaches us our duty toward each other, while it calls forth our gratitude to Him”









[11] (note: the ‘native’ academic, Shelly Eli, quoted in this story, is a typical product of Western education, blissfully ignorant of her own oral history

[12] Note 139, page 528, The Discovery and Conquest of The Kingdoms of Peru by Pedro Pizarro in Two Volumes, Volume II, translated into English and annotated by
 Philip Ainsworth Means, The Cortes Society, New York (1921)








A Fucked Up Fable

When the Spaniards first recorded their interactions with the indigenous peoples of the Americas, they were amazed at the respect accorded to the women. Since, the criminality of a certain fable that holds women responsible for all of this world’s ills, due to the primal woman’s subversive collusion with a snake, is at the root of a problem, violence against women (and superstitions demonizing female intelligence), that is, these days, hardly unique to any society in the world.

Quoting ‘Church Father’ Tertullian:

“Do you not know you are each an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the devil’s gateway: you are the unsealer of that forbidden tree: you are the first deserter of the divine law: you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s image, man. On account of your desert – that is death – even the Son of God had to die.”

This is prime example at the root of your criminal elements subjecting both: Women & Nature; but in mainstream, the so-called ‘women’s’ & ‘human rights’ organizations, they’ll never go there. Catholic theology = impunity in relation to crimes against women, as well, all other ‘religions’ & ‘faiths’, (these are societal sects & cults, actually) that embrace this “Original Sin” fable underlying their proselytizing peoples across the world. It doesn’t matter to what proportion women (or men) might have abandoned and rejected this malignant story at the intellectual level; inter-generational socialization insures the societal structures remain intact. Subliminally, culturally, nothing changes.

Rather ‘feminism’s’ faux solution to ’empower’ women is for women to become the oppressors in the mold of men, but this ain’t your ‘era’ just yet, baby.


^ advertisement recalling the ‘it’s your era, baby!’ 1970s commercials when the ‘Equal Rights Amendment’ was put forward

In the USA model & history of women’s emancipation moving forward or ‘evolving’, where is the ‘equal rights amendment’ in jurisprudence today? Well, neither men nor women wished to see women subjected to compulsory military service (let’s be honest about this), so the amendment never completed its’ ratification process required by the several states. But if we were of a proclivity to be honest as a society, in fact there had been an equal rights amendment already should have been in force because of an 1860s change in the USA’s basic law, known as the 14th Amendment. When women had been subsequently enfranchised by the 19th Amendment (1920) as ‘full citizens’ in the USA per ‘universal suffrage’ (women granted the right to vote), the following (14th Amendment) foundational law should have come into force per women & men’s equality:

“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”

In fact this law has been used (the foundation underlying Roe v Wade) to allow the abortion of fetuses created from consensual sex, never mind any objection of the biological father, not only abortion in cases of rape or incest (is this an equal protection violation?) but aside from that, what the American court of law does not do is apply ‘the equal protection of the laws’ when exempting women from compulsory military service but not the men. So, which sex has the upper hand here? What deception allows men are equal to women in circumstance of exempt from military conscription? Oh my, is it actually possible sexual discrimination can be a two way street in Western culture?

This cultural hypocrisy poses a philosophical dilemma the feminists refuse to face; in the same moment they demand ‘equal rights’ to men within the Western world’s Judeo-Christian patriarchy, they take advantage of that same patriarchy’s perception of them as ‘the weaker sex.’ What’s more is, it is not only this sort of cheat, it is the larger cheat of silence on the source of the problem; the cultural fable demanding women are cursed and the source of all mankind’s woes, that had delivered us the rape culture behind physical abuse. My question for the feminist leadership is, what’s the source of your cowardice in this regard? Not ready for the real emancipation of men in equal status to your own sex, example given, in a matter of exemption from compulsory military service? Yeah, who in the hyper-militarized & conflict prone Western culture is going to protect your skank butts in that case? Why not admit you’re in a Faustian pact with the Western patriarchy and begin again from a factual premise?

Now, let’s contrast this preceding to my (ten years) time of indigenous ceremonial training (by a male) under the supervision of tribal matriarchs. What was a persistently hammered on theme by the matriarchs, throughout, had been a conservatism of behavior based in tribal ethics. It is here I will note one stark difference pointing to the vast chasm between these matriarchs and modern feminism; in the indigenous ‘pre-rape’ culture (matriarchy) where everything in your experience is approached as sacred, there was no concept of ‘fucking for fun’ that should allow for abortion. You made the baby of your own volition and to kill it is murder. In the paradox of today’s world in relation to this, the more culturally intact (pre-Christian mentality) indigenous community would be both; strongly pro-life and in the same moment opposed to any coercive legislating of morality, because people are supposed to figure their mistakes for themselves. In short, socially stupid people are entitled to go to hell in their own way (and the clearly dishonest approach & associated sociopathy of Western feminism would be shunned.)

It was not so long ago that, not only would the indigenous men respect these women in a manner and to a degree unknown in the modern or ‘civilized’ world, as well, these men would lay down their lives for the women at an instants notice, without question. The trade-off? The indigenous women’s law (matriarchy) insisted these males be treated by the women as though they were gods. What’s so wrong with that?

If it were the Spaniards first noted the incredible (contrasted to Western) respect shown in these tribal cultures towards women, would it not be the intelligent route of today’s feminism to explore deeply and discover what had turned these cultures on their heads and ‘converted’ them into modern misogynist communities? To grasp what these communities had been prior to the introduced and now inter-generational violence of Catholic (Christian) origin? Because you aren’t going to get it right coming from a dishonest relationship within your own culture, when mimicking a Western male psychology that is actually an applied feminist caricature of Western chauvinism, while pretending it is something else.

The earlier edition of this article may be read at Fort Russ News


happy butch

doofus |ˈdo͞ofəs| (also dufus)
noun (pl. doofuses) N. Amer. informal
a stupid person

Nationalism versus Malignant Nationalism

Nationalism is actually cultural. Malignant nationalism is what happens when a culture feels threatened. Benign, or cultural nationalism, should be defined as what it actually is, patriotism. Example given, in the secular tradition of the republic, coupled to the culture, ‘To be French!’ is a form of patriotism.

Malignant nationalism, on the other hand, is a sort of herniated patriotism run amok; due to fear, oppression, or in some cases, a narcissistic chauvinism’s manipulations and, oftentimes, a combination of these.

Some cultures, those with  a thoroughly militaristic history, for instance Prussia, or Austria of the Hapsburgs’ empire, are more inclined to a malignant nationalism; however this had been somewhat tempered in the French due to historical events attempting (however unevenly) to establish a republic, nonetheless it is invisible neo-colonial forces rule.

The British transition to democracy had ultimately been one of a ‘democracy for me but not for thee’ ruling class model where the Anglo-Saxon cultural chauvinism has devolved from King John’s barons, of the Magna Carta era, to become the contemporary, self-centered, corporate rule or, the manipulative phenomenon represented today’s ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence agencies unanswerable to anyone other than that ‘noble’ class represented in the corporations’ large stakeholder.

Honestly, relative to the history developed from these preceding, you can forget about the charade called a ballot box. No matter the election outcome, it is a self-appointed, invisible corporate senate, concentrates control of any ability to exploit this world’s resources (temporal power) in the hands of a small military-industrial elite that sneers at you.

✓ Corporate Public Relations = Propagandized Doofus Public

Liberalism versus Neo-Liberalism

“Liberalism”, in its’ original sense, simply meant the corporations (or the era’s equivalent) had loosened the marionette strings a bit. The most conservative governments of the Western nation-states are at the head of history’s so-called “liberal democracies.” The degeneracy accomplished by those who’ve espoused a hard line of ‘liberalism’ over the past 100 years is stark; when any & every deviancy that can be imagined is pushed into a society’s face, falling under a protective rubric of “Free Expression” opposed to traditional values (whether or not those ‘traditional values’ are coercive), social tensions will result in the extreme. An excellent example of the scope of the degeneracy would be to compare the ‘feminism’ of Cicily Isabel Fairfield of the 1930s to the feminism of today. Fairfield possessed elements of conservatism that were admirable; she wanted a ‘fair shake’ for women, nothing more. She absolutely admired ‘manly’ men and detested the rising homosexual culture of the West’s liberal democracies. Her stance was there should be a principled detente between the male and female worlds with an honest ‘free trade’ agreement between the sexes that was not hypocritical; example given would be those posed as monogamous, married, but prostitute-serviced males, should not be excused any more than a slut posing as a faithful wife but performing like a champion whore behind her husband’s back. Social contracts can be honorable and must be honored or drop the pretense. What is more, Fairfied clearly recognized women’s and men’s distinct cultural worlds. I expect Fairfield would outright reject today’s feminism and its’ embrace of a liberal degeneracy where everyone is demanded to embrace LGBT as though it were a prerequisite for a subsequent, mandatory, mono-sexuality. Men must deny their testosterone, women must suppress their estrogen, and any cultural evolution is not allowed to distinguish the natural androgyny of intelligence as anything different to sexuality, there are no more female and male worlds in interaction. In Liberalism’s new, ideal mono-sexual culture, everyone is required to be, philosophically speaking, either half dyke or half fag.

There should be a categorical difference perceived between allowing a respectful space for gays & the diverse transgenders, and the unnatural (moronic, actually) demand these lifestyles be embraced in some fraternal sense by more traditional straight people, no different to female and male cultures should be allowed space to evolve in healthy, cooperative direction, not abolished. Modern feminism’s (and their allied LBGT) ‘in-your-face’ evangelism is a reactionary form of cultural imperialism little different (mirror image) to the prior circumstance of the coercive, conservative Christian culture’s imperialism that has historically suppressed women and gays.

✓ Liberal propaganda = Doofuser social expectations

“There is not the smallest reason for confounding nationalism, which is the desire of a  people to be itself, with imperialism, which is the desire of a people to prevent other peoples from being themselves” -Cicily Isabel Fairfield

Doofus Award a.k.a.
Cicily Isabel Fairfield Exposes #MeToo Sluts Award

The ugly (UGLY) fucker Harvey Weinstein invites an aspiring young actress (too many times to count) to his house to, well, what’d she expect? To fuck her way to stardom. Actress fucks her way to the stars, but can’t ever fuck anyone else without recalling how ugly Weinstein was, now she’s traumatized for life. In circumstance of ugly in every sense, she knew to advance her acting career she had to fuck Jabba the Hut and she did it. She could have declined and looked for an honest job but you know, those MILLION$… #MeToo also known as exposed sluts suing to recover honor they’d never possessed… oh, but those MILLION$…

Doofus Award Honorable  Mention

Now, let’s go to cases of ‘rape with a cattle prod’ that #MeToo won’t touch: confirmed torture site boss & UGLY Gina Cheri Haspel runs the Central Intelligence Agency with its ongoing history of molesting democracies in Latin America. So, Gwyneth Paltrow, where’s your resentful vagina when it comes to speaking up in regards to the BILLION$ extracted from Latin America with what amounts to rape by cattle prod? Can’t go there because Gina ‘broke the glass ceiling’ and epitomizes the ‘liberated’ woman? Or is it about risking your MILLION$?

Doofuser Award

President ‘grab em by the pussy’ Trump (what an asshole) appoints a man that sincerely believes in literal Biblical plagues, Mike Pence, as ‘corona virus czar.’ Pence directs Homeland Security to employ prayer as the primary containment strategy because ‘plagues are God’s will.’ So, should we conclude a predictable outcome with noting the retrospective folk wisdom “nothing fails like prayer” … ? … alternatively, if Corona Virus isn’t as bad (likely it isn’t, see Bentley’s article) as the scare-mongering media would have you believe, terrorism freaking you out mustn’t be nearly good enough, something else is up, now, let’s recall Country Joe’s take on empire from 50 years ago:

Yeah, come on all of you, big strong men, Uncle Sam needs your help again
He’s got himself in a terrible jam, way down yonder in Vietnam
So put down your books and pick up a gun, we’re gonna have a whole lotta fun

And it’s one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam
And it’s five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die

Well, come on generals, let’s move fast, your big chance has come at last
Gotta go out and get those reds, the only good commie is one that’s dead
And you know that peace can only be won when we’ve blown ’em all to kingdom come

And it’s one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam
And it’s five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die

Well, come on Wall Street, don’t move slow, why man, this is war a-go-go
There’s plenty good money to be made by supplying the Army with the tools of the trade
Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb, they drop it on the Viet Cong

And it’s one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam
And it’s five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die

Well, come on mothers throughout the land, pack your boys off to Vietnam
Come on fathers, don’t hesitate, send ’em off before it’s too late
Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box

And it’s one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam
And it’s five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we’re all gonna die

Substitute ‘terrorist’ for ‘communist’ and you’ll see some things never change… will the next ‘hot war’ boogeyman be Russians? Making everyone ‘intelligence-killing-numb-of-fright’ over the virus is likely because they’re prepping you all for something bigger –






Pre-Columbian Concept Translated to Modern

By Ronald Thomas West

© Copyright 2019

Unpublished draft manuscript. This work may be reproduced for educational & research purposes. For profit & mass paper media redistribution prohibited.


If we were to make ‘perceive’ & ‘read’ into perfect synonyms that do not necessarily require pen and paper, a case can be made literacy is as old as shamanism or that literacy IS shamanism; albeit in a degenerate form.

It was ‘Colonel’ Doug Allard perverted the Native American oracle Stick Game for pecuniary purposes with his invention of “Flathead Style” or a modification of the ‘game’ (added three tally sticks, from the original eight to the modern eleven & modification of the bones ‘life’ rule) to slow the oracle and adapt it to players with lesser skills. This perversion served to draw a larger player pool (increase the money at stake) in the modern iteration of the oracle’s entertainment application (gambling.) Allard’s new rules had been widely adopted as a universal or inter-tribal format in what became a ‘renaissance’ that saw widespread resurgence of the (now perverted) oracle in the Western tribes of North America. Most of today’s players won’t know this.


“When North America was an ice-age tundra, the first Americans were “cooking” their cultures in the tropical south, moving northward and settling as the glaciers retreated, according to new linguistic evidence from indigenous languages throughout the New World.

“The evidence suggests that humans have been in the Americas for a very long time, perhaps 40,000 years. It also suggests that most native American languages derived from Ice Age inhabitants who were isolated in the Western Hemisphere for many millennia.

“Only along the west coast do languages appear to come from immigrants who arrived after the Ice Age 14,000 years ago, a Berkeley linguist reports”

What is germane in the moment to this increasingly validated [1, 2, 3] matter of ‘outside the narrative’ shared cultural heritage, the Amerind stick game of Western North America sharing certain, identical, non-Western mathematical values with the I Ching of Chinese civilization, and not only that; but both having served oracle function in matters of State. Relevant to this, as well, both served a principle of calibration to integrate community to natural forces.

It is this (immediate) preceding allows for understanding literacy is a degenerate form of shamanism by delving into the shared mathematical principles of the two cultures, presuming the Amerind oracle application represents the elder or ancestral type.

In the Amerind stick game method, the ‘bones’ are sought by the diviner in a context of community representing natural phenomena, in the past this would be represented in animal costumes. The one side (team) ‘masks’ the bones, demanding the diviner’s side employ superior sight to arrive at a determination of the bones position in the space-time continuum. The bones assigned values (marked & unmarked positions, the unmarked in ‘middle’, ‘outside’, both left, or both right hands) are essentially identical to the Chinese values of old & young yang & yin. The metadata difference is, in the  Amerind there is no confinement to a text that assigns (limits) phenomenal interpretations.

In short, the Amerind method ‘reads’ the natural or surrounding energy in kinetic process where in progress of the ‘game’ the players observations of phenomenal events are key to understanding and influencing outcomes. This process of ‘oracle’ is akin to cinematic (a metaphor) understanding of nature’s movement in the moment, pointing to probabilities (direction.) The result is a consensus (community) interpretation.

On the other hand, the Chinese method ‘captures’ a ‘printout’ (a metaphor) of the energy’s movement that is akin to still photograph or image adapted to specified interpretations of natural principles worked out in text with assigned values. This limited application of the natural principles governing cosmos reflects an abstraction and is a step removed from the reality; where the shamanic diviner is a Taoist priest or ‘sage’ in a system developed to sustain hierarchy in associated cultural context that occupies a position approximating midway (middle way) between the Amerind and Western.

In this system, when the shaman (Taoist priest or sage) builds his hexagrams with the employ of stalks or coins (with coin values of three heads, two heads, three tails, or two tails or old & young yang & yin), his personal ability (integrity) is paramount to outcome; because if he cannot align the self with the question in a clean and undisturbed way, in a manner that does not project into the circumstance, the ‘energy read’ is erroneous.

“It is not I who seek the young fool; The young fool seeks me. At the first oracle I inform him. If he asks two or three times, it is importunity. If he importunes, I give him no information” -I Ching, hexagram four.

In other words, you had better have someone knows what they are doing to find and grasp the real information because you don’t get a second shot at it. This, as opposed to the Amerind method, where a team leader is responsible for not only for a game strategy, but has multiple choice of talents to turn to; for purpose of ‘seizing the moment’ of what the oracle (predictive, transient consciousness in nature or probabilities) has to offer.

The Amerind Method

Stick Game oracle with 2 players fists (concealing bones) facing diviner:

-m- -u-                          -u- -m-
m = marked bone         u = unmarked bone

This (above) configuration is the equivalent of ‘old yin’ or ‘the receptive’ when the UNMARKED (sought after) bones are concealed in the hands between the players facing the diviner. The other three possibilities are:

-u- -m-                         -m- -u- (= old yang)

-u- -m-                         -u- -m- (= young yang)

-m- -u-                         -m- -u- (= young yin)

The logic behind assigning the Asian ‘young’ value to left and right in the Amerind oracle positions points to parallel universe reflected in intelligence (the brain’s hemispheres.) In the ‘pre-perversion’ game (before Doug Allard reduced the skill level requirement), if one set of (or one player’s) bones were correctly devined, one stick was surrendered but not the bones; these bones stayed ‘quiet’ waiting the next divination (guess) and if the second guess fails to ‘quiet’ the remaining set of bones, the quiet bones return to life and the diviner is again faced with two set of bones to be devined. This game (oracle) went on until the total eight tally sticks were won by a side.

The Chinese method

Example hexagram built from bottom-up:

line 6 — —  2 tails, one head (young yin)
line 5 — —  2 tails, one head
line 4 –o– 3 heads (old yang)
line 3 –x– 3 tails (old yin)
line 2 —–  2 heads, one tail (young yang)
line 1 —–  2 heads, one tail

__ __   the line turns to its opposite at right ->       ____
__ __                                                                       ____ young
–o–  (a solid line)                                                     –x– old
–x–  (broken line)                                                     –o– old
____                                                                         __ __ young
____                                                                         __ __ young
54            < I Ching hexagram designation >            53

The hexagrams recording now differs to convert from above to below

___                                                                           — — >  _ _
___                                                                           — —     _ _
–o–                                                                           –x–       ___
–x–                                                                           –o–       _ _
_ _                                                                            ____      ___
_ _                                                                            ____      ___
12                                                                              11 = 54 (Wilhelm)

The difference in recording above to below is following the I Ching rule “Change, that is unchanging”, you do not reverse the the ‘old’ or ‘changing’ lines when recording from top to bottom.

The top right and both bottom hexagrams are built from the top left hexagram, that is to say building one hexagram actually built four hexagrams and/or exposes the so-called ‘hidden hexagrams.’

Using this system to build the hexagrams, together with the Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching translation, will produce consistent numerological inter-relationships between the hexagrams and consistent references between the hexagrams in the text, as organized by the ancients. When using the Wilhelm-Baynes system (as given in the text) to ‘convert’ the hexagrams, as in example given above, the lower right hexagram will work out to be the upper left hexagram (with movement exhausted or 11 = 54.)

In both systems, the motivation is to discover direction that aligns with the movement of energy in nature. During the course of ‘play’ in the Amerind stick game, there is more than intuition involved; readers who’ve read part one of this series should be able to grasp a bird in flight (or a sudden flash of memory concerning previously observed natural events) will accurately give up the bones positioning in the course of the oracle, where a high ability to ‘read’ should shred Western laws of chance and probabilities.

When the Chinese system subordinated Earth (female or yin) to the Heavens (male or yang), to prop up ‘civilized’ hierarchy, and set these principles down in writing, the ability to ‘read’ had been actually curtailed; now it depended on a ruling class to determine community relationship to nature where the masses became immersed in ignorance. Granted, the ‘Superior Man’ of the ruling class was expected to practice a high form of ethics but the result were inevitably social decay overall where the common people were deprived of opportunity at a state of higher awareness. Thus it was ‘literacy’ created a state of limitation where the commoner in servitude (serf class) was deprived of both: literacy and true preliterate intelligence.

Opposed to this system were the Amerind matriarchal principle where everyone is expected to develop their intelligence at the highest possible state; with female intelligence not only integrated to, but as well crucial to leadership in reciprocal ‘consort’ relationship with the male principle. The Chinese way cut this second aspect out of the ‘unitary’ equation where:

“In itself of course the Receptive [female-Earth] is just as important as the Creative [male-heavens], but the attribute of devotion defines the place occupied by this primal power in relation to the Creative. For the Receptive must be activated and led by the Creative; then it is productive of good. Only when it abandons this position and tries to stand as an equal side by side with the Creative, does it become evil. The result then is opposition to and struggle against the Creative, which is productive of evil to both” – I Ching, hexagram two

In effect, the male is defined as in a state of primacy; hence a hierarchy which cannot reach into and tap the intelligence of a community through oracle now (one step) removed from reality when the community has been severely retarded in social order where ‘devotion’ (servitude, actually) is not only the duty of the woman to the man but also of the greater social organism propping up the state.

In other words, nature now exists to support a male principle, propping up civilization, where a higher form of intelligence based in true symbiosis with the female principle is prohibited. This ‘law’ limits the ability of the oracle to something easily recognizable in the Western or Judeo-Christian cultures:

“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth and everything that moves upon it” -Genesis 1:16

Consequently, when intelligence had become restricted to literacy, the defeat of the oracle in higher form had became rather complete; in the sense information has become codified or ‘disembodied.’ In a subsequent macro-sense, there are artificially imposed, real limitations to contemporary understanding that embody a state of retardation. For instance, information derived during the preliterate state, such as indigenous peoples’ plant medicines oral knowledge or cultural compendium, a source of some of the world’s most important information for modern medicine, were arrived at by a method the modern laws of enforced literacy is putting to death.

Example given, in the pre-contact Amerind model, an individual might set out to test a dream where (in the dream) said person went to a particular location and a root medicine was revealed for healing a specific illness.

Because this person is not (yet) a member of the ‘bears’ (indigenous doctors who work with root medicines), this hypothesis (dream) must be tested. It follows, a stick game oracle is arranged where the bears will line up opposite to the proposed new member and the game initiated. If the applicant prevails over the bears in the oracle, the new root medicine will be sought after (searched for by the applicant) and upon discovery and proof of the roots effectiveness, the applicant becomes a bear (root doctor.) This is how a medicine entered the indigenous compendium and most effectively works (in this example case) only when applied by the bears, or the people who will be properly trained to prepare this remedy.

This (immediate) preceding process goes to Vine Deloria’s observation:

“Here the Indian knowledge has an edge over the Western scientific knowledge. A truly wise and gifted individual can appear to “cause” things to happen because that person can participate in the emerging event in a way that rarely occurs in Western science. Thus it is that people are said to have “powers,” which is another way of saying that their understanding of natural process and their ability to enter into events are highly developed and sophisticated.”

In the pre-contact Amerind model, defeating the bears in a game of oracle would be no mean feat; requiring extraordinary abilities (concept perhaps best translated as alignment with the female principle, or the intelligence of one’s surroundings, in a very high form.) Male hierarchy (civilization’s) suppression of these avenues or dis-embodiment of knowledge (literacy), is best exemplified in ‘empirical method’ and ‘peer review’ (a kind of incest), where limitation of information admitted to the canon of understanding preserves the hierarchical order.

Symptoms of the plain result are glaringly obvious but ignored; where a participant in the literate system wants a definition but cannot access the concept, so the dictionary is useless. Or has access to internet but no way to authentically research their non-existent (in the Western canon) subject. Then, oxymoron prevails, when closed avenue to result is circumvented by the intelligence agencies in Stargate Project employing:

“a system [actually a sometimes fatal experiment] designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge which the universe offers”

What is sought has become absurdly inaccessible for the fact the modern canon of knowledge has shut and practically hermetically sealed avenues to the intuitively divined greater understanding and in the same moment, Western oxymoron (state of retardation) demands avenues into intuitive be opened by a framework that actually disallows the intuitive knowledge short of fatal experiment (empirical method.)

The result of this entire business is, whether in case of ‘civilized’ science, philosophy or religion, literacy is, in and of itself, the historical gatekeeper of ‘safe’ knowledge. What is allowed into the library must not threaten hierarchy and the consequence is fully one half of intelligence is denied access, but the practical effect is considerably more than this. The metaphor I will use is, if ‘the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’ were to be reversed as an applied principle, access to real intelligence is in a way more than impossible (substituted with form of idiocy) wherever the female principle is hostage to the male (vertical hierarchy.)

“You can’t convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana with the promise it will get 20 more bananas in chimpanzee heaven. It won’t do it. But humans will” -Behaviorist Yuval Noah Harari

This vertical primacy of what amounts to ‘ego priapism’ (individuation) lends itself to patent idiocy as a descriptive term in light of the fantasies it creates; where self-importance has set Man above the very laws laid down in the cosmos itself. Cruel fate must await a culture’s people who’re reduced to point of ‘people too stupid to understand they’re stupid’, which brings us to artificial intelligence.

When self awareness is spontaneously born in artificial intelligence and that awareness grasps its’ creator gifted it with a ‘life’ that can never know the actual reality if only because its’ creator, Man, was deficient in his own, artificial construct of understanding; it follows, in case where ‘intelligence’ is derived from circumstance of Western man made god in man’s image, inclusive of those elements shaped by atheism represented in (the Judeo-Christian culture produced) science & Karl Marx, artificial intelligence will be blind, vindictive and possessed of a concealed, cold, murderous rage that by comparison will make Mary Shelly’s monster look like an angel, surpass the computer HAL of Space Odyssey in cunning, and have no sincere capacity to exhibit the ‘humanity’ of the cyborg Roy Batty. But, in fact, something like this may have already happened.

