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An Exposé of Semi-Farcical Reality in Today’s Realpolitik

gonads |ˈgōnads|
vulgar slang a man’s testicles.

We begin with John Helmer’s excellent reporting, that at the beginning of 2017, Assange offered to give up Wikileaks to the Americans for his freedom:

In retrospect, the Waldman-Warner texts reveal that it was Assange’s intention to use Waldman to make a connection, not to the Kremlin, but to the US Government, trading Wikileaks for Assange’s freedom. Assange was requesting, so Waldman told Warner, safe passage to Washington and release from threats of US prosecution in return for information regarding “future leaks” and a promise not “to do something catastrophic for the dems, Obama, CIA and national security”. Waldman wrote that to Warner on February 16, 2017, adding: “I hope someone will consider getting him to the US to ameliorate the damage” [1]

Despite the insinuation Assange would provide cover for the false narrative of the DNC mails ‘hack’, Assange’s proposal came to naught. Before the end of 2017 and the final abandonment of this effort, Assange opens another channel, via Dana Rohrabacher, sending a different signal in his bargaining for his freedom game:

“Our three-hour meeting covered a wide array of issues, including the WikiLeaks exposure of the DNC [Democratic National Committee] emails during last year’s presidential election,” Rohrabacher said at the time. “Julian emphatically stated that the Russians were not involved in the hacking or disclosure of those emails.

“Julian .. indicated that he is open to further discussions regarding specific information about the DNC email incident that is currently unknown to the public” [2]

Attempting a new direction, shifting away from Trump’s (Assange would appear to believe, not entirely incorrectly) CIA aligned enemies, to what Assange appears to believe are avenue to Trump’s allies, Assange now has attempted to sell the the real deal for his freedom, the fact Seth Rich leaked the DNC mail to Wikileaks. But that didn’t work either.

Skipping forward to 2019, Trump attorney (snake, actually), Rudy Giuliani, attempts to open negotiations with Wikileaks in the public arena:

“”Maybe it will shed light on the plot to create an investigation of President Trump based on a false charge of conspiracy with the Russians to affect the 2016 elections. Keep your eye on Ukraine,” Giuliani said. “It’s possible with all his sources he might know or have information of how it all started.

”Giuliani specified that he was talking about Assange exposing the origins of the federal investigation of possible Trump collusion with Russia and was not raising the possibility of Assange disproving that Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

“Giuliani said he believed Assange may be able to “show who invented [the] false story that [Trump] colluded with Russians.”

“Giuliani, a former U.S. attorney and New York City mayor, said he was “not sure yet” if Assange helping exonerate Trump would lighten his possible criminal penalties” [3]

What Giuliani has done in the preceding is, left Assange and Wikileaks a dangle; there is enough ‘wiggle room’ in what Giuliani has proposed for Wikileaks to pin the false ‘hack’ story on the Ukrainians, framing those losers for allegedly having framed Russia, and if Assange doesn’t play ball ‘we will bury you’ (put a cutout of Giuliani’s head on Khrushchev’s body while pounding his shoe on the podium.) This provides manageable cover to the CIA, gives Hillary’s people the ‘now you only look stupid’ graceful exit from the Russia collusion story but the end result might have been to push the House of Representatives over the edge and to go through with impeachment; emphasizing never underestimate the stupidity of your Congressperson. [4]

Now, it is Craig Murray’s present fumbling about, while looking for his misplaced testicles, where this story actually gets interesting. In this respect it should be noted the ‘shadow government’ (corporate board personalities, actually) and its’ minions collectively known as the ‘deep state’ (bought in members of bureaucracy) are not a monolith but a set of competing interests, with spooks at its’ center. Also it should be noted it would not only be Western intelligence agencies would work to penetrate Wikileaks. It follows, Wikileaks having been compromised by the intelligence agencies should demonstrate certain symptoms that may or not indicate the noted competing interests but would certainly be illustrated through inconsistencies such as Wikileaks chief editor Kristinn Hrafnsson’s blatant leaving the door open to the phony Russian ‘hack’ narrative…

At minute 1:10 of the video “It is said […] this is material Russian agents obtained through hacking […] I haven’t seen any evidence substantiating […] the claim [but] it might materialize at some point” [5]

…with a date of March 2019 and certainly inviting Giuliani’s offer to Wikileaks of ‘play our game or we bury Assange’ that cannot be coincidental to this when perfectly timed to Assange’s arrest, Assange is arrested on 11 April, Giuliani’s offer is on 12 April.

But Wikileaks cannot cut a deal and here is why:

C_Murray_blog - 1

“A persistent American lawyer has uncovered the undeniable fact that the FBI has been continuously lying, including giving false testimony in court, in response to Freedom of Information requests for its records on Seth Rich. The FBI has previously given affidavits that it has no records regarding Seth Rich.

