forgiveness |fərˈgivnəs|
the action or process allowing the forsaking of ethical self-development; a primary progenitor of psychopathy: expecting the priest would forgive her, she drove the knife into his heart. Progenitor of collective sociopathy: Nikki Haley’s fundamentalism allowed for her endorsement of humanitarian violence in Syria, pleasing the church-going stockholders of McDonnell-Douglas and General Dynamics. Related to duopoly: Condoleezza Rice on Hillary Clinton “I think she is doing a lot of the right things… She is very tough… I think she has done a fine job, I really do”

And so it is the killer of one million Iraqis (infrastructure destruction and related disease) endorses the creator of today’s slave markets in Libya and there is little discernible difference betwixt the three of these babushki when it comes to Haley’s Syria position at the United Nations.

hypocrisy |hiˈpäkrisē|
noun (pl. hypocrisies)
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.

AEPS |āps|
Acquired Ego Priapism Syndrome:
1 a homosexuality related psychological malady where females ape aggressive male behaviors; to attract high ranking male, militant, closet gays and homosexuals in denial in the upper tiers of Western culture.
2 derogatory. slang for the women of NATO’s wife-swapping clubs.

babushka |bä|bo͝oSH|ka|
noun (pl. babushki)
a mean-spirited, controlling, hyper-critical granny