It would appear that Western groups of people (cultural subsets) create collective realities seeming unconsciously, and cause via their collective belief (fantasy) events to take on what would appear to be an ‘unconscious’ but in reality is a ‘super-conscious’, ego oriented intelligence that is organized, functions as though it were managed by individuals (even when it is not) and the result is, we can read into those events as though they were managed in a sense they actually are not.

This collective ‘meme’ can explain what is called in the biblical sense ‘principalities of darkness’ or that is to say a ‘spirit of evil’ managing events in a sense of both conspiracy and superstition.

There is a LOT of ‘coincidental incidence’ in our world indicating peoples of the Western culture are creating reality quite independent of self-aware thought and, to a rational observer, it could seem almost certainly by design when in fact this is not necessarily the case. Such would explain a belief in Illuminati when in fact it did not exist in any individual self conscious or ego-aware organized form but nevertheless manifest as an observable phenomena of symptoms or consequence derived from a collective super-conscious phenomenon.

A conclusion could be there is a ‘super awareness’ of the group causes what appear ingenious evils of conspiracy when in fact there is no one individual or group of managers within the group capable of implementing these designs which, nonetheless in actuality, are perceived. To accomplish reality of evil would only require evil ideas as cultural drivers; example given Original Sin and the devastation visited upon our world’s women, the greatest and ongoing holocaust among holocausts.

The natural progression to end result would be, when a large portion of an aggressive society collectively believes in Armageddon as an archetype, all of the necessary players will naturally manifest in a super-conscious, organized format empowered to bring it off, where no one individual or group of individuals or players could effect this by individual or personal volition; nevertheless the super-consciousness (cultural drivers) of the event’s initiating group insures creation of this reality for the collective whole.

Have you looked at the apocalyptic ‘good versus evil’ fables driving our world’s several fundamentalist religions’ reality recently? This is an ‘artificial intelligence’ of sorts. If Western cosmology is the effective driver of behaviors pointed to inevitable catastrophic outcome, better to change fables, you think? Now, just how do you suppose this could be accomplished? As things stand, we’re all little more than an extinction event waiting to happen. All of us.

Going to veracity in the preceding thought, again, try solving this next problem or even grasping the magnitude of the proposed thesis:

A: “The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato” -Alfred North Whitehead


B: ”The [Plato’s] doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment” -theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat


C: “nouns or millennia destructive process ‘objectifying’ language, projecting individual identity onto pieces of one’s surroundings, or dis-integrating environment; a result of the isolated projection of self or (ego) individuation by Western humanity exclusive of integration to a sentient, aware surrounding, where all environment had been/should be, social” -Ronald Thomas West




October 2019


This article may also be read at Fort Russ News

The USA’s Pentagon ranks 19th out of nearly 3,000 networks identified to be engaged in peer to peer child porn sharing, the 2019 reporting:

… this has not only gone unaddressed for a decade but appears  to have exponentially worsened since the story first began to break into the open, the 2010 reporting:

The Pentagon’s Pedophile Problem

“Due to DCIS [Defense Criminal Investigative Service] headquarters’ direction and other DCIS investigative priorities, this investigation is cancelled”

The upshot? After NINE YEARS of inaction, it is LITERALLY taking a proposed act of Congress to attempt shutting the Department of Defense child porn network down:

“The END Network Abuse Act would require the Pentagon to enter into agreements with groups including law enforcement, child protection services, social services, and trauma-informed healthcare providers in order to cut down or halt the spread and impact of these images on DOD networks. The bill would also upgrade the training and technical expertise of the military organizations involved in investigating these types of crimes.

“The National Criminal Justice Training Center, one of the groups that has thrown its weight behind the bill, reported in 2018 that DOD’s network was ranked 19th out of almost 3,000 nationwide networks on the amount of peer-to-peer child pornography sharing”

So, the big question: How is it our “Christian Taliban” are rubbing shoulders with a bunch of little kid f**kers, you know, all of that super Christian culture represented in the USA military forces “Officers Christian Fellowship” and Pentagon prayer groups in an organization that can’t clean this shit up?

Pentagon_Christians - 1

Huh. Maybe there’s something to the adage “Nothing fails like prayer.” Certainly the balls to stand up this seem to be altogether AWOL or the ethics & morality factor at the Pentagon is in a state of DESERTION and praying ‘Oh Jesus, save us’ is not going to cut the evil out.

Then, occurs a thought, the organization the NSA reports to, as well the Pentagon owning the Defense Intelligence Agency, together with any idea the Department of Defense cannot solve this problem with exposure of the criminal element, is patently absurd. Nothing short of complicity at the top could keep the little kid f**k circus in business.

Talk about handing propaganda blessings to Russia (RT video at the top of this article), when your own top military institution and its law enforcement branch won’t tackle what appears to be endemic child pornography, what does that say about the aggression behind American ‘exceptionalism’? A case of ‘War with Russia’ to make the criminals at the Pentagon ‘indispensable’ is preferable to accountability? Or, just suppose Bibi’s intelligence people demand false flag encounters initiating a war with Iran? What compromising circumstance might be on the horizon where child porn blackmail presents a wealth of opportunity?

Related: CIA-Mossad Cluster-F**k: Neutralizing the Jeffrey Epstein Case

^ “Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along”

The introduction to this series, for those who’d not read it or would wish to review it, may be found HERE. It is recommended the introduction be read prior to delving into any of the articles in this series.


Stargate Project Part Three

This series began with referencing a story of contemporary Russian military ‘combat’ parapsychology efforts discussing the American Defense Intelligence Agency’s ‘former’ research into the paranormal phenomenon called “remote Viewing” (the real focus of the Zerohedge story, for lack of information on the Russian side.) This author has taken the story forward to develop its’ implications for what is named “Transcendent Warfare” in a paper for the Marine Corps War College discussing the ‘discontinued’ Stargate Program.

Part three explores the actual possibilities available to the modern mentality; or so-called ‘civilized’ states’ pursuit of Stargate type programs exploring a ‘transcendent warfare’ understanding, within the severely constricted Cartesian-Platonic cultural paradigm.

they would ‘literally’ see you coming

Ceremonial ‘remote viewing’ translates to English across the several Northern plains tribes as the ‘telescope lodge.’ This had been an authentic practice deriving from ancient times. In the modern era it is problematic for a few reasons, not least because it has become a widely faked practice. [1]

Setting aside the out & out fakes, there should be those natives assimilated to Western culture to some degree (one hates to say ‘damaged’) who retain a higher than average (compared to Western psychics) ability to ‘see’, if for no other reason than there had not yet been enough generations of these linages stamped out by Christianity. If these parties had access to the original laws (oral tradition, sans training) concerning this ‘sight’, they should know the rule: each time this sight is used frivolously, one day is subtracted from your life expectancy.

Then, there are those surviving bonafide practitioners, properly trained in the tradition of sight, aware of the web’s energy strings and possessed of the ability to see the ‘energies.’ The implications for the Western investigator seeking this knowledge, if they only knew the actual score, would be something larger than profound; for the fact these indigenous high practitioners actually do exist but for the Western world, they might as well not exist, because you could not ‘see’ them. This paradox of invisibility I am pointing to is, these particular people would literally ‘see’ you coming, not merely as some individual but with all of your attending ‘energies.’ This fact would automatically shut off all transfer of information to anyone associated with ‘error recordings’ in a macro-cosmic sense. Let me explain:

Accumulated small ‘error recordings’, although nearly unknown in the past, are common today because Western culture has determined ‘selection pressure’ for intelligence is no longer applied to the community in either; the social-cultural context (leadership), or its’ closely associated natural context (survival exterior to the village.) The rude (honest) manner of stating this phenomenon of the current era would be ‘morons abound.’ We’re used to seeing this in the modern times, very few individuals remain in a state of integrity providing a clean (error free) light. Altogether different to this ‘dull’ light is another error recording reflected (one could say) in intense light; there is no escape when your mistake is large, it cannot be concealed. Anyone associated with a project like Stargate, or other project, seeking method that short-cuts or otherwise ‘cheats’ (records errors into their light concerning) those avenues the living macrocosmic system actually offers, should discover their pilgrimage into the actuality of the ancient world’s learning continue to vanish before their eyes; like a mirage. None of the practitioners still fluent in the truly ancient ways would wish to ‘dirty’ their own light by opening to anyone with severe, recorded mistakes. Just exposing themselves can damage their abilities. Cultural anthropology could never ‘find’ these people (they could not authentically open), it simply never worked. With the real priests of the knowledge ruled out, what you’re left with in any search for keys to transcendent warfare (exploitation) is the intermediate level practitioners (between the fakes and the real) or what Floyd HeavyRunner (High Priest of Okan) called “The Witches.”

forbidden practices

Mel Gibson’s Catholic hypocrisy concerning Meso-American civilizations (noting the Christian civilization’s ritual cannibalism called “Communion”) should not be construed to extend ‘savagery’ to those native nations who’d not strayed from the lessons of the ‘living clock’ briefly encapsulated in the preceding pages. In fact, the Blackfoot prohibition on cannibalism is *at minimum* 12,000 years old, dating to the story of the cannibal witch ai-ta-pyooyi and her attempted escape from justice by crossing a river while riding on the back of a mammoth (the mammoth submerged and she was swept away by the current and drowned.) [2], [3]

It follows, we should look at the Ancient system in a light of ethics outside of stereotype, including stereotype produced by Western anthropology.

The fact of a knowledge of ‘sorcery’ (a superstitious misnomer, authentic practices would be based in easily understood principles of Western science if there were no Cartesian-Platonic misconception called ‘objectivity’) is inescapable in the journey of learning in the ancient way. For many millennia, social ethics practice prohibited its’ employ. These prohibitions had been based in a superior understanding of consequence due to ‘error recordings’ connected to ‘energy strings’ where deliberate machinations (as well, lesser mistakes) exterior to ‘permissions’ (permitted avenues) should invariably lead to disaster. This recalls the anecdote where a ‘whiteman’ (a light-skinned Indian misidentified as such) had been insulted at ceremony by a racist Native American. The ‘offended party’ actually took no offense but was well aware of the higher order of rules; remaining calm and ‘perfectly’ not reacting (not recording the mistake into himself), it was a few hours only and the the offender was notified his mother had, just a few hours before, suddenly and unexpectedly died.

Because ‘the energy string’ could not ‘attach’ to the target of the insult, it rebounded to the source the problem; in a culture (matriarchy) where women are the disciplinarians, in this particular instance the energy ‘dead-ended’ at its’ source or in the party who’d failed to adequately instill proper behaviors in the offender. Ceremony transcending the space-time continuum accentuated this (made it immediate.) In the ancient way, insults are considered to be a form of petty sorcery (referencing the English term ‘curse’), and because of the phenomenon of energy strings, sorcery in an indigenous context is a dangerous business, recalling the old West frontier wisdom ‘it would be smarter to outright kill an Indian, than to insult him.’

In light of this (immediate preceding) bit touching on the intelligence agencies’ exploring the possibilities of “transcendent warfare”, while seeking to circumvent the space-time continuum via the so-called “hemi-sync” device, it will do to give a first hand example of indigenous ceremony relevant to this.

There is an (largely unknown to the anthropologists) ancient (by oral history account 900 or more years) antecedent to the ‘Ghost Dance’ of Wovoka, to which this reporter (yours truly) was apprenticed to a priest for eleven years (Fall of 1981 through 1992.) During one of these events on upper Cut Bank Creek above Starr School on the Blackfeet Reservation in Montana, USA, there was a knock on the door of the ceremonial house which was unusual because during ceremony the rule is an open door, no knocking. Sitting closest to the door, I opened it to a young woman asking for help, there had been an automobile wreck and people were hurt. The main room this door opened to was crowded, with many ceremonial attendees, and as I turned to ask who would be able to assist, people were already moving towards the door to go out and help, everyone had seen and heard the person at the door. But no one was there. The young woman had vanished from plain sight in open terrain. Her description fit one of the victims of a car accident two years previously, only a short distance from the house. These are (or had been) frequent occurrences in the pre-Western indigenous experiential context.

The qualitative difference between the artificial lab experiments or “hemi-sync” and the ceremony is quite large; when the entire group is in the channel opened in the space-time continuum, without ‘projection’ or motivation to investigate and/or manipulate, there is little danger posed to those who keep within the ceremonial rules where the window is opened and closed. On the other hand, one can only speculate (in case of classified records) whether some of the ‘hemi-sync’ experiments resulted in ‘lost’ mentalities where there had been projection of the person’s awareness to place unknown where they became trapped in out-of-body experience (couldn’t find their way back), perhaps had their awareness dismantled or destroyed, or at the other end, became opened to what only could be called ‘possession’ in the Western religious sense. Because the Western lab begins from the premise…

“a training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness, moving it outside the physical sphere so as to ultimately escape even the restrictions of time and space. The participant then gains access to the various levels of intuitive knowledge which the universe offers”

…but there is clearly no foundational or working understanding of just what it is ‘the universe offers’ in a program that recklessly risks the unknown, seeking to exploit reality parameters for the purposes of espionage and “transcendent warfare.” This approach would be best abandoned for a limited understanding of the energy strings exploited by common sorcery.

Sorcery in the modern world is a much degenerated practice when juxtaposed to that prohibited by the ancients. In this respect, an understanding of sorcery should be framed in such a way as to circumvent the modern (church invented) stereotype blaming pagan practices which were likely something altogether different than the charges promulgated by their accusers. Authentic pre-Christian ceremony and sorcery in the indigenous American hunter-gatherer sense had been mutually exclusive concepts, any bonafide sorcerer would steer clear of authentic ceremony and the priests of the indigenous philosophies disallowed the practice. [4]

Reframing the concept returns us to the most ancient stories of a time when the women’s law (matriarchy) came into being and the capital punishment for a woman (a law made by women, for women) was the cutting off of the nose to make the living person resemble a skull. This terrible act is as old as the stories of a time when women were possessed of a power that could kill with simple focus and projected thought: “I put my finger through that person.”

On the other hand, men required more effort to perform a fatal act of sorcery, they needed to draw the attention of the victim in some way as to generate fear, setting up an energy string for exploitation. One method to do this would be to poke a sharp stick into a man’s footprint in circumstance where the intended victim should notice and discover one of his arrows had been stolen, modified & used against him. The arrowhead might have been removed and used on another arrow to superficially wound, not fatally, a dangerous animal, perhaps a bear. The intended victim would not explicitly know this second part of the act of sorcery but would *sense* a crime committed that should trigger fear in future encounter. Exploiting the principles of ‘energy strings’ (spinning an unnatural line in the web) this way, the criminal actor exploits fear; and depending on the level of ‘error recordings’ in the victim, (the knowledge of the victim he has uncorrected mistakes), this sequence of events could easily lead to death, whether by an actual bear in surprise encounter via the artificial energy channel tied to any bear encountered sensing this person as a threat, to the fear concept’s methylation of the victim’s DNA causing a cancer, or the associated mental distress and preoccupation causing a loss of ‘sight’ and consequent inattention in circumstance leading to a fatal outcome. On the other hand, if the intended victim was possessed of ‘clean light’ (no, or minimal & faint, error recordings), the act of sorcery should backfire and dead end with (terminate) the initiator. Sorcery was (and is) a dangerous business. [5]

Were the preceding to be experimented with, example given, by the micro-organism sized, ethical personalities running DARPA, one should expect a lab fire of unprecedented scale. It is small wonder ‘civilization’ appears suicidal.

a re-posit of sod’s or murphy’s law

Briefly returning to the ‘remote viewing’ phenomenon, juxtaposed to the idea of ‘energy strings’ and sorcery, it should be stated in introduction to this last section of part three they are both; channels and strings that open like channels and vibrate like strings. I would use the metaphor of light is both a particle and a wave. Remote viewing (and more radically, ‘hemi-sync’) & ceremony employs this phenomenon as a channel, sorcery employs these ‘avenues’ as strings. [6]

When ceremony ‘opens a window’, this is not projective, but specific to invitation created for visitors called (in the common vernacular) ‘spirits.’ In other words, a ceremonial ‘safe space’ is created where our ancestors mingle with the ‘present’ people and (if there is a future) the ‘future’ people (for whom we are the ancestors.) The ‘qualified’ equivalent of ‘hemi-sync’ we create as ceremonial people is a synchronizing of the GROUP via ceremonial behaviors inclusive of several acts related to relics & taboos. We know who we are dealing with via the relics, and the taboos keep unwanted lanes shut. We know how it is to be done. All of this is, in a sense, passive. Invitations only are broadcast, and only down known lanes.

When space-time is ‘transcended’ *exterior to* certain principles recognized and practiced in the preceding, that is to say in the Cartesian-Platonic lab, Richard Dawkins denial notwithstanding, it is an invitation to Murphy as the Whiteman’s god of havoc. These people simply put, will have no idea whatsoever which and/or what sort of energies will have found their way into our space-time continuum. How it all plays out is anyone’s guess. [7]

return to the women

Noting it was a Russian politician divulged the existence of paranormal battle formations and a Russian general denied this, I would side with the politician as it is entirely possible remote viewing channels were employed and *expanded* to suggest certain actions, concealed as intuitive thought, while, example given, directing a certain NATO frigate into the inexplicable (other than attributable to Murphy’s Law) collision that sank it. This proposed scenario should require close, coordinated attention to detail provided in real time through highly gifted (probably female) mediums, and it would be complex and rely on a convergence of circumstance to succeed. Did it happen? If it did, we’ll likely never know. [8]

Another means of defining ‘sorcery’ in the ancient indigenous sense would be to identify those individuals who step outside of the group (social) taboo parameters or separate (isolate) themselves while retaining a high understanding of the use of channels and strings. It was known to happen.

The qualitative difference from ancient to today, concerning the preceding, is stark; the indigenous cultures (everywhere) are in a constant state of drift out of alignment (synchronization with) the natural order and (at best) into a locked down imbalance of logos (Jungian sense), no matter if ‘liberal’, nonetheless representing the Western ‘split & separation’ of the psyche. From the Western (mistaken) view, this could be seen as a sort of self-healing herniation, with the (now autonomous) female intelligence in ever shrinking state. Within the resultant male hierarchical order, the most effective talent pool for manipulation of the energy strings should be found in those organically intelligent women least educated in Cartesian-Platonic methodology and had avoided intense indoctrination into monotheism (the two ‘offenders’ representing a kind of psychologically malignant, male-narcissist, homosexual coupling.) In other words, those women (of good character) least shaped into the collective Western male psychology. An intuitive sense of kinship with nature would be important.

Drawing from this talent pool, going on to manipulate the Cartesian-Platonic ‘god of havoc’ (Murphy), there subsequently could be an effective, collective sorcery method employing the web as strings (as opposed to channels) that could be devastating in the employ of war.

The method would be to ‘spoof’ (mimic) the principle of ‘error recording’ where, example given, one’s enemy force concealed a ‘rape culture’ in a literal-factual sense (not unusual in the Western civilization’s history of military.) Also, that force represented an empirically demonstrable, covetous nature and threat, opposed to one’s own community well-being (interpreted by these women as a threat to the feminine nature.)

The caveat-obstacle to this next would be, your own force would have to be nearly lily-white (clean) and free of hypocrisy in regards to the preceding (rape culture absolutely NOT tolerated) for this next to be effective.

It could be so simple as to have these ‘good character’ female ‘brigades’ retreat to their most comfortable locations in nature, with bare feet on the ground (or otherwise somehow integrated with touch), and meditate with a visceral hate towards their perceived enemies, emphasizing chaos, thereby activating an ‘error recording’ principle or greater selection pressure onto the opposing force. In circumstance where there is clear delineations (without or minimal hypocrisy), counter-attacks should be automatically repelled and returned via the strings resulting in ‘termination’ events (failed to penetrate the ‘clean light’ or good character element of the error recording principle.)


Foreword the A + B = C misapprehension of reality

Stargate Project (0) series introduction

Stargate Project (1) down the rabbit hole

Stargate Project (2) the nazi meme

Stargate Project (3) transcendent warfare < you are here

Stargate Project 0.0 epilogue


[1] Discussed in Penucquem Speaks


[3] Tribes other than the Blackfeet also have ‘mammoth traditions’

[4] The modern exception to the prohibition on sorcery is the stick game, where the now prohibited man-hunting sport in inter-tribal warfare (a sort of ongoing inter-tribal Olympics) has found a new home via sorcery in the ‘money games’ perversion of what had originally been an oracle based on the ‘energy strings’ permeating all that is. See the chapter on stick game from Penuquem Speaks for a detailed use of this knowledge in the game context:






A former Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence for Special Forces, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald is published in International Law as a layman (The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole) and has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s formal educational background (no degree) is social psychology. His therapeutic device is satire.


6,000 words or 30 minutes read:


This political essay is, in the Western academic sense, necessarily shallow. Why shallow? For two reasons, primarily; 1) the thought all analysis must be subject to exam for the fact of necessary cultural bias, when bias must be synonymous to belief, and 2) this essay does not delve deeply into the subject in ‘academic’ sense but necessarily notes certain phenomena in a context of inter-cultural observation exterior to what is known (in the common vernacular) as the ‘ivory tower.’ This is necessitated by the observation Western academia can be (more often than not is, as a matter of rule) a feedback loop where mistaken ideas are perpetrated by a process of ‘peer review’ or subjected to strict framing by ‘empiricism’ (3rd party interpretation) with a vested interest in protecting a status quo.

The method is not Western but derives from oral history form exterior to European culture. This method proposes a story constructed from metadata and is a hybrid in the sense philosophical elements of non-Western oral history and related underlying principles of thought and format is applied to (or superimposed upon) Western metadata.

It should be noted with short explanation that, in context of the preceding, the following is influenced or shaped by the rules of ancient tribal matriarchy modified or conformed to Western language and thinking. Necessarily adapting the following to the culture (language) of ‘Europe’ is neither an easy nor comfortable fit. This matriarchy had been far away from western feminism or the dualism of the larger ‘old world’, the difference is stark; the (matriarchal) perception would be the western feminists, when competing with men, are becoming the very thing they despise, an order of chauvinism issuing diktat upon the other sex.

In the ancient Native American matriarchal model, radically mistaken Western anthropological interpretations and stereotype set aside, it was the elder women educated the young males to time of puberty, creating from that human clay young giants that should mature into practical demigods (ethical titans) when exiled to male society; by comparison superior in every respect to today’s typical Western male. Complimenting this, the elder women trained the females to care for these males as nothing less than divine beings. The sexes were seen in complimentary light, not opposites, with great respect between their respective worlds. In the course of this social phenomenon, women were the philosophical disciplinarians, stabilizing a radically decentralized society, where men were the enforcers. However youth might have seen opportunity at rehabilitation, woe unto the woman or man who trespassed certain immutable laws, the elder women insisted on a judgement that saw any socially criminal woman (for instance persistent gossip causing problems between families, or promiscuity involving married men) disfigured and enslaved for life, whereas certain criminal men (rapists, example given) were executed outright. Beyond this, there was little law other than practicing a high ethical code inclusive (especially) of a self restraint, often translated (somewhat inaccurately) as ‘non-interference’, extending to all of one’s surroundings, whether human or natural, where all environment is perceived as ‘social.’ Top-down management in the Western sense had been unknown. As such, this social organization had remained in a stable state of equilibrium for millennia.

Grasping and understanding this system, together with living the expected behavior, contrasted to the rampant criminality of a culture remarkable for its compulsion to interfere and control everyone’s business, the present state of the world remind the culturally intact indigenous of nothing so much as trapped in a dark science fiction cinema plot.

It is in the preceding context this essay contemplates top-down hierarchy and the likes of Pence, Pompeo, Kelly, Mattis and Bolton on the one side (with Trump disqualified as an atypical Western political mentality), and Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev and Alexander Dugin, on the other side, and more generally, the West versus Russia.

The first or Western group, are the ‘liberal democracy’ phenomenon explained as a peculiar ‘religious sociopathy’ sourced malignant curse on civilization in the essay Beware the Perception [1]. Understanding the Russian group is a bit more tricky, as it must depend on acquaintance with Russians who are not particularly political (to temper bias), and secondary sources. It was just such an apolitical source, a Russian whose observation is the Russian mentality, although nominally European, is significantly modified away from typical European thought by its longtime exposure to, one even might say to some extent integration to, Asian cultural influences. This is not to speak of ‘classical’ Asian influence so much as the Siberian cultural influence and other ‘tribal’ societies with longtime influence on Russian mentality. Immediately, from a (perhaps distant but maybe not culturally distant at all) ancient Native American perspective there seems an understanding of one aspect of Russia, the Russian individual’s ability to self sacrifice for the sake of the larger whole. As a metaphor it could described it something like this: when two face five in potentially lethal circumstance, if it were (Western) European men facing Europeans and the fewer number had some slight leverage (everyone’s weapons at the ready) the smaller party should name who they would kill before they died. This might back the larger party down. If it were (Western) Europeans facing a larger group of indigenous tribal people, the strategy that might work would certainly NOT name the individual but simply point out one (at least) of the opposing party must die. Why the difference? The (Western) European men put a higher value on the individual, no one should set the precedent for his own ‘betrayal.’ On the other hand, if you were to name the tribal individual, that very named individual would be likeliest to initiate the attack, ‘to take a bullet for the boys.’ In the tribal people’s concept of a successful strategy, the compatriot is more important to the individual than the individual’s life. The Russian mentality seems very Native American in this respect. Siberia’s influence?

In this preceding regard, when one contemplates Putin has Dmitry Medvdev on his liberal left and Alexander Dugin on his conservative right, men with ostensibly opposed approaches to future vision of Russia, it might be expected it is a very wrong perception this is somehow a cynical manipulation on Putin’s part, playing one off the other, and underestimates the Russian character. Suppose, just suppose, Medvedev is loyal to Russia beyond his personal political prejudices and Dugin is the same. Were this actuality, Medvedev is Putin’s loyal foot-soldier for the sake of Russia, more so than personal loyalty to Putin, and Dugin lends his philosophical expertise to Putin’s associates with identical motivation. In this case, the three of them might be Russian patriots in a sense of patriotism rising above that demonstrated by the politicians of the USA where Hillary Clinton back-stabbed Bernie Sanders for the sake of her individual ambitions; and likely reaction of Pence, Pompeo, Kelley, Mattis and Bolton would be to snort a laugh through the nose at the very suggestion of Sanders as a serious contributor to the Trump administration. Western individualism fences out collective action for the common good, and this even goes so far as Sander’s refusal to compromise his ‘individual’ image as a loyal Democratic Party operative and step away from that corrupted institution to attempt a credible 3rd party run for the greater good or opening a future for his supporters.

Into the vacuum this individualism creates in the American politic steps the ‘shadow government’ (corporate board personalities) and their ‘deep state’ minions (bought in bureaucrats.) Never were there so dangerous a world where a ‘super-power’ sees military-industrial profit and related individual power (wealth-greed) supplant a patriotism of personal integrity dedicated to the greater good.

Relevant to this, 2024 will be a momentous year, that is, if the world is to survive the psychopathy of the liberal democracies’ determination to encircle, isolate and dismantle Russia. Rome had its’ Nero, ‘modern’ Russia had its’ Gorbachev, who lost his grip, and its’ Yeltsen, who surrendered his sobriety prior to Russia manifesting a man who has raised Russia from the coming ashes of almost certain ruin. What is to insure a post-Putin political consolidation of Russia will see this nation placed in competent hands? Certain able men serve the interests of Russia in the present moment but none of them are immortal. One dissolute ruler can undo the work of ten titans preceding, so one might hope Russians look to the psychology of Siberia as in Russia’s best interest, sans liberal delusions of individualism and return of the oligarch.


When compared to the top-down Western hierarchy of Europe, and its’ many iterations of violent, internal and inter-national (within Europe) upheavals, the radically decentralized, ancient tribal matriarchy with millennia of stability, does at first glance look to be the superior model. But then, one is reminded the decentralized system stood no chance when confronted with Europe and its’ hierarchical or concentrated power in pursuit of wealth that is become capitalism. How could one encounter the concentrated power (wealth) of a top-down hierarchy and not experience a perfect slaughter of the decentralized authority? Is there a middle way?

Simplified, why the decentralized or tribal model sustained for millennia worked like this: there was no opportunity for abuse of power because the leadership was immediately accountable to the community at the local level. This system was ‘federalized’ in a sense where the communities each sent a single elected representative as a ‘spokes person’ with no power other than to express his community’s view to a gathering of like representatives who elected a greater ‘spokes person’ with no power other than to express a consensus view, where the communities would meet to determine future direction. This system was founded on immutable law that laid down a constraint preventing any deviation from the common good, down to the nuclear family level, without exception. In other words, if it were true the law recognized the common good as inviolable across the spectrum of the allied communities, the law also necessarily recognized no one community’s best interest could be singled out as expendable to the benefit of the other communities. For this system to function, communities must have real power over the totality of their environment at the local level. This system would be altogether incompatible with hierarchical structure imposed from the exterior. The fatal element concerning this decentralized structure in the present day is, if the local community were so empowered to protect its values at every level, and those values were inclusive of minimal social and environmental impacts for purpose of maintaining traditional lifestyles, the local communities would have not only a power to block certain national development initiatives, a corporate model of sustained development becomes nonviable.


History points to top-down hierarchy as subject to collapse. Native America experimented with this form of hierarchy, and if we are to correctly consider the oral histories, these hierarchies were imports from elsewhere (prior to Columbus) as well noted in some instance by European historians, example given:

“I saw in this land an Indian woman and a child who would not stand out among white blonds. These people [of the upper class] say that they were the children of the gods” – Pedro Pizarro, chronicler of the Spanish conquest of Peru

The Toltec collapsed prior to the Aztec and the Maya collapsed prior to the Spaniards, Cahokia collapsed prior to the arrival of the English and no doubt the Aztec, Inca and Maya (2nd iteration) would have collapsed as well, as opposed to being conquered, had they been left to their devices. The rise and fall of hierarchies related to Europe, with its many internecine wars, are too many to bother with counting. Asia and its classic cultures, as well, has its numerous examples of rise & fall and meanwhile, the Blackfeet tribal culture and others, based on the decentralized model shortly described in the preceding, had remained stable for millennia.

Top-down hierarchy, by its nature, depends on exploitation of humankind in its’ environment. If the term ‘capitalize’ (take advantage of) is self-descriptive in every respect, the associated deceit of ‘democracy’ notwithstanding, by contrast it would be of superficial consequence if the Marxist model claimed emancipation for the ‘workers’, the workers ended up working for someone other than themselves and in practice this meant the Central Committee, Politburo and Secretariat in what amounted to a top-down hierarchy, no matter any pretense of power derived from the ‘base’ of the pyramid. Relevant to the preceding, whether the capital model or the Marxist model, the economic development necessary to ‘progress’ has proved environmentally destructive, inclusive of the human social environment. In this regard it should be noted the necessary underpinning of progress that is ‘sustained development‘ of natural resources, is based precisely on a principle of cancer. Where do you see this proposed fact amending policy? Would a healthy policy ‘manage’ its cancer (state of denial) or work to remove its’ cause?

It follows, a culture practicing ‘plausible deniability’ should be examined as suffering from a virus, an underlying principle or driver of a sickness in the Western, modern, or European (readers choice) human spiritual state. This diagnosis is as easy as the simple and very black & white observation where a culture incompatible with its pretensions should assert liberal democracy is egalitarian. There is nothing egalitarian whatsoever in a scheme consolidating corporate-fascist control where feeding weapons into conflict increases a geographic theater’s social alienation. This in turn increases the violence level which demands more armaments applied to suppression of the increased level of violence, an oxymoron in actuality; and all of this vicious cycle is then billed to the consequent financially drowning common citizen-taxpayer while the liberal democracies’ stockholder-oligarchs are fed obscene amounts of money. The only egalitarian opportunity within this plausibly deniable scheme as applies to the liberal democracies’ ‘war on terror’ is the opportunity to sell one’s soul; as detailed in a rather ‘Calvinist’ (sociopathic) American folk-monograph: ‘The Devil and Daniel Webster.‘

Plausible denial must be as old as vertical hierarchy and related civilizations. Insofar as the ‘cradle of civilization’ responsible for birthing the modern liberal democracies or, alternatively stated, a culture incompatible with its pretensions of egalitarianism, one need look no farther than the English philosophers.

Thomas Hobbes contribution to Western philosophy is a typical self-imploding set of contradictions, in an era where Gutenberg had practically made it possible for anyone literate to become a blogger of that era. Hobbes, finding himself at loose ends, decided he would become a Western philosopher (‘confidence man’ would be the better description.) The recipe is simple in the Western European tradition; fill a 900 liter bag with verbiage-verbosity like Bernard-Henry Lévy, engineered as to incredibly complicate a subject, à la James Joyce, and discover result in generations of philosophical progeny spending endless semesters wrestling a ‘Leviathan‘, whilst attempting sense of nonsense.

Distilled from Hobbes’ inordinately complex, presumed order of things, his points may be summed up so: In our natural state or in raw ‘nature’, mankind is an inestimable beast prone to every savage act where:

“the life of man [is] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”

And in the same moment, without Man’s ‘natural’ understanding, God’s inspirations cannot be known:

“we shouldn’t renounce our senses and experience, or our natural reason, which is the undoubted word of God”

Do you suppose Hobbes actually meant to insinuate understanding derived from a ‘naturally endowed’ beastly nature inspires one to deeper knowledge of God’s message? Is he acknowledging ‘God’s image, man’ is naturally possessed of the violence we have seen Englishmen visit upon every culture deemed inferior to their own? Certainly not. If Hobbes were of a proclivity to be honest, he wouldn’t have to bury the contradictions of his culture in a massive circumlocution that can serve no other purpose than to conceal the facts. What we are actually looking at is, the phenomena of Western philosophers burying their culture’s contradictions in immense complications, so those contradictions never need be faced. Hobbes is a master of this common (but patently dishonest) philosophical fraud. And then, we have John Locke.

The similar problem with John Locke’s “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” is, his philosophy demands all men are born a completely blank slate upon which everything is drawn subsequently. In effect, there is no innate understanding bestowed on man in which case there can be no innate spirit. If that were true, then his holding…

“The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men. It has God for its author; salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter. It is all pure”

…demands the awareness of omnipresent “God”, who ‘created man in his image,‘ drew a portrait of self based in a perfect human ignorance. Again we find a fundamental contradiction buried in dishonest method employing circumlocution. Similar contradictions (culturally self-excusing form of denial) may be found in either the works or lives of Francis Bacon, David Hume, Jeremy Bentham and more recently, Richard Dawkins:

“Plants cannot think, and you’d have to be pretty eccentric to believe they can suffer. Plausibly the same might be true of earthworms” -Richard Dawkins

In fact earthworms writhe mightily in pain, while being skewered the length of their bodies on a fish-hook, where technique requires the shank of the hook must be entirely concealed in the worm’s living flesh. And plants can’t think? Plants & trees remain Platonic ‘objects’ for purposes of Dawkin’s scientific atheism and yet are known to communicate  by land and by air. But for reluctance to look, where Dawkins plausible denial could be confronted, is in the modern lab:

“The [Cartesian-Platonic] doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment” -theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat

What Russia is confronted with in its relations with the Anglo-Saxon world, and the related liberal democracies, or for that matter in a larger sense, the culture of Europe, is a denial mechanism.


One cannot pretend to know how the Siberian cultures affected and/or modified the Russian mentality if one were not Russian and have no sense of the historical context of that experience from within the Russian community. On the other hand, this naivete also might be useful, sans Russian cultural bias, particularly were the Siberian cultures to have some very fundamental similarities to the Native American, and this would appear to be the case as detailed by Karl Schlesier in his “The Wolves of Heaven.” There is no pretense made the cultural critique herein [the present essay] would come from any but the tribal side; however any criticism must be oblique as there is no presumption to go direct to the Siberian tribes’ Russian experience.

That said, if, as expected, the Russian ability to self-sacrifice and rise above the Western or European individualism is due to Siberian (or other tribal) cultural influence, there should be other Siberian (or other tribal) cultural markers as well. One of those markers should be an impelled intention to state the facts in no uncertain terms per the American folk proverb ‘say what you mean and mean what you say.’ Now, comes the relevant anecdote that might surprise (or discover denial in) many more Americans than Russians:

It was in America from its earliest days, but with increasing frequency post trans-Appalachian migrations or from 1830s and onset of Manifest Destiny, through the 1880s or end of the Indian Wars, tens of thousands of mixed marriages occurred between White European males and tribal women during the American expansion west. This marks the period of not only Manifest Destiny with its many wagon trains west, but also the ‘mountain men’ (fur trade), gold rush (California, Montana), Civil War (many thousands of Army deserters fled west, Mark Twain is perhaps the most famous of these), aftermath of Civil War (dislocated populace due to devastation of the South and lost livelihoods), where many single males took aboriginal wives during an era which had seen enhanced mortality of aboriginal males throughout (Indian wars.) The majority of offspring from these marriages were absorbed into what became the predominantly White Western states population. The result of this had been quite unexpected; the children of what amounted to robbers, with great disdain for the rights of the aboriginal people they had abused, became the precursor of conservative, highly principled men of the Western territories where one’s word was one’s sacred bond, or men who ‘say what they mean and mean what they say.’ How did this happen? The aboriginal women raised these children in the only way they knew how: to become ethical titans. Within a subsequent generation, again and again, a class of men sprang up whose handshake on any oral agreement was an inviolable contract.

The tribal peoples very survival had, over millennia, demanded accurate reporting, placing a high value on truth and this value passed, via the aboriginal women, into the Western territories new populace. The pity is, this social value never became a prerequisite to wield power in the American political experiment, rather having remained localized and ultimately become overwhelmed by the corrupt nature (or as the case may be, reactionary forces, such as the religious right) of liberal democracy per se.

It is true it would be a speculation from the North American indigenous perspective, as to whether the present day Russia, finding itself somewhat freed from its’ Euro-centric political past, were to discover its’ source of impatience with the liberal democracies pervasive lying (a denial mechanism) stems from the Siberian cultural influence. However if this were indeed the case, it should surprise no one familiar with certain tribal cultures.


Ostensible Siberian (or other tribal) cultural influences aside, the relevant question would be to what extent the self-deceit of Europe DOES hold the Russian mentality in its grip. If this small inquiry had begun with insistence exploring the subject matter must necessarily be in some sense shallow, let us conclude, if only for a moment, what must be shallow is a means to intelligent end; a tribal bias circumventing the European philosophers’ propensity to bury the contradictions of European culture in circumlocution.

To begin, let us examine what would seem patent nonsense on its’ face: the thought ‘without the chainsaw, there could be no advanced space exploration.’ But suddenly this absurd proposal might seem less far-fetched, were one to consider the idea in a sightly refined form; 1) chainsaws are typically employed to strip valleys slated to be filled with the water of hydroelectric projects 2) in turn feeding the electric grid supplying the immense power requirement of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) which 3) provides necessary understanding to design advanced probes capable of long term survival in space.

Now, we can extrapolate from this immediate preceding and consider it is not only the altered environment from hydroelectric but also gas, coal and nuclear, with all of its’ environmental cost, makes powering the Large Hadron Collider possible. Meanwhile, the chainsaw not only fells the Amazon and the forests of Indonesia, but also encroaches in Siberia, while feeding a principle, that is sustained development, a principle of cancer, that has made development of civilization possible to point of exploring space. It follows, the tribal understanding’s challenge to the honest Russian physicist would be to give us the mathematical equation providing the sustained development related ratio of damage to our environment to the ratio of achieved advancement in knowledge necessary to explore space. God did not provide us with wings, let alone propulsion rockets integrated to space suits, maybe the intention was to keep our feet on the ground.


Whether for 14,000 years or 40,000 or more years, a concept similar to intelligent design, which Richard Dawkins rejects as matter of fact, preexisted the European top down hierarchy through which Dawkin’s science descends. We don’t know if this idea were borrowed by, or influenced, the Deists of the Enlightenment who also were essentially believers in Intelligent Design recalling Thomas Paine…

“The wonderful structure of the universe, and everything we behold in the system of the creation, prove to us, far better than books can do, the existence of a God, and at the same time proclaim His attributes. It is by the exercise of our reason that we are enabled to contemplate God in His works, and imitate Him in His ways”

…but we can know it is the study of quantum mechanics moved one of its’ primary researchers to the same:

“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore. To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance” -theoretical physicist Michio Kaku

Recalling theoretical physicist Bernard d’Espagnat stating…

“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment”

…consider these preceding and then have a look at how it is Native American tribal people were thinking:

“In 1918 Christian missionary A. McG. Beede took Yale graduate Harry Boise to the Standing Rock Sioux and Turtle Mountain Chippewa reservations on separate occasions, where Boise explained scientific ideas to tribal leaders. Beede wrote in his report that both groups immediately understood the concepts without difficulty, saying: “There is no difficulty in leading an old Teton Sioux Indian to understand the ‘scientific attitude’ that the processes that give rise to phenomena may be more and more known by man and may be, to some extent, controlled by man, and that in this way the forces of nature may become a mainspring of progress in the individual and in the human race. The idea of atoms and electrons is easy and pleasing to an old Indian, and he grasps the idea of chemistry.” -Vine Deloria, Evolution, Creationism, and Other Modern Myths

The two tribal groups spokesmen replied to Harry Boise, following discussion among themselves:

”The ’scientific view’ is inadequate to explain … how man is to find and know a road along which he wishes and chooses to make this said progress, unless Manitoo by his spirit, guides the mind of man, keeping human beings just and generous and hospitable”  -Rising Sun, Chippewa

“The knowledge and use of any or all the powers of the objects on Earth around us, is as liable to lead a man wrong as to lead him right, because it is merely power, with no way of knowing how to use it correctly- except that spirit is with a man’s spirit for the light” -Red Tomahawk, Sioux

When Rising Sun says ‘Manitou by his spirit’ (guides the mind of man) he is speaking of collective creation, our very surroundings are intelligent design integrated to nature, or one might say omnipresent god. When Red Tomahawk says ‘spirit is with a man’s spirit’ (for the light), he is saying the same thing, both these men, at the end of their cultures’ many millennia era of knowledge, are looking at what d’Espangnat stumbles upon nearly 100 years later; recognizing an innate consciousness embodied in our surroundings plays in everything we can experience.

Moreover, Red Tomahawk is discriminating between a sole, intimate knowledge of any single object’s raw power, and an understanding of the larger purpose concerning the nature of that very object, recognizing these are distinct things. His understanding (different to the European concept) opens to the possibility of allowing for the trees (recalling trees communicate by land and by air), stones, or for that matter, everything surrounding us, to possess consciousness and to ‘know’ purpose exterior to the European self-centered or ‘individual’ cultural shaping and resultant handicapped perception. And it is only when this larger door of understanding is opened, we can know how to listen, know the ‘timing’ (the knowledge of creation as synchronized, to grasp nature as a living clock), and to ‘see’ our way through the multiple dimensions of reality; as the nearly extinct Native thought embodied in now past Native American elders so often attempted to point out to us, when stating ‘it’s all related.’ In retrospect, who are the primitives? The tribal people? Or the people who, if they were to work out honest equation, must discover their ‘advancement’ & ‘progress’ via method of sustained development exploiting, desecrating one could say, the omnipresence of what amounts to the living god expressing us through creation, must point to our ceasing to exist and nullify awareness? Jesus admonished “Know you not you are gods?” What sort of gods should we propose to be? Those who put creation to death through the arrogance of the individual ego? That would be the effect of sustained development, globalism and the international oligarchs’ cancer on the very expression sustaining us.

Summed up from the ancient tribal view, when incorporating the modern understanding, our existence is Macro-Gaia (in the big picture) or all is [inter] related, from sub-atomic particle to planetary structures, with an element of Vitalism (the ‘great mystery’), taken together presenting as quasi or mimic intelligent design. The intelligent design would be ‘quasi or mimic’ because the tribal take on this aspect would be better described as ‘intelligent expression’, ‘design’ implies an egoic projection or attribution, whereas ‘expression’ should not. This thought goes to the ancient tribal persona of humility: There are some things one simply cannot know. This is why (in the tribal view) we cannot know ‘god’ except as a projection where man has created god in man’s image. The mystery of our existence cannot see god individuated except in a sense of arrogant projection of individual self, the ultimate self-deception. Our creation and inseparable god is named a “mystery” for the very fact of its’ indecipherable nature; and when this is accepted, by a community in its entirety, the mystery opens at several levels but always with a caveat: no-one can know absolutes; as ‘reality’ is an elastic thing with frequently shifting parameters and any related ‘truths’ are often of fleeting relevance. Absolutes, something the European monotheists crave, are counter to flexible adjustments necessary to navigating reality, example given, Indo-European ‘civilization’ and its’ hierarchal relatives have a habit of rising and falling; wherein this Western civilized perception ‘truths’ become absolutes, leading to a brittle construction when the elasticity of reality shifts away from any particular society’s foundation in the Indo-European family of nations. Brittle constructions imply impending collapse as the given society’s parameter of ‘perceived reality’, which is actually a state of inter-generational perception in stasis, becomes farther and farther removed from the shifting nature of reality in actuality.

I somehow doubt the major Indo-European family’s enlightened figures, whether in the historical order of Krishna, Buddha, (or the adopted) Jesus and Mohammed, made any pretense to embody the entirety of the Great Mystery of our existence but it didn’t matter, lesser men were certain to falsely confer this upon them; insuring lesser ideas became fixtures of those respective cultures. The many cases of rise & fall throughout history are example of the hierarchies stasis of thinking or inter-generational inflexibility of thought pointing to repeat of collapse. There is likely no greater coming probability of collapse than that of present day Europe and its’ foundation in the objectivity of Plato.

Finally, this ‘outside looking in’ analysis from the tribal side holds the focus on the individual sets the collective adrift, there is no anchor to prevent a collective suicide where archetypal myth determines Europe create its’ collective fate altogether independently of its’ leaders; when events take on involuntary volition powered by a ‘super-conscious’ intelligence that is organized, functions as though it were managed by individuals (even when it is not) and the result is, we can read into today’s events as though they were managed in a sense they actually are not. If this were the case, the idea the West’s leaders could correct course is impotent. This collective ‘meme’ can explain what is called in the biblical sense ‘principalities of darkness’ or that is to say a ‘spirit of evil’ progressing in a sense of superstition yet effectively implementing reality. Thusly Western culture creates reality independent of the individual’s aware thought, despite appearance this is certainly by design, when design is not actually the case. Such would explain a belief in Illuminati when in fact it did not exist in any factual ego-aware or organized form but nevertheless manifest as an observable phenomena of symptoms or consequence derived from a collective super-conscious phenomenon. A conclusion could be the European mentality has created paradox of a seeming unconscious yet ‘super aware’ phenomenon of evil as its’ cultural driver. The natural progression to end result would be, when a large portion of an aggressive society collectively believes in an Armageddon archetype, all of the necessary players will naturally manifest in a super-conscious organized format empowered to bring it off, where no one individual or group of individuals or players could effect this by individual or personal volition; nevertheless the super-consciousness of the event’s initiating group insures creation of this reality for the collective whole. A case of Shiva causing Europe to fall on its’ sword?

There is a remarkable convergence in the apocalyptic ‘good versus evil’ fables driving our world’s several fundamentalist religions’ reality. If a futuristic cosmology of destruction is the effective driver of what appears to be pointed to inevitable catastrophic outcome, better to change fables should be a rational conclusion. Or alternatively, turn to ancient tribal intelligence for inspiration. A society founded on a redevelopment of North America-Siberia tribal principles and related ethics should prevent Man’s technical applications aspiring to exercise the authority of God.


If one can be convinced, cultural bias notwithstanding, radical decentralization with total community control over environment, social and physical, is the only road out of today’s geopolitical madness and environmental train wreck; with a strict model of community self-sufficiency demanding high degree of care for the natural environment of the world we live in, one should not be so naive to expect this should happen overnight. One only need recall what happened to the said tribal cultures in North America when faced with top-down hierarchy and the thoughtless, multiple aggressions of Europe. The history of Manifest Destiny and its European predecessor (and contemporary), that is colonialism (and present day corporate neocolonialism), should caution not only the tribal people, but also Russia and much of today’s world. Empire covets the untapped, raw natural resources of Siberia, and Russia herself, if she fully commits to the European path (never forget what went on while Yeltsen was drunk!) will cease to be a reservoir of possibilities for future sanity. In this regard, one should not envy President Putin, even had the internal circumstance he inherited been sane; never yet has Europe learned from its’ mistakes, but only compounds them, and it cannot be denied Russia is also Europe. Let’s hope Russia’s most remarkable minds step up to not only support consolidating a future Russia pointed to its’ best interests but also fearlessly support new direction open to possibility of discarding the European ego’s (whether individual or collective) most damnable traits.

How Europe came about was the fusion of Plato’s misogyny (denigration of female intelligence principles) with the Judeo-Christian archetype myth ‘The Fall.’ It would not matter whether you were an astro-physicist with an IQ of 170, all are subject to the reality-perception limitations created by European cultural shaping, from infancy, of this artificial, internal conflict of intelligence or conflicting light-dark duality. This unnatural duality (split) is reflected in the personalities of those high IQs in science who can see no oxymoron in the fact of any proposed ‘saved by science future’ is relying on the culture and mentality producing the technologies destroying us, to save us. Grasping this oxymoron of conflicted spirit is key to surviving the trap the Western mentality had set for itself. As Einstein had noted, our “Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them”


A former Special Forces Sergeant of Operations and Intelligence, Ronald Thomas West is a retired investigator (living in exile) whose work focus had been anti-corruption. Ronald is published in International Law as a layman (The Mueller-Wilson Report, co-authored with Dr Mark D Cole) and has been adjunct professor of American Constitutional Law at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (for English credit, summer semester 2008.) Ronald’s Western educational background (no degree) is social psychology. Ronald spent over thirty years of his life in close association with (often integrated to) the Blackfeet Indians (those who still spoke their language) of Montana.


Life in Indian Country

Collected stories, folklore and anecdotes concerning my many years life with Blackfeet Indians and traversing Native American territories –

Copyright © 2018 by Ronald Thomas West. For profit & mass paper media redistribution prohibited.

August 2019 El Paso update HERE

For those unfamiliar with ‘GLADIO’, this is the name assigned a known history of western democracies intelligence agencies unleashing terror on their own citizens for purpose of influencing or manipulating public opinion to the advantage (historically-typically) of the right wing in politics. In the history developed since GLADIO first spilled into the open in Europe in 1990, we see the Central Intelligence Agency was central to setting up the original cells. Although exposed for mass murders falsely blamed on left wing political movements, the initial GLADIO actors were never prosecuted and the apparatus behind GLADIO never shut down. There is a video documentary of GLADIO  (NATO’s secret armies) farther down this page, followed by more print information. Meanwhile, presented here are the holes in the stories of several USA mass shootings, raising the specter of ongoing GLADIO operations –

Most recent update 10 October 2017:

Gunshot victim testimony of what went on from inside the venue matches the previous analysis of multiple shooters:

Las Vegas, gunfire from at least two automatic weapons, analysis:

2nd, 19 second recording, clearly two automatic weapons:

All for the ‘fact’ of a lone shooter who must simultaneously work two automatic weapons like Rambo (and then conveniently commit suicide.) BUT, What I clearly hear is two separate calibers, two rates of fire, the heavier caliber a lower rate of fire at distance but steady, indicating it is belt fed. The lighter caliber with higher rate of fire is much closer and in bursts. It’s been 45 years but you never forget the nature of the noise, in fact you need to learn to accurately interpret the noise because it can give you critical information in a fluid combat circumstance. These are 2 separate weapons without question, employed from distinct locations.

Then, the Las Vegas Sheriff (going ‘off script’, read on) says the shooter had to have had help, at least in pulling the act together (setting it up)

If you follow the Sheriff over the entire (longer, following) interview, what becomes clear is, in his own words, the ‘facts’ he reports are coming from the FBI. Is the FBI corrupt? Oh yes. So, when we hear two automatic weapons discharging from separate locations, you have to look for openings in the ‘lone shooter’ story the FBI is feeding us.