“A Freedom of Information request to the FBI which did not mention Seth Rich, but asked for all email correspondence between FBI Head of Counterterrorism Peter Strzok, who headed the investigation into the DNC leaks and Wikileaks, and FBI attorney Lisa Page, has revealed two pages of emails which do not merely mention Seth Rich but have “Seth Rich” as their heading. The emails were provided in, to say the least, heavily redacted form” [6]

This reflects the fact, Murray, who knows full well it was Seth Rich LEAKED the DNC mails, isn’t going to play Giuliani’s ‘Wikileaks can frame the Ukrainians for framing the Russians’ game. In this scenario, Murray, who has never come clean about his knowing it was Seth Rich, not only knows the real story, he also knows if the real story were to become widely acknowledged, his reputation would be toast. [7], [8]

It was Hrafnsson opened the door to Giuliani’s offer on RT (Russia Today), and now Murray, despite (or perhaps because of) his .ru email address (I’d put the full address here but it would open me to ‘doxing’ charges), has now pulled in the opposite direction. Is it the Russians had determined the risks finally outweighed the benefits (cost analysis) has finally shut the door on any ‘deal’ involving Assange? If Assange rots to death in British & American custody, it would be a Russian propaganda boon, the ‘persecuted Assange’ narrative has been a longtime Russian propaganda blessing, milked for all it’s worth, pandering to the many duped Western alternative media stars, no matter the ‘Assange story’ has never stacked up. [9]

Now, we can throw into to the mix of this recipe for ‘cursed stew’, the fact Assange’s high profile lawyers closely tie into Bill Browder of Magnitsky Act fame:

“American journalist Lucy Komisar, who specializes in US finance and tax evasion, denounces the existence of lawyers’ interests that are radically opposed to Julian Assange’s defence criteria. Assange lawyers and their Chambers are both targeted” [10]

What we have here is, plain & simple, Russophobe elements supposedly ‘defending’ Assange. Would any sane spook expect American and British intelligence wouldn’t have their fingers in this aspect of the Wikileaks pie? Well, they’re all trained to lie, so you’ll probably never see an admission.

Now, we’ll spice this sewage soup with a bit of Craig Murray disclaimer:

“I do not know and I deliberately have not inquired what are the views on other subjects of either Mr Ty Clevenger, who brought his evidence and blog to my attention, or Judicial Watch, who made the FOIA request that revealed these documents” [Ibid 6]

Well, that’s convenient, maybe Crag doesn’t want to know for good reasons. In any case, just to inform you all, Judicial Watch is a Trump partisan, right-wing group that notably had unearthed the Defense Intelligence Agency report (with an FOIA request) detailing the Western democracies deliberately creating the circumstance for the rise of Islamic State, enabling Mike Flynn (Trump’s National Security Advisor lynched by Mueller’s Russiagate FBI mob with a bit of help from Mike Pence, remember Flynn?) to spill his guts on the matter to Mehdi Hasan at Al Jazeera:

“”declared or undeclared Salafist” – it’s not secret any more, it was released under FOI. The quote is: “There is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want in order to isolate the Syrian regime.”” [11]

Murray’s source, Judicial Watch, is a pro-Trump deep state faction’s documents outlet opposed to the Never Trump Republican deep state faction that presently surrounds Trump, particularly noting the president’s lead hostage-takers, Pompeo & Pence (who took over from Trump’s previous jailers Kelly & Mattis.)

Craig Murray was just handed documents to back up what he already knows and opportunity he needed to stand up and blow the whistle and he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

All of this as Trump’s guilt or innocence vote in the Senate has been delayed to the day following his 2020 State of the Union speech. Will we see a deranged Trump lashing out from his captivity or a properly humbled, tail between his legs, Evangelicals’ prisoner Trump? On Wednesday morning, will the Senate wake up prepared to convict after all?

Who will write Trump’s speech? Will Trump stay on script?

Relevant to this, will Craig Murray, who full well knows the facts, find his misplaced testicles and plainly state the assassinated Seth Rich was the Wikileaks DNC mails source, kicking Pence and Pelosi (both) in the crotch by laying Russiagate out in the open as a false, combined neoliberal/neocon ‘Never Trump’ intelligence agency concoction?

Don’t count on it, if he was going to do it, Murray would more than merely allude to the concealed facts. This was Murray’s big chance and he blew it. As it is sometimes said in the Rocky Mountains ‘The British are a “sorry” race of people.’

“I knew Seth Rich. I know he was the Wikileaks source. I was involved

“If Congress includes #SethRich case into their Russia probe I’ll give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was Wikileaks source” -Kim Dotcom [12]