Archives for posts with tag: Satan


Free Speech Clown Series


How George Carlin Gets Jesus Kicked Out Of Heaven

George Carlin: So, where are we?

Jesus: The Native Americans call it the ‘Wolf Trail’

Carlin: Well, anyway, I like it better here by the campfire

Jesus: Verily

Carlin: So, how come you never returned?

Jesus: I did, many times. But on every occasion, I was killed by Christians in a pogrom before I could accomplish anything. So, I tried to return as a woman and even that didn’t work

Carlin: What happened?

Jesus: Maybe you haven’t heard the joke.. a girl was murdered and all the Jews were freaked out and figured they’d soon be dead, because it was assumed she was a Christian. Then the rabbi came running out shouting ‘Wonderful news! The murdered girl is Jewish!’

Carlin: That’s not funny

Jesus: Well, when you’re still hanging on the cross, nailed up by the church for 2,000 years, it has its humorous aspect. Just like the body parts of the saints, cut to pieces and scattered in churches everywhere, that’s why you don’t see them in heaven. And the Indians stuffed on shelves, locked in the basement of the Smithsonian. It’s a little bit like the circling buzzards of Native American humor, it takes some getting used to

Only the REALLY BAD people were in Hell, Richard Nixon, Muammar Gaddafi and L Ron Hubbard were anally banging the same plastic blow-up doll of Condoleezza Rice.. and hoping she would arrive before they’d have to share with Kissinger.. meanwhile the CIA was exploiting pedophelia in the Church with blackmail- using the confessional to pass instructions on destroying secular justice to corrupt religious judges- on the earth Jesus could not get back to- “give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” notwithstanding

Satan’s lack of humor and the company he kept, precluded George and Jesus lodging there, now that they’d been evicted from above. So they were camped out in the Milky Way hoping Mel Brooks and Lenny Bruce would wander by

Jesus: The new Mel Brooks comedy ‘Fell Behind’ is GREAT

Carlin: The rip on Tim LeHaye? A real riot!

Jesus: Absolutely, what a gem! I wish I could grab Mel by the ears and kiss him right between the eyes for that. You’ve seen it?

Carlin: Oh yes! what was your favorite part?

Jesus: When the Hutaree Militia arrived to save the President and discovered he was Black and named Hussein, my god that tore me up.. it was better than the scene from Blazing Saddles when the Black Sheriff saved himself from the welcome committee, I was laughing to tears. Which part did you like?

Carlin: Sarah Palin as President of Romania, you know the scene, Vlad the Impaler rising from the dead and coming at her with the dildo.. and how she pretended to faint so she could take it without being unfaithful-

Jesus: My god, that brought me to tears too..

Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield had been discussing who is hot, George or Jesus, playing a fantasy game of ‘draw straws’ just to see


 Most the Pentecostals and nearly all the conservative Catholics were in Re-Education Camp Purgatory, the two Marys were re-teaching Sunday Sex Ed School there, Virgin Birth was a huge embarrassment, as well Jesus relationship to Magdalene had to be straightened out and it was the joke cracked at this, had caused Jesus and George’s exile

Carlin: Millions said you were coming, were you wearing a condom?

Jesus: [laughing] There’s no right answer..

which began a fight between those Catholics and Pentecostals who were NOT in Re-Education Camp Purgatory. There WAS a right answer, eviction for the controversial personalities

Subsequently, George and Jesus, with time on their hands, LOTS OF TIME, were having a philosophical discourse

Carlin: So, where are the Jews?

Jesus: Waiting to be saved from themselves, but it’ll never work.. uh, George, would you do me a favor?

Carlin: Certainly, what’s that?

Jesus: Do you see those bolt cutters over there? ..

G&J Bolt Cutters


The Satires



Jon Stewart: Tonight’s guest is Ronald Thomas West, a veteran of years hunted by intelligence agencies in Germany and Spain, including Joint Special Operations Command, CIA & MOSSAD. Remarkably, during this ordeal, Ronald authored two books of social satire, Napi Mephisto and Queer Chicken Dinner, mocking his pursuers as incompetent and survived. AND most amazing, he managed to blow huge holes in these agencies by playing them into the hands of European law enforcement tracking assassinations. [raised eyebrows, eyes big as saucers]

Ronald West: Jon, tell me why it is, when a man is ½ Black, he is always Black?

Stewart: Uh.. [comic puzzled look] I don’t know!

West: Now Jon, that is a good answer and this is going to be as good as anything Colbert had ever done for you, so bear with me .. Now, if a man being ½ Black makes him Black, what would a man who is ½ White be?

Stewart: White? [comic cringe]

West: Very good, Jon, now if Obama had been ditched by an intelligence officer/single White mother who couldn’t handle raising a kid and handed him off to his White grandparents to complete his upbringing, that kind of tilts things in a certain direction, wouldn’t you think?

Stewart: Uh.. [comic panic look as he moves his head as though looking for an exit]

West: Jon, repeat after me, I know you can do this .. say ‘Barack Obama is a White Man’

Stewart: “Barack Obama is a White Man” [head on desk]

West: VERY GOOD Jon, now you won’t wish to hazard a guess over the answer to this next, but tell me why you will think Bill Clinton is actually the only Black president?

Stewart: I have no idea [with face in hands]

West: It’s because he married a ‘BIGBUTT-Mama’

Stewart: [speechless]

West: Now, Jon, with the race issue resolved, if the choice between Romney and Obama had been a choice between evils, and Obama is maybe two hairs less evil than Romney, why the democratic charade in a nation that consistently votes for evil? Why not just write in ‘Satan’ and be done with it?

Stewart: Suddenly I understand why the CIA spent years trying to kill you


“There’s an old saying,”In the days of slavery, there were those slaves who lived on the plantation and there were those slaves that lived in the house. You got the privilege of living in the house if you served the master … exactly the way the master intended to have you serve him.

“It is my personal feeling that plantations exist all over America. If you walk into South Central Los Angeles, into Watts, or you walk into Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, you’ll find people who live lives that are as degrading as anything that slavery had ever produced. They live in economic oppression, they live in a disenfranchised way. In the hearts and minds of those people, and millions of others, you’re always looking for hope, and whenever somebody within our tribe, within our group, emerges that has the position of authority and power to make a difference in the way business is done, our expectations run high. Many times, those expectations are not fulfilled. But when such an individual is in the service of those who not only perpetuate the oppression, but sometimes design the way in which it is applied, it then becomes very, very, very, very critical that we raise our voices and be heard”

-Harry Belafonte




The Satires