In a larger strategy to destroy the neoliberal wing of the USA’s ‘deep state’ during the current period of internecine war between branches of the shadow government, longtime ‘bosom buddies’ William Barr and Robert Mueller, both members of the George H.W. Bush initiated “Enterprise” criminal cabal embedded in the CIA, have hatched a plan to reelect Donald Trump (or had the plan hatched for them.) [1], [2]

1) Barr is given the sole authority to declassify documents relevant to the 2016 election:

“President Trump issued a memorandum last week that transfers to the Attorney General the authority of the Director of National Intelligence to declassify intelligence information concerning the 2016 election.

“The memorandum effectively amends Executive Order 13526 on classification on national security information, but in a highly customized way: It applies only to Attorney General William Barr (not any successors) and only to the investigation of the 2016 presidential campaigns” [3], [4]

2) Mueller, rather than unambiguously state Trump committed crimes & obstructed justice that he has no authority to prosecute because removal of a President is the sole prerogative of Congress, or in the other direction, definitively clear Trump of any wrongdoing, instead employed ‘weasel words’ sucking the largely rabid anti-Trump Democrats into renewed demand of impeachment:

“Central to the special counsel’s decision making was a Justice Department guiding opinion that says no sitting president can be indicted for a crime. While Barr said in no uncertain terms that the policy had nothing to do with the decision not to pursue obstruction of justice charges, Mueller highlighted that issue as central to the outcome of the investigation.

“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so,” Mueller said. But, he added, in light of the Justice Department opinion, “charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider.” [5]

Subsequently, Mueller is seen as believing Trump committed crimes and Barr as covering for Trump. Meanwhile, Mueller won’t appear before Congress to testify but instead rides off into the sunset, and Barr holds the investigation’s declassification authority. In effect, this artificially constructed, unnecessary legal-constitutional ambiguity, is a set-up.

The Democrats will pursue impeachment, as Barr ‘grudgingly’ declassifies titillating pieces of ‘the evil Russians did it’ investigative documents, sucking the Democrats in further & further until the critical portions are finally unveiled, vindicating Trump, making the pro-impeachment forces look like the small and vindictive idiots they actually are, emphasizing idiots. This will, no doubt be played to timing around the 2020 election cycle.

The result should be (presuming all goes to plan) the independent minded voters (those not inclined to reflexively vote Democratic) giving Trump the popular vote, not only the electoral college.

In this process, throughout, ‘the evil Russians 2016 election meddling’ meme will be carefully preserved along with all acts necessary (inclusive of murder, if the threat is perceived as big enough) to conceal the CIA having invented so-called “Russiagate.”

At the end of the day, it looks as if the Christian Zionist arm of the American deep state seeks to strong-arm their way into bringing us literal Armageddon (they actually believe in it) with the Mike Pence prophecy the USA will be at war with Russia in Europe, as opposed to empire’s slow death by 10,000 self-inflicted cuts (the neoliberal model.) [6], [7]

Fall 2020 update; if this was the plan, it clearly didn’t work. Both sides engaged in election corruption so pervasive, any digging beyond the surface becomes suffocating.

Pickens-bomb - 1^ Dr Strangelove’s Major Kong ‘rides the bomb’ [8]