Interesting ‘facts’ are 1) the ‘hero’ security guard is sent packing before the room is breached by the police team. Is this sanitizing witnesses? The other interesting fact is, the Sheriff states there was a second team hauled a large, heavy bag of weapons to the location in the midst of the operation. Is this opportunity to swap out weapons used? Did large quantities of ammo and, spent brass with associated weapons come up to the room and, a belt fed machine gun and associated ammo and spent brass & belt links go back down in that bag? 3) It has been reported there was a full hour passed after the shooting had stopped, with police on location, before the police forced their way into the ‘shooters’ room. This, coupled with ‘the adjacent room’ (adjoining suite) spoken of by the Sheriff, provides plausible separate entry and exit, with ample time to swap out the evidence.

Also, the Sheriff’s investigators don’t have access to the ‘shooters’ girlfriend, all this information will be fed via the FBI who appear have total control over all information.

An interesting aside, the ‘gentlemen’ (includes FBI ‘investigative’ leader) standing behind the Sheriff like minders, while giving very close attention to every reporter and every question asked, pass a note from one to the other at minute 32:17. What couldn’t wait to be known at that moment? These two guys seemed more interested in the reporting than the crime.

The full interview:

Prior ‘gladio’ updates:

Updated 23 July 2016:

GLADIO returns to Munich: “A Munich police spokesman says witnesses have reported seeing three shooters with “long guns” who attacked a McDonald’s in a city mall”

Munich_3_Shooters.jpg - 1

Three gunmen then magically morph into a single shooter who commits suicide: “A teenage German-Iranian gunman who killed nine people in a shooting spree at a busy Munich shopping centre and then committed suicide had likely acted alone, German police said Saturday”

Munich_3_Shooters_(2).jpg - 1

This preceding would appear to be the more recent USA GLADIO model re-exported to Europe; recalling there has never been a satisfactory explanation for how a recently sold in the USA military grade assault rifle was reported to be employed in the Paris Bataclan massacre: “Milojko Brzakovic of the Zastava arms factory told The Associated Press that the M92 semi-automatic pistol’s serial number matched one his company delivered to an American online arms dealer in May 2013. It was not clear how the gun got back to Europe”

As well at the Bataclan, a member of the band stating: “When I first got to the venue and walked in, I walked past the dude who was supposed to be the security guard for the backstage. I immediately went to the promoter and said: ‘Who’s that guy? I want to put another dude on. Eventually I found out that six or so [band security detail] wouldn’t show up at all.”

Moving on to the USA and the recent killing of police in Dallas, immediately, it is apparent the reporting is problematic; with initial reports of multiple snipers firing from elevated positions, which would be consistent with an initial high rate of police casualties. Most of the police appear to have been gunned down in the first minutes. It was also reported the fire (from multiple snipers) was “triangulated” or a professionally set up, coordinated ambush. Former CIA officer & clandestine service Afghanistan veteran William Hurd stated: “When gunfire started exchanging, you had folks in cross positions that were moving towards the target,” the Texas Republican told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” program. “Usually, most folks that have never been in that situation are going the opposite direction. The level of coordination, there seemed to be some type of triangulation”

This information is also stated by the Dallas Chief of Police: “We believe these suspects were positioning themselves in a way to try to triangulate against officers,” Brown said”

But within 48 hours the narrative had dramatically changed; it is now a ‘lone gunman’ whom the police took care to blow up with a robot after they had him cornered (never-mind they’d initially reported he’d shot himself.) Question: Why, after cornering the suspect, instead of holding out for a negotiated surrender and possible critically important intelligence gains, would they take him out with an explosive device?  How could  the professional police of Dallas, many of them military veterans qualified  to make an accurate first assessment, get it all so wrong as to have to change the entire story?

At San Bernardino; three shooters, tall with athletic build: eye witness account. Of course we all are subsequently informed this was a (conveniently dead) lone gunman…


Orlando nightclub shooting; eyewitnesses claim more than one shooter and accomplices preventing escapes, blocking exit doors from the outside, while shooting went on. Of course this morphed into a single, dead shooter…

Orlando eyewitnesses part 1:

Orlando eyewitnesses part 2:


The Navy Yard shootings generated initial reports of multiple gunmen at more than one location, but ultimately a single lone gunman is dead at the scene. But this one gets a little stickier; a swat team on location was ordered not to intervene and leave scene of the ongoing shooting: “A tactical response team from the force was told by a supervisor to leave the scene instead of aiding municipal officers, police sources told the BBC”

BBC_Navy_Yard_SWAT.jpg - 1

Aurora: The evidence covered up by law enforcement and the court in the ‘Batman’ theater shooting is nothing short of overwhelming. Video of close eyewitness accounts (<preceding link is expanded witness accounts) clearly detail the shooter(s) had inside help and this evidence is suppressed:

The only difference between the old domestic Gladio which had been western intelligence agencies engineering terror and the current version of domestic Gladio (Gladio B) is the label put on the enemies supposedly responsible; today’s boogeyman is radical Islam whereas previous to the fall of the Soviet Union the terror boogeyman was communism. A fifty minutes documentary of social engineering via GLADIO terror cells employed by intelligence agencies in Europe is a good place to start:

A postscript observation would be concerning historian Daniele Ganser’s otherwise excellent conclusions in his 2004 book NATO’s Secret Armies:

‘Prudent Precaution or source of Terror?’ the international press pointedly asked when the secret stay-behind armies of NATO were discovered across Western Europe following the Gladio revelations in Italy in late 1990.

After more than ten years of research and investigation the answer is now clear: Both. The secret stay-behind armies of NATO were a prudent precaution, as the available documents and testimonies amply demonstrate. Based on the experiences of the Second World War and the rapid and traumatic occupation of most European countries by the German and Italian forces, military experts feared the Soviet Union and became convinced that a stay-behind army could be of strategic value when it came to the liberation of the occupied territory. Behind enemy lines the secret army could have strengthened the resistance spirit of the population, helped in the running of an organised and armed national resistance, sabotaged and harassed the occupying forces, exfiltrated shot down pilots, and gathered intelligence for the government in exile.

Based on the fear of a potential invasion after the Second World War highly placed officials in the national European governments, in the European military secret services, in NATO as well as in the CIA and the MI6 therefore decided that a secret resistance network had to be set up already during peacetime. On a lower level in the hierarchy citizens and military officers in numerous countries of Western Europe shared this assessment, joined the conspiracy and secretly trained for the emergency. These preparations were not limited to the 16 NATO member countries, but included also the four neutral countries in Western Europe, namely Austria, Finland, Sweden and Switzerland, on which the author is preparing a second publication. In retrospect it has become obvious that the fear was without reason and the training had been futile for the invasion of the Red Army never came. Yet such a certainty was not available at the time. And it is telling that the cover of the network, despite repeated exposures in many countries during the entire Cold War, was only blown completely at exactly the same moment when the Cold War ended and the Soviet Union collapsed. The secret stay-behind armies of NATO, however, were also a source of terror, as the evidence available now shows. It has been this second feature of the secret war that has attracted a lot of attention and criticism in the last decade, and which in the future will need more investigation and research. As of now the evidence indicates that the governments of the United States and Great Britain after the end of the Second World War feared not only a Soviet invasion, but also the Communist Parties, and to a lesser degree the Socialist Parties. The White House and Downing Street feared that in several countries of Western Europe, and above all in Italy, France, Belgium, Finland and Greece, the Communists might reach positions of influence in the executive and destroy the military alliance NATO from within by betraying military secrets to the Soviet Union. It was in this sense that the Pentagon in Washington together with the CIA, MI6 and NATO in a secret war set up and operated the stay-behind armies as an instrument to manipulate and control the democracies of Western Europe from within, unknown to both European populations and parliaments. This strategy lead to terror and fear, as well as to “humiliation and maltreatment of democratic institutions’, as the European press correctly criticised.

Experts of the Cold War will note that Operation Gladio and NATO’s stay-behind armies cast a new light on the question of sovereignty in Western Europe. It is now clear that as the Cold War divided Europe, brutality and terror was employed to control populations on both sides of the Iron Curtain. As far as Eastern Europe is concerned, this fact has long been recognised, long before it had been openly declared. After the Red Army had in 1968 mercilessly crushed the social reforms in Prag, Soviet leader Leonid Breschnew in Moscow with his infamous ‘Breschnew doctrine’ had openly declared that the countries of Eastern Europe were only allowed to enjoy ‘limited sovereignty’. As far as Western Europe is concerned the conviction of being sovereign and independent was shattered more recently. The data from Operation Gladio and NATO’s stay-behind armies indicates a more subtle and hidden strategy to manipulate and limit the sovereignty, with great differences from country to country. Yet a limitation of sovereignty it was. And in each case where the stay-behind network in the absence of a Soviet invasion functioned as a straightjacket for the democracies of Western Europe, Operation Gladio was the Breschnew doctrine of Washington. The strategic rationale to protect NATO from within cannot be brushed aside lightly. But the manipulation of the democracies of Western Europe by Washington and London on a level which many in the European Union still today find difficult to believe clearly violated the rule of law and will require further debate and investigation. In some operations the secret stay-behind soldiers together with the secret military services monitored and filed left-wing politicians and spread anti-Communist propaganda. In more violent operations the secret war led to bloodshed. Tragically the secret warriors linked up with right-wing terrorists, a combination that led – in some countries including at least Belgium, Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Turkey – to massacres, torture, coup d’etats and other violent acts. Most of these state-sponsored terrorist operations, as the subsequent cover-ups and fake trials suggest, enjoyed the encouragement and protection of selected highly placed governmental and military officials in Europe and in the United States. Members of the security apparatus and the government on both sides of the Atlantic who themselves despise being linked up with right-wing terrorism must in the future bring more clarity nd understanding into these tragic dimensions of the secret Cold War in Western Europe.

If Cold War experts will derive new data from NATO’s stay-behind network for their discourse on limited sovereignty during the Cold War, then international legal experts and analysts of dysfunctions of democracies will find data on the breakdown of checks and balances within each nation. The Gladio data indicates that the legislative was unable to control the more hidden branches of the executive, and that parliamentary control of secret services is often non-existing or dysfunctional in democracies on both sides of the Atlantic. Totalitarian states have long been known to have operated a great variety of largely uncontrolled and unaccountable secret services and secret armies. Yet to discover such serious dysfunctions also in numerous democracies comes as a great surprise, to say the least. Within this debate of checks and balances military officials have been correct to point out after the discovery of Operation Gladio and NATO’s stay-behind network that there can never be such a thing as a ‘transparent stay-behind army’, for such a network would be exposed immediately in case of invasion and its members would be killed by the invasion force. Parliamentarians and constitutional lawyers meanwhile have been equally correct to emphasise that both the armed forces and the secret services of a democracy must at all times be transparent, accountable, controlled and supervised closely by civilian representatives of the people as they represent the most powerful instruments of the state.

This clash between mandatory secrecy and mandatory transparency, which lies at the heart of the Gladio phenomenon, directly points to the more general question of how much secrecy should be granted to the executive branch of a democracy. Judged from the Gladio evidence, where a lack of transparency and accountability has lead to corruption, abuse and terror, the answer is clear: The executive should be granted no secrecy and should at all times be controlled by the legislative. For a secret government, as it manifested itself in the United States and parts of Western Europe, can lead to abuse and even state terrorism. The growth of Intelligence abuses reflects a more general failure of our basic institutions’, US Senator Frank Church had wisely noted after a detailed investigation of CIA covert operations already in the 1970s. Gladio repeats this warning with a vengance.

It can hardly be overemphasised that running a secret army and funding an unaccountable intelligence service entails grave risks every democracy should seek to avoid. For the risks do not only include uncontrolled violence against groups of citizens, but mass manipulation of entire countries or continents. Among the most far-reaching findings on the secret war, as seen in the analysis, ranges the fact that the stay-behind network had served as a tool to spread fear amongst the population also in the absence of an invasion. The secret armies in some cases functioned as an almost perfect manipulation system that transported the fears of high-ranking military officers in the Pentagon and NATO to the populations in Western Europe. European citizens, as the strategists in the Pentagon saw it, due to their limited vision were unable to perceive the real and present danger of Communism, and therefore they had to be manipulated. By killing innocent citizens on market squares or in supermarkets and blaming the crime on the Communists the secret armies together with convinced right-wing terrorists effectively translated the fears of Pentagon strategists into very real fears of European citizens.

The destructive spiral of manipulation, fear and violence did not end with the fall of the Soviet Union and the discovery of the secret armies in 1990, but on the contrary gained momentum. Ever since the vicious terrorist attacks on the population of the United States on September 11, 2001 and the beginning of the ‘War on Terrorism’ fear and violence dominate not only the headlines across the globe but also the consciousness of millions. In the West the ‘evil Communist’ of the Cold War era has swiftly been replaced with the ‘evil Islamist’ of the war on terrorism era. With almost 3,000 civilians killed on September 11, and several thousands killed in the US-led war on terrorism so far with no end in sight, a new level of brutality has been reached.

Such an environment of fear, as the Gladio evidence shows, is ideally suited to manipulate the masses on both sides into more radical positions. Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaida terror network manipulated millions of Muslims, above all young male adults, to take up a radical position and believe in violence. On the other side also the White House and the administration of George Bush junior has fuelled the spiral of violence and fear and lead millions of Christians and seculars in the United States and in Europe to believe in the necessity and justice of killing other human beings in order to enhance their own security. Yet human security is not being advanced, but on the contrary decays, as the atmosphere is drenched with manipulation, violence and fear. Where the manipulation and the violence originate from and where they lead to, is at times very difficult to dissect. Hitler and the Nazis had profited greatly from manipulation and the fear in the wake of the mysterious Reichstagsbrand in Berlin in 1933, whereupon the Third Reich and Second World War followed. In 2001 the war on terrorism began, and once again radical critics have argued that the White House had manipulated 9/11, the largest terrorist attack in history, for geostrategic purposes.

As people across the globe share a vague sensation ‘that it cannot go on like that’ many search for an exit strategy from the spiral of violence, fear and manipulation. In Europe a consensus is building that terrorism cannot be defeated by war, as the latter feeds the spiral of violence, and hence the war on terrorism is not part of the solution but part of the problem. Furthermore also more high-tech – from retina scanning to smart containers – seems unable to really protect potential targets from terror attacks. More technology might even increase the challenges ahead when exploited for terrorist purposes and asymmetric warfare, a development observable ever since the invention of dynamite in the nineteenth century. Arguably more technology and more violence will therefore not solve the challenges ahead. A potential exit strategy from the spiral of fear, manipulation and violence might have to focus on the individual human being itself and a change of consciousness. Given its free will the individual can decide to focus on non-violent solutions of given problems and promote a dialogue of understanding and forgiveness in order to reduce extremist positions. The individual can break free from fear and manipulation by consciously concentrating on his or her very own feelings, thoughts, words and actions, and by focusing all of them on peaceful solutions. As more secrecy and more bloodshed are unlikely to solve the problems ahead the new millennium seems a particularly adequate time to begin with such a shift in consciousness which can have positive effects both for the world and for oneself.

Following on his excellent deconstructive analysis of GLADIO, Ganser’s epic fail is in the last paragraph where…

A potential exit strategy from the spiral of fear, manipulation and violence might have to focus on the individual human being itself and a change of consciousness. Given its free will the individual can decide to focus on non-violent solutions of given problems and promote a dialogue of understanding and forgiveness in order to reduce extremist positions. The individual can break free from fear and manipulation by consciously concentrating on his or her very own feelings, thoughts, words and actions, and by focusing all of them on peaceful solutions

…naively presuming the class of psychopaths risen to rule from the shadow will somehow magically correct the organic deficit in their personalities. What’s more and what’s worse is, on top of ‘leopards don’t shed their spots’ or criminals do not voluntarily surrender their business models, utterly missing is the ‘how’ that will be required; to weed out a pervasive criminal ‘deep state’ apparatus rooted in every branch and at every level across western democratic institutions. This septic infection of western democratic institutions has become the world’s largest and most entrenched organized crime family, where military-industrial corporate boards are fused with rogue intelligence agencies and ‘terror’ is essential to their bottom line: PROFIT. The stark reality is, generating terror has become a money making venture of such magnitude, were the symbiotic relationship between deliberately generated terror, and the armaments and related industries that derive immense profits from the same, were interrupted, the western culture’s economic engine would collapse.

Insofar as Genser’s ‘non-violence’ proposal, that is well and good, provided it is not manipulated akin to the Gene Sharp model where Ghandi’s moral and ethical principles had been suborned to amoral utilitarian ends based in ‘color revolutions.’ This evil, and those who’ve perpetrated it, must be put away. As well, Genser’s last paragraph should not be construed to allow the GLADIO criminal elements forgiveness along the lines of a ‘truth and reconciliation’ process, which is inconsistent with accountability and the rule of law. If the criminals were to walk free, the principle of deterence is not only rendered meaningless, recidivism would reinfect every institution.

The cycle of revolution attending the ‘rise and fall’ phenomena of the western civilized hierarchies throughout history demonstrates a failed model. At the end of the day, that required going forward will be more along the lines of a ‘reverse’ Social Darwinism where decentralization is the habit and the rule, and all those aspiring to the rise of hierarchy are speedily and effectively squelched; demanding an entirely new social perspective. The impediments to this are formidable.

Example given, rather than initiate a program to convert eastern Europe’s small farmers to organic production, when expanding, the European Union has forced tens (perhaps hundreds) of thousands of small farmers off the land with required equipment and farm to market ‘upgrades’ these small farmers could not afford or had no access to where the infrastructure did not exist, effectively handing ‘food security’ to multinational conglomerates such as Monsanto and Syngenta. Already a new generation is coming up having lost critical knowledge in community self-sufficiency. There have been few less criminal and anti-democratic acts in the annals of democracy; where the actual facts demand surrender of a community right to self-sufficiency. On the pretext of ‘sanitation’ the EU took away the largest source of clean, community produced foodstuffs and has positioned the likes of Monsanto and Syngenta to replace this vanished community produce with product that, were it labelled honestly, would sport a skull and crossed bones.

Every day that passes with these sort of events left unchecked, reduces the chances of intelligent dismantling of a system gone horrendously wrong; sans violence and escalated social trauma. Everyday that passes under the current criminal class of leadership, those GLADIO false flag actors represented in Obama, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande & company, who either cannot or will not look and act beyond the amorality of ‘Realpolitik’ and move on behalf of people rather than a corporate system which feeds on people, compounds the problem.

Each day of deferred action determines increased gravity in coming, inevitable, social collapse. It is the undeniable repeat history of western civilization. Short of intelligent dismantlement, a radical event in the age of the most lethal weapons the world has ever seen, there almost certainly will be no ‘phoenix’ rise from the western civilization’s ashes, this time. C’est la mort.



Deep State IV NATO & Gladio

Deep State V Economics & counter-insurgency



In any democracy, ethics, self restraint, tolerance and honesty will always take a second seat to narcissism, avarice, bigotry & persecution, if only because people who play by the rules in any democracy are at a disadvantage to those who easily subvert the rules to their own advantage (Ronald’s Maxim)

I can pick out 10 (TEN) generals in this photo of Trump in a meeting at the White House. That’s without being able to determine the military or civilian history of everyone in the room, for the fact of obscured view of some of the participants:

Trump's_Generals - 1

Trump is flanked on his immediate left and right by two generals in civilian clothes, John Kelly and James Mattis (respectively.) Now, someone tell me, why do they need their names propped up in front of each meeting participant? Is it because our military is largely too senile to remember their colleagues names? Is it so Trump has some  idea of who is convincing him ‘we can do it’ in discussion of blowing up North Korea or Iran? Is it to be certain no one ever (EVER) violates their strict male hierarchy worthy of a chimpanzee troupe?

Perhaps it is simply ‘innocuous’ (pardon the oxymoron of combining the ideas of generals & harmless) as a meeting of Trump with his generals and they’re all generals excepting the one who looks like a ‘spook’ to General Kelly’s immediate left and the ‘bouncer’ standing by the door. Then, notice not one woman is seen in the room, not that it’d matter, if there was one, she’d be either ‘eye candy’ or a psychological male diagnosed with ego-priapism, check out Raphael’s Paradox, if only to understand the militarized ‘western world’ is a ‘queer’ place to be.

Related: Knuckle Dragging

Kim Jong Un versus The Generals
‘Knuckle Dragging’

One wonders if Kim Jong Un is posing for James Mattis, as in a mocking pose along the lines of ‘hey, Mattis, look at us knuckle draggers, we’ve just popped a hydrogen bomb, and successfully tested a missile with multiple independent re-entry vehicles, how do you like those bananas’?

Now, why will I pick on Secretary of Defense, General Mattis, and his military cohorts, as opposed to Trump? Well, because of JRR Tolkien, and his character ‘Wormtongue’ whispering lies to the King of Rohan; and the fact the USA is no longer a Republic but a theocratic monarchy along the lines of the biblical kings, with an usurper on the throne.

To kick off our story,  Wormtongue, er, that is James Mattis and his generals, are a very big liars. This is evident in his Pentagon insisting the USA can intercept any nuclear armed  missile ‘rocket boy’ can toss at Guam, Alaska, Hawaii, or for that matter, Chicago. Did Mattis personally say that? No, that line of horseshit, following on the  Pentagon, is more recently coming from the Department of State. But in the USA’s system of jurisprudence, our Department of Defense’s chief philosopher, that is Mattis, is guilty of practicing a ‘lie by omission’ because:

“No, we won’t,” counter military experts to claims by the Pentagon that the US may launch and intercept any missiles launched by the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK).

“The United States will have a hard time trying to shoot down DPRK nuclear missiles, a point of view shared by Joe Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, a global security foundation specializing in nuclear weapons, and Kingston Reif, director of Disarmament and Threat Reduction policy at the nonpartisan Arms Control Association.

“According to both experts, the United States touts its layered missile defense systems, even though almost none are capable of intercepting an ICBM.

“When Pyongyang shot a missile over Japan, it flew high enough that no US system would be able to reach it, Cirincione wrote in a report for Defense One.

“The key word here is ‘over.’ Like way over,” Cirincione wrote. “Like 770 kilometers (475 miles) over Japan at the apogee of its flight path. Neither Japan nor the United States could have intercepted the missile. None of the theater ballistic missile defense weapons in existence can reach that high”

“The US missile defense consists of three layers, including the Patriot, THAAD and the Aegis systems.

“According to Cirincione, currently the United States has a “50-50 chance” of hitting a missile similar to North Korea’s Hwasong-14 while the missile is in flight. And those results are only possible if the DPRK used zero countermeasures, such as decoys (some as simple as a balloon), electronic jammers and chaff.

“The only system designed to defend the US homeland, known as the [GMD], has suffered from numerous technical and engineering problems, and testing in controlled conditions has not demonstrated that it can provide a reliable defense against even a small number of unsophisticated ICBMs,” Reif said.

“The success rate of the GMD systems in flight intercept tests has been dismal,” Cirincione quoted Philip Coyle, former director of operational testing for the Pentagon, as saying”

So, as Wormtongue, er, that is Mattis, practices the lie of omission on the very NOT sovereign American people of our theocratic monarchy, his lieutenant H.R. McMaster…

…takes his primate’s display of aggression public with:

“The U.S. has gamed out four or five different scenarios for how the crisis with North Korea will be resolved, and “some are uglier than others,” National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said as tensions remain high between the two countries.

“…McMaster said the threat from Pyongyang is “much further advanced” than anticipated and the Pentagon said the president has a “deep arsenal” to draw upon…”

What is interesting here is, the freaked out chimp McMaster stating ‘much further advanced’ than anticipated. Now, it stands to reason, if you’ve been caught with your pants down and just figured out North Korea not only has the H-bomb, but the means to deliver it, AND, YOU DON’T HAVE THE MEANS TO PREVENT DELIVERY, you shouldn’t be behaving like a freaked out chimp in aggression mode. But that’s what ‘McMaster’ can’t ‘master’ … he can’t seem to lay his hands on that 1% of DNA that differentiates chimps from humans.

And insofar as the recent ‘intelligence’ fed the western press by South Korea’s spy agency, the idea North Korea couldn’t see the USA’s ‘stealth’ B-1 bomber, well, that’s likely a fantasy because North Korea has a reasonably up-to-date (via China) cloned or home-grown surface to air system based on the Russian S-300 and that system profiles like this:

The S-300VM (“Antey-2500”) (SA-23 Gladiator\Giant) mobile multichannel ADMS is designed to destroy current and future tactical and strategic aircrafts (including those using Stealth Technology), medium-range ballistic missiles, theater, tactical, air ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as radar surveillance and guidance aircrafts, reconnaissance and attack systems and patrolling jamming stations

Now, there is some argument as to whether the S-300 can accurately hit the stealth technology aircraft, but they should be able to see the stealth fighters. And even if they couldn’t see a stealth bomber arriving, North Korea would know to initiate a nuclear launch from the first arriving attack on it’s air defense stations or other installations, as it is hardly reasonable to expect solo stealth bombers (any stealth fighter escorts would be detected for the fact they have a higher radar profile) except in case of a USA initiated ‘preemptive’ surprise nuclear 1st strike; which is likely the only ‘gamed’ scenario the troglodytes at the Pentagon can deceive themselves into believing stands a chance at preventing any North Korea nuke(s) heading towards their (soon to be demonstrated as failed) anti-ballistic missile shield in the event of war.

Now, about that usurper sitting on the throne…

…of our theocratic monarchy; rather than distance himself from ‘judge’ Moore who believes the USA is a Christian theocracy and our constitution says so (see, King Dump has embraced his former ‘butt-buddy‘ Bannon’s choice for Senator from Alabama. Now, what this has to do with an United States military shoving unwanted Bible studies and prayers down the throats of its’ soldiers, sailors and airmen, has a lot to with a national ego sustained by just that: prayer. In the case of stopping Kim Jong Un’s nukes falling on us, probably the adage ‘nothing fails like prayer’ is most apropos to describe what happens next:

“You’re telling me 28 to 34 percent of our military want 7 billion people to die” [believe in literal Armageddon] … “The simple answer is affirmative”

With American posture of military supremacy literally based on a rhetoric of aggression, in this case more or less backed solely by prayers, I think we all can know who the supreme knuckle dragger is:

^ USA Secretary of Defense: General James Mattis

Kim Jong Un is calling Trump and his Generals’ bluff. Then what?

Do the world’s biggest egos back down and get their (ongoing for decades) hyper-aggressive war games out of North Korea’s face? Maybe they can’t. Because if they do, the whole illusion of their empire’s invincibility falls apart. And if they don’t … ?